Planned Love



0"What method?" I murmured.    


"What do you think?" His tone suddenly became incomparably gentle. I subconsciously looked at him as he laid there with a wicked smile on his face. "Xu Shubei, you seduced me first, so you should bear the consequences."    


"There doesn't seem to be any water in the kettle. I'll go outside and get some hot water." I blushed and immediately understood what he meant. I quickly retracted my gaze and got up.    


"It really hurts, it hurts …" Sheng Yun's tone suddenly had a hint of pleading in it. I raised my head again and met his doe's pitiful eyes, "Xu Shubei, my whole body is in excruciating pain right now."    


"Then I'll ask the doctor to come over and take a look at your wound." I said quickly.    


"No, I don't want a doctor. I want you." With a wave of his hand, I fell into his embrace. He bit my ear and said, "Xu Shubei, do you really think I won't be able to get up after falling on the ground? I'm just... I just want to see how much you care. "    


"Sheng Yun, you …" Surprised, I looked up, but instead I felt the pressure of his hand on my head. My lips met his once more seamlessly, and the tip of his tongue brushed past my teeth and kissed me once more.    


I thought that falling from a high place to a low place that day would make him feel depressed from the bottom of his heart, but I didn't think that not only was he not dispirited, but he also emitted a kind of unhurried calmness. He didn't care about the wounds on his body at all. He was still determined and eager to have me, to occupy me … However, he was probably still depressed, and with my pregnancy, nothing had happened to us in the end.    


It was late in the night and no one came to disturb us. He made me lie down beside him. Although the bed was small, the two of them still stuck together, making it seem like there was a surplus.    


He took me from behind and gently stroked my belly. "Two more months," he said softly.    


"Yes, very soon." I replied softly.    




"Not tired."    


"Don't worry, in the future, even if I don't have anything, I will still try my best to give this child everything."    


"Are you really going to give up Golden Age just like that?"    


"Heh heh," he laughed helplessly, and then said softly, "Hmm, I've been tired these past few years too. I've always lived by the wishes of others. "This way, is good as well."    


"I don't believe that you are someone who is willing to give up. Sheng Yun, did you already make other plans?" When I heard him say so, I was surprised.    


"No, I didn't plan to do anything. I just wanted to relax for a while." Sheng Yun said lightly and then sighed slightly. He reached his hand into my clothes, stroking my abdomen back and forth, "This is good too. I have enough time to accompany this child. Now, I can't wait for him to be born. "    


"I don't believe you. You clearly cared about Golden Age before, and you had been planning for so long. How could you give up so easily?" I turned and looked at him in surprise.    


He smiled and looked at me with a gaze that had never relaxed before. He said, "I don't regret this. The only thing I regret is that I can't personally send grandfather away and watch him rest in peace."    


"If so, I don't think you should give up. Golden Age is the world that your grandfather single-handedly conquered. You have also spent so many years of hard work, so how can you be at ease if you hand it over to them? " I couldn't help but frown as I spoke.    


"Let's not talk about this anymore, okay?" However, he didn't want to talk much and directly avoided my topic. He held my hand and softly said, "Xu Shubei, actually, I'm a little surprised."    


"Surprised about what?"    


"From the moment I was kicked out of the Sheng Family, it was useless to you. Why are you still willing to accompany me to the hospital and lie beside me like this? "I've always thought that you were a rational and realistic woman. The reason why you were willing to accompany me before was simply because you valued me greatly."    


"Must you say it so bluntly?"    


"Well, I want to hear the answer for myself."    


"I don't know either. Anyway, I'm here to accompany you in taking care of you until you recover and leave the hospital."    


"No other reason?"    


"What reason do you want to hear?" I asked softly, looking at him.    


He pondered for a moment, then suddenly gave up and said, "Forget it, it's fine if you don't want to tell me. Let's sleep. "    


We did not speak again, though none of us slept. In the night, I heard his soft sighs again and again. Sometimes he would suddenly hold me close to his side, sometimes his big warm hands would cover my stomach, sometimes he would sniff his nose, sometimes he would struggle to get up, but in the end he would not be able to get up …     


I knew all his little movements, and I could guess why he was tossing and turning about in his mind. I think he must be sad about his grandfather's death, sad about his father's ruthlessness, worried about the future of his child … It was just that he loved her deeply and didn't say anything.    


We're all the kind of people who love each other more and harder to talk to. Even I don't know what my feelings for him are, or how deep they are, or whether they are love, or not.    


The scope and boundaries of love, to me, is a blank. If not for the fact that I accidentally made an unusual deal with him, we probably would never have been able to start, and it would have been impossible for us to have such an ending.    


He didn't sleep for the entire night until the sun rose.    


By the time the nurse came to check in the morning, I was up and had hot water for him to wash his face and rinse his mouth. The nurse exclaimed as she examined the wound: "What the hell did you do last night? The blood has stuck the gauze to the wound, so it will hurt when you change the dressing. "    


"It's fine, this little bit of pain is nothing. Change the medicine." Sheng Yun smiled at the nurse. The nurse only raised her head to look at him and was immediately stunned.    


I know, he said, with a rare smile, but it was really nice. Most of the time, his eyes were cold and lonely, but every time he smiled, his eyes would turn warm.    


While the nurse was changing his medicine, Tai Ziqian opened the door with his breakfast in his hand and said to me, "Shubei, I've brought you breakfast."    


He placed a delicate box in front of me and said, "Eat it while it's hot. This is a sandwich and tart I made myself. There's also fresh soy milk and juice."    


"Ziqian, thank you so much." I was a little surprised, but I quickly took it.    


"It's nothing. I also bought him some leathery porridge and soy milk." Tai Ziqian pointed to the plastic lunchbox and soy milk beside the delicate food box and said to me.    


I could feel the difference, but I didn't understand it. Thus, I smiled and accidentally saw Sheng Yun's originally gentle face. Instantly, a chilly wind blew again.    


"Eat while it's still hot, I still have to rush to Sheng Family later. Grandfather's funeral is already starting." After Tai Ziqian said this, he glanced at Sheng Yun.    


"Is everything ready for Grandpa's funeral?" Sheng Yun heard Tai Ziqian say so and asked.    


"Everything has been arranged, you can rest assured that your injuries will be healed. They will be done well." Tai Ziqian said.    


"In the future, there's no need to trouble you to bring us breakfast. We'll take care of it ourselves." Sheng Yun said with a cold face and a calm voice. He emphasized the word "we".    


For some reason, I felt a sense of joy at this situation.    


"I didn't want to send it to you because I'm worried that Shubei isn't used to eating three meals a day at the hospital. As for you, it's just a passing matter, so you don't have to take it to heart." Unexpectedly, Tai Ziqian did not give him face at all.    


I don't know if this is the usual mode of conversation between cousins, but Tai Ziqian's personality is exactly the same as Tai Feng's. If two people who are equally arrogant and disdainful of each other bump into each other, it would probably be hard to not get into a fight.    


When Sheng Yun heard Tai Ziqian's words, he maintained his demeanor and said lightly: "In that case, thank you cousin."    



"There's no need to be polite. I've already said it, I didn't come specially for you." Tai Ziqian suddenly shot again.    


I saw that if this went on, sooner or later, I would have to shoot myself, so I quickly dragged Tai Ziqian out in the name of helping Sheng Yun get a meal.    


Once outside, Tai Ziqian started laughing, "When we were young, he was always acting high and mighty. Now, we finally have a chance to vent our anger."    


"Right now, his heart is already feeling uncomfortable. Don't always seize every opportunity to anger him." "He's not feeling well enough right now, so stop rubbing salt in his wounds."    


"I know what I'm doing. Don't worry. I don't have any grudges with him, I just purposely spoke a few words against him, "Tai Ziqian said with a smile, then added," Shubei, my heart just loves you a lot. I am very angry at the thought of you carrying his child. I already know from the side that he was only using you to get rid of his mother's hold on him when he brought you home. If he was really a responsible man, he would at least reasonably marry you and not act so rashly. "    


"There are a lot of things you don't understand and don't see as you see them. Even if he wanted to marry me, I might not necessarily marry him. " I said lightly, then smiled at Tai Ziqian and said, "So, don't fight for me, okay? I am not an ordinary woman's mind, and what an ordinary woman might want is not what I want. "    


"I don't understand. What do you want then, Shubei?" Tai Ziqian couldn't help but frown and ask me.    


"I have to do what I've wanted to do the most for so many years. Only then will I have the mind to think about relationships. However, perhaps I will never think about marriage, unless …" I smiled and looked out the window.    


Actually, I am gradually becoming a bit lost. Am I right that I am so obsessed with hatred?    


"If one day someone is willing to accept all you have, you will have the best and deepest love in the world. Would you be willing to let go of your hatred and past, open your arms, and happily accept him? " Tai Ziqian asked me in a low voice as he followed behind me.    




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