Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C437 Causing Trouble

C437 Causing Trouble

0When Chung Rann arrived, Rong Xueqin was already waiting at the door. When he saw Chung Rann, he followed closely behind.    


"Little girl Ran."    


"Grandpa Rong, how is the situation now?"    


"The situation isn't looking good. Follow me through the back door."    


If they went through the front door, the door would be blocked by those people.    


"This family member is not easy to talk to. Although he has temporarily calmed down, there are still other relatives who are still making a fuss. We are now thinking of ways to let you go through the back door for your safety."    


Chung Rann could also understand, "It's fine. Let's solve the problem first."    


Rong Xueqin saw Fenng Moye behind Chung Rann and felt a little awkward.    


"Little girl Ran, this..."    


"It's fine. It has already been leaked out. I suspect that it's not a problem for someone to enter."    


If someone entered, there would have been problems a long time ago. It was a large group of people. It couldn't be an individual.    


Rong Xueqin was at his wit's end. After all, Chung Rann was very important to them now. Only she could solve it.    


"Then let's go in."    


After the few of them went in, they all wore special clothing. This was also to ensure that other medical medicines were not leaked.    


When the people inside saw Chung Rann, they were very respectful. There were clearly some people who were older than her, but they still had to show some respect to Chung Rann. It was because she was too outstanding in this aspect.    


"Girl Ran, take a look to see if this has been tampered with. This is the report from the examination."    


They had already seen it, but they still needed to ensure that it was true.    


Chung Rann took the examination report and looked at it seriously. There was no problem with the medicine itself, and there was nothing wrong with the examination either. What exactly was the problem?    


Rong Xueqin said, "We didn't dare to make a conclusion because we were afraid of any mistakes. We were waiting for you to see, but we found that there were no other problems after checking."    


This was the thing that puzzled them the most.    


There was no problem. It just proved that they didn't know where there was a big problem. It was just that they didn't know yet.    


After Chung Rann investigated, she found that the problem did not appear here. There was no problem with the medicine and there was no problem with the examination report.    


"The patient's own..."    


At this time, the people outside anxiously knocked on the door and interrupted Chung Rann's words.    


Someone opened the door and the nurse outside said in a panic.    


"It's not good. That patient suddenly had myocardial infarction and has gone into shock. He can't wake up now and his family members are not allowed to be rescued. He is still making a fuss outside. Department Director Rong, you should go and take a look first."    


Rong Xueqin felt that his head was going to explode at this moment. He shouted to the people around him.    


"Let's go and take a look first. There must not be any problems."    


Chung Rann also wanted to follow him out, but Rong Xueqin said to her.    


"I know you have other things to do. You will appear in public in the future. Don't follow me."    


He was afraid that it would affect Chung Rann in the future.    


Chung Rann insisted, "No, I want to go."    


She had to figure out the reason, and she already had an idea, but she needed to see the patient. This was an opportunity.    


Rong Xueqin was already very embarrassed to invite Chung Rann over. It was also their fault. This medicine was obtained by Chung Rann at the cost of her life, but now these things had happened.    


He knew Chung Rann's temper, but it was not good to say. He could only look at Fenng Moye.    


"You advise her."    


Fenng Moye shrugged helplessly and did not agree to Rong Xueqin.    


"Grandpa Rong, let Rann go. You have been with her for such a long time. You should know her better than I do."    


Rong Xueqin did understand Chung Rann's temper. She was like this. As long as it was something she felt was right, she would never turn back.    


Chung Rann said again and again. Her attitude was very firm.    


"Let me go."    


Rong Xueqin could only helplessly agree.    




After that, the few of them followed him out. The corridor was filled with people. It was so crowded that not even a drop of water could pass through. There was also the sound of family members crying.    


"Your hospital caused the death of people. You must take responsibility for this!"    


"My poor father, he is only in his fifties. He still has more than half of his life left, but he is already in this state because of your hospital."    


"It's said that the hospital's medical conditions are the best with the doctors. In the end, our family used their medicine, and he's going to die."    


"Everyone, don't come to this hospital in the future!"    


"We want to call the police. We want to report this hospital that harmed people. It's all a lie to say that it can treat cancer."    


A doctor went up to explain. "This family member, our medicine has indeed treated many patients. There are cases in the hospital. It will definitely not be like what you said, where people are treated to death."    


"Bullsh * t! If this medicine of yours is really so magical, why would my father be lying here? He is currently unconscious. Your hospital must be responsible."    



"It is impossible for this kind of problem to occur in our hospital. It must be that your family members did not say anything clearly. For example, the history of the patient's illness is also very important for the use of medicine."    


"Okay. Did you see that? This is the hospital. They want to shirk responsibility under the banner of our family members."    


Chung Rann looked at the scene and could not help but frown. The matter had become like this. If it was not resolved, there would definitely be a problem.    


She pushed the crowd away and walked in. "Sorry, I am the one who discovered this medicine. If there is any problem with the family, you can contact me."    


When the family members heard that someone had stood up, they immediately surrounded her aggressively. Each and every one of them was fierce and fierce. Their eyes were filled with the desire to eat Chung Rann.    


There was a man with a strong build and a furious face. It seemed like he wanted to make a move.    


"You brought the medicine back. It was you who caused my dad's death. If you guys are not responsible, I will call the police right now and make this hospital close down."    


Chung Rann was not frightened by the man's words. Instead, those doctors turned pale when they heard the police call.    


"We cannot call the police. If we call the police, the matter will escalate and we will lose our jobs."    


"How could there be a problem? This medicine has never been a problem before."    


"Who knows? This medical accident happens every year. It all depends on which unlucky person runs into it."    


"Don't talk nonsense. Say it out loud. Before this family member causes trouble, we'll lose our jobs. The director will immediately tell us to get lost!"    


Chung Rann's back was straight. Even though her height was not as tall as the man in front of her, her imposing manner was not the slightest bit inferior to the other party.    


A trace of coldness appeared in her eyes. "Then I would like to ask. Are you sure that your family members did not hide anything from the doctor? For example, this patient had other medical history, or he was allergic to some kind of medicine. Have you told me honestly? "    


Because she had checked and found that there were no problems anywhere, but the patient had an accident after using the medicine, so it could not be ruled out that the patient was allergic to the ingredients in the medicine, and it was possible that he was seriously allergic to it.    


Moreover, where would the family members cause a ruckus here when the patient had already gone into shock and was not being rescued by the doctor? There must be a problem.    


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