Planned Love



0"If the child wasn't Sheng Yun's, do you think she would have been born?" Chen Mozhu looked at me with a strange smile on her face. "Xu Shubei, your good days might not last much longer."    


"You don't need to mock and ridicule Shubei. First, take a look at what kind of depth you are currently in! Xiaoyun has already harmed your three daughters to such an extent. If I were you, even if I had any brains, I wouldn't say anything to Shubei. Instead, I should join forces with Shubei to deal with Xiaoyun properly! " Xia Yiwa could no longer bear to listen any further as she spoke to Chen Mozhu.    


Chen Mozhu had already lost her mind. Listening to Xia Yiwa's words, she lowered her head and thought for a moment. She probably realized that it was as Xia Yiwa had said, so she fell silent.    


"Let me ask you, she has been with you for so long, is her identity still valid? How did she get to and from America? "And Duo Duo, does she have any information on her identity?" I asked.    


"I don't know if her original identity can be used, her current identity is that of an impostor. Originally, I hired a Chinese nanny to take care of the three of them in the United States, but then the Chinese nanny suddenly fell ill and died, so we couldn't tell her parents why. "Duo Duo was born in the United States. Even if she was born in the United States, she would still be a citizen of the United States. Of course she would be able to register her birth. It would be a bargain for that little girl." Chen Mozhu said indignantly.    


I didn't expect that, by mistake, Duo Duo would become a citizen of the United States.    


I asked again, "That year when you took Xiaoyun away, how could she agree? Didn't she have a family? Did she not resist? "    


"I don't know whether she had family or not, but at that time she was already very pregnant. She knew that if she stayed in the country, with the Old Man's personality, he would definitely find her. No matter what, he wouldn't let her give birth to a child. I tricked her into coming here, tricked her into taking her out of the country to give birth and then take her to see the old man. She believed it was true and went with me to America and only when we came to America did I lock her up. She didn't resist and just made a request, which is to go to the hospital when Duo Duo is born and let Duo Duo have her status. " Chen Mozhu said.    


In that case, their story from before had a very big loophole, and all of their words were just a part of Sheng Yun's sympathy.    


Everything might have been part of Xiaoyun's plan. When she left the country, not only had she made Duo Duo into an American citizen, she had also made use of the three Sheng Family Sisters to gain a lot of knowledge in the United States.    


I say, if he was really locked in the cellar all year round, how could he have such good skin and a scholarly air? How could he speak fluent English!    


This Xiaoyun was really patient. Since she was able to lay low like this and try her luck, she naturally wouldn't let the matter rest once she returned to her home country.    


"Shubei, Shubei …" What are you thinking about? " Xia Yiwa saw that I was in a daze, so she quickly waved her hand in front of my face and asked.    


"It's nothing, I just thought of something. Then let me ask you, when you clearly miscalculated, why did you bring Xiaoyun back? " I asked again.    


"At that time, Xiaoyun persuaded us. She said that as long as we brought her back to the country, she was confident she could convince Sheng Yun. She said that she understood him, and for her and Duo Duo, Sheng Yun would definitely fulfill our conditions. Who knew that Sheng Yun had already taken control of the situation, and my parents saw that I lost control of the situation, so they weren't willing to help me anymore. We were completely wrong, Xiaoyun and Duo Duo are also free now, and they still managed to see Sheng Yun as they wished, appearing in front of Sheng Yun. " Chen Mozhu said.    


After listening to Chen Mozhu's explanation, I roughly understood the whole story. "What happened a month ago?" I asked again. What happened when she called your three daughters? "    


"My three daughters really went to Brooklyn. I don't know what exactly happened, but they came back three days after they left. They were dirty and their clothes were tattered. They were sent back by the police. The police said they had been given to them by some black vagabonds. He fell unconscious on the street. Brooklyn was a chaotic place with people of all kinds. Fortunately, my youngest daughter still remembered where the house was, so the police brought them back and told me that the murderer was still investigating. After that, I found out that they were addicted to drugs. I had pity on them at first and even thought of ways to buy them, but now, I can't afford to buy them anymore, and I can't hold them back any longer. We're completely ruined, ruined … " After Chen Mozhu finished her sentence, she burst into tears again.    


Although she used to be very vicious, but now that she has ended up like this, Xia Yiwa and I can't help but sigh. We left some money for her to take the three sisters to the rehab, and then we didn't want to stay any longer.    


These three sisters were completely ruined. They had heard that poison was something that they might not be able to avoid for the rest of their lives once they came into contact with it. Chen Mozhu could be considered to have died for the rest of her life. She no longer had the strength to fight back.    


When we came out, Xia Yiwa and I didn't speak for a long time. We were both shocked speechless. All of this is very different from what we had originally imagined.    


After a long while, Xia Yiwa finally muttered, "Oh my god, this Xiaoyun is too ruthless. What is her heart made of?"    


"If a person is forced into a corner for a long time, they will move towards two extremes. Good will be better, and evil will be worse. "Xiaoyun, it's obvious that it's the latter." I said wistfully, looking up at the gray New York sky.    


"She's too cruel!" One destroyed, three destroyed! She was clearly taking revenge on Chen Mozhu and the three sisters! However, this method is too cruel! " Xia Yiwa shook her head and sighed.    


"That's right, if we didn't make a trip to the United States, we wouldn't have known that she would do such a thing. We would have thought that Chen Mozhu and the three sisters would still be so carefree, but who would have expected it to be so deep in the water." I sighed, my heart heavy.    


When did Xiaoyun come to the United States without anyone noticing? Then who was she going to take care of Duo Duo? Or could it be that she had already started cultivating the Darkness Attribute? That was why that child showed such a strange personality?    


That can't be necessary, right? If a woman was vicious, she shouldn't use her own daughter, right?    


I shook my head, no longer in the mood to stay in America. Xia Yiwa was obviously intimidated by the scene in Chen Mozhu's room and no longer had any interest in playing around. Thus, we put all of our "spoils of war" into our luggage, bought the first flight, and headed back to China in advance.    


I must tell Sheng Yun about this matter when I return home. I must let him know what kind of woman Xiaoyun is.    


Before boarding the plane, I sent him a message telling him that I had returned home early and that he had not replied to me in time. It must have been midnight in the country, so I thought he might have gone to sleep and turned it off.    


However, when I arrived at home and turned on my cell phone, there was no message from him. Xia Yiwa told me that Shang Yang had arrived in Shanghai and was waiting for us at the airport exit.    


Thus, I called Sheng Yun. The moment the call connected, I heard his suppressed voice from the other end of the phone saying: "Shubei, Duo Duo committed suicide. She just saved my life."    


My heart thumped.    


"What's going on?" I asked into the phone, my throat rising with excitement.    


"We'll talk about it when you get back. I'll get her blood transfused first. There's not enough blood left in the blood bank." Sheng Yun said into the phone and hung up.    


A beep sounded from the other end of the phone, and I stood there for a moment, my blood frozen in place.    


This woman! Vicious enough!    


"What's wrong, Shubei?" Xia Yiwa saw me standing there stunned, so she asked me.    


"Yiwa, Duo Duo committed suicide and is hospitalized. She has just been rescued. Your brother is going to give her a blood transfusion, and that woman has gotten her chance again! " I said to Xia Yiwa.    


Xia Yiwa gasped, "What the f * ck? So ruthless? Even his own daughter was willing to go all out against him? This move was ruthless enough! If that's the case, then he won't listen to anything we say to my brother! After all, his daughter was his, and he wouldn't sit idly by! With the blood transfusion he received, it's clear that his blood type is the same! "    


"Yes." I was a little flustered, and it wasn't Sheng Yun I was most worried about, it was my Zaizai. Sweat broke out on my forehead, and I grabbed Xia Yiwa's hand and said, "Yiwa, quick! Let's get Shang Yang! I want to go home as soon as possible! "Don't let her do anything to my Zaizai!"    


Xia Yiwa nodded, and the two of us dashed with our luggage to the exit, sweating profusely. Shang Yang was waiting at the exit with a bunch of roses in his hands, and Xia Yiwa quickly handed him the suitcase. "Throw the roses away!" she said to him. "Hurry up and take us to your car!"    


"What's wrong?" Were the two of them so anxious? What happened? " Shang Yang asked in confusion as he quickly took Xia Yiwa's luggage.    


"Stop asking, stop asking!" My brother might have been taken away by another woman! If she takes the opportunity to throw herself at us, no, no, we have to get back right away! "If that woman dares to do anything to Zaizai, I'll f * * king kill her today!" Xia Yiwa shouted in exasperation.    


I didn't have time to say anything else and directly asked where Shang Yang's car was parked. Then, I pulled the luggage and ran in the direction of Shang Yang's car …    




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