Planned Love



0"Sheng Yun!" I yelled at him, which woke Ren Yingying up. She rubbed her eyes and asked lazily, "Director Sheng is here? "Where is he?"    


"It's fine. Go back to sleep." I said, pretending to be calm. Seeing that her towel had slipped, I quickly went to cover her.    


Unexpectedly, even Sheng Yun noticed this action, he laughed out loud again: "So stingy, only I'm allowed to look at you, and I'm not allowed to look at others?"    


"I order you to turn off the surveillance immediately! Otherwise, you and I will not be finished! " I hurried into the bathroom and told him.    


"You have two choices. Either I continue to monitor your every move, or you come over and turn it off. That's all, you decide. " I could hear his smug voice over the phone.    


After hanging up, I felt a strong sense of unease, as if I were sitting on pins and needles. I was afraid that he would overhear all of my conversation with Ren Yingying.    


How could he be so shameless as to install surveillance in our room? How could he be so dirty?!    


Angry and anxious, I washed my face in the bathroom and forced myself to calm down. Then I had to force myself to go to his room.    


When I reached the door of his room, he was already standing there in his bathrobe with his hands clasped in a relaxed gesture, waiting for me, a smirk on his face.    


"Xu Shubei, I like to see you compromise." he said triumphantly, looking at me. Then he dragged me straight into the room, quickly shut the door, and threw me against the wall!    


"You are truly shameless, despicable, and despicable like this!" I looked at him and couldn't help shaking my fist.    


"I was just worried that there might be some other mishaps with that woman, so I had someone set up a monitor in your room. I didn't expect you to act so much for me in one night. " He lifted my chin, looked at me, and said softly, "Tsk tsk. It's even better than a movie, Xu Shubei."    


"You heard it?" I asked, looking up at him in surprise.    


He raised an eyebrow and gently touched my face. "Of course. What, scared? Afraid I'd see the other side of you? Afraid that I know of your schemes and conspiracies? Afraid that I'll tell someone else? "    


"I know you won't. If you would, you wouldn't have let me come over." When I heard this, I simply broke away from him and took the initiative. I put my arm around his neck and tiptoed over to kiss him lightly on the lips.    


My sudden initiative caused him to let go of my hand in a moment of helplessness. His expression became somewhat uneasy. Seeing him act this way, he immediately smiled complacently.    


He obviously sensed my pride, so he quickly attacked me again and slammed me against the wall. "How do you know I won't? "Xu Shubei, you think you know me well?"    


"I don't understand, but I'm not a stranger either." I hooked my arms around his neck again, and when I was about to kiss him again, he moved his face away and asked, "Why are you suddenly so proactive? Just because I know your secret? "    


"Isn't that what you need?" I took his face in my hands and kissed him on the lips.    


His breathing quickened, his hands were stiff at first, and when he felt me move, he relaxed and held me, and we kissed and both of us fell.    


"Do you really hate Xu Family that much?" He suddenly stopped all his movements, looked at me, and asked seriously.    


"Do you hate it if someone kills your parents and takes everything from you?" I asked quietly, looking at him.    


He paused for a moment, then looked at me and said suddenly, "I'll pretend I didn't hear you, but you don't have to go through so much trouble."    


"Why?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"Because there are people who can help you. Wanting to overthrow the Xu is very simple." He laid down, took me in his arms and said softly.    


"Who?" I didn't understand what he meant, so I asked.    


He tapped my forehead with his finger and smiled. "Like me."    


"You?" I immediately smiled. I shook my head and said, "Ignoring the fact that you wouldn't help me, even if you were willing to help me, I wouldn't need your help."    


"Why?" His expression immediately turned cold.    


"Because I don't want to owe you anything." I whispered.    


Unexpectedly, my words made him even angrier. He turned around and pushed me down, angrily asking, "Xu Shubei, aren't we close enough? "Why have you always been so distant from me?"    


He began to kiss me fiercely, as if this were the only way to make him feel better, and he kissed my face and my neck like a madman, as if he were desperately trying to prove something.    


"Weren't we supposed to be estranged?" I smiled bitterly.    


"Xu Shubei, even now, do you still think so? Don't you have any feelings for me? " he shouted.    


"Do you have any feelings for me?" I asked in surprise when I heard him ask me that.    


"I asked you first, answer me!" Sweat dripped down his face due to the intense exercise. He exuded an intense hormone aura. His face was white, translucent, and distinct in the dense air. He was as handsome as a sculpture in three dimensions.    


"You … "You like me?" I admit that I have a little bit of heart, that little bit of heart broke through all my reason. At that moment, if I had received an affirmative answer from him, I would have thrown away all my bonds and bravely spoken my innermost thoughts.    


But he hesitated, and I saw the uncertainty in his eyes.    


I was disappointed.    


My strong pride made me blurt out, "I take back this sentence. With our relationship, it's ridiculous to ask this question. I'm sorry, but I don't think I asked. "    


"What kind of relationship do we have?" He asked me back, his eyes full of disappointment.    


"I don't know. "Friend?" I asked back.    


He smiled back, and the crazy man fell silent. He lay down beside me and took me in his arms.    


For a long time, each of us had our own thoughts, and neither of us broke the silence. Even though we were lying together, I felt as if we were separated by a galaxy, but it was clear that at some point in the last moment our hearts had been so close.    


"Do you like me for your performance?" After a long time, I finally broke the silence and mustered up the courage to ask.    


I've never liked a man, I've never touched a relationship, I don't even know what he really thinks of me, is that what you call liking him? I suddenly wanted to know the answer.    


However, there was no response for a long time.    


I got up from his arms, puzzled, and realized that he was asleep, his eyes closed, his breathing regular.    


I stared at it for a moment, then put away my disappointment and slowly got up. When I saw that his computer was still on and the surveillance tape was still on, I didn't hesitate to delete the entire recording.    


"I'm not asleep." I was about to leave when he spoke quietly behind me.    


I was stunned and my scalp went numb. I turned around to look at him and asked incredulously, "You heard what I asked you?"    



He stood behind me, his arm around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder. He avoided my question: "How do you get the chance to delete the video if you don't pretend to be asleep?"    


His gentleness made my heart skip a beat, and I was held so tightly in his arms that I suddenly felt we were both subconsciously avoiding each other's emotional need, but we were all trying to get close to each other.    


"Tomorrow at work?" he asked me after a while.    


"Yes, the project has officially started. It's been so long since we went on vacation. It's time to go back to work. Zhou has already called me many times to hurry me up." "No," I said.    


"What's the relationship between you and Zhou Yihai?" he asked me suddenly.    


I paused and turned to look at him. "You believe those rumors, too?"    


I know, the industry and I have a lot of guesses about the relationship between Zhou Yihai and I, in the eyes of most people, I, Xu Shubei, do not look like a clean person.    


"I used to believe it, but now, I'm not sure." He looked at me and suddenly grabbed me by the neck. "I'm going to find out that if you don't get along with him, I'm going to destroy his company!"    


"Hehe, I'm not as bad as the industry rumors say. It's just that sometimes when a woman does public relations in the workplace, sometimes when she's in the limelight for a bit, she'll get into a lot of trouble. I don't like to explain or defend anything. I said lightly.    


He let go of my neck, turned to touch my face, and looked at me affectionately. "Sometimes I can't tell which one is the real you," he said. Xu Shubei, how many times do you have? Which side is the real you? "    


"I'm actually very simple. Director Sheng, you're much more complicated than me." I said, smiling.    


"Don't call me Director Sheng!" His face instantly turned cold again.    


"What's that called?" I asked, looking up.    


"Call me husband."    


As soon as he said that, he kissed me on the lips again and skillfully ripped open my belt …    


The next day at noon, when I was overlooking the street from my office's wide window, I suddenly saw a line of words on the big screen of the Merchant Shop opposite me: "It is said that Shengshi Group CEO Sheng Yun has officially broken up with the girl surnamed Xia. Recently, surnamed Xia has left Golden Age …"    




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