Planned Love



0I felt as if I had fallen into a deep abyss, and the heart-wrenching sensation woke me up.    


Sheng Yun is still by my side, so, everything is just a dream.    


I was sweating profusely and holding his hand with lingering fear. He woke up at once.    


"Did you dream?" Sheng Yun asked me nervously.    


"Hmm, what a strange dream." "No," I said.    


There's something wrong with my body, so I immediately got Sheng Yun to turn on the lights. Looking down, I was surprised to see a small patch of blood on the sheet. It wasn't much, but my stomach was starting to ache.    


The doctor said that the cold in my palace was extremely severe and that it was not easy to conceive and that it was dangerous to conceive early. As my stomach began to throb, I realized that things were not going well.    


What did that dream portend? Sheng Yun and the kid... Will they leave me?    


No, I will not allow such a thing to happen!    


Sheng Yun called my personal doctor. After the doctor checked my condition, he said to us: "Director Sheng, Madam Sheng, let's go back to our country as soon as possible. The sooner the better, the more time we won't waste."    


"Alright, I'll make the arrangements." Sheng Yun said.    


This private plane was bought specially by Sheng Yun for our wedding and was extremely expensive.    


For this wedding, he could be said to have spent a lot of money, wishing he could use the best of everything.    


I had been in the dark at first, not knowing that he had prepared such a grand wedding for me. When I found out, the wedding was already in front of me.    


Deep down, I really don't like this kind of extravagance and waste, but I know Sheng Yun's heart, but there is a faint unspeakable worry in his heart.    


We have too many things to worry about. Golden Age and the Xu family are both facing a transition period. Now that I'm pregnant, who's going to play the Xu family's game of chess?    


When Tai Ziqian left, the company seemed to have hollowed out a huge area. The fields and professional companies that he designed could not be compensated by anyone for the time being.    


I had the headhunter find me a lot of people to interview, but none of them were ideal.    


And I got pregnant at this very moment.    


Zaizai had been sent to kindergarten, and Nanny Liu's wife was sick. Nanny Liu asked to leave and go home to take care of her.    


Just as I felt a lot more at ease and was about to properly bring glory to the Xu family, I was suddenly pregnant.    


For the first time, the doctor said, my body was fundamentally damaged by the lack of good maintenance in the moon. It was already amazing that he was able to conceive such a child, but the chances of him being able to survive were very small.    


Our wedding was arranged abroad, and the doctor would not have recommended a long journey. However, Sheng Yun had planned everything a long time ago. However, he didn't know that I would become pregnant so soon.    


So we had to have my doctor with us. Although he was cautious, he still lost blood. A bad sign.    


We flew home as fast as we could, and as soon as we got off the plane, I was taken to the hospital by an ambulance.    


Fetal... Yes, but it was hard.    


The doctor told us, "To keep the baby, you have to be in bed during the pregnancy, you have to be on a needle every day, and it's going to be tough. "I would like to suggest that if you all have jobs, you should give up for now and wait for your health to recover before you get pregnant."    


This year, I am already thirty years old. Life is in the middle of a dilemma, the child's arrival, let me understand, career and family, I can only choose one temporarily.    


After the doctor left, Sheng Yun took my hand and looked at me. "Wife, what do you think?"    


"What about you?" I asked, looking at him.    


From his eyes, I could tell how much he loved this child, how much he longed for this child to come to this world.    


Part of the reason for this was that we had promised to make her come back to us, to be our child.    


Another reason, his subconscious male chauvinism, was that it was better for a woman to be married to a teacher, and since I had already proven myself, that was fine.    


"You don't have to worry about the finances. The money I've earned over the years is already enough to cover the expenses of our family. This time the wedding was only a small part of it. I can give you and the child rich and stable life, but also can give you a happy and stable embrace. But I still respect your decision, so you tell me the answer. " His hand shook slightly as he held mine.    


That's what every woman has to face, right? A career and a family could be both for men, but not for women.    


When we swore our vows, we laughed about how many children we would have in the future. However, when we put it into practice, we still needed women to bear the consequences of having children.    


It's not easy to conceive, and it's even harder to nurture. Marriage was a long road for every woman. No matter how strong a woman was, she wouldn't be able to escape this trial.    


If you want the happiness and stability of a family, there must be sacrifices.    


I looked deeply into Sheng Yun's eyes, I know this man has paid a lot for me, he gave me such a grand wedding, is the best proof of his love for me.    


Although there was a trace of hesitation in my heart, I couldn't be selfish this time around.    


From the moment we made our vows to be husband and wife in church, I knew that I was about to enter a new phase.    


At this stage, it is my process of putting the ego down and getting into the greater self. I should no longer look at the "I" from the perspective of the "I", but from the perspective of the "home" instead.    


"Go ahead!" We must protect this child! "I know how much you value her, husband. No matter how hard it is, we must work hard to protect this child." "No," I said.    


Sheng Yun's face revealed an uncontrollable smile. This was the answer he wanted to hear the most.    


After a man succeeds, he begins to have a subconscious desire for his children. All the successful men around me look the same.    


Some fled to Hong Kong, where they gave birth to three babies in a row for three years; some went to someone else; some made test tubes, and made a pair of dragons and phoenixes at once … Sheng Yun was also a traditional man.    


Although he had three sisters, he was no better than anyone. He did not receive any warmth from his siblings.    


To be his woman, to be helped to the position of Empress. He had to go through this trial.    


I know that, and I know that the challenges and difficulties I will face in the future will be more.    


"Wife, don't worry. I'll take over the Xu family and properly manage our two groups. You can rest assured and stay in the hospital to nurture your baby. "I will take good care of Zaizai. I will let you rest easy, okay?" He kissed me lightly on the forehead and smiled.    


"Well, I believe you, because I love you." I smiled happily.    



Sheng Yun held my hand and began to imagine the life after the birth of the future child. As he spoke, his phone rang.    


It was one of his assistants. He answered and said, "Wife, I'm going to the office. There's an urgent meeting I need to call."    


"What is it?" I asked.    


"Don't worry so much, take care of yourself." Sheng Yun said.    




I lay in the hospital for three months. For a busy person like me, these three months seemed like a long time.    


Suddenly he had nothing to do but sleep every day, except to eat his meals and take medicine and get his injections on time. Because of the length of my stay in bed, I almost had a bedsore on my back.    


As the tummy grew, the doctor checked the child's condition almost every few days.    


There were several dangerous situations, but because they were in the hospital, they were always accompanied by a doctor, so they were able to survive.    


I was able to walk on the ground occasionally, but I couldn't go out the door of the hospital.    


I live in an upscale suite, like a hotel, full of stuff. The only thing was that there was no mirror.    


My hands and feet are starting to swell, the doctor told me. This is normal.    


Sheng Yun was getting busier and busier. The two big companies had to maintain their businesses and travel continuously. Sometimes, he would not be here for a few days in a row.    


Xia Yiwa came to see me often, she said I was touched by my wedding with Sheng Yun, so also intended to marry Shang Yang.    


She was happy, too, but for her first child, she was much more relaxed than I was.    


I had to go to bed, but she could walk around happily. She often accompany me to talk about heart, sometimes we also lament, how only a few years of youth, a flash, we all run for three.    


No one told me what I was like, because there was no mirror or reference, and I didn't know what I was like.    


I know one day, Ling Yue suddenly appeared at the door of my ward with flowers in his hands.    


I didn't expect him to come to see me, and I certainly didn't expect him to look so hurt the first time he saw me.    


His expression was as horrified as if he had seen a sea dog lying there.    


I hadn't seen him for months, and he was still dressed like that, wearing a skeleton suit and carrying a large bouquet of bright, glistening perfume lilies in front of my bed.    


"Hey." he said, grinning.    


"You saw me just now, why is it that expression?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"I've heard that this woman changes her appearance as soon as she gets pregnant, but this change is too great. I almost couldn't recognize her." "No," he said.    


"What is it?" What have I become? " I asked in surprise.    


After being hospitalized, my phone was also confiscated by Sheng Yun, and I relied on the patient's phone to contact him. Occasionally I was reflected in the television, and sometimes I wondered why I was so fat. Doctors and nurses would comfort me, "Pregnancy is always like this. Your face and body aren't fat at all... "Everything is fine."    


"I don't recognize it anymore. Except for the voice, everything has changed." Ling Yue smiled and said, then took out his phone and handed it to me, "Take a look yourself, so this woman can't get pregnant casually. "Once pregnant, it's really …"    


Ling Yue kept shaking his head. He didn't seem to realize how shocking his words were. He handed me his cell phone, and when I saw myself in the camera, I was shocked.    


This... Is the person inside really me? How did I become like this? I was so shocked that I threw away my cell phone, disbelief written all over my face.    




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