Planned Love



0I have always wondered, according to Sheng Yun's current identity, even if he is very familiar with Shang Yang and the rest, logically speaking, they should call him by his full name. Unexpectedly, there was actually a story behind this.    


It was already dark and the wall was high. We couldn't see the situation in the villa next door. Shang Yang shook his head and said, "Come, let's go in. I'll tell you slowly."    


After entering the room, the living room had already been cleaned up by the hour worker auntie. Shang Yang brought a bottle of red wine and two goblets, and we sat on a soft cushion by the window. Shang Yang handed me a cup of red wine and said, "Yun is actually an illegitimate child, this is not a secret in Sheng Family, it's just that this old man has always suppressed this matter, this old man is still alive, so no one dares to discuss anything."    


"What?" My hand shook, and I almost spilled half a glass of red wine on the prayer mat.    


Although I rarely heard about Sheng Yun's family affairs, but I more or less know about it from Xia Yiwa. I remember Xia Yiwa mentioned Sheng Yun's parents, moreover, they are the only son of his family, how can they be illegitimate children?!    


"He was not born of his current mother. She had three daughters in a row, and all three daughters were sent abroad. Because the old man valued his children highly, having three daughters in a row made the old man feel ashamed." Shang Yang sipped a mouthful of red wine and said, "Afterwards, his father found a woman outside and gave birth to him. He was raised at his grandmother's house for a few years. His grandfather had always known about this and often visited him. Later, when his mother found out about it, it spread like wildfire. In a fit of anger, the old man had his father bring the two of them home. At that time, Yun was still very young. "    


"Does this old man mean Sheng Yun's grandpa?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"That's right, all of Sheng Family's businesses were created by this old man, so right now this old man still has the authority of Sheng Family." Shang Yang said.    


"Then Sheng Yun's arrival must have made this old man extremely happy?" I asked.    


"Mm, I'm overjoyed. The love that the old man had for Sheng Yun directly surpasses the love that he had for his father. This is also the reason why Sheng Yun, at such a young age, is already at the helm of the Shengshi Group. " Shang Yang looked at me and said meaningfully.    


I picked up a hint of meaning in his words, "You mean that Golden Age passed his grandfather directly to him? Didn't his father do it? "    


"Yes!" His grandfather and his father don't have a good relationship because I don't know anything about them. Yun rarely mentions family matters. Therefore, as soon as Yun was born, he was the crown prince of his family. His father only held a casual position with no real authority in the company, and was always ignored by his grandfather, including his three elder sisters. Shang Yang said.    


"If I guessed right, the nickname Yun must have come from his grandpa, right?" "No," I said.    


Shang Yang nodded. "Yes, that's right. Because his grandfather called him that, everyone called him that. The longer it takes, the harder it will be to reverse it. "    


"What happened next?" What else happened? " I asked.    


"Two years after Yun returned to the Sheng Family, his mother suddenly ran off. She did not even bid him farewell before she left. His father had made up a story to deceive him that his mother and the housekeeper had run away. It wasn't until he was in his teens that we played with him on his estate, and they unintentionally dug up a skeleton. After that, he fell into a serious illness and was confined to the hospital for half a year. He was almost unable to save his mother. " After Shang Yang finished speaking, he sighed.    


"Is that why you know? Were you the ones who found the skeleton? Why did they want to kill his own mother? " I asked.    


"It seems that his father was too good to his own mother and women were jealous, so his mother did something cruel to her now. If it weren't for the skeleton being dug up, even his grandfather wouldn't have known about this. After digging it up, he found out that this was the truth. However, the Wealthy Class always felt that such a thing had happened, so this matter was suppressed. I only know these things because I grew up with Yun. " Shang Yang said.    


"Then how did he get back to health?" I asked again.    


"At that time, Yun was in a private hospital. In order to take care of him, his grandfather had a nurse accompany him throughout the day. The nurse was very attentive to Yun, because her care for Yun gradually improved, but later on, it was unknown how the two of them developed feelings for each other. " As Shang Yang said this, a trace of a smile appeared on his face.    


"His grandfather wouldn't allow this kind of thing to happen, so he beat the crap out of them?" When I heard this, I immediately guessed what would happen next.    


"Well, that nurse was Yun's first love. Before that, he didn't have any contact with a girl." Shang Yang said, "I don't know the specifics of what happened to them. At that time, I was already very busy in school. I only knew that Yun ran off with that nurse and was beaten half to death by his grandpa when he caught them." Later, Yun could no longer find the nurse. Because of this, Yun had been depressed for more than a year. In that year, he had broken off all relations with Sheng Family. "The old man has a tough temper too. If Yun insisted on coming, he would force him to come. He wouldn't give him money and would cut off his studies. He only ordered people to keep an eye on him in case anything happened, and didn't care about anything else."    


"He hasn't suffered since he was young. How could he last for more than a year?" When I heard this, I was speechless. He didn't expect Sheng Yun to have such a genuine side to him.    


It made me think of that night when he said "first love." Maybe it was the nurse?    


"He is very stubborn and won't lower his head easily." Shang Yang shook his head helplessly, "At that time, I would always sneak out of school and use my pocket money to help him. On the surface, his personality was cold, but in reality, he valued friendship. Later on, my family had a big crisis, almost bankruptcy, but he did not have the energy to help my family through the difficulties. "That's why I admire him. I recognize him as a lifelong brother."    


I was stunned when I heard this. I didn't expect that under Sheng Yun's cold-blooded appearance, there would be such a hot-blooded and sentimental side.    


"And then? Why did he change? " I asked.    


"The old man understands his temper. After all, he has always been by his side since he was young. The old man was also ruthless, directly cutting off his thoughts and throwing the photo of the nurse and the other men in front of him. If you give him two choices, either you get out of Sheng Family, or come back and study hard, and take over the position of Sheng Family's successor in the future. " After saying that, Shang Yang took a deep breath and looked at me. "If it was you, how would you choose?"    


"I will also choose to be a good person." "No," I said.    


"That's right, any wiser person would choose to do so." Shang Yang said, then said dejectedly, "But since then, Yun has completely changed. In the past, his personality was as sunny as mine, but after that, it was as if he had become a different person, a very cold and proud person. "    


"Did he call the nurse again?" With his current ability, finding someone should be very easy right? " I couldn't help but ask.    


"Then I don't know. But so many years have passed, I guess I have gradually forgotten about it." Actually, there are countless women in our circle who have been secretly in love with him, but right now, he does not seem to be close to women at all, and is wholeheartedly putting his heart and soul into this business. " When Shang Yang said this, he smiled shamelessly, "Unlike me, I'm still not working properly and have been wasting my time on electricity and car racing."    


"This old man should be very satisfied with him by now. He's so young, but he's managed Golden Age so well." I couldn't help but say. In my heart, I felt a little more admiration towards Sheng Yun's ability and a little more compassion towards his background.    


I understood how painful it must have been to see my mother's bones in person, how painful it must have been for a child in his teens.    


"I am very satisfied. In fact, his character is very much like that old man from many years ago. He is ruthless when he should be ruthless, and gentle when he should be. I admire him for this." However, this old man is already very old. Once this old man leaves, Golden Age will definitely experience a great storm. " Shang Yang said.    


"I think he'll be able to control the situation." "No," I said.    


"I hope so, but that mother of his isn't an easy character to deal with. In addition, his three elder sisters have already hated him for a long time, and the board of directors elder brother also seems to be dissatisfied with him on the surface. He won't be so easy in the future either." Shang Yang said.    


After hearing what Shang Yang had said, my understanding of Sheng Yun increased. As I drove home, I remembered a time when he had said to me, "He has his troubles, too," and I didn't quite understand it. Only now did he realize that, originally, it was not easy for everyone to live in high places, but it was also extremely difficult for everyone to live in high places.    


I drove home and walked around the block without finding a parking space. I drove until I reached the southeast corner where there was a parking space near the trash can.    


I pulled into the parking space, opened the door, and stepped out. It was pitch black outside, and the garbage smelled rotten. I was frowning as I prepared to lock the door when a hemp rope tightened around my neck, and then a rag was stuffed into my mouth, my eyes were covered with a black cloth, and a numb bag was draped over my head!    


Immediately afterwards, I felt a cold sharp knife against my waist!    


I struggled, but I was trapped in a sack of numbness. One of them snatched the key from my hand, and the other two carried me into my car!    


It was pitch black in front of me. The car was quickly turned around and drove away. A horrible feeling spread through my heart …    




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