Planned Love



0"Can they take good care of Zaizai and Qian Jin?" I was still worried about that when Sheng Yun threw me on the bed.    


"Don't worry, they are people who have received professional training and experience in parenting. I can guarantee that you won't hear any crying at night. And I've installed 24-hour surveillance in all the baby's rooms, so you can relax with us at night, okay? " Sheng Yun said gently.    


His hand moved erratically back and forth over me. We drank red wine as we immersed ourselves in this precious world of two.    


Love needs to calm down to experience, deep down, I can truly feel that deep love from him, he still deeply loves me, and my heart, also deeply loves him.    


As expected, I didn't hear any crying that night. After the love affair ended, I rested my head on his arm. I finally slept peacefully for the first time since the birth.    


He slept soundly, sleeping until noon. "When I woke up, there was a glass of warm milk, a sandwich, and a poached egg on a tray by the bedside table.    


I sat up in bed and heard the sound of washing up in the bathroom. I knew that this was what Sheng Yun had prepared for me, and I immediately revealed a gratified smile.    


I put on my pajamas and walked out. Everything in the living room was in order, the nanny in charge of taking care of the money was shaking the money in the cradle, the nanny in charge of taking care of Zaizai was playing with Zaizai while the toys were sorted and put away neatly.    


The other nanny, who was in charge of the meals, saw me up, so she hurried over and handed me the lunch list and asked me if it was all right.    


Life suddenly became relaxed. I smiled and chatted with them for a while. I happily picked Zaizai up from the ground and teased him for a while. At this moment, Sheng Yun walked out of the room.    


He was already dressed and in his business suit. He called to me, "Wife, come into the room for a moment."    


I hurried in and closed the door. He took me in his arms and gently caressed my face. "Wife, I'm going to be busy again. With the three of them at home, I think it'll be a lot easier for you. I'm flying to the United States tonight. I'm taking a week with a couple of top executives. We're going to the United States, then Germany and Japan. I've tried to get the secretary to streamline the trip, but it'll take at least a week. "    


"Hubby, I think if I rest for another month or so, I should be able to go back to work. Now that the three of them are here, it's much easier for me. " I heard him say that, so I said.    


"I want you to be at home, not because I want you to take care of your children, but because I want you to take care of your body. He had invited the three of them here for the same reason. I want you to get well, so don't rush out to work. I will be responsible for my work. "Also, there is something I would like to discuss with you." Sheng Yun said.    


I saw the solemnity in his eyes and knew it must be something important, so I said, "Go ahead."    


"Right now, the power of the two groups is split between each other. It will be very difficult to manage them. Now that it's all my fault, I think so, "Sheng Yun pulled me down to a seat and then said slowly," Why don't we combine the two groups, merge the Xu family together, and unify it with Golden Age? This makes it easy to manage, and it also makes it easier for my staff to deploy. "    


"What?" My heart sank. Although they were husband and wife, the fact that they were involved in some aspect of their interests still made me have an indescribable feeling in my heart.    


"Since we are already husband and wife, and we have already become a community of interests, in the future we will definitely have the honor and disgrace to work together, to advance and retreat together. If you win, the world will belong to you and me. If you lose, both of us will have to bear the burden. These few years, the development of the Hangcheng economy has become more and more rapid, especially the rise of the Internet, which has caused a huge impact on our physical enterprises. As you can see from the financial statements of the Xu family every month, profit growth has been particularly slow these years. It's the same for Golden Age. Although they have improved a lot in the past two years under my control, their support has been tremendous. Many long-term investments have failed to achieve the desired results and the product development cycle has been extended, resulting in massive human waste. I think it would be better to merge the two companies into one, and unify the holding, so it would be easier to manage, wouldn't you say? " Sheng Yun said.    


"The Xu family was the hard work of my father in the past, and I finally managed to take it back from Xu Changsheng. If it wasn't for the pregnancy, I wouldn't have left the game. I had intended to go back to work about six months after the birth, when my body was almost fully recovered. But once I merge them, won't I return to my former position in Golden Age and become one of your subordinates? " I hesitated.    


Sheng Yun looked at his watch, then took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to me. "Wife, this is a feasibility report that I've asked someone to prepare. You can study it at home for the next few days. "I feel that since we have already become husband and wife, it means that we are already a community of interests. The larger me doesn't have anything to do with the smaller me, it's all for the sake of us being able to leave Zaizai and Qian Jin a foundation in the future. I want to become a leader of the domestic industry, I need the help of my wife."    


After Sheng Yun said this, he gave me a deep kiss on the forehead and said: "This report contains the projects that I plan to invest in for the next five years. My current thought is that we must not lose our main line industry, but we still need to vigorously develop our branch industry to obtain profits to support our main line industry. "    


"Go ahead and busy yourself. After I've finished reading the report, we'll discuss it later, okay?" I looked at Sheng Yun and said calmly.    


Sheng Yun nodded. After kissing me for a while, he hurried away with his briefcase. I accompanied him to the door and watched him drive away before returning.    


Now that there were three more nannies in the house, it became much more lively. When I came back, they were gossiping about something that had happened at the house of the former employer.    


"Aiya, you guys don't know, my former boss and the Lady Boss were both very powerful. Later on, the boss ran out of money in business, but he didn't tell her. He even lied to the Lady Boss that he wanted to invest in a very profitable project." The Lady Boss trusted her husband so much that she really gave all her savings to the Boss. In the end, within half a year, the Boss lost everything. Now that the car and the house have been auctioned off by the court, the boss will take the money and go abroad by himself. The boss will drag the two children, one big and one small, to tears every day. In the past, the boss would invite seven or eight Filipino servants to the house.    


Sister-in-law Cao's description should be vivid, listening to my heart "thump".    


I stood at the entrance. They probably thought Sheng Yun and I were going out, so they didn't worry about anything.    


"That's why I'm talking about this woman, don't trust your man too much. My previous boss was the same, I raised a mistress outside, and every day when I returned home, I would pretend to be a good husband, coaxing the Lady Boss to hand over the management of the company to him, and then directly kick the Lady Boss. Until now, the two of them are still in court due to divorce." "That's why I said that men are just coaxing ghosts. The wealthier they are, the more ideas they have. Really, they're not as good as us." Mrs. Zhang said.    


"I feel that our current boss and the Lady Boss are pretty good. Even though the Lady Boss is already so fat, she still treats her so well." Sister Cao said.    


"They're still young, who knows. Only after a long time had passed did he finally understand who the other party was. The people of today's world were all people who didn't know the face of the person and didn't know the heart of the person. I heard that our current Lady Boss is also very powerful. If she was just an ordinary woman, do you think the Boss would treat her so well? I don't think so. This man is much more shrewd than us women. " Sister Li said.    




The three of them chatted excitedly while I stood in the hallway and listened to their conversation with fear in my eyes.    


I coughed twice, and they immediately fell silent. When I walked through the entrance, their faces were filled with a guilty and flattering smile.    


I laughed as I took the gold from them and sat down. "What were you talking about just now? Why don't you tell me the story of your previous employer, I'm also very interested. "    


At first they were probably afraid I was going to blame them, so I started off with a gossip about the bankruptcy of an entrepreneur, and they broke the ice and told me all about their previous employer.    


I talked to them for a long time, and the more I talked the more flustered I became. Everyone said that the poor couple had all sorts of things to mourn. Wealth was actually a test of true love.    


Every woman in these stories has a microcosm of me, some self-made women, some rich second generations. However, without exception, when a woman wholeheartedly trusted a man, it would be the beginning of her downfall.    


Of course, there were also couples who did not give up on poverty and wealth, but the proportion was too small.    


Sheng Yun, could it be the one in a thousand exception?    


Should I choose to believe, or should I retain a portion of my trust to protect myself? I returned to my room and picked up the feasibility report. After reading it for a long time, my heart struggled.    


At this moment, I received a call from Ling Yue. Ling Yue said on the other end of the phone: "Little fatty, I heard you were born today? "Big brother, I want to invite you out for a meal. There's something that must be of great interest to you."    


"What is it?" Are you trying to sow discord again? " I said snappily.    


"It's black, I said it's not white, it's white, I said it's not black. If I wanted to sow discord, wouldn't you know when you came? " Ling Yue's tone remained as casual as ever, and then I heard him say mysteriously, "I promise, this trip will be worthwhile for you."    


"Alright." Somehow, I agreed to it.    




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