Planned Love



0We were quickly pulled away by the police. I dragged the wailing Ren Yingying into Shang Yang's car. We followed the car that carried Shi Jian's body as we slowly drove forward. The mood on the road was extremely heavy. I told myself not to cry in front of people. I knew that Shi Jian's affairs were still waiting for me to deal with, and his mother was waiting for me to appease her, and his funeral … Heh heh, funeral, what a heavy word.    


Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that my life would experience such a death. What's more, he didn't expect that the person who left would be Shi Jian.    


After investigation, the police defined the nature of the incident as an accident. The driver of the accident drove away after the accident and left the car by the side of the road. Shi Jian just left the world, leaving us all a lifetime of unforgettable pain.    


Auntie had completely broken down and her hair had turned white overnight. Ren Yingying cried all day long, but nothing else helped. Shang Yang and I helped to manage all the matters. Together, we contributed to Shi Jian's purchase of a cemetery in the cemetery and organized a funeral.    


That day, Xia Yiwa came to see Shi Jian off. Unexpectedly, Sheng Yun also came along. The moment I saw Sheng Yun from afar, I suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of vulnerability. This kind of feeling was as if he could finally let go of all the pain when someone close to him appeared.    


However, even though my heart was in turmoil, I still calmly handled all the matters on the surface. As Shi Jian Gan's sister, I took care of Shi Jian's relatives, pretending that I didn't notice his arrival.    


He was wearing a black suit, probably dark glasses for fear of recognition, and although he stood at the back, his tall figure stood out in the crowd.    


At some point, he suddenly walked to my side and whispered two words in my ear, "My condolences."    


I nodded slightly, not bothering to say anything more to him, not daring to look at him. I was afraid I would be vulnerable to his gaze.    


Perhaps my reaction led him to mistake me for being aloof, and before long he was nowhere to be seen in the crowd.    


I kept myself from tearing up, and I didn't try to look for him, until after it was all over, I was alone in Shi Jian's barbecue bar, setting out his favorite Japanese sake and his favorite dishes, and sitting in our favorite spot.    


When I looked across at the empty seat, my tears burst out.    


I raised my glass and clinked it with his, just like before. I whispered through my tears, "Ah Jian, you said you would drink all your life. Why did you leave?"    


I sat quietly. The barbecue bar was very quiet. Shang Yang was worried about me so he waited for me in the car. I can finally have a final farewell in peace with Shi Jian.    


As I sipped my wine, I thought about it and realized that something was wrong.    


Why did Shi Jian hold Ren Yingying's phone so tightly when something happened to her? Why did Shi Jian appear in such a remote section of the road? Why did Ren Yingying keep insisting that I not call Shi Jian? Why did Ren Yingying cry so miserably after Shi Jian's accident?    


I clearly remember her cold eyes in the corner of the restaurant that day when we had an argument. The coldness came from the bottom of his heart, and the look in his eyes was as chilling as a wolf's.    


Could it be that she already had an unforgettable love for Shi Jian in just a few days? No, she was best at acting and crying. What was she trying to hide?    


I meditated in the barbeque store for an entire night, many details that I had overlooked before gradually becoming clear in my mind. I felt more and more that Shi Jian's accident couldn't be blamed on a simple accident.    


Then, I suddenly thought of Shi Jian at the time of the accident with Ren Yingying's Apple phone in his hand.    


I remember Ren Yingying once said that Xu Tianyi could find out Ren Yingying's location by locating the phone. And on the night of the accident, Shi Jian had been holding that phone all along! Furthermore, Shi Jian told Shang Yang that Ren Yingying was in danger! But Ren Yingying is obviously with me!    


Thinking about this, I couldn't help but rush out the door. I opened Shang Yang's car door and got in, urgently asking, "Shang Yang, where is the phone that Shi Jian held in his hand at the end?"    


"Mobile phone? You mean the Apple phone? It should be in the remnants, and should be returned to the family members. " Shang Yang said, then asked me curiously, "Why did you suddenly ask this?"    


"Let's go. Take me to look for that phone." I stood up and dragged Shang Yang out.    


Along the way, my mind was in a mess. I had a strong premonition that Shi Jian's death was not that simple.    


Shang Yang saw that I had been thinking and didn't ask me much, so he drove me to Shi Jian's house. When Auntie found the phone in my inventory, I opened it to find that it had already been set up. All traces of the previous incident had been erased, and the information inside had been completely erased.    


Auntie told me that after the funeral, when Ren Yingying sent her home, she asked to get the phone back, so Auntie gave it to her. After she got the phone, she sat alone in Shi Jian's room for a long time, then said goodbye with red eyes. When Auntie went into Shi Jian's room, she found that Ren Yingying had put the phone on the bed and didn't take it with her, so Auntie put it away.    


I listened to my aunt's story in silence. The uneasiness in my heart grew stronger, but I didn't show it. After saying a few words of consolation, Shang Yang and I left Auntie's place.    


After we got in the car, Shang Yang asked me, "Shubei, did you think of something? Why do I feel like something is wrong with you? "    


I rubbed my temples and said with a wry smile, "Nothing, I just feel that Shi Jian left too suddenly, and it's a little hard to accept."    


"Yeah, it's so sudden, I still can't believe it's true." Shang Yang sighed.    


After that, we all fell into a long silence. Shang Yang drove me home and then left. After Shang Yang left, I immediately called Ren Yingying.    


"Ying Ying, where are you?" I asked as soon as the phone picked up.    


"I'm on the river mouth bridge, sitting on the pier, looking at the scenery." On the other end of the phone, Ren Yingying's voice sounded exceptionally low and was accompanied by a thick nasal voice.    


"Jiangkou Bridge? What are you doing there? " I asked, feeling suspicious.    


"I don't want to live anymore, Ms Shubei." Ren Yingying's voice came out of the phone along with the whistling sound of the wind. After that, she began to sob softly.    


I frowned and shouted into the phone, "Ren Yingying, don't do anything stupid! I'll be right over! "Wait for me!"    


I hung up the phone and ran downstairs. When I went downstairs, I saw Sheng Yun's car parked downstairs.    


At that moment, I couldn't care less what he was doing here. I opened the door of the car and got in. "Faster!"    


Perhaps my hurried appearance had touched him. Without saying a word, he stepped on the throttle and sped away. After a long while, he asked, "Why are you going there?"    


"Shi Jian's girlfriend wants to jump into the river." I answered without thinking.    


He started, then picked up speed. "Why don't you ask me why I'm downstairs?" he asked after a while.    


"I'm not thinking about that yet. Life and death! Quick, open it! " I yelled, and at that moment, I subconsciously thought of Sheng Yun as the driver.    


Sheng Yun's expression immediately turned cold. He didn't ask me another question as he madly stepped on the accelerator and sent me to the river mouth bridge.    


When we reached the center of the bridge, I saw Ren Yingying sitting on the railing of the bridge, a lavender silk scarf wrapped around her head, looking down at the water.    


It was already midnight. There were very few people on the bridge, and very few cars passed by. No one noticed this small sound coming from the bridge. When I saw that she was still sitting on the bridge, I let out a long breath of relief.    


"That's her?" Sheng Yun asked me with a cold face and a bad tone.    


"Yes." I opened the door and got out.    


I didn't expect that Sheng Yun would get out of the car before me. I was about to call Ren Yingying, but he shushed me with a gesture, signaling me not to speak.    


Ren Yingying was probably immersed in her own world and didn't notice our arrival. Sheng Yun crept up behind her and took the opportunity when she wasn't expecting it, suddenly grabbing her waist. Ren Yingying immediately screamed!    


Sheng Yun carried her off the railing without a care, probably because he was afraid that she would break free. He didn't let go of her after he carried her down, so I walked over to her in a hurry.    



"It's not easy to live on. No matter what the reason is, do not lightly live on. To dare face death, are you afraid of living? " Sheng Yun roared with unprecedented severity in his voice.    


Ren Yingying panicked at first. When she turned around and saw Sheng Yun, her face was first filled with surprise before it immediately became silent.    


Then she saw me.    


I said, "Ying Ying, don't do something stupid on the spur of the moment."    


"I, I …" I'm just too upset to know what to do. "Shi Jian is so good, but, but …" As she spoke, she burst into tears again before turning around and throwing herself into Sheng Yun's arms.    


I couldn't help but widen my eyes!    




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