Planned Love



0Xia Yiwa and Rou screamed out at the same time. I also opened my mouth wide and looked at Sheng Yun in disbelief. I didn't believe that he would reply like that.    


I subconsciously tugged on his sleeve, but he gave me a confident look.    


He looked at Ling Yue on the stage and spoke in a clear tone, "However, I won't dance with your type. Please give me a piece of Mike Jackson's dance music. I can imitate a piece of his most classic dance style! "    


"Brother!" Come on! I'm sure you can dance better than he can! " Xia Yiwa shouted loudly when she heard Sheng Yun.    


"Since you've said so! "Then even if I don't go on stage, I would be embarrassed!" Shang Yang suddenly stood up and said to Sheng Yun, "Yun, I'll dance for you! We haven't jumped in years! "    


When I heard Shang Yang say that, my originally worried heart immediately calmed down.    


That was true. Children like them, who had grown up in a family, had received all sorts of training when they were young. They must have been trained when they were young, so they rarely showed themselves in front of others.    


Sheng Yun and Shang Yang both went up on stage. Ling Yue jumped down from the stage and sat beside me. Then he said with a smile, "Yo, I didn't know that your man can dance."    


"He'll think more than you will." I said, smiling.    


Ling Yue curled his lips in disdain, then picked up a bottle of beer and gulped it down.    


After Sheng Yun and Shang Yang embraced each other and discussed for a while, the two of them took off their coats and directly left the stage like Ling Yue.    


They set up the POSE and Sheng Yun snapped his fingers and the music began. Sheng Yun was in front while Shang Yang was behind. I was completely attracted by their figures on the stage. I held my breath as I stared at the stage.    


The two of them began to dance to the rhythm of the music. The moment they turned around, they both blew a kiss towards the audience!    


The three of us shrieked without restraint again!    


Who would have thought that Sheng Yun would be so good-looking when he danced!    


He had not practiced for so many years, but his techniques were not unfamiliar at all! His and Shang Yang's movements were closely following the rhythm, and each movement was exactly the same. Seeing this, I couldn't help but feel elated, as though my heart had become infinitely young!    


"Too cool!" It's really too cool! " Xia Yiwa shouted at the stage.    


"Hubby! Come on! " At that moment, I couldn't help but cry out.    


Ling Yue looked at me with a frown, then he stood up and went straight to the stage.    


The more Sheng Yun and Shang Yang jumped, the more they jumped into the state. It was as if they had found their youth, and the expression on their faces became more and more accurate.    


I thought Ling Yue was going to mess things up, but I didn't expect him to jump up with me!    


This was a classic dance piece by Mike Jackson, Ling Yue could even dance. The way the three of them danced on the stage was really too eye-catching!    


Not only us, even many of the dancers were attracted and hid in the corners to scream and cheer for them!    


Unknowingly, Rou suddenly put her arms around my shoulders and whispered into my ear, "Now, I'm even more jealous of you …"    


I turned to look at her, but she was no longer looking at me. She put her hand on my shoulder and Yiwa's shoulder and screamed again.    


I thought she must be joking, so I didn't mind and continued to look up at the stage with glee.    


"Let's go up too! They had such fun! " Xia Yiwa said with a smile, then pulled me and Rou to say that we were going on stage.    


"You can go now! I almost forgot how to dance! " I hastily waved my hands and said.    


In fact, I can dance, but I haven't danced in a long time. The last time in his memory was when he danced with Tai Feng for social meetup.    


"Let's go!" "Let's go up together!" Xia Yiwa was obviously interested and insisted on pulling me along.    


The three of us went on stage together.    


The lights dimmed, the music turned into explosive, dynamic music, and we were all completely in a state of ecstasy as the colorful beams of the spotlight fell upon us.    


"Everyone come up! Jump together! " Rou shouted to the dancers and singers in the corner.    


Perhaps it was due to the atmosphere that lit up the stage, so everyone came to the stage and everyone started swaying madly to the music. In a blink of an eye, I could no longer see where Sheng Yun was.    


The lights were too dim and Xia Yiwa and Rou were nowhere to be seen. I was surrounded by a bunch of dancers and suddenly my legs were hanging in the air. I screamed and realized that I was being carried!    


It was Ling Yue! This guy started to mess with me again!    


He threw me high into the air, and everyone followed suit, either raising their hands or their feet, and threw me high into the air, and higher and higher!    


I was scared out of my wits, but every time I landed, I was caught! After going back and forth a few times, I gradually adapted to this feeling of excitement!    


Finally, when they once again threw me into the air, I accidentally glanced at them and suddenly caught a glimpse of Sheng Yun, who took the initiative to give Rou a hug!    


I was shocked! He almost thought that he had seen wrongly!    


My heart felt like it was falling in a straight line. Just when I thought that I was about to land heavily on the ground, a pair of hands firmly caught me!    


"Great beauty, is this fun?" Ling Yue hugged me and said with a smile.    


He didn't look strong, but he could catch me effortlessly. But I wasn't in the mood to joke with him. I stood up straight and looked around anxiously.    


But at this moment, Sheng Yun patted me on the shoulder and gently asked: "Baby, is it fun?"    


I looked in the direction I had come from and saw Rou and Xia Yiwa chatting with each other. Xia Yiwa probably saw that Rou and I had already settled our differences, so she and Rou were having a good time chatting as well.    


I turned my head and looked at Sheng Yun in surprise. He pulled my hand and said, "Come, let me dance with you."    


"Go down and drink! Let me dance with her! " Ling Yue directly grabbed my hand from Sheng Yun and said to him.    


Sheng Yun glared at him, then took my hand from his and led me into the dance floor.    


I could feel that Sheng Yun was completely unburdened from the night, but the scene just now made me absent-minded.    


At first, Sheng Yun was very happy. When he felt that I was absent-minded, he stopped and asked gently: "Are you tired?"    


I nodded, and he pulled me off the stage and brought me a cup of freshly squeezed watermelon juice and took me aside.    



"Where did you go when they threw me?" I asked.    


He paused for a moment, and then, as if he had understood something, touched my head and said, "I knew you must have something on your mind. Rou told me to chat while they were throwing you out."    


"What did she talk to you about?" I asked him.    


"She cried. She said that since she liked me for so many years, she wanted me to give her a hug. Then I hugged her. " Sheng Yun said.    


I couldn't help but glance in Rou's direction, and just as she was sitting directly opposite me, the instant our eyes met, I felt the complexity of her gaze. But the next second, her smile was very gentle.    


She said, "Shubei, you wouldn't mind if I asked Sheng Yun for a hug and some comfort, right?"    


"How could I mind? I, Shubei, am not such a petty woman. I, Shubei, am being magnanimous!" Before I could reply, Xia Yiwa said drunkenly.    


It seemed that they had drunk quite a lot of wine in this short period of time.    


Rou's initial apology made me feel that she had once again become magnanimous. But now, I don't know why, but I felt that something was wrong and couldn't say why.    


Sheng Yun saw me staring blankly, so he waved his hand in front of me and asked, "What happened to you? "Do you still mind?"    


"Nope." I quickly came back to my senses and said to Sheng Yun with a smile, "Let's have a drink! We haven't had a drink in a long time! "    


"Yeah, we haven't had such a fight in a long time. It was only after the commotion at night that we realized that we were actually still young. " Sheng Yun said with a smile. He poured two glasses of wine and handed me one, then said to me, "Happy evening, we won't go home until we're drunk. I hope that after tonight, all the grudges from the past will disappear and we can start over again, okay? "    


"Yes, of course." I laughed and let it go.    


Ling Yue also came down from the stage. He, who never felt lonely, now had two long-legged beauties in his arms.    


Xia Yiwa leaned drunkenly in Shang Yang's arms. Shang Yang raised his glass to me and smiled, "Shubei, let's go together."    


I picked up my glass and drank with Shang Yang. After Ling Yue sat down with the two beauties in his arms, Rou was pushed to our side.    


Rou leaned on me and said lazily, "I haven't drunk that much alcohol in a long time. I'm so happy today."    


"Rou, how did you and Ling Yue get to know each other?" I asked.    


"Do you know what he did a dozen years ago?" Rou asked, touching my face.    


"Gambling?" I asked automatically.    


Rou shook her head and smiled, "When he first came to Hangcheng, he was a water carrier. At that time I opened a milk tea shop and he brought me mineral water every day. "Afterwards, she seduced my sister …"    


I was taken aback!    


I couldn't help but take another look at Ling Yue. He was flirting with two women beside him, looking elegant and unrestrained. That jade-like skin and that handsome face … was he actually a water carrier ten years ago?!    


This was too unbelievable!    


"You don't believe it, right? He looked like this more than ten years ago, with his delicate skin and tender flesh, but he had extraordinary strength. He loved to gamble, and he loved to pick up girls. Later on, who knows how to get more and more like a human being! "My sister followed him for more than ten years, and he sent her to university. After that, he wanted to break up with my sister. My sister would rather die than agree …" As Rou said this, she suddenly let out a deep sigh. Then, she went close to my ear and whispered, "Right now, it seems that he has his eyes on you …"    


The moment she said those words, Sheng Yun's head suddenly tilted and he leaned on me. No matter how I shouted, I couldn't do it.    




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