CEO's Sudden Proposal

C13 Marrying Me Is so Difficult Is It That Difficult?

C13 Marrying Me Is so Difficult Is It That Difficult?

0At the hospital gate, a shiny, new luxury RV was parked there, similarly attracting the attention of a large crowd.    


Qin Yiyue did not even bother to roll her eyes. She arranged her drafts and prepared to tell Xiaobao clearly.    


The butler opened the door for Qin Yiyue.    


Qin Yiyue entered the warm car and saw Xiaobao sitting on the sofa. His face was pink and his spirit was much better than before.    


He was wearing a formal suit and spotless leather shoes. His soft hair was also fixed with hair gel, making him look as delicate as a doll in a window.    


When Xiaobao saw Qin Yiyue, his crystal-like eyes immediately lit up like stars. He even leaned towards her and stretched out his chubby little arm.    


Qin Yiyue's script almost collapsed because of Xiaobao's action.    


Qin Yiyue held his warm and soft little chubby hands. "Are you cured?"    


Xiaobao nodded and automatically climbed onto Qin Yiyue's leg.    


Qin Yiyue was embarrassed to push him away and could only let him sit.    


Xiaobao wrote on the minitablet, "You lied to me!"    


"I'm busy."    


"Don't tell me it's because you don't like me?"    




Xiaobao looked at Qin Yiyue as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders.    


Qin Yiyue thought for a while and said, "Baby, I usually have to work. You are too flashy driving a RV. Don't come to the hospital in the future, okay?"    


Xiaobao's bright smile that was as bright as the morning sun a second ago immediately disappeared. He looked at Qin Yiyue with great grievance.    


Qin Yiyue felt very unhappy in her heart and reluctantly added, "If you want to see me in the future, you can call me. I will go and see you after work."    


Xiaobao's expression became a little better when he heard that. He wrote, "Really?"    


"Of course I will."    


Xiaobao said, "Father said to repay kindness with gratitude. You take care of me when I'm sick. I can promise you one thing."    


Qin Yiyue looked at the line of words several times before saying, "No need."    


"I definitely must."    


"I do not lack anything."    


"Then can you be my mommy? I have a dad, but I don't have a mommy."    


"I'm just an ordinary doctor. I can't be your mommy." Qin Yiyue said lightly.    


Xiaobao paused and wrote, "Then you will not be my mommy for the time being. You will accompany me to eat, okay?"    


Qin Yiyue saw his eager expression and could not refuse anymore, "Okay. After dinner, you go home with the housekeeper."    


Xiaobao nodded obediently and sat on Qin Yiyue's lap, letting her carry him.    


The car stopped in front of a high-class restaurant, and the housekeeper opened the door for the two of them.    


Xiaobao straightened his back and walked in front.    


A sense of helplessness flashed through Qin Yiyue's heart.    


Her salary for a month might not even be enough for her to have a meal here.    


After they sat down, the butler ordered their meal and left.    


In the huge private room, only Xiaobao and Qin Yiyue were left.    


Xiaobao waved the warm milk in his hand. Qin Yiyue knew what he meant. She picked up the cup and clinked it with him.    


Xiaobao heard the clear sound and could not help but smile childishly.    


Qin Yiyue also smiled and narrowed her eyes. She drank the drink in the cup clean.    


When Xiaobao saw her finish drinking the drinks, his eyes flashed with a clear light.    


Qin Yiyue saw his small eyes and asked curiously, "What is it?"    


Xiaobao shook his head.    


After Qin Yiyue ate a few mouthfuls of food, she suddenly felt a little dizzy and looked at the little brat in front of her.    


She shook her head and forced herself to concentrate, but the dizziness became heavier and heavier.    


Xiaobao crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched Qin Yiyue slowly fall on the table with an indifferent expression.    


After that, he revealed a sly smile.    


He took out the tablet he carried with him and wrote, "Dad, where are you?"    


He Qiaoyan: Earning money!    


Xiaobao: Where are you earning money?    


He Qiaoyan: What do you think?    


Xiaobao sent a wronged expression.    


He Qiaoyan ignored him.    



Xiaobao wrote again, "Dad, I'll give you a gift."    


He Qiaoyan: You haven't recovered yet.    


Xiaobao: Do you want it?    


He Qiaoyan: I'm not interested. Don't disturb me when I make money.    


Xiaobao: I'll send it to your company!    


He Qiaoyan: No!    


Xiaobao: Then I'll run away from home!    


He Qiaoyan: Throw it into my room, I'll go out tonight to see!    


Xiaobao: Okay!    


Qin Yiyue's head was dizzy. This sleep was especially tiring.    


Her chest seemed to have been pressed down by someone and she could not catch her breath at all.    


Qin Yiyue gritted her teeth and opened her eyes. She was shocked by the strange furnishings in the room and woke up.    


All the feelings returned to her. Her entire body felt like it was falling apart and she did not even have the strength to raise her hand.    


But there was still a warm arm on her waist.    


Qin Yiyue was shocked in her heart and turned her head while trembling.    


He Qiaoyan's handsome face, which was very close to her, immediately entered her sight.    


Qin Yiyue's eyes suddenly widened. She looked at the man who was still sleeping in disbelief and her mind immediately became a mess.    


Qin Yiyue was silent for a few seconds. She moved the hand that the man placed on her waist away and turned to get off the bed.    


Just as her feet touched the carpet, a pair of strong arms pulled her back. She was trapped between the soft bed and He Qiaoyan.    


He Qiaoyan slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Qin Yiyue, a trace of disgust flashed through his eyes.    


But that disgust quickly disappeared and turned into ridicule.    


He said with a hoarse voice, "You treated me that way last night. When the sun rises, you don't want to admit it. Is that so?"    


His warm breath sprayed all over Qin Yiyue's skin, causing her to tremble slightly.    


Qin Yiyue saw the bite mark on He Qiaoyan's shoulder out of the corner of her eye, and her face couldn't help but turn red.    


But when she thought of what happened yesterday, a burst of anger rose in her heart and she said coldly, "Let go!"    


He Qiaoyan lifted her small chin, "You're not happy?"    


"Do I have a reason to be happy?" Qin Yiyue used her strength to push He Qiaoyan, but she did not push him at all.    


The place where his palm touched was like an electric current passing through, and it was extremely numb.    


"Isn't it good to marry me? I like you, and Xiaobao also likes you very much. You won't have an annoying father-in-law or mother-in-law. And you won't be able to spend all your money. All women dream of marrying me, but you keep avoiding me. " He Qiaoyan's dark eyes stared at Qin Yiyue." Are you deliberately trying to increase your presence? "    


Qin Yiyue's eyes wanted to spit fire. She looked at He Qiaoyan angrily and quickly pressed an acupuncture point on He Qiaoyan's waist.    


Taking advantage of He Qiaoyan being unable to move, she pushed him away and got off the bed.    


She picked up the clothes that were scattered on the carpet and quickly went to the bathroom to put them on.    


After coming out, He Qiaoyan was already dressed. He was leaning against the wall opposite the washroom.    


There were obvious kissing marks where his collar could not be covered.    


Qin Yiyue felt awkward when she saw this.    


Did she go that far last night?    


He Qiaoyan looked up at her. "I apologize for what I just said. But I want to marry you. I'm serious."    


Qin Yiyue ignored him. She walked past him and was about to leave.    


He Qiaoyan held her wrist. "Is it so difficult to marry me?"    


"I will not marry a person who uses tricks on me." Qin Yiyue said coldly, "I admit that when you proposed to me, my vanity was temporarily satisfied. But that was all. I don't have much money, but I don't lack money. I won't do it because of you..."    


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