Planned Love



0I stopped searching. At that moment, I was so angry that I wanted to stand up and directly ask Rou why she did this.    


Xia Yiwa and Mina were drunk to the point of being unconscious, and Sheng Yun and the rest didn't notice our movements. Rou was extremely quick at the time, so if I wanted to fight her, she definitely wouldn't have admitted it.    


"Shubei's diamond ring is gone, we're all helping to find it." Shang Yang saw that no one was talking, so he replied.    


"Why did you drop the diamond ring when it was on your hand?" Rou heard Shang Yang's words and asked in a baffled manner. Then, she asked me nonchalantly, "Shubei, I clearly remember that we talked together. How did you suddenly lose your diamond ring?"    


I didn't know if she had really forgotten or if she was acting on purpose, but when I turned around, I saw that her charming face was filled with innocence and surprise, as if she wasn't the culprit.    


I suppressed the anger in my heart, stood up and turned around to face her. I said a little coldly, "I think the person who should be the clearest is you right? Rou, did you really forget everything? "    


"Me?" Rou immediately widened her eyes and put on an expression that said she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She looked at me with a flabbergasted expression. "Shubei, I don't understand what you mean by that." You mean, the loss of your diamond ring has something to do with me? "    


"Shubei, what's going on?" Tai Ziqian, who had been silent all this while, noticed something and he turned to me and asked.    


"I have nothing to say, as long as you know what happened just now. Rou, I'll take it that you're drunk. However, if there's a next time, I will definitely not let them off lightly. " I looked at Rou and said coldly.    


Although I knew that even if I were to pursue this matter, it would be useless. She clearly didn't want to admit it, but living like a bun isn't my personality, so it's hard for me to not voice my displeasure.    


"What just happened?" Sheng Yun asked coldly after hearing that.    


"Don't ask anymore. Even if I told you what happened, you wouldn't believe me. I have no intention of destroying the friendship between you two for so many years." I squatted down and continued searching for the diamond ring.    


Tai Ziqian didn't say a word as he squatted down to accompany me in searching. Xia Yiwa was also somewhat sober at this moment, so she and Shang Yang squatted down together.    


"Haha …" Rou sneered. She stood up and supported her head while she said to me, "Shubei, I don't know why you said that. Perhaps I was too intimate with you after drinking too much just now and accidentally did something to offend you. If you insist on thinking that I caused you to lose the diamond ring, I'll compensate you. Although the diamond ring that Yun bought for you is expensive, I may not be able to buy it, but I will try my best. However, I hope that our friend will have a chance. Please do not insult my character. I'm not as bright as you, but I've always been a decent man. After so many years, Yun, Shang Yang and the others all understand my character. "    


Sheng Yun stood there and listened silently. His expression was as cold as an iceberg.    


"Perhaps you really did drink too much. If it was unintentional, then this matter is over. "If I can find the diamond ring, it's my luck. Even if I can't, this matter won't affect me at all. I believe in Sheng Yun and I's relationship." "No," I said.    


"This diamond ring was given to grandma by grandpa after he made his fortune. He left it for me to wear personally when I find my beloved one in the future. Once I wear this ring, it means that we are willing to bind each other for the rest of our lives." Sheng Yun's cold voice sounded above me. I could hear the pain and disappointment in his voice, "Shubei, how did you lose it?"    


"We were all on stage at the time, so we don't know what happened down there. "Since this diamond ring is so important, we might as well search for it together. In any case, it's in this room, as long as we're a bit more careful, we'll definitely find it." Tai Ziqian said as he saw the three of us frozen in place.    


"So, you think I've lost it?" My heart sank as I looked at Sheng Yun and asked slowly.    


"Yun, we have known each other for so many years. I wish you well and hope you well. "You know my personality. Although I, Rou, don't have much knowledge, I have always done things fair and square. I've always had a good relationship with Shubei. I don't know why she would say that." Rou hurriedly tried to defend herself, but then she said, "If that's the case, then I have nothing to say. I hope that you can find it, but if Shubei insists that it has something to do with me, then …" I will compensate you with everything I have! "    


Rou firmly said. Probably because she was too excited, she casually knocked down a bottle of Hennessy XO on the table. The sound of the bottle breaking caused everyone's heart to thump loudly!    


"I didn't do it on purpose. Sorry, I really …" "I drank too much." Rou ran to the bathroom after she finished her sentence. Soon, the sound of her vomiting filled the room.    


"Shubei, was it really Rou who did it? But how could she take the ring off your hand? " Xia Yiwa came over and asked me quietly.    


"No need to say anymore, it's already very late. You should all go back and rest first, and don't let anyone touch this site. No matter what method I use, I will definitely find the diamond ring." I said calmly.    


I know that this diamond ring is not only the symbol of Sheng Yun and I's love, but also the inheritance of our family's feelings. Sheng Yun didn't emphasize its importance to me when he put it on my hand, but it was obvious that he indirectly admitted that I was his future mistress.    


However, such a beautiful, romantic, and extreme night had been ruined by a small movement of Rou's.    


With Rou's personality in the past, Sheng Yun wouldn't believe that she would suddenly do such a thing, and the diamond ring has always been on my hand. Normal people wouldn't think that my words were true.    


No wonder when she was drinking, she kept using my hands to look around. No wonder she kept making Xia Yiwa and Mina drink non-stop, no wonder when she got drunk, she directly fell beside me and used her arms and arms to wrap me up … I was terrified.    


"All of you can go back. I'll go look for it with Shubei." Tai Ziqian said.    


"No, I'll stay too." As soon as Xia Yiwa finished her sentence, she could not help but throw up all over the place.    


Shang Yang hurried over to take care of her. Xia Yiwa's face turned green and her lips turned white after vomiting. She saw that the situation wasn't looking good so she told Shang Yang to send Xia Yiwa to the hospital for fear of her alcohol poisoning.    


At this time, Rou also walked out of the bathroom half-dead. Her face was also pale and she looked very haggard. She said to Sheng Yun, "It's late …" I shouldn't have come tonight. I'll be leaving first. I wish you two happiness. "    


"Rou, I'll take you both to the hospital. You're both looking terrible." Seeing Rou like this, Shang Yang took the opportunity to take Rou and Xia Yiwa with him.    


Sheng Yun stood there the whole time with a face full of calmness. I didn't know what was going on in his mind. I didn't know if he was going to believe me or Rou.    


"Ziqian, take Minna back. She'll catch cold here." I said to Tai Ziqian as I searched carefully.    


Tai Ziqian looked at Mina and then at me. He said, "Okay, then I'll take her back to the hotel first. If she's fine, then I'll come over and help."    


"No need to come over, it's been hard on you these days. Go home and rest." At this time, Sheng Yun finally spoke.    


"Ziqian, you and Mina should rest well. I will slowly search, I will definitely find them." I said.    


"You misunderstand. Mina and I are only good friends. There is nothing between us." Tai Ziqian said, afraid we'd misunderstand.    


Mina lay unconscious on the sofa. Tai Ziqian carried her on his back with Sheng Yun's help. Then he bid farewell to us and took her to the car.    


The hall, which had been bustling with activity the previous night, was now in a mess. I looked at the mess and felt like I was about to collapse.    


I know how difficult it is to find that small diamond ring among all these things, but if I give it up, it doesn't mean that this diamond ring will disappear forever, and my relationship with Sheng Yun … I didn't dare think about it.    


After Sheng Yun sent Tai Ziqian off, he opened the door and walked in. He walked over and pulled my clothes, and said lightly: "Don't look for me, you are tired too. Let's go back and rest."    


"You can go back first, I'll definitely find it."    


"How can you find so many things? Stop looking for him, in the future... I'll buy you another one. " When Sheng Yun said the last sentence, his tone clearly paused for a moment.    


"Buying another one won't be like this one. I know what it means to you. Sorry, I didn't take good care of it."    


"Let's go back and rest." He tugged at my clothes again, but apparently he didn't want to respond to my apology.    


None of us could have imagined that such a blissful moment of happiness would end in such desolation... Does this mean that Sheng Yun and I will not have any results in the end?    


I was startled. At that moment, I once again made up my mind. I said, "You can go back first. I will definitely find you!"    


"Stop looking!" Go home! "Xu Shubei, don't tell me you want us to spend our best night in such a miserable state?" Sheng Yun's voice was filled with uncontrollable anger.    


At that moment, my burning heart immediately cooled down. I turned on the light on my cell phone. Suddenly, I saw a pile of scrap paper falling down a short distance away. Something seemed to flash …    





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