Planned Love



0"Spring is shining on your face. You just finished playing F * ck!" What was his fighting strength? Am I strong or is he strong? " Ling Yue didn't have any intention to move his hand and instead said it even more harshly.    


Sheng Yun's face immediately darkened.    


I hit him hard in the chest with my elbow and said, "Ling Yue, are you done yet? "Don't keep taking advantage of me!"    


"What do you mean, taking advantage?" You already know how long I am, but I don't know how deep you are. " Ling Yue chuckled.    


He was wearing a white leather jacket with nothing inside. His pants showed him a few abs, and he was wearing a pair of slacks with a pair of loafers and a cigar. He looked like a real bully.    


His words made the two women beside him chuckle, and I saw that the two women, dressed in identical short skirts and hating the height of the sky, had a halter top, exposed navel, and a diamond set in the navel, looked very damp.    


No matter how I looked at it, Ling Yue didn't seem like a woman who liked this divination of mine. Furthermore, he purposely said that in front of Sheng Yun. Isn't it clear that he wants to cause a misunderstanding?    


"If you continue like this, you'll only be long in the future, not short!" I whispered in his ear, threatening him coldly.    


"Aiya, I'm so scared." Ling Yue smiled even more. He tried to poke my face with his hand, but I tilted my head away.    


In the next second, Sheng Yun directly flipped his hand and placed it on Ling Yue's back. Then, he coldly said, "Ling Yue, this is my woman. If you do this again, don't blame me for not reminding you. "    


"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the CEO to have some skills." Ling Yue said as he grimaced in pain.    


Sheng Yun let him go bitterly and hugged my waist saying: "Wife, let's go."    


"Don't go. Why don't we have a F to compare how long it'll take!" Ling Yue shouted from the back, while Wu Junyi and I left the hotel without even turning our heads.    


"Oh you, there are a lot of rotten peach blossoms. I think this kid is interested in you. " Sheng Yun said after they got on the car.    


"You also have a lot of rotten peach blossoms." I smiled.    


While driving, Sheng Yun naturally held my hand and confidently said: "But I'm not afraid! God shall be the god of death! Buddha should be killed! "    


"Feelings are often not about external enemies, but about internal problems. I was afraid that we would end up like the last time, when you told me you had broken up with me. When we agreed to be together, didn't we say that no matter the circumstances, we couldn't break up with each other? " I suddenly thought of the five words that struck me like lightning.    


"Break up?" Unexpectedly, Sheng Yun looked at me suspiciously. "When did I tell you to break up? I told you a long time ago that as long as I held your hand, I would never say goodbye under any circumstances. "    


"I still have that text in my phone. It was because of that text that I decided to leave Golden Age and leave you." I took out my cell phone and pulled out the text.    


Many nights, when I miss him, I read and reread the text again and again. These five cold words are too damaging to me.    


Sheng Yun immediately pulled the car to the side of the road. He took my phone and looked at it a few times. Then, with a serious expression, he said, "I didn't send it."    


"Who is that?" I trembled as I hurriedly asked.    


"That day, we got drenched in the rain. Afterwards, you left with Zaizai and Nanny Liu in the middle of the night. After you guys left, I got sick. When I was sick, Rou took care of me. Maybe she sent it. " Sheng Yun said with a deep voice.    


"Rou …" I was startled, and I said, "Do you remember that time when the diamond ring was lost? I'm sure Rou took the diamond ring from my hand and threw it into the air. At the time, you didn't believe it at all, but that was the truth. "    


"If it really is her, then I will definitely draw a clear line between us in the future." Sheng Yun said slowly.    


"That day, when I returned home, I was also severely ill. I didn't receive any message from you during that half a month. So, I gave up hope and went to the company to say goodbye to you, determined to sever all ties and focus on work. " "No," I said.    


"I'm also very sick, but I can't let Golden Age go for even a day. Rou was always at my side. I fainted several times, but then I got over it with my own resistance. I've always wanted to hear from you, either by phone or via text, but you haven't either. Until you showed up at the office and said goodbye. I understand your decision, so I didn't ask you to stay. It's just a divorce... Shubei, since the day you received your certificate, I have not thought about our divorce. " Sheng Yun said.    


"Aren't you afraid of my love affair?" I asked, looking at him.    


"Afraid, but I don't think you will at that stage. Because in your heart, there is something more important than love. " Sheng Yun said.    


"But I'm afraid, I'm afraid that you will be moved. Every day, I think of all sorts of ways to find out about your news. I only feel relieved when I pay attention to all your reports and make sure no one new appears by your side." "No," I said.    


"Me too. I've been secretly observing you and found out about your situation through Nanny Liu. When Nanny Liu told me that you might be with Tai Ziqian, I was pierced by thousands of arrows and wanted to come to your side and take me away, but I also knew that your plan was at a critical juncture. I can't cause you trouble. When you left the light boat that time, do you know how much I wanted to rush over to hug you? " Sheng Yun looked at me and said lovingly.    


"By then I was able to control my emotions. I wanted to be tough. It's because being soft-hearted cannot be used for big things. " I looked at him, and I felt the warmth in his eyes.    


"My woman," he said, leaning over to kiss me on the lips, and when he tried to put his hand into my dress, I stopped him and said, "As for Rou, I want to hear your opinion."    


He stopped and took me in his arms. He whispered in my ear, "She really did help me a lot. When I had nothing, she took me in. That was why I was so grateful to her. But I will absolutely not allow her to destroy our relationship and hurt you. This is my bottom line. "    


"I want to ask her why." "No," I said.    


"If you think it's meaningful, then I'll go with you." After Sheng Yun said that, he started the car and drove in the direction of ON bar.    


It was not yet business time when we arrived at the ON Bar. It was very dark in the bar. Rou was sitting at the bar, flirting with her barman. The barman was rubbing her hands over and over.    


"Boss, a customer is here." the barman said.    


Rou turned her head to look. When she saw Sheng Yun and I, she was stunned for a moment before a smile blossomed on her face: "Yo, what wind blew you guys over here? Didn't I hear that you've gone abroad? "    


"Rou, let's sit over there and talk." Sheng Yun said to Rou as he pointed to a booth in the corner of the bar.    


Sheng Yun's expression was probably a bit serious. Rou was a bit surprised and said awkwardly, "Sure, what do you want to drink?"    


"No need, let's talk. We'll leave as soon as we finish." Sheng Yun said.    


Rou gave us a surprised look, then led us to a small corner of the bar. She asked the bartender to make us two cocktails and set them down in front of us.    


Sheng Yun leaned against the sofa and put his hands on the back naturally. He didn't say anything and just stared at Rou.    


Rou was scared out of her wits and asked, "Yun, what do you want to say?"    


"Rou, how long have we known each other?" Sheng Yun asked lightly.    


"Ten years. A very, very long time friend. What's wrong? Why are you suddenly asking me this? " Rouxin broadened her heart and smiled charmingly. Then, she looked at me and said, "Could it be that you want to hold a wedding ceremony and want to send me a wedding invitation?"    


I didn't laugh, and neither did Sheng Yun. Rou's smile froze on her face.    


Sheng Yun was still looking at her, but his gaze was getting colder and colder. Rou obviously felt it.    


"All these years, do I treat you as a friend?" Sheng Yun asked again.    


Rou was surprised for a moment, then smiled and said, "Of course we are friends, and best friends at that. Why, it's so serious and scary. "    



"Then let me ask you, have I ever helped you? Did it hurt you? " Sheng Yun continued to ask.    


Rou immediately shook her head, "I've been helped many times and I've never been harmed. "ON bar, if it wasn't for your help, it wouldn't be open today."    


"That's what friends do. But there are also things that friends shouldn't do. " Sheng Yun looked at Rou. Even I felt an inexplicable pressure from his gaze as he said, "Rou, I hope you think about it carefully. Have you ever done anything that friends shouldn't do?"    


"Yun, you... This... What are you talking about? I don't understand. " Rou stammered as cold sweat broke out on her forehead.    


"I think you know what I'm talking about." Sheng Yun said coldly.    


"Shubei, what happened to Sheng Yun?" Why did he suddenly come to denounce him? Is it because of Xiaoyun? " After Rou finished, she hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Xiaoyun's matter has nothing to do with me. I only took care of her because of you."    


"Rou, don't act dumb. Your actions are exhausting our friendship. " Sheng Yun said in a serious tone, then he looked at Rou and asked her word by word, "Why did you secretly send a message to Shubei to say goodbye? "Why did you throw away Shubei's diamond ring?"    


Rou was stupefied for a moment. Her expression changed unpredictably, and in the end, it turned into a faint sneer. She looked at Sheng Yun and asked with a wry smile, "You really …" You want to know? "    




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