Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C139 Her Figure Was Quite Good

C139 Her Figure Was Quite Good

0"Damn! Boss, don't tell me that you are interested in Fenng Moye?"    


Ho Chuan was shocked. He had never thought about who Old General Assembly would like, but the thing was that she usually had no feelings for men.    


Besides, the chief was very cautious. It was very difficult to get along with her even in the beginning, unless she completely trusted him, but he could not think that he knew her well. Maybe she was just a small part of him.    


He had been with Boss for so many years, and he realized that she was only interested in one thing, and that was to earn money.    


To her, men were like floating clouds. They were not important in her life.    


Cheng was also stunned. "No way. I think perhaps Ms Rann has not come into contact with the opposite sex. Ms Rann, you don't think Fenng Moye is your brother, do you?"    


Ho Chuan suddenly laughed and leaned forward. "Pffft, it's okay to treat my husband as my brother, but I also think we always do this kind of thing."    


Cheng patted Ho Chuan's head with a serious expression.    


"Don't joke with Ms Rann like this. What if she misunderstood my feelings?"    


Ho Chuan's smile gradually disappeared, and then he told Chung Rann very seriously.    


"Boss, let's put this relationship aside for now. There are some things that are natural and cannot be rushed, but we are mainly afraid that you will get hurt."    


Chung Rann also thought the same. The sound of the door handle turning came from behind. It should be Fenng Moye coming out.    


"I won't tell you guys anymore. Let's go back tonight. I will talk to you guys about the project tomorrow. This time, we will do a big job."    


When Ho Chuan heard this, he was already rubbing his fists.    


"Understood, boss. We will wait for your instructions."    


After hanging up the phone, Chung Rann put away the phone, turned around and saw Fenng Moye walk out after taking a shower. His lower body was wrapped in a towel, his hair was wet, and there were even droplets of water dripping down.    


Chung Rann's eyes were focused on his abdominal muscles, and she was surprised in her heart.    


"I didn't see that your figure was quite good."    


The corner of Fenng Moye's mouth raised slightly, and he looked a little smug.    


"Are you hungry?"    


"Not hungry." Chung Rann only admired his figure, not to the extent of craving.    


Fenng Moye raised his eyebrows and walked in front of Chung Rann with an evil aura. He held her hand and pressed it against his abdominal muscles.    


Chung Rann could feel the heat coming from her palm and the good... abdominal muscles.    


She subconsciously pulled her hand back and her heart beat a little fast.    


This old hooligan!    


"You can't be mentally ill, right? Otherwise, which man would pull a girl's hand to touch her abdominal muscles?"    


Fenng Moye's handsome face suddenly moved closer to Chung Rann. "Am I someone else? I am your husband."    


He domineeringly declared his sovereignty.    


If it was someone else, Chung Rann might feel a little disgusted, but if it was Fenng Moye, she seemed to be able to accept it too.    


The atmosphere between the two seemed to have changed a little. It was not as tense as before, and Chung Rann could now accept him a little more than before.    


At this time, Fenng Moye's phone rang, breaking the harmonious atmosphere between the two.    


He turned around to get the phone. When he saw that it was Che Jin calling, he pressed the answer button.    


"What's wrong?"    


"Director Fenng, didn't you ask the wife of the investigation to come last time? The person on the other side has sent the news. Do you want to send it over now?"    


Fenng Moye subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Chung Rann. Chung Rann sat on the chair and was looking at her phone. She did not seem to notice him.    


He replied to Che Jin.    


"Ok, let's go to the study in a while."    




After hanging up the phone, Fenng Moye said to Chung Rann, "You don't have to wait for me tonight. Che Jin and I have some company matters to deal with."    


Chung Rann disapproved, "Who wants to wait for you?"    


Couldn't she sleep well alone?    


Fenng Moye teased, "Words are false, but the heart is not."    


After that, he changed his clothes and went to the study. Che Jin also arrived. Before he closed the door, Che Jin looked around to make sure that there was no one around. Only then did he feel relieved.    


Fenng Moye casually sat on the chair, his slender arm casually resting on the armrest. His eyes were not as relaxed as when he joked with Chung Rann just now. Instead, there was a biting coldness in his eyes.    


Che Jin could feel a low pressure when he entered the study. It was emitted by Fenng Moye.    


He coldly lifted his eyelids. "What did they say over there?"    


Che Jin thought that compared to the difficulty of their investigation, it was not easy to get the information he had.    


"The information about what we can find is all here."    


Che Jin took out a few pieces of paper from the document and gave it to Fenng Moye. Fenng Moye looked at it and his face became darker and darker.    


"I learned TCM from my grandma since I was young. I have some experience in acupuncture. Later, I took the self-examination and became a doctor in a TCM clinic in the medical college. Is this the information that I spent seven digits to find?"    


The man waved his long arm and the pieces of paper floated in the air.    



Che Jin felt Fenng Moye's anger and quickly explained.    


"That's all we found there. No matter how early it is, it will only be when Madam is studying. It is not very useful. Director Fenng, don't you want to find out about Madam's background? Although it's not very useful, it just proves that Madam's identity is innocent. "    


Fenng Moye rubbed his forehead in frustration." No, if her experience is so simple, how could she be so calm and collected? Do you think this can be faked? "    


He carefully recalled the time he spent with Chung Rann and the things he knew.    


No matter who made things difficult for her, you would always see the word fear on her face. That kind of extraordinary calmness and the imposing manner emitted by her was something that could be learned from TCM.    


Che Jin was also very helpless. "Then what should we do, Director Fenng? I really used all the resources I could."    


He had never found out who was so difficult. It was almost as if he was going to empty out, but he just could not find out what he could do. What could he do?    


Fenng Moye touched his chin and thought for a moment.    


"There should be no problem with the direction of our investigation. If... Think about it, if she doesn't want us to investigate, or if she deliberately hides her identity, can we still find out?"    


"Whether she can or not depends on how capable Madam is. But I really can't think of how capable a little girl like Madam can be to hide herself to such an extent."    


Their resources and connections had already reached the pinnacle. As long as it was someone Director Fenng wanted to investigate, they would be able to find out without exception.    


Now, they suddenly found a little girl around 20 years old, which trapped them.    


After that, Fenng Moye made a decision.    


"We don't need to investigate anymore in the future."    


Che Jin was puzzled. : "Why? If we don't investigate clearly, wouldn't the hidden danger be even greater?"    


"She's my wife. What kind of hidden danger could there be?" When Fenng Moye heard this, he coldly swept his gaze over, causing Che Jin's heart to turn cold.    


Che Jin was a little unconvinced in his heart, and he lowered his head and muttered.    


"Didn't you ask me to investigate? Now he's like a fence-sitter and immediately says good things about his wife. What a fickle man."    


Fenng Moye cast a sidelong glance at Che Jin. "What are you muttering about over there?"    


Che Jin immediately denied it. "No... Nothing. Then do as you say and stop investigating Madam."    


"Also, have you changed the plan for the project that was stolen last time? We'll have to ask the other party out in two days. Don't mess it up. "    


"It has been changed. I can let you take a look tomorrow."    


"Send it now. If it's possible, we'll make an appointment immediately. If he's a step faster than us, then the delicious cake will fall into someone else's hands."    


He had always been a person who paid attention to efficiency and speed.    




A few minutes later, the new plan fell into Fenng Moye's hands. After he finished reading it, he made some changes and said to Che Jin.    


"Let's talk tomorrow."    




Little did they know, Chung Rann was holding the cup and listening clearly at the door.    


Her eyes narrowed slightly. It seemed like she had to strike first to gain the upper hand.    


Chung Rann immediately informed Ho Chuan and the others on WeChat, and Ho Chuan asked her.    


[Boss, aren't you afraid of bumping into your husband and the others tomorrow?] ]    


[We'll talk about this when the time comes. There are no father and son on the battlefield, let alone husband and wife. "    


Ho Chuan sent a shocked emoticon.    


Boss, are you trying to kill him with justice? If your husband finds out, will he...    


He sent another emoticon with a raised eyebrow, which made it easy for people to let their imagination run wild.    


Chung Rann could not stand Ho Chuan's gossip the most. He was obviously a boy, but why was he like a girl?    


She immediately used her trump card.    


If you say one more word of nonsense, I will let Cheng do it. ]    


Ho Chuan immediately surrendered.    


F * ck, f * ck, f * ck. 】    


Chung Rann put away her phone and thought about how she should avoid Fenng Moye tomorrow.    


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