Planned Love



0Tai Ziqian hurriedly retracted his hand, so the punch that landed on my body was a lot lighter. However, even if the strength of the man was only 20%, hitting my back would still be extremely painful.    




The two of them shouted at the same time.    


I groaned, and though I was in pain, I immediately stood up.    


I said to Tai Ziqian, "Enough, we have already settled the matter between him and I. You don't have to stand up for me anymore."    


"But, Shubei …" I directly gave him a glance, "But there is no such thing as a 'but'."    


I didn't even look at Sheng Yun. From the afterglow of my gaze, I knew that he had also stood up from the ground.    


He should have been taught a lesson by Tai Ziqian, because the moment he stood up, Rou exclaimed, "Oh my god! It's all bruised! "    


He tried to take my hand, but just as he was about to grab it, I turned and stormed away.    


I got into the elevator in one breath. Tai Ziqian chased me and tried to shake my hand, but I shook him off.    


"Ziqian, if you still regard me as a friend, then pay attention to the boundary!" I warned her seriously.    


"Alright, sorry, I was just too worried." Only then did Tai Ziqian realize that he was out of bounds, so he immediately apologized.    


"Don't follow me, you can do what you want, I'll be home with Zaizai," I said lightly. When my eyes met his pained gaze, I said seriously, "Ziqian, thank you for your good intentions, but I have no luck. After that, let's just keep our distance, okay? "    


My heart was already in disarray. I didn't want Tai Ziqian to have any misunderstandings at this critical moment.    


"Alright. Call me anytime if you need help. " Tai Ziqian is not a bothersome man. He understood the meaning of my words, so he said.    


By the time I got home, it was almost dark. When he pushed the door open, he could smell the fragrance of food coming from the house.    


Zaizai was sitting alone in a small car, playing obediently with a toy in his hand. On the TV, children's favorite nursery rhymes were played. Nanny Liu was cooking in the kitchen, and when I walked closer, I heard the sound of Nanny Liu using a knife to cut down the chopping block, as well as Xia Yiwa's voice.    


"Yiwa, why are you here?" I asked in surprise.    


"I wasn't busy today. I heard you were well, so I bought a lot of dishes and asked auntie to cook them for us. Auntie said that you were out for a while and I was waiting for you here." Xia Yiwa said with a smile, and then began to chat with me about the dishes she had brought.    


My mixed feelings were diluted by Xia Yiwa's relaxed words. Nanny Liu was about to start cooking, so she chased us out of the kitchen.    


I picked Zaizai up from the car and walked him out into the yard with Xia Yiwa.    


Xia Yiwa saw that my mind was preoccupied. She asked me carefully, "Shubei, have you thought about what to do in the future?"    


"I'm still thinking, but don't worry." I looked at Xia Yiwa and smiled.    


At this moment, the sound of a car roaring came from outside the door. Who would be at my door at this late hour?    


I carried Zaizai to the door and found that it was Tai Feng.    


I immediately opened the door, hugged Zaizai and greeted him with a smile, "Uncle Ta, why are you here?"    


Tai Feng was still dressed in a serious manner, with an intimidating gaze and a strong aura around him.    


"I heard that you little rascal haven't been doing well lately, so I came to take a look." Tai Feng nodded slightly, and then took Zaizai from my embrace, "This little guy is growing very fast, to become so big in a short while."    


"Uncle Ta, you came at the right time, my friend brought a lot of dishes here, auntie is cooking right now, you can stay for dinner tonight." I said to Tai Feng.    


"That's what I meant." Tai Feng smiled and told the driver to bring down a few boxes of red boxes from his trunk. He didn't explain what they were and just let the driver move into my house.    


"What is this?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"They are all dried products. Lingzhi, ginseng, bird's nest, caterpillar fungus, and so on. You can drink the soup every day to nourish your body." Tai Feng said with a smile.    


"Uncle Te is so good to me." I said gratefully when I heard him say that.    


Tai Feng's expression was still calm, but there was quite a bit of warmth in his eyes. Xia Yiwa remained silent at the side, so I made some introductions.    


That night, Tai Feng stayed at my house to have dinner. Because he and Xia Yiwa were there, my previous melancholy disappeared completely.    


At the end of the meal, Xia Yiwa noticed that Tai Feng wanted to talk to me, so she carried Zaizai and Nanny Liu upstairs, leaving Tai Feng and me in the living room.    


"Uncle Ta, if you want to say something, then say it directly. There are no outsiders here either." I looked at Tai Feng and said with a smile.    


"A friend of mine of many years has a financial investment company which is in a hurry to transfer due to its poor working capital. The company has a certain amount of losses, so the transfer price is very suitable. Although the financial industry has not been in a good mood for the last two years, it has started to return this year. I think you should take over, so I came to talk to you. "This is the company's information, I believe you should know about this company's CEO too." After Tai Feng finished speaking, he took out a stack of documents and handed it to me.    


"Financial industry? But I've never had access to the financial sector before, and right now I have... "There isn't that much money." I said, surprised.    


"Look at the information first, then make a decision." Tai Feng smiled and said leisurely.    


I skimmed through all the information in my hand, and when I saw the last page, I was taken aback.    


I had been in touch with this company, Noah Investment, three years ago, and I remember it as a moderate company, run by a man in his early forties who knew me at a dinner table and who tried to persuade me to buy the original shares of his company.    


Unexpectedly, in just three years, the company was already losing money and could buy all of its shares for a mere 200 thousand yuan. It was clear that their profits were not good. But why, Tai Feng wants me to take over this company?    


I couldn't help but look at Tai Feng. He saw the doubt in my eyes, so he smiled meaningfully and said: "With me behind your back, what are you afraid of? If I let you take over, I naturally have my reasons. "    


"But Uncle Ta …" I wanted to say more, but Tai Feng waved me away.    


Then he stood up and said to me, "Come to my office tomorrow. I'll tell you the details later. "Don't mention this to anyone for now, including Ziqian. Do you understand?"    


"Alright, then I'll come and find you tomorrow morning, Uncle Te." I nodded solemnly.    


"Take a good look at the information tonight. This is an opportunity for you." I will help you, so you don't have to worry about me. " After Tai Feng said this, he patted my shoulder meaningfully and said, "If a person wants to do something, it must be based on their own strength and not relying on others."    


I nodded again.    


"I'll go back first. The dinner is very sumptuous and I enjoy myself." After Tai Feng said that, I quickly took off his jacket from the rack. After he put it on, he immediately left.    


Not long after Tai Feng left, Xia Yiwa came downstairs. She asked me curiously, "Shubei, where is your esteemed guest? Gone? "    



"Yes, I've already gone back." "No," I said.    


"He is Tai Ziqian's father? Xia Yiwa stuck out her tongue, smiled, and then mysteriously asked me, "What did he say to you?"    


"Secret." I smiled and put the documents that Tai Feng gave me back into my room. Then, I walked out.    


That night, Xia Yiwa slept with me at my house. We carefully avoided the topic of our relationship, talking about her current work, watching her send WeChat and Shang Yang back at each other from time to time. Then she laughed without restraint.    


I couldn't help but think of that cold face, but it only passed through my mind for a moment, and then I began to think more, and for a long time I thought about it.    


Tai Feng was right. He could never place his hopes on anyone but himself.    


This point, today, I understand it deeply enough.    


Late at night, when Xia Yiwa was asleep, I took out the document and read through it. It was only after I had read it all that I understood the meaning of it.    


I smiled in my heart, with a feeling of "there is no way out for the mountains and the rivers, and there is no way out for the flowers in the dark". Of course, I understood that this wasn't a pie that fell from the sky, but an olive branch that Tai Feng intended me to throw …    


After I figured it out, I went to sleep with a feeling of relief and pleasure. The loss of love didn't destroy me. On the contrary, it made my heart grow stronger.    


Although there was always a dull ache in his heart, a part of him that had been sleeping for a long time suddenly woke up. I don't want to be a self-pitying woman, drunk on love all day long, and I always know that there is one thing in my heart that has never been accomplished, and then I will do my best.     


I got up early after Tianyi, ran around the neighborhood for three kilometers, went home refreshed to take a shower, changed into a job suit, kissed Zaizai on the cheek, then walked out of the house and headed straight for Tai Feng's company.    


The sun was still shining and the breeze was still blowing. The moment I walked out the door with my bag in my hand, I faced the morning sun and smiled …    




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