Planned Love



0I immediately understood that it was Xiaoyun who called, and Sheng Yun had already decided to leave the whole matter to me.    


Nanny Liu looked at Sheng Yun approvingly, then said: "That's right! "Since you've made up your mind to marry Shubei, her opinion is the most important, everything depends on respecting her."    


I took the phone over and pressed hands-free. There was a sob and then Xiaoyun's voice floated out of the phone, "I've thought about it. Since you've decided, I'll respect your decision as well. After Duoduo is discharged, you guys can come and pick her up. I can't give you all custody right now. If Duo Duo is able to adapt to the environment, I will consider giving you the right to take care of her. "    


Xiaoyun's decision was not beyond my expectations. However, Sheng Yun was surprised. He looked at me with a hesitant face and said, "This …"    


"Good!" Just call me when that Duoduo can leave the hospital. "Don't contact Sheng Yun in private anymore, just contact me from now on!" I said firmly into the phone.    


"Where's Sheng Yun?" Xiaoyun obviously didn't expect that I would be the one to answer the phone, so she immediately asked me in a flustered manner.    


"He will not interfere in this matter in the future. If you decide to let Duo Duo follow us, then I will have full authority over her upbringing. You should think about it carefully." I hung up and texted her my cell phone number.    


Three days later, I received a text from Xiaoyun, who asked me to meet her at a coffee shop on the third floor of Wanda.    


I went willingly. Before he left, he put on a beautiful makeup, put on a brand-new dress, and headed there with a bag full of clothes.    


When I walked into the coffee shop, the waiter came and asked me if I had a reservation.    


I caught sight of Xiaoyun, who was sitting in a corner of the coffee shop, wearing a plaid cotton shirt and looking like she was sitting in front of the window.    


I walked towards her with small and graceful steps. I lightly knocked on the table. She turned her head and looked at me indifferently. "Sit."    


"Let's get straight to the point!" I said bluntly when I sat down.    


"Xu Shubei, what exactly do you want?" The light in her eyes had already disappeared. She looked at me and asked coldly.    


I know, she said.    


"I don't want to do anything. Your daughter is coming over, I won't hit her, I won't scold her, but …" It is impossible for her to know so much from my family. I must explain this to you in advance. " I looked at her and said lightly.    


Her whole body shook, and the indifference from before was replaced by an unrevealed panic.    


"I know your purpose, and I know why you agreed to let Duo Duo come. However, I think that for such a young child, although she was deliberately carved and groomed by you since she was young, she might not be able to be a good spy. "Let me tell you, since I dared to let you bring Duo Duo into my house, I will not let you succeed in your goal." Then I leaned back comfortably on the sofa and asked the waiter to bring me a latte and a few desserts and said, "You can order whatever you want. I'll pay for it."    


She sneered and slowly looked up at me. "I underestimated you," she said. "However, thinking about it, how could ordinary women enter Sheng Yun's eyes?"    


"I don't know if you're praising yourself or me. When you see me right now, you'll definitely feel that your fate isn't fair. You'll feel that your luck isn't good enough, but there's no helping it. Hong Jieyun, I think you have to accept your fate and jump around like a flea, really... "Very annoying." I said slowly, looking at her.    


Her face went pale, and she gritted her teeth as she looked at me trying to hold on to her pride. "If we hadn't been broken up that year, how could you be here today? Xu Shubei, shouldn't you thank me? "    


"Thank you? On what basis? " I couldn't help but smile. "Sheng Yun and I have come this far due to our mutual love. Along the way, we have always had a clear conscience. Why should I thank you?"    


"If it wasn't for my help, how could you have gotten the happiness you are now?" Xiaoyun's chest heaved up and down. She looked at me and suddenly exploded in emotion, "Xu Shubei, you're not worthy to be with him!"    


I looked at her calmly, and the expression on my face that had been teasing became serious. She seemed to have sensed the change in my mood and her mood gradually calmed down. We faced each other for a few seconds.    


Then, I slowly said, "Xiaoyun, I understand the unwillingness and anger in your heart. You feel that you have spent all of your youth and effort, yet in the end, you have gained nothing. You think that Sheng Yun betrayed your promise back then, and you think that without me, Sheng Yun and you might not have ended up like this. But it's your choice, and it has nothing to do with anyone. Duo Duo, you came to this world because you made the wrong choice. Other than blaming yourself, you can't blame anyone else. "    


As if struck by lightning, her pupils dilated, and she looked at me, trembling all over, despair on her face.    


I thought she was having an epiphany, but she suddenly let out a thick layer of malice from the depths of her pupils and said in a hair-raising voice, "Do you think you have everything under control? "Xu Shubei, I'll be waiting for the day you become a joke."    


"If you invited me here just to say these things to me, then I'm sorry, I won't waste any more time. I still have a lot of things to do." I stood up to leave.    


"Wait!" Seeing that I was about to leave, she quickly shouted, "Xu Shubei, do you really think that Sheng Yun loves you that much?"    


I turned to look at her. "What are you trying to say?"    


"I used to think he really loved me, but now you see the end of me?" She smiled sadly, then tossed me a package and said, "Go back and have a look! There are a lot of things you wouldn't expect, and I'm sure you'll have a whole new understanding of him after you read them.     


It was a package wrapped in a piece of flowery cloth. The bag was a bit heavy. I asked in astonishment, "What's inside?"    


"You'll know when you open it." Xiaoyun's face revealed a mocking smile, and then she said, "Xu Shubei, you look at me now, but it's only fifty steps and a hundred steps. My present is your future. Women who believe in love are fools. I am, and so are you. "    


Her words stabbed into my heart, I was originally insecure about love, it was because of Sheng Yun, I began to have a longing and expectation for love.    


But what exactly was in the package she handed me? From her tone, it seemed like Sheng Yun's secret side was hidden inside. However, Xiaoyun is very crafty. Could it be that she just wants to break up the trick between Sheng Yun and me?    


I didn't take the package, I said, "If you don't tell me what's inside, I won't take it. Do you think I will believe you? "    


She seemed to have expected my suspicion, so she opened the package in front of me, and I saw a stack of letters on top of which was a square wooden box. She picked up a letter and handed it to me.    


"My dearest darling Yun — — Yun", large flamboyant words, it was clearly written by Sheng Yun a few years ago.    


"These are the love letters he wrote to me back then. Inside this wooden box is some information and videos I collected. You can take them home and read them slowly." Xiaoyun said.    


I couldn't suppress my curiosity and suspicion, so I took the package. I looked at her and said, "If you think you can sever Sheng Yun's relationship with me by relying on these, then you're thinking too simply!"    


"I do indeed want to distance myself from your relationship, without a doubt. But you clearly know my goal, but aren't you still half-believing and half-doubting him?" Xiaoyun looked at me with a smile that wasn't a smile, and then she said, "As you can see, the two of you are not unbreakable. If you want to see it, you can see it. If you don't want to, you can do whatever you want with it. As for Duo Duo, when she is well enough to leave the hospital, I will send her to you. I hope that you will treat her well when the time comes. "    


Xiaoyun stood up and left. Looking at the package on the table, I felt a huge ripple in my heart. I wanted to find out what it was, but at the same time, I was also afraid that I had fallen for Xiaoyun's tricks.    


This Xiaoyun really knew how to read people's hearts.    


After a moment's hesitation, I asked the waiter to find me a plastic bag and take it away.    


I didn't expect to run into Tai Ziqian and Mira just as I was walking out of the coffee shop. He was accompanying Mira and a few friends as they strolled around Wanda when we bumped into each other.    


"Why are you guys here?" I hurriedly greeted them and asked with a smile.    


"Why are you here? What are you carrying in your hand? " Tai Ziqian noticed the package in my hand and asked.    


"It's nothing. You guys can take a look at the gifts that others have sent. I'll be going home first." I told Tai Ziqian, afraid that he would continue to question me.    


Tai Ziqian frowned slightly as he whispered something into Mira's ear. Mira smiled and nodded before leaving with her friends.    


Tai Ziqian took something from my hand and said: "Let's go, I'll take you home. There are some things that I also want to talk to you about."    


"What is it? Why are you suddenly so serious? " he asked when he saw his expression.    



"Let's get in the car first." Then he asked me, "Who were you in the coffee shop with? "I passed by here before and saw you sitting here drinking coffee with a woman. Is that Xiaoyun?"    


I was too busy talking that I didn't notice my feet, but someone suddenly pushed me hard. Tai Ziqian quickly pulled me away and accidentally pulled me into his embrace. In a daze, I felt a flash of white light, as if someone had taken a picture with a camera, but when I looked up, there were only passersby.    




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