Planned Love



0"Alright, then I understand." I couldn't see Tai Ziqian's expression, but I could feel the loneliness in his voice.    


He walked past me slowly, and when he passed Sheng Yun, he hit him hard on the shoulder and said: "If you dare to disappoint her, I won't let you go."    


Sheng Yun stood motionlessly on the spot. After Tai Ziqian walked a few steps away, he said slowly, "Don't worry. With me, you won't have a chance to get close to Shubei in this life."    


Tai Ziqian was stunned on the spot. Me too.    


The next second, Sheng Yun had already hugged me tightly.    


"I'm sorry I ignored you." he whispered in my ear, and hugged me hard.    


I pushed him away and said calmly, "Why are you still here? Haven't you taken her to the hospital yet? "    


"Shubei, I know you blame me …" Sheng Yun thought I was angry, so he said.    


"Her leg was broken by the glass, and she's afraid of tetanus. Take her to the hospital." I whispered.    


At this moment, the sound of the accelerator being stepped sounded and Tai Ziqian had already dejectedly left. When I saw his car slowly drive away, guilt filled my heart.    


He was as arrogant as Sheng Yun and would never easily reveal his feelings. If he wasn't in such a rush, he would never have said something like that.    


However, my words deeply hurt him. For someone as proud as him, even if he appeared carefree on the surface, it would still take a long time for his heart to recover!    


He looked down at my leg. When the blood had dried on my calf, he grabbed my hand and said, "Shubei, let's go to the hospital together."    


I nodded and walked with him to the car. I saw Xiaoyun standing there with Dodo in her arms, frowning at me with a serious expression on her face.    


"I know what you want to say, everything... "Let's wait until after I take Duo Duo to the hospital to have a look. Get in the car!" I didn't give her a chance to speak and got in the car first.    


Xiaoyun also knew that there was no time to lose, so she carried Duo Duo and got in the car. Sheng Yun then got in the driver's seat and drove the car straight to the hospital.    


I didn't look at either of them for the rest of the ride. I kept my eyes on the road ahead, knowing that the security cameras would record everything, so I wasn't worried about my innocence.    


But in the face of great odds and ends, my first choice was not to prove my innocence, but to ensure the safety of each and every one of us.    


Sheng Yun took us to the hospital, and the doctor quickly examined the wound for me and Duo Duo.    


After that, we went back to the car.    


It was already very late and everyone was hungry. Sheng Yun took us to a restaurant and asked for a private room.    


He sat down beside me, took my hand, and whispered, "Thank you."    


I knew what he was thanking me for, so I nodded slightly.    


Xiaoyun sat across from us with Duo Duo in her arms. She had a cold expression on her face, and Duo Duo hid in her arms and looked at us pitifully.    


No one spoke first as dishes were served on the table. No one began to move their chopsticks.    


Finally, Sheng Yun said in a deep voice, "Eat, eat first, then we'll talk."    


At this moment, Xiaoyun finally protested, "Xu Shubei, I'm handing my daughter over to you. What are you planning?"    


Sheng Yun put down the chopsticks he picked up. He looked at Xiaoyun coldly and said, "I said, let's eat first."    


"I can't eat, there are some things I have to ask. Maybe you don't care that she grew up with you, but she's my heart and soul, and I can't allow that to happen to her. "Xu Shubei, I want you to give me an explanation for why you did this." Xiaoyun said intensely.    


Sheng Yun turned his gaze towards me. I knew that even though he didn't blame me for this matter, he would definitely stand from Duoduo's point of view. After all, in everyone's eyes, Duo Duo was only a child. Who would believe that Duo Duo would do such a thing?    


At this point, Duo Duo said miserably, "Mother, she pinched me and hit me. She said she wanted to beat me to death. Mom, I'm so scared. "    


"Duo Duo isn't afraid. Mom is here." Xiaoyun quickly said, then said to Sheng Yun, "Before the incident, Duo Duo even snatched her phone and called me, saying that she wanted to smash Duo Duo to death. That's why I came here. Xu Shubei, I didn't expect you to be so vicious as to not be able to accommodate a child! "    


"If so, I would like to ask. "Xiaoyun, how do you know we live here?" I looked at Xiaoyun and asked coldly.    


Her expression changed and she was suddenly stuck. At this moment, Sheng Yun also cast his gaze towards her.    


Sheng Yun gave her a meaningful look and then said to me calmly, "Shubei, Duo Duo is a child. She still doesn't know what happened. Will you tell me all about it? "    


"I don't think my one-sided speech will explain anything. We... "It's better to just watch directly." I said lightly.    


I immediately took out my phone. The surveillance camera connected directly to my phone. I could also turn on the surveillance record using my phone.    


I set the time and played all the footage in the monitor. The room was abnormally quiet. Other than the sounds from the surveillance camera, there was not a single sound.    


As the monitor played, everyone's expression changed slightly. At the beginning, Sheng Yun was very indifferent, but after listening to part of it, he couldn't help but take a look at his phone. When he saw the scene of Duoduo hitting me with an ashtray, he couldn't help but stand up, looking at Duo Duo with disbelief as he said, "Duo Duo, you …"    


At first, Duo Duo pretended to be pitiful. However, the moment she heard her own voice coming out of the phone, panic filled her face, and she subconsciously looked towards Xiaoyun. Xiaoyun's face was also full of uncertainty.    


Toot shouted, "This is a fake! This is not true! She must have done it! Mom, I didn't do that! Duo Duo was a good child! Duo Duo would never do such a thing! "    


Xiaoyun subconsciously covered Duo Duo's mouth and then said indifferently, "I …" "There's nothing to say, I don't know why Duoduo did this. Duo Duo has always been obedient, and must have been forced into a hurry to do this kind of thing."    


The video continued playing. Sheng Yun's face was cold and he didn't say a word. I knew that the calmer he was, the more terrible it would be when he exploded.    


The video was still playing. Soon, Tai Ziqian's voice came clearly through the microphone.    


Tai Ziqian's words made Sheng Yun's face instantly turn green. He pressed the "stop" button and then coldly asked Duo Duo: "Duo Duo, why did you do this?"    


Duo Duo jumped down from Xiaoyun's body. She ran over to Sheng Yun while crying and hugged Sheng Yun's leg and shouted, "Daddy, I don't like her, I just don't like her. She stole my dad!"    


"Xiaoyun, these … Did you teach them all? " Sheng Yun remained motionless. He looked at Xiaoyun and asked coldly, "Why are you teaching a child these things? You destroyed her, do you understand? "    


Xiaoyun also stood up, she held her chest, looked at Sheng Yun and slowly said, "Yes, I destroyed her. But you destroyed me, too. If I hadn't met you that year, Duo Duo and I … How could there be such a life!? "Sheng Yun, you were once so deep in love with me, but now you are as heartless as you are now!"    


"Back then, it was you who left without saying goodbye!" Sheng Yun's low voice carried a trace of pain, "I've looked for you for so many years, but you've never given me the slightest bit of information. If you really think about me, even if you give me a bit of information after so many years, I will do everything I can to find you. Until I met Shubei, you suddenly appeared with flowers. However, I only have one set of feelings for her. If I were to give her all of it, I will definitely not give it to you again! "    


Sheng Yun's words made my heart skip a beat.    


Xiaoyun suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, then raised her head to look at Sheng Yun, and said heartlessly: "I overestimated our relationship, I overestimated my position in your heart. I thought that you would feel grateful if I could bear all these humiliation for you for so many years. I thought that when your Sheng Family stabilized and I appeared again, you would treasure me multiple times more. But how would I know that you already have someone else in your heart! "Sheng Yun, back then, we said that the ends of the earth, the seas, the rocks, and the seas would all never fall. Have you forgotten about all of this?"    



I felt Sheng Yun's body tremble slightly. It was obvious that Xiaoyun's words had touched him. If they were to continue speaking, perhaps the feelings they had for each other all those years ago would be revealed.    


I stood up and interrupted them. "It was then and it is now. Everything has changed. The past meant a complete past. Xiaoyun, it's not like he didn't wait for you. Before I appeared, he had been looking for you all alone, but you didn't show up in time. Now that I've appeared, he and I love and cherish each other. You came too late, so he no longer has a place for you in his heart. There are only one opportunities in life, grab hold of it, and if you can't grab hold of it, you should let it go. Even if he is not willing, he will not belong to you anymore! "    


Just as I finished speaking, Sheng Yun directly grabbed onto my hand. He looked at Xiaoyun and said in a low voice: "Shubei's words, are also what I wanted to say. Now we love each other. As for me and you, we belong to the past. I won't allow anyone to hurt Shubei, even Duo Duo! "    


Just as Sheng Yun finished his sentence, Xiaoyun spat out another mouthful of blood. I don't know if it was real blood or an act. However, when she was like this, my heart also had a sliver of sadness.    


As a woman, I can understand the pain of things changing. But obsession was like a devil to anyone. If it didn't belong to him, then he should let go in time. Love has been selfish since ancient times. It can't accommodate a third person.    


"If you say so, then me and Duo Duo... It would be better to die together! This way, you will never be bothered by us! " Xiaoyun roared in a flustered and exasperated manner, her voice incomparably mournful.    




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