Overriding the Heaven

C1 Youthful Vigor

C1 Youthful Vigor

0The Abyss Demon Prison was located within the Southern Yuan Kingdom.    


The Demon Prison was a thousand feet deep underground. It was like a huge, eerie mouth of a monster that wanted to devour everything in its surroundings.    


No light all the time, dark and wet. The deeper they went into the prison, the colder it became. It was so dark that one could not even see their fingers in front of them, and even if one were to light a candle flame, it would give off a feeling of despair, as if one could be engulfed in darkness at any moment.    


At this moment, a high-pitched voice came from the depths of the Demon Prison along the passageway. It sounded like a wild ghost crying at night, and the sound of the rhododendron causing one's hair to stand on end.    


"Obeying the fate of the heavens, the imperial edict …"    


"The crown prince enters the Eastern Palace, so pardon the sins of the world …"    


"Sin Chu Yan... Recovering his status as a prince... Go to Persia... make peace with Persia's ruler in the border areas by marriage …"    


"You will set out tomorrow …"    


"That's all …"    


After reciting the imperial edict, the eunuch looked arrogantly at the youth with his arms crossed and said with a smile that did not quite reach his eyes, "Your Highness, congratulations. You have committed a heinous crime and should have been sentenced to death. But now, a year later, you were still able to obtain a pardon. You are lucky and I am very envious of you."    


He called him "Your Highness" and said "congratulations and envious", but even a fool could hear the mockery in his words.    


"Oh? Is that so?" In the darkness, Chu Yan lowered his head, his long hair falling down, covering his face, making people unable to clearly see his expression, but this did not stop his voice from escaping, "Why would I commit a heinous crime , Eunuch Wu Wu Xiaoming, don't you know that clearly?"    


"What did you say? Shut up!" The eunuch called Wu Xiaoming changed his expression upon hearing this, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, he instantly jumped up and shouted shrilly. At the same time, he anxiously looked towards the prison wardens and guards who followed along, afraid that they would discover some clues.    


Chu Yan chuckled and then said softly, "I entered the first level of Genuine Force Stage at the age of six. I killed twenty-six wolves with my bare hands at the Cyan City Mountain, protecting the safety of a certain region."    


He has entered the second level of the Genuine Force Stage at the age of eight. Within the Valley of the Fallen Moon, he has killed three bandit s, slaying a total of seven hundred and sixty Black Wind Bandits.    


"When I was eleven years old, I entered the Stage Three of Genuine Force, and took a spear every single time. I quelled the chaos in the northwest, killing a total of three thousand four hundred and eighteen people. From then on, the Southern Yuan Kingdom no longer had any internal troubles, and it rose to the level of the four seas.    


When I was fourteen, after entering the Stage Four of the Genuine Force, smoke rose from all over the borders, leading the Southern Yuan Kingdom to guard the enemies outside the gates of the countries. After taking the flag from the generals, I went north to destroy the four armies of the Persian Kingdom, killing three hundred thousand enemies.    


"This year, I am sixteen years old. Even after plotting against you, I will still be able to live. Just as my father-in-law said, my luck is really quite good."    


In this period of time, Wu Xiaoming's face was pale white, he shouted countless of times to make Chu Yan shut up, but his sharp shouts, in front of Chu Yan's indifferent voice and tone, were like a mantis blocking a car, it was completely useless.    


Following Chu Yan's narration, Wu Xiaoming's face grew more and more unsightly.    


When Chu Yan finished speaking, the sound of a pin dropping could be heard from inside the cell.    


Although he was still chained up at the moment, wearing a thin and worn out prison uniform, which caused his body to become thinner after a year of imprisonment, an aura similar to that of a fierce tiger erupted from him, intimidating everyone within the cell to the point that they were unable to move!    


His chest heaved violently, and his eyes were filled with panic and panic as he stammered, "Chu Yan, don't speak nonsense. You think you have recovered your status as a prince, but I'm afraid of you.    


Before Wu Xiaoming could finish speaking with his threatening tone, Chu Yan, who had been bowing his head all this time, suddenly looked up at him.    


His eyes were as bright as the stars and as deep as the night. In that instant, it was as if the deepest part of the Demon Prison, the cage, was illuminated.    


That gaze was like the throat of a blade, and in an instant, it caused Wu Xiaoming to be unable to catch his breath.    


In the blink of an eye, fear had turned into an incomparably cold aura. Like lightning, it crackled and climbed up Wu Xiaoming's spine, scaring him to the point that all the blood in his body had congealed and his limbs were ice-cold.    


"I have the support of tens of thousands of people, and have the support of all court officials. No one in the military can match my prestige, and I have already been conferred the title of Crown Prince. This throne will belong to me sooner or later. Under these circumstances, why would I kill the king and kill his father, plotting to usurp the throne? Wu Xiaoming, don't you know the reason behind this?! "    


The last sentence was no longer a question, but a stern shout. It was as though spring thunder had struck, and in an instant, it shook Wu Xiaoming and the rest of the people present, causing their ears to ring and their minds to enter a trance.    


Just as everyone was startled, Chu Yan slowly stood up.    


In an instant, he gave off the feeling of a straight back, like a javelin piercing through the heavens!    


It was as if one year of the Abyss Prison had not only not destroyed him, but had instead sharpened his edge, wanting to pierce a hole in the sky!    


"Unlock me!" Chu Yan bellowed, causing the prison warden to tremble. He could not have any thoughts of resisting and went forward to take out the key to the iron chain.    


"No, don't — —" Wu Xiaoming was stunned. When he regained his senses, he was so shocked that his soul almost left his body.    


Before he finished speaking, a clicking sound could be heard in the air as the iron chains that bound Chu Yan's four limbs fell.    


"Say that I'm lucky, but no matter how lucky I am, I can't compare to you, Eunuch Wu." After stretching his limbs, Chu Yan walked towards Wu Xiaoming, "Back then, because I exposed my sin of plotting against you, a nameless eunuch soared to the sky."    


Seeing the other party smile and the ice and snow flying in his eyes, Wu Xiaoming was so frightened that his facial features started to twist. Step by step, he retreated with difficulty, "No, no, that's His Majesty and the Second Prince —"    


Before he finished speaking, he hurriedly covered his mouth with his hands. The corners of his eyes were twitching, and he couldn't wait to swallow every word that he had just said.    


If such a secret were to spread from his mouth, he would never know how he died.    


Chu Yan smiled, he seemed to have expected this to happen, in the next moment, he raised his hand and slapped him.    


Wu Xiaoming's mind was in a daze as he felt a strong wind blowing towards him, causing him to feel like he was suffocating.    


He turned his head and saw a palm growing bigger and bigger in his pupils until it filled his entire eyeball.    




The loud sound was like a hundred pound hammer hitting the ground.    


Wu Xiaoming's entire face was twisted in mid air, half of his teeth fell out of his mouth, and blood mixed with saliva and broken teeth flew out of his mouth like the flower of heaven.    


Bang! His body heavily smashed into the wall, causing Wu Xiaoming to stick to the wall and slowly fall.    


On the damp and slippery walls, a frightening spray of blood exploded.    


The eyes of the guards and guards who were about to step forward bulged out of their sockets as they gasped. Their faces turned pale and they stepped back without hesitation.    


Chu Yan looked down at the ground and saw that most of his face was covered with blood. The corner of his mouth was still raised slightly, as if he was truly happy for the other party, "If not for the poison, I would have been dead by now. If it weren't for the fact that my strength is far from being one percent of my original strength. Eunuch Wu, do you think your luck is good? "    


At this moment, Wu Xiaoming's majority of his head was covered by fresh blood, and he only felt a buzzing in his head, as though thousands of berserk bees were scurrying about.    


Separated by a blurry line of sight, he vaguely saw Chu Yan tear apart the prisoner's uniform on his body, take the black cape brought by the guard and put it on. In an instant, it was as if his entire person had merged with the darkness around him.    



He then felt that the man's foot had stepped on his face, as if his head was about to be crushed into the ground.    


Fear and regret filled the old eunuch's heart.    


"Eunuch Wu, I'll spare your life. Go back and tell that fellow sitting on the throne."    


He hated his son and feared that he might threaten his throne. Yet, he didn't even hesitate to frame him. That person was no longer worth calling his father.    


Chu Yan's tone was still indifferent, just like before.    


"A year ago, I was the one who beat up the Persian Kingdom. I can't be bothered to care about how it turned out like this. However, if I want to be the target of our marriage, you have to agree to three conditions."    


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