Planned Love



0Surprised, I hastily turned my head, but he had already strode to my side and grabbed my hand.    


I did not think that under the circumstances he would have noticed my departure. I also didn't expect that he would chase me out immediately.    


He looked me in the eye and said gravely, "It happened so suddenly that it didn't occur to me. "Shubei, please give me some time to take care of this."    


"Is that woman really Xiaoyun?" I asked calmly as my emotions calmed down.    


"Well," he nodded, "she was my first love, and we were very young when we met, so I didn't expect her to be pregnant with my child. I've been searching for her for years, but I haven't been able to find her. I never would have thought that she was controlled by Chen Mozhu and brought to the United States. "    


I already knew all this about him, but hearing him say it with my own eyes made me feel different.    


"Then this child …?" I asked again.    


"According to the time, there is a high chance that …" It is indeed my child. " He paused and then told me the truth. His brow was furrowed and the pressure on my hand increased.    


After hearing what he said, my slightly relaxed heart sank once again.    


For a split-second I wrenched away from him, unconsciously taking two steps back. I looked at him sadly, feeling as if too much was stuck in my throat to say what I wanted to, but I couldn't. Before he could say anything, his eyes turned red.    


"Give me some time, will you?" He looked at me so gravely, his handsome face full of sorrow, his brow furrowed, his lips pursed, heavy enough to make my heart ache. "It was so sudden, I didn't think it would be so."    


"Then from now on …" What about us? " He tried to take my hand again, but I pulled away. I looked at him. I had felt so close, but now I felt that it was too far away.    


"Nothing I say to you will change." Sheng Yun looked into my eyes and said solemnly.    


"But I know that you've never really forgotten Xiaoyun all these years, right?" A cool breeze blew, and I subconsciously put my hand in my pocket. He was cold, but his heart was even colder.    


"Shubei, believe me," he said, looking at me.    




Just as I was about to speak, Duo Duo ran out from inside. She called out to her dad with tears streaming down her face, ran over regardless of anything else, and hugged Sheng Yun's leg again, shouting in a heart-wrenching voice: "Daddy, you don't want Duo Duo anymore? Duo Duo really misses dad. I really want to be with dad. Please don't leave me, okay? "    


"Come on, kid... It's really too pitiful. " I looked at the skinny child in front of me and felt sorry for him.    


"Shubei …" Sheng Yun affectionately and gently called out my name, "I don't want to say too much, I can't say it either. "However, don't worry. I can distinguish between the past and the present. I will carry the past and the present. As for the things that I love, I will not let them go."    


At that moment, it wasn't as if his heart wasn't moved in the slightest. These words were obviously more persuasive than the vow of love.    


"Duo Duo, don't worry. I won't leave. Don't cry, okay?" Sheng Yun squatted down, put his arm around Duo Duo's shoulders and comforted her softly.    


"Then Daddy and Toot will promise Toot that they will never leave Toot again. Toot will dream of staying by Daddy's side, Toot will definitely be very obedient, Toot will definitely not cause Daddy any trouble."    


At that moment, I suddenly saw myself in this child. I saw the disdain and ridicule I suffered in the orphanage, the feeling of missing my parents day and night. I lowered my head to look at this child in front of me.    


Have mercy on her, what about my Zaizai? Even though he was still so young, how could he not desire the love of a father?    


Compared to the intimacy he had with Duo Duo, Sheng Yun was obviously caught off guard by his daughter's sudden appearance. He rubbed her head and said: "You must be hungry, right? When I'm done with the things here, I'll take you … Go eat with your mother, will you? "    


"Yun …" The moment Sheng Yun's voice fell, Xiaoyun walked out from the room. She called out gently and then looked at me. She was actually smiling at me.    


I was stunned again. Even though I had never met her before, I felt an indescribable pain in my heart when I thought about the deep past between her and Sheng Yun. But out of politeness, I responded with a faint smile.    


She came closer, smiled at me again, and said, "I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm sorry."    


I looked at the woman in front of me. She was petite and dressed simply, and although her face was thin, she looked very pure. Her eyes were like water, and even under Chen Mozhufei's control for so many years, she still hadn't erased those eyes. This was enough to prove that she was not a simple woman.    


However, how could a woman who could make such a proud Sheng Yun fall in love crazily be someone to be trifled with? If she was an ordinary person, Sheng Yun wouldn't have been searching for her for so many years. If it was just an ordinary relationship, perhaps it would have faded over time.    


The thought drove me even crazier. At the moment, she was acting so naturally, and I couldn't afford to lose my poise.    


"No, I'm just worried about my son. I want to go home and visit him." I faintly smiled and said to her.    


There was a hint of surprise in her eyes. She looked at me, then looked at Sheng Yun and said absentmindedly: "You …. You already have children? "    


"Yes, the full moon." I smiled again, then said, "We never thought you would appear in Sheng Yun's life again. I'm sorry that you suffered so much, but this is a bit too sudden for us. We need to discuss this properly before we decide on the next step. Can you understand what I'm saying? "    


"Of course I understand. I've also thought about it before. So many years have passed, and he's such an outstanding man. How can he still be alone?" There was a hint of disappointment that couldn't be hidden in Xiaoyun's voice. She looked sadly at Sheng Yun and then said faintly, "I don't want to be the annoying third party. I just want you to let me and Duo Duo go back to freedom. After all these years, our lives were no different from being in prison. Originally, I still had some hope in my heart, but now … Not at all. "    


Her voice was very gentle, it was the typical soft voice of a woman from southern China, with a hint of the local voice of Hangcheng, speaking with a hint of gentleness as if she was singing, but within this song, there seemed to be an endless desolation, and there was even a trace of barely discernible resentment.    


Sheng Yun was a smart man, how could he not understand the twists and turns behind his words? Even someone like me, who was so slow on the subject, could hear several layers of the message.    


"Don't worry, I won't make you suffer anymore, I will compensate you," Sheng Yun took a deep breath and said to Xiaoyun calmly. Then he said, "But you heard my lover's words just now, this is too sudden, we need to discuss this properly before we make a decision. I'll settle down your and Duo Duo's quarters first, then I'll take care of things here, and we'll look for you tomorrow, is that okay? "    


After Sheng Yun said that, he took the initiative to hold me by my shoulder, as if he was silently giving me an affirmation of his identity and secretly expressing his determination.    


"Yun …" Xiaoyun shuddered and raised her head. Her beautiful eyes were already shrouded by a layer of mist. She wanted to say something but hesitated, as if she had swallowed thousands of words. In the end, she said, "Okay, sorry for troubling you. I don't know this lady's name, but I hope that my daughter and I will not cause any trouble for you. "    


"No, Yun and I will treat this matter seriously and come up with the most reasonable solution." "My name is Xu Shubei," I said softly, then offered my hand to her.    


She hesitated for a moment, but still held my hand. Her palm is small, and it is very rough, so when I hold it, I can feel that she has done a lot of heavy work.    


All these years, it must have been difficult. Perhaps it was because he had been through so much, and perhaps it was because of his desire for love, that he had been able to endure until today.    


Her appearance had destroyed my dreams, but hadn't my appearance shattered all of her dreams as well? Destroy all her hopes?    


"Alright, then I'll be waiting for your reply." Xiaoyun lowered her head and said.    


Duo Duo held Xiaoyun's hand with one hand and Sheng Yun's with the other. She probably saw Sheng Yun's hand on my shoulder and asked curiously: "Daddy, why are you hugging another woman? "You should be hugging your mother. After all these years, we were sleeping with pictures of your father every night. Your mother said that your father loved your mother very much and that your father was separated from your mother only because he was forced to do so. Your father, hug your mother. Your mother misses you."    


"Duo Duo!" "Shut up!" Xiaoyun reprimanded him harshly, "Don't continue! You, as a child, will never understand matters between adults! "    


"No!" I want my father to carry my mother! I want my father to carry my mother! " I didn't think that this big guy would suddenly sit on the ground and cry.    


She tried to support me, but was pushed away by Duo Duo. Sheng Yun's hand was still on my shoulder, and seeing Duo Duo like this, he withdrew his hand and squatted down to say to her: "Duo Duo, be good. Don't cry, okay? We'll explain the situation between the adults slowly, okay? "    


"Daddy, can you hug Mommy? Mom said Dad was the man who loved her the most, but why didn't Dad hug Mom? " cried Dodo, and all of a sudden she looked at me with the most bitter eyes, and before I could react, she sprang up from the ground like a cat, and gave me a hard nudge in the stomach with her head, and cried out, "It's all because of you! It's all because you stole my father! You bad woman! You bad woman! I will bite you to death! "    


She opened her mouth, and when I was completely caught off guard, she grabbed my hand and bit my arm!    





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