Planned Love



0"You should know that my father and Shubei's parents were classmates many years ago, and my father had always been in love with Shubei's mother. As a junior, I can't ask how they gave birth to Zishu. "After all, it's been so many years. My father is old, and Shubei's mother has long since passed away." Tai Ziqian looked slowly at Pseudo Xu Shubei and asked, "Shubei, can you accept this sister?"    


"This... Isn't this too unexpected? "A little sister suddenly popped up." Pseudo Xu Shubei broke out in a cold sweat as she hurriedly said.    


"When I first found out, I was as shocked as you were. When I saw Zishu, I suddenly felt that this was the best arrangement in heaven. I'm Ziqian, your name is Shubei, and her name is Zishu. We're meant to be a family, aren't we? " Tai Ziqian said with a slight smile.    


Pseudo Xu Shubei's face suddenly turned slightly red. She looked at Tai Ziqian with a glimmer in her eyes, but she quickly retracted her gaze.    


She said, "Yes, but it still takes time to accept. My parents left early. I never heard I had a sister. "    


"If you don't believe me, you can have a test with Zishu." Tai Ziqian said with a smile.    


Pseudo Xu Shubei's expression changed and she quickly replied, "No need for that. She looks so much like me. She should be my younger sister." Hubby, what do you think? "    


She suddenly put the topic to Sheng Yun, when she called Sheng Yun "husband", I had a little strange inside.    


I also looked at Sheng Yun, he looked at me and said, "Ziqian doesn't need to fabricate such a fact, it's just that …"    


Sheng Yun did not continue. He suddenly frowned, held his head and leaned on the chair.    


"What's the matter with you?" Tai Ziqian asked.    


"I'm fine …" Maybe I've been overusing my brain recently and have a terrible headache. " Sheng Yun forced himself to look up, cold sweat had already appeared on his forehead.    


"Let me get the medicine for you." Pseudo Xu Shubei hurriedly said.    


"No need, I won't take the medicine you bought!" Sheng Yun suddenly said loudly.    


Tai Ziqian and I were stunned. Tai Ziqian glanced at me. In that instant, from Tai Ziqian's gaze, I knew that he was like me and that there was something wrong between them.    


"But if that's the case, your head will continue to hurt. It's better to just eat one. Don't be stubborn, okay?" Pseudo Xu Shubei coaxed gently, then frowned and said to us, "Look at him, he used to be so close to me, but now he doesn't believe me anymore. Tell me, I have been husband and wife for so many years, would I harm him? "Ziqian, you should know more about the relationship between him and me."    


I saw her acting so well, as if it was really Xu Shubei, and there was an indescribable anger in her heart. Although I lost my memory, I hated this woman from the bottom of my heart.    


"Yeah, the two of you used to have such a good relationship, why do I feel like something isn't right between you two?" Tai Ziqian followed her words and then put his hand on Pseudo Xu Shubei's shoulder and said, "You, don't be too strong. Golden Age is after all, an industry owned by the Sheng Family, so you shouldn't interfere too much in this matter.    


Looking at Tai Ziqian, she said helplessly: "I don't want to care too, but his body is not as strong as it used to be, and he has to take care of the two children by himself, so what do you think I should do? Such a big company, I can't just watch it close down, can I? "I know he resents me for making the decision to send Tianhong into the Golden Age when he was sick, but that was all agreed upon beforehand. He had his own intentions and I only acted according to his wishes, but from then on, he treated me like a completely different person …"    


Pseudo Xu Shubei continued to complain, and I saw Sheng Yun's eyebrows scrunch up more and more. I didn't know what I was thinking at that moment. I couldn't help but walk over to him and say, "Cousin, I learned a massage technique from my father. Let me help you press it."    


He looked at me with a grimace and a grimace, and I smiled and put my hands on either side of his temples and pressed gently.    


Pseudo Xu Shubei looked at me with disdain and said, "It's no use. It's impossible for him to not eat medicine. He just refused to listen. I thought I would harm him."    


"Xu Shubei!" "How did you become like this!" Sheng Yun suddenly roared in anger.    


"What about me? Are you going to argue with me in front of them again? Forget it, I don't want to quarrel with you because of your headache. Ziqian, come on, let's go outside and have some peace and quiet. " Lili openly took Tai Ziqian's hand and walked out of the office.    


Suddenly, Sheng Yun and I were the only two people left in the office.    


My heart began to beat faster, and my hand did not press, did not press.    


He suddenly reached out to take my hand, and I pulled back, unconsciously taking a few steps back.    


It was as if he suddenly came to a realization. He looked at me with a vicissitudes of life and said, "Just now, when I was in a trance, I thought you were Shubei."    


"You all … "What's going on?" I whispered, and I could feel his haggardness and the pain in his eyes.    


There seemed to be too much unspeakable pain in him, and I knew he wouldn't be able to express it.    


"I don't know what's wrong with us, she's no longer the same Shubei from before. Ever since the birth of her second child, she had become so domineering that she had to decide everything, or else she would threaten me with a divorce and two children. The children are afraid of her now, and they avoid her. " Sheng Yun said as he held his head and broke out in a cold sweat.    


I knew perfectly well that the man before me was my former husband, the man I had once loved, and although I could remember nothing, I could feel his love for me in his helpless words.    


His heart was still there, but he was confused about how his former lover had become what he was; he did not know that the woman he truly loved had long since been pushed off a cliff one night, much less understand that all his confusion stemmed from the fact that the woman beside him did not love him.    


Even more so, it was impossible for him to know that the Ta Zishu standing in front of him right now was the Xu Shubei that he deeply loved.    


And I couldn't tell him, because I didn't have memories, and I couldn't feel the depth between us.    


But the gaunt man in front of me made my heart ache.    


"Have you thought about the reason?" I asked softly.    


"She suffered a lot when she gave birth to my second child, she was in bed in October, I didn't pay attention to the postpartum depression, and then she had a serious illness. I was on a business trip abroad when she was very ill, and I thought it was all right for her to be ill, but there was just a big negotiation at that time, so I didn't get back in time. When I returned home, I found out that her life and death had been at stake for a few days, from 160 to 100 pounds. Seeing her lying on the bed like a paper man, my heart broke... " "Sheng Yun said slowly.    


Exhaustion... 160 to 100 jins should be the time I fall off the cliff, right?    


It seems that Pseudo Xu Shubei had found a perfect excuse for her postpartum emaciation. When I heard this, I couldn't help but sigh heavily.    


"From then on her character completely changed, she said that she had come back from the dead, that from now on she would live for herself, and she complained that I did not care enough for her after she was born, and that I was absent when she was very ill, and she said that I might as well have loved her before, and that from now on she would not love me either. She wouldn't let me sleep with her, and she didn't like having two kids around her. She forced me to hand over the management of the company to her. On the one hand, I pity the two children who have to take care of them personally. On the other hand, I feel ashamed of her, so I try to fulfill her request. " Sheng Yun said in a heavy voice, then said softly, "But she, will never go back to the past."    


"You still love her, don't you?" I asked again, my heart pounding.    


"Love." His affirmation made my heart lurch again.    


"For her sake, you would rather leave your hard work to her? Aren't you afraid she'll ruin everything? " I couldn't help but ask again.    


"Of course not at first, but marriage is about compromising each other. For the sake of the children, for the sake of our family, she is unwilling to compromise. he said earnestly.    


At that moment, I really wanted to blurt out that all of your pain is because she isn't the real Xu Shubei. No matter how you compromise, she won't be satisfied.    


But I can't tell him yet. because I knew from the conversation that he had given up power, which meant... Pseudo Xu Shubei had everything under control.    


I'm afraid that he will not be able to bear the truth, because it seems... He didn't seem to be in good shape. I don't know what Pseudo Xu Shubei did to him.    


However, once a person trusted someone, they wouldn't be on their guard. If someone around you wanted to harm you, you wouldn't be able to guard against them.    


"What happened to your body? I heard my brother say that you used to be a fitness expert. " I asked softly, and when I saw how upset he was, I put my hand to his temple.    


"Half a year ago I had a serious illness, and I've had headaches ever since, and doctors can't diagnose exactly why. But sometimes it hurts really bad. " he said softly, and suddenly grabbed my hand again.    



Startled, I quickly withdrew.    


"Sorry, I always thought you were Shubei. "A long, long time ago, whenever I got tired, she would massage me like this …" Sheng Yun smiled. Then, as if he suddenly realized something, he asked in wonder, "Strange, why would I say so much to you?"    




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