Planned Love



0Xiaoyun … She actually found her way here. And, what a coincidence.    


Sheng Yun's expression immediately darkened. Xia Yiwa and I looked at each other. Xia Yiwa reassured me as she said, "It's fine."    


"Come in first and then we'll talk." Rou saw that Xiaoyun didn't say anything, so she hurriedly welcomed her in. I saw Xiaoyun's silhouette, and Duo Duo pulled her hand to the side. "Who is this child?"    


"Duo Duo, this is the Auntie Rou that I often mention to you. Quickly shout." Xiaoyun said politely to Duo Duo.    


"Auntie Rou."    


"Hello." Rou patted her head.    


"This is my daughter. When I went back home, I went to Q's and saw that you've been leaving messages for me all these years. Through the address you left me, I found this place on purpose. Do you think it's too sudden?" Xiaoyun said.    


She had changed into a white sweater and a white dress with a deep blue background and white flowers. Her bare feet were covered with pointed leather shoes, and although they looked old, the silhouette gave off a slender and slender feeling. Her hair hung neatly over her shoulders, and her face, neck, and dewy hands were white and dreamy in the purple-red light of Rou's house.    


"Of course not. We've been looking for you for so many years and we thought that we would never see you again. Where have you been all these years?" Rou quickly said, and then gave Xiaoyun and Duo Duo a hug, staring blankly at them for a while with Duo Duo's face in her hands. Then she asked in surprise, "Xiaoyun, could this child be …? God, it looks like it. "    


"This is my own child. Rou, don't think too much about it, I just want to see you. Seeing those messages you gave me, I'm very touched. There are too few people in Hangcheng who can still remember me." Xiaoyun said.    


"Sheng Yun, come over quickly and take a look. The person you've been yearning for all these years has appeared." Rou shouted towards the inside.    


"Yun, Xiaoyun …" "You're back?" Shang Yang noticed that Sheng Yun's expression wasn't right, so he asked subconsciously.    


"Yeah, I'm back." After Sheng Yun said this, he gave me a meaningful look. He didn't get up but said lightly to the door, "Since you're here, come in and eat together with me."    


"Xiaoyun, Duo Duo, come over here. I've just made some Japanese food, come over and have a taste." Rou said.    


"If there are guests at home, we shouldn't disturb them. Or we should go first and come back another day." Xiaoyun maintained her courteous attitude from the beginning to the end. It was hard to tell if it was done intentionally or out of instinct.    


Curious about this woman, I felt a little more respect for her.    


"Mom, I'm hungry. It smells so good …" At this time, Duo Duo said, and then she jumped over, and when she saw Sheng Yun, she happily rushed over and shouted, "Daddy! I heard your voice! Duo Duo is so hungry, Duo Duo really wants to eat something! "    


"Father …" Xia Yiwa and Shang Yang exclaimed in unison.    


Sheng Yun was unmoved and slightly frowned as he said, "Duo Duo, I have my own matters to attend to. It doesn't seem like a good idea to not give me any space at all. "If you really want to be my daughter, then I hope that you will be obedient and not pester the Lord. The Lord has his own life, OK?"    


"Got it, Dad." Duo Duo will stop messing around. Duo Duo will be very sensible. " She suddenly restrained the joy on her face and turned into a cute and obedient child. She moved a stool from the side and put it beside Sheng Yun, pulling Xiaoyun over to let Xiaoyun sit next to Sheng Yun. Then she carefully took two sushi and giggled at everyone, "Duo Duo is a little kid, Duo will go to the sofa to eat, Duo Duo won't disturb you guys.    


"Xiaoyun, this child is really sensible." Rou had already noticed something, and since I was there, she didn't ask any questions. She led them to the sofa and put a cartoon on for them, then brought them a plate of sushi and a glass of orange juice.    


"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here. Otherwise, I definitely wouldn't have come to disturb everyone's fun." Xiaoyun said indifferently, with a trace of pride still hanging on her face.    


What Sheng Yun admired was the unique temperament of the woman. This Xiaoyun was gentle, not out of control, polite, not humble, and not arrogant. She had been living for a long time, so it was hard to protect Sheng Yun's heart from being taken away by her again. What was even worse was that if she maintained this attitude from the beginning to the end, there was no way for you to step on her. After all, as a person, you have to keep some face for others and no one would dare to hit a smiling person.    


"Who knows if it's a coincidence or on purpose." Xia Yiwa said in an indifferent tone.    


I picked up the sake in front of me and was about to take a sip when Sheng Yun raised his glass and said to me, "Let me toast you."    


"I'm already an old couple, and you're still being so courteous." I joked.    


"Of course, no matter how you look at it, you can't see enough." Especially you, who is thirty percent drunk, you are both charming and moving. " Sheng Yun's gentle gaze looked at me as if there was no one around. My heart couldn't help but palpitate.    


"Tsk tsk, the two of you … Can you not flirt in front of everyone? " Rou added when she saw us like this.    


"Yeah, you guys are acting like this. How can a single person like us endure such a thing?" Xia Yiwa added.    


"Hey, hey, why are you single? If you say that again, I'll put the salad on your face. " Shang Yang was immediately dissatisfied and started to argue with Xia Yiwa. The two of them chased after each other. In the end, Shang Yang pushed Xia Yiwa against the wall and took the opportunity to 'bang' on the wall.    


"You people, if you continue like this I'm really going to throw you out. There are still children here, and we don't have to think about their feelings. " Rou said with a smile.    


"When your feelings reach the deepest part, they will naturally show it. Rou, one day, if you meet the man you love, perhaps you might go even further than us." Sheng Yun said with a smile. He then took another sip of the wine.    


I thought that our harmonious atmosphere would make Xiaoyun feel awkward and boring. I didn't expect that she would always sit there so indifferently from start to finish. She would also laugh when we laughed, and smile and listen when we teased her. When Sheng Yun and I flirted with each other, she didn't even raise her eyes.    


"Rou, this is indeed the case. One day, when you meet the person you love the most, you will uncontrollably sacrifice yourself for him. Even if you have to gamble your entire life on this, you will not hesitate. Because you know that you will only meet one person like him in your life, and you will never meet another. " Xiaoyun suddenly said.    


Everyone could hear her meaning in her words. And these words were even more interesting to Sheng Yun's ears.    


"Xiaoyun, you should understand that there is a saying that things change when times change and people change when people change when people change when they go through, and breaking the mirror is difficult to reunite with. People still need to look forward, so don't ruin other people's happiness just because of your obsession. Your life is your choice, and your sacrifice is your choice, but that can't be a reason to spoil other people's feelings. " Xia Yiwa helped me later on.    


"I don't know you, I don't know why you said those words to me, but don't worry, I know my own limits." Xiaoyun swept her gaze over Xia Yiwa, then poured herself a full cup of wine and said to Xia Yiwa, "Hello, my name is Hong Lian."    


"Xia Yiwa." Xia Yiwa didn't expect her to use such a trick. She was a little stunned, but out of politeness, she still drank a cup with her.    


Duo Duo, who had been making a ruckus from the beginning, was actually sitting on the sofa watching TV with relish. She didn't seem to want to disturb him at all. That surprised me.    


"Knowing your own limitations is a good thing. I'm afraid that there are some people who don't know their limits. Shubei is my best sister. I won't allow anyone to hurt her. "Including my brother, if you dare to bully Shubei and Zaizai, I will be the first to disagree." Xia Yiwa said.    


"I... "I second that!" Shang Yang also added a joke. His funny expression made everyone in the audience laugh.    


"Yiwa, at night... "You talk a bit too much, I'll give you three cups of wine." Sheng Yun said to Xia Yiwa.    


"I've talked too much. I'll punish myself with three cups too." The moment Sheng Yun finished his words, Xiaoyun took over the conversation. She directly opened a bottle of wine and started gulping down the wine.    


The wine bottle may not be big, but it's enough to make people choke. Rou immediately exclaimed, "Xiaoyun, didn't you say you don't drink alcohol? Why are you drinking so much? "    


Sheng Yun slightly frowned and turned around to look at Xiaoyun, "Xiaoyun, why are you doing this?"    


Xiaoyun smiled faintly, her face blushing. She looked at Sheng Yun with a gentle gaze, smiled slightly, and suddenly recited an ancient poem, "Coincidentally for the delicate clouds, the stars send their hatred, the silver men travel far and wide in secret. When the Jade Dew of the Golden Gale met, it would triumph over countless others in the mortal world. Gentle like water, beautiful like a dream, the time to endure the magpie bridge homeward road. If the relationship was long, then it would no longer be there, and it would only be in the morning and evening. "Remember when we parted that year, you gave me this poem. Do you remember it?"    


The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became awkward. Xiaoyun recited a poem with a depressed and sentimental tone, that kind of feeling moved everyone, including me, who were moved. This woman didn't seem to be fighting or snatching, but every word she said seemed to have a pulling force, slowly awakening the feelings that had settled in Sheng Yun's heart.    


Sheng Yun clearly had some sort of promise towards her back then, just like Sheng Yun had some kind of promise towards me. Xiaoyun put on such a pained expression, how can Sheng Yun continue to be with me in peace?    


"I forgot." Sheng Yun said lightly. He turned his head and didn't look at her again. But from my point of view, I could clearly see a hint of sadness in his eyes.    




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