Planned Love



0A sudden shiver ran through me, and I couldn't help but look around. The wind rustled the leaves, but there was no one around.    


Who was this? Why does it seem like I have eyes? Just as Sheng Yun left, he sent me a message.    


Just as I was lost in my thoughts, the nanny came running out from behind me and shouted in panic, "Miss, Miss, where is the child? Where is the child? "    


"The child is fine, you don't have to worry, his father took him away." I said to Nanny, and we went back to the house to rest.    


I called the anonymous cell phone number and thought for a long time that no one would answer, so I sent a message to TA: "I don't know who you really are, but don't play this boring game with me. I'm not interested. Besides, my life and feelings are useless to anyone who wants to threaten me, except when I can make my own decisions! So, don't waste too much energy! "    


After sending this text message, I deleted both of them, feeling a lot better.    


Since the storm is endless, rather than fear, I might as well open my arms to welcome it. I had nothing left to go on to this day, so why should I fear it now, no matter how big the storm is?    


Since he insisted on taking Zaizai away, then let him take over for a while. Coincidentally, I can use this time to work hard. Being compassionate would only make the current situation worse.    


I chose to fade away from this relationship not because I wanted to avoid it, but because I wanted to use this period of time to give myself a cushion, allowing my emotions to return to a steady state.    


I would not let go of this relationship so easily, and I dare to do so because I have been given the opportunity to hang around in front of him every day. As long as the attendance in his eyes was high enough, I was not afraid that he would forget me, and I was not afraid that he would be taken advantage of by Xiaoyun and Duo Duo.    


Not only can I guarantee that I understand his every move, but I can also put my all into hard work and work without distractions. At the same time, my feelings can quickly return to calmness due to the fading of my emotions, and although Zaizai is reluctant to part with me, it is more beneficial for them to get along together and enhance their emotional interaction. I believe that a smiling baby is definitely more pleasing to my father than a scheming little girl. I can guarantee these four points. Even if 10 Xiaoyun and Duo Duo appear in Sheng Yun's life, I can guarantee my irreplaceable position.    


This text didn't affect my mood in the least. On the contrary, I felt that the decision I had made had allowed me to quickly wipe away all the emotional and life obstacles in front of me. After a quick bath, I quickly smoothed things out, then went back to bed and slept comfortably.    


The next morning, when the alarm clock sounded, I immediately got up. I slept soundly without Zaizai's crying to disturb me at night. When I woke up, I also felt refreshed.    


I originally wanted her to go to Sheng Yun's place, but after thinking about it, since Sheng Yun had already arranged everything, why should I worry about him? Thus, I directly gave the nanny a long vacation to go visit her family.    


When I drove down to the building below the company, Tai Ziqian drove over and stopped beside me. We rolled down the window and greeted each other at the same time. Tai Ziqian looked at me with a smile and said, "You look good. It seems like you slept well last night."    


"The child has been taken away by Sheng Yun. From now on, I am free. During this period of time, if you have anything to discuss with me or research on at work, just bring it over, and I will accompany you! " I got out of the car and said with a smile.    


"Oh?" Tai Ziqian was surprised, then he smiled meaningfully, "I thought it would take you a while to wake up, but I didn't expect you to wake up so quickly. You are indeed worthy to be my woman."    


"That's enough. Don't put on a tall hat for me. I still have to rush upstairs to take notes. I'm leaving first!" I smiled mischievously at Tai Ziqian and slipped into the elevator.    


As I sat in the elevator, I took out a notebook and memorized what I had said last night. I sat in front of the computer and spent twenty minutes organizing a beautiful meeting log. When I pressed the "Save" button on the computer, I took a deep breath and raised my hand to check my watch. It was already past 8: 15, but Sheng Yun still hadn't arrived …    


It seems that some people are going to be late today, it's not so easy to be a dad, "Tai Ziqian opened the door and walked in, knocking on my desk with the folder," Since he didn't come, then you go. You can host in the morning and let me admire your work style, I hope your performance this time can satisfy me. "    


"Come on, you only know how to tease me. Go to the conference room first, I'll be right there." I smiled as I typed out the minutes of the meeting. Then, I sorted through my thoughts.    


After hosting the whole meeting for almost ten minutes, Sheng Yun finally opened the door of the meeting room. He was always in a good mood, but for the first time, he was a little dispirited as he walked over. He must have left in a hurry in the morning.    


His face was still the same icy cold face that hadn't changed for tens of thousands of years. Everyone was intensely commenting, but when he walked in, no one dared to say anything.    


"Why is it that when I arrived, I stopped talking?" It's fine, you guys continue. I'll sit here and listen. " Sheng Yun saw me standing in the middle position, so he pulled out my chair and sat in my seat.    


The little tuft of hair quivered mischievously with his movements, but he was oblivious to it. He thought he still looked good, and if it weren't for all these executives, I would have taken out my cell phone and taken a picture of him!    


I didn't think I'd do it, but someone did.    


He quickly took out his phone and took a picture before putting it into his pocket. Sheng Yun obviously noticed that Tai Ziqian took out his phone, but he didn't know what Tai Ziqian did. Seeing Tai Ziqian put the phone in his pocket quickly, he didn't pursue the matter and only said seriously: "I said, you guys continue! Pay attention to efficiency! Time was money! Every one of our meetings must be efficient! "We must settle this matter within half an hour!"    


"I was just talking about competition, but there seems to be a small minority of people who disagree. Now that Director Sheng is here, we can discuss it if we have any objections. " I said, with a note of seriousness in my voice.    


The meeting lasted for about 20 minutes before it ended with Sheng Yun's conclusion. After the meeting, Sheng Yun returned to the office first. I organized the documents and USB, then went back as well.    


The moment he pushed open the door, the grand and magnificent CEO sat down at his desk and fell asleep! I really doubt if I saw it right!    


I quickly closed the door and went over to pat him on the shoulder. He sat up straight and pretended nothing had happened.    


"Director Sheng, here's the marketing report you requested. This is the report of the advertising department's Supervisor Sun's departure." I said to him seriously.    


"Okay, leave it here." He rubbed his eyes and said lightly.    


Thus, I put down the document and turned around, preparing to return to my seat. Unexpectedly, he called out to me, "Xu Shubei, aren't you curious about how Zaizai and I spent last night?"    


I turned my head and said to him very calmly, "First, let's not talk about personal matters at work. Time is money. Second, I believe that if Director Sheng takes Zaizai away, everything will be settled. Once again, I still have a lot of things that I haven't done yet. Director Sheng, if there's nothing else, I'll get busy first."    


He probably never expected that I would have such a reaction. He was stunned and mumbled to himself as I turned around: "F * ck, Zaizai is too naughty. He just finished cleaning up and he's back again …"    


That almost amused me. I could imagine how he had been so overwhelmed by the boy the night before, and I could not believe his well-arranged story. From his mental state today, I could imagine his despair last night.    


That stinking brat, Zaizai, had done his best. He knew that his mother had been wronged, so he tortured Sheng Yun even more harshly! It was time!    


Without looking back, I returned to my seat and began to prepare my future plans.    


I was very busy this day. I had a meeting, a project proposal, and a variety of chores. At the same time, I took the time to go to the factory district with Tai Ziqian.    


On the way, Tai Ziqian showed me that photo. It was Sheng Yun's most "embarrassing" photo of the year, and when I saw it, I was amused. I laughed and said, "I must enlarge this photo. When he pisses me off, I'll post it on the company's bulletin board to let him make a fool of himself!"    


Tai Ziqian and I used an hour to tour around the factory district of the new area. Although I had done it before in Dongsen, but the entire system of Dongsen didn't have a Shengshi Group system like that. I found that there were a lot of things I needed to understand, so every time I understood a product, I was extremely focused because I didn't allow myself to waste any time.    


After coming out of the workshop and taking off my work clothes, Tai Ziqian smiled and pinched my face: "When you work hard, you really look like a student."    


"Stop touching me. I'm your elder sister, I'm warning you." I said, smiling.    


"What touching? Why do you sound so bad? It's just that sometimes I feel that you're very mature, and sometimes you feel a little naive. It's pretty fun." Tai Ziqian praised.    


"You're the first one to say that I'm an innocent man. Kid, your ability to recognize people still needs more practice." I patted Tai Ziqian on the shoulder and said with a smile.    


Just as we were prepared to leave the factory district to return to the company, we suddenly saw two familiar figures with a bunch of people walking towards us. Tai Ziqian was still continuing to walk forward, but I suddenly stopped in my tracks.    


Tai Ziqian turned his head and asked me in surprise: "What happened to Shubei? Why aren't you leaving? "    




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