Planned Love



0I stared in a daze at the direction he had left.    


After Sheng Yun left, Tai Ziqian pushed the door open and came in. He said to me, "The staff have all gathered. We can start the meeting now."    


"Ziqian, is all this worth it?" I asked Tai Ziqian, pointing to everything in the office.    


Tai Ziqian gave me a deep look and said softly, "Shubei, nothing is absolutely worth it. Do you think that the place where you're standing right now is the place that you've been yearning for so many years? "    


My complicated emotions immediately calmed down. If it wasn't for the accumulation of this year, I wouldn't be where I am today.    


My decision was right. I sacrificed my feelings, but I fulfilled my dream.    


There are many things in this world that you need to exchange for something. Either time, or love, or life.    


"It's what I want," I said, looking at Tai Ziqian and exhaling deeply. "Come on, let's go to the meeting."    


Tai Ziqian summoned all of the Xu family's executives to the meeting room. Our appearance made everyone feel that something was off.    


"From today onwards, the Xu family belongs to me!" I stood in the middle of the room and looked solemnly down at everyone. "Everyone here must be confused about this. It doesn't matter. Now, I want to say a few words first. "    


"My name is Xu Shubei. I don't know if there are elders who followed Boss Xu back then to fight against the world? Of course, the Master Xu that I am referring to is not Xu Changsheng today, but that CEO Xu who established his Xu's Group with a single purchase back then. " I put my hands on the conference table and stared at the audience.    


Some of them didn't know what was going on, and some of them quickly understood. Some of the older ones, who knew about what had happened in the past, agreed with me.    


"That year, CEO Xu was my father. But I think most of you here don't know about this, and I don't know why I'm standing here today. " I said slowly.    


The audience went into an uproar as everyone started whispering to each other.    


I was standing in the middle of the conference room, my heart clear, as if I could see my father's pleased smile.    


Father, your daughter will pay back the pain and hatred you and your mother suffered back then!    


"Back then, when my father suddenly died in a car accident, Xu Changsheng managed Xu's Group in the name of my uncle. This agency lasted for over twenty years. Now that I have grown up, it is only right that the Xu family be taken back! "I do not know what sort of objection you all have?" I asked, glancing around the stage.    


"A silly little girl like you, can you manage such a large company?" A retired executive in his late fifties stood up.    


"Of course I can!" I looked at him and said without fear, "But you don't have a chance to work here anymore. "I declare that you are no longer an employee of our company!"    


As soon as I finished my sentence, the entire room fell silent. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, this senior executive left with his face covered in dirt.    


"If there are any objections, you can leave now." I went on with a straight face.    


Now, I have absolute authority over this large group of people. They were all older than me, and I had to hold them down for the first time and let them know that I was the one who would decide if they could stay in the company, not Xu Changsheng.    


"From today onwards, the Xu will continue to advance under my leadership. If you want to vote with me by show of hands, if you don't want to, you can leave now and go to the personnel department to collect your salary. I will put the scandal first, I do not have anyone who eats and waits for death under my hand, stay and work well for me. Those who want to leave, see you out! " I looked down at the crowd of mostly older people and said again, aggressively.    


The meeting lasted two hours, and after I had established my authority, I had the lawyers explain the relevant documents and terms.    


Then a grand handover began. From then on, the Xu family changed generations and completely fell into my hands.    


I know that taking back the Xu family is only the first step, and there will be an even greater test waiting for me.    


At this moment of life and death, unless the Xu family underwent a drastic change, they would not have a better development. That means I'll be busier, more anxious, more troubled.    


After the meeting, Tai Ziqian followed me into the office.    


"Shubei, what do you plan on doing next?" Tai Ziqian asked me, then said, "I have a few suggestions, and I feel that this group of people can only be used for the time being, but after this period of time, we still have to clean out and retrain a group of our own. "Other than that, the most important thing is to clear up all the financial issues of the Xu family. Their books are too messy, and they don't even know where the profit points are."    


"You have the same idea as me. I'll entrust the finance department entirely to you. You've helped Golden Age deal with the same problem. I believe that you can do the same for the Xu Family. As for manpower, I'll take charge. If we want to follow up the project, we have to win over the original group, especially the engineers and technicians. "Inform them and I'll treat them all tonight. Tell all of them to gather at the Heaven and Earth Palace at 6 o'clock." I said to Tai Ziqian.    


Tai Ziqian looked at me with a half-smile, and I asked, "Ziqian, what are you laughing at?"    


"You're using me as both a financial and a secretary, and you're using me so naturally." "I have to let you know," he said, and squeezed my face, smiling.    


It was only then that I realized that my attitude towards Tai Ziqian was indeed biased, so I stuck out my tongue and said, "Ziqian, I'm sorry, but I'm in a state of high tension right now. I can only relax in front of you. The only person I can trust right now is you. "    


"I know, so I'm still important to you." He looked at me dotingly and smiled, then said, "I'll go and notify them first, but the most important thing to do now is to find a secretary for you."    


"Please!" I looked after him and shouted.    


Without looking back, he made an OK gesture.    


I smiled at his back, feeling a deep gratitude.    


After Tai Ziqian was done, he returned to the office. I was still busy. He knocked on my desk and shook his head at me saying: "Let's go!"    


"Where to?" I looked at the time. It was only four o'clock in the afternoon.    


"When you go home and change your clothes, are you planning to just wear these clothes to meet our technical backbone?" he asked me, smiling.    


"What's wrong with this outfit?" I stood up and walked around. I didn't see anything wrong with my white Valentine suit.    


"It is indeed pretty, but its aura is just too sharp. Change it to someone close to the masses and don't scare our engineers." Tai Ziqian said.    


"That's true. I have to get closer to them. You reminded me." I stood up and carried my bag and Tai Ziqian out of the Xu Mansion.    


We got on the elevator and went downstairs. When we reached the entrance of the building, Xu Changsheng suddenly pounced on us like a madman.    


I didn't even notice that Xu Changsheng was still at the door. The moment he pounced on me, I was so shocked that my whole body started shaking.    


Tai Ziqian hurriedly blocked in front of me and held Xu Changsheng's hand behind his back. He said coldly, "Xu Changsheng, you still haven't left?"    


"I'm leaving? I can't let her go! " Xu Changsheng pointed at my nose angrily and said.    


"Xu Changsheng, since you have the skill, you should think about how to sell your house first!" "I'm afraid that even if those properties of yours were to be sold, it would still be a drop in the bucket for those debts you have!" I looked at Xu Changsheng and said coldly.    


"You cousin!" I... I'll f * * king kill you! " Xu Changsheng's eyes were red as he yelled at me.    


Tai Ziqian directly punched him in the face: "Xu Changsheng! You scolded her once! I'll beat you up once! If you still can't see the situation clearly! Then I will help you see it with my fist! "    


A lot of people were gathered at the entrance of the building. Xu Changsheng's nose was splattered with blood from Tai Ziqian's punch.    



I didn't expect that a former president of the corporation would be rolling about on the ground in a frenzy, feigning ignorance and complaining about his wrongdoings.    


So, as long as the person did not have that halo, he would only be an ordinary person. The inferiority of a person would not change due to the size of the halo. Unless he was aware of the flaw and changed it, he could not change his true nature.    


At this moment, Xu Changsheng was just a farmer who had suddenly been beaten back to his original form. Years ago, my father brought him out of the village, showed him the prosperity of the city, taught him the rules and regulations of the business world, and did everything in his power to raise him up and bring him into society.    


But now, overnight, he had become a poor, indebted man. He had to go back to where he came from.    


I quietly folded my arms and watched his strenuous performance, attracting a large number of people to look at his ugly appearance.    


After rolling around for a long time, he seemed to finally realize that the situation was no longer as he brushed off the dirt on his body, stood up from the ground and pointed at me, saying, "I won't let you go! Just you wait! "    


"Good!" I'll wait! " I replied loudly.    


Xu Changsheng turned around and left. Tai Ziqian looked at his back and said, "We still have to be careful, just in case he's up to no good. The press conference should be held as soon as possible. In addition, change all the information about Xu Changsheng on the internet, what do you think? "    


"Yeah, I've already asked Little Zhang to bring his department to work overtime. I'll clean everything up tomorrow!" Looking at Xu Changsheng's sorry figure, my left eyelid suddenly jumped up...    


After I went home and changed my clothes, I put on some makeup and headed towards the Heaven and Earth Palace with Tai Ziqian.    


When we arrived at the entrance, the car parking attendant quickly came over to give the order. Tai Ziqian and I chatted and laughed as we got out of the car. As we passed through the gate, a receptionist standing at the entrance caught my attention.    




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