Planned Love



0"I never think about anything that hasn't happened yet." He rubbed his temples. He looked tired, and after a while he fell asleep, leaning against the seat of the car.    


I could see that since his grandfather had come all the way from the old days, his family was particularly paranoid about the idea of male inheritance. Sheng Yun benefited from this idea, but at the same time, he was also under a lot of pressure from it.    


The driver drove the car all the way to a private restaurant. Sheng Yun woke up the moment the car stopped.    


"I've already ordered a table of dishes. The taste of the dishes is especially specific to pregnant women." Then, he stood up and got out of the car first. The moment I walked to the door, he reached out his hand to carry me out of the car.    


"Director Sheng, this way, please." The manager of the private restaurant was already waiting at the door. When he saw us get off the car, he immediately came to greet us.    


"There's no need to do this on purpose. I don't care what I eat." Seeing such a huge battle going on at the door, he frowned and said.    


"My child, of course, wants to eat the most delicious food in the world." Sheng Yun said arrogantly as he dragged me into the dining room.    


He had been so generous that he had booked the entire restaurant and even ordered a whole table of dishes.    


"How can I eat so much?" I looked at the whole table in surprise, thinking how extravagant he was!    


"Director Sheng said that he couldn't get a feel for your taste, so he told us to make a serving of every dish on our recipe. They were all small portions, so you can take your time to taste them." The manager of the private restaurant said with a smile.    


Sheng Yun waved her away. She understood and immediately turned away.    


"It's not that wasteful to waste money, is it? "Don't be like this in the future. Let me feel like I've become your concubine now." "It's just a deal between us. Don't make me feel like I've been raised by you. I'll feel uncomfortable."    


Actually, I had wanted to say this a long time ago. Although I admit that what he said applies to all women, I still felt an indescribable awkwardness towards him.    


"Raise you?" Sheng Yun looked at me with ridicule in his eyes. "Other women would have been overjoyed if they had my treatment. Only you, Xu Shubei, are so ignorant.    


"Don't be so deliberate, and don't be so boastful. "Deal, we'll follow the rules." I looked at him and said, "I promised to have this baby, but I still want to work during pregnancy. In addition, when I give birth to this child, I will be responsible for the child. I'm the mother of the child, and that's a fact no one can change. You mustn't use me as a tool. "    


"Sometimes I think you're smart, but most of the time, I think you're crazy." Sheng Yun was obviously angry, he angrily slapped my forehead, "I don't need to hold a press conference for a tool, I'm really going to die from anger. Eat, eat so much nonsense. "    


"What do you mean?" I was confused and my mind was blank.    


He ignored me and began to scoop food into my bowl, and a moment later the small, delicate bowls in front of me were piled into a small hill.    


"Eat your fill and enjoy the feeling of being a mother. I'll arrange everything else. " He looked at me blankly, then said to me, "You don't seem to understand how lucky you are."    


The fragrance of the food in front of me stirs my taste buds. At this moment, my stomach is empty and I am indeed hungry. I pick up a piece of blueberry mountain medicine and taste it. The taste is indeed surprisingly good.    


'Forget it. It's already too late. Thinking too much will only make me tired. Just as he said, let's enjoy the moment first.    


He looked at me, stupefied. "You're a pig, and you can eat that much?"    


"I still have one in my stomach, don't you think?" I said, eating with relish.    


"Waiter, come here for a moment." Sheng Yun suddenly shouted.    


The waiter quickly answered, Sheng Yun said to her: "From now on, the three meals for this lady will be taken care of by your restaurant, you must make sure that the dishes are not heavy and arrive on time every day, do you understand?"    


"Ah …" No need... "I …" I immediately stop my chopsticks. Initially, I wanted to reject them, but I found that I was unable to do so.    


The taste of this restaurant really suits my taste! It was the first time in a long time that I had had such an appetite!    


After dinner, Sheng Yun took me to the hospital and hired a private obstetrician to take care of everything from pregnancy to childbirth.    


The doctor gave me a thorough examination and a fetal heart monitor. During fetal heart monitoring, Sheng Yun tightly held my hand, and I could feel that he was nervous to the point of perspiration.    


The moment I heard the loud heartbeat of the fetus in the instrument, my eyes softened. From that moment on, I truly realized that there was a new life rooted in my stomach, and this little life was my and Sheng Yun's child.    


Sheng Yun obviously heard it too. I thought he would be excited, but I didn't expect his reaction to be so indifferent.    


He listened for a moment, then let go of my hand and went outside. His reaction puzzled me, but I didn't ask why.    


Everything was normal for the maternity check. This child was probably destined to come here. The moment I walked out of the ward, Sheng Yun had already disappeared.    


Two bodyguards in black walked over and said to me: "Miss, we'll take you home. Director Sheng's company has something on and he'll be leaving first."    


A faint shadow instantly shrouded my heart, but it was quickly relieved. I smiled and said, "Alright."    


The next day, I went to the company to report. Maybe it was because of the press conference, but everyone knew that Sheng Yun and I were dating and pregnant. To my surprise, all my colleagues who had once been on good terms with me were particularly warm, kind, and sympathetic.    


Zhou Yihai even specially prepared an advanced soft chair for me, symbolically discussing the work content with me. He even had someone prepare hot milk and snacks for me. From the looks of it, he almost gave me up.    


I didn't see Ren Yingying in the company, so I was curious, so I asked Zhou Yihai: "Where's Ren Yingying? Has he resigned? "    


"Indeed, our company has many talented people. In the past, there was a good thing between you and Sheng Yun, and in the future, there is a good thing between Ren Yingying and Xu Tianyi. Looks like our company is truly a land of treasure." Zhou Yihai said with a hint of sarcasm, "But you guys are all keeping it a secret from me, the boss."    


"She resigned?" I asked again, ignoring his complaints.    


"I was directly fired. Her relationship with Xu Tianyi is unclear, how can I let her stay in my company? If the Xu Family makes a move, wouldn't I be considered an outsider by then? " Zhou Yihai said cunningly, then looked at me with a smile, "You, are not the same. Although they were all pregnant, the treatment was completely different. "That's why I've always said that you, Xu Shubei, are a smart person with a clear target. No wonder I didn't enter your eyes before. So it turns out that you had the best in your eyes at first glance.    


"Zhou, why do your words sound sour today?" I asked, looking at him with a half-smile.    


"It's a bit sour, but I always thought we were going to end up together. I didn't expect your ambition to be not on me. " Zhou Yihai said with slight dissatisfaction, "But no matter what, I am happy for you now that you have a home. As a girl, getting married is a big deal. "    


Home? Marry? Maybe everyone thought that it was just a matter of time before Sheng Yun and I got married. He admitted me so openly. I was the only one who wasn't sure, and I didn't feel any reassurance at all.    


I faintly smiled, unsure and not denying. "Dong Sen is my boss. Regardless of whether I am here or not, I will always remember this favor. You can rest assured."    


"Good, that's what I was waiting for. Although there is no fate between us, but at least there is brotherhood. Right, Shubei? " Zhou Yihai smiled until his eyes narrowed, then said to me, "I went to see the new office factory. I heard that the three families' offices haven't been assigned properly yet, so I want to head towards the office building to the east. Over there, with your back against the mountain, Feng Shui is the best."    


Of course, I understood what he meant, so I smiled and said, "Alright, I'll keep that in mind. I'll help you do it."    


While Zhou Yihai and I were chatting like this, a ruckus suddenly came from the office area outside.    


We quickly opened the office door and walked out. Zhou Yihai asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"    


The hubbub was mainly concentrated in our PR department, which had always paid a lot of attention to the media reports.    


"Director Zhou, haven't you seen the latest headline?" Employee Xiao Liu asked, and then said, "Previously, our company's front desk's Ren Yingying was actually pregnant with the child of Xu's Group's CEO's son, Xu Tianyi! "Ren Yingying told the news directly to the media because she didn't want to admit it!"    



Zhou Yihai quickly went to Xiao Liu's computer and read the whole article. Then he gave me a meaningful look.    


We returned to the office and closed the door. Zhou Yihai asked me, "Did you already know that Ren Yingying was pregnant?"    


"Why do you ask?" I was a little surprised.    


"The person who posted this report was the most cooperative golden editor in your circle. Moreover, the headlines are hard to get, unless there are internal rules." Zhou Yihai said.    


I was about to answer him when my cell phone rang. I picked up my cell phone and saw that it was a call from Ren Yingying.    




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