Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C167 Xing Bai

C167 Xing Bai

0"Where exactly did this Lin Long come from, how come I've never heard of him?"    


"I heard that he's a disciple that Junior Master Li Yiming of Qingfeng recently recruited, and his talent is very outstanding. In less than a month's time, he had already cultivated the Pure Yang Art to the third stage."    


"Recently, the 'Hunter' with outstanding strength was also him. He was so efficient that even Hua Haotian was unable to catch up with him."    


"He defeated De Wu Feng's Yu Yuanwu yesterday."    


"What? Wasn't Yu Yuanwu ranked fifteenth on the Heavenly Rankings? He actually lost to him."    


"I wonder if the Heavenly Rankings have changed?"    


"The Heavenly Rankings haven't changed yet. After all, it still depends on the conclusion of today's examination. If he was directly kicked out of the Purple Sun Sect, then there would be no need to change it at all."    


"What a pity, such an extraordinary talent is going to be harmed by this' secret cultivation method '."    


"The results haven't come out yet. They might not even come out."    


As Law Enforcement Elder walked towards Lin Long, the people below the stage started to discuss among themselves. And it was also because of this that Lin Long was even more familiar with the people of Purple Sun Sect.    


Law Enforcement Elder walked in front of Lin Long and said seriously, "Lin Long, sit down."    


Lin Long obeyed and sat down.    


"I will now start to check on the Pure Yang Art in your body. Please don't be lucky enough to resist it." The Law Enforcement Elder said.    


"Disciple understands." Lin Long replied.    


With that, Law Enforcement Elder extended a finger and pointed at Lin Long's body, and immediately, he started to use his own Enlightening Mind Art to check on the Pure Yang Art in Lin Long's body.    


At first, the two of them did not look abnormal, but as time passed, a faint transparent light actually emitted from Law Enforcement Elder's body, and this light quickly enveloped Lin Long who was in front of him.    


Even so, the crowd was still able to clearly see their actions and movements through the light.    


"This is the 'Enlightening Mind Art'?"    


"This is the first time I've seen the Law Enforcement Elder display the Clear Heart Art. I feel that it's kind of mystical."    


"Why is the Enlightenment Art not publicly announced to the disciples of our Purple Sun Sect?"    


"What do you know? This Enlightening Mind Art is not an ordinary cultivation technique. Only a few people who are suitable can practice it."    


"What is the use of this Enlightenment Will?"    


"It can't be said to have many miraculous effects, but it does have a certain amount of self-recovery power. Those who practice this cultivation method will recover much faster after being injured than ordinary people. As for investigating the Laws, that is another characteristic of it."    


"So that's how it is. It seems that with the Enlightenment Will Technique, everything will be revealed."    


"Of course."    


It was also at this time that Law Enforcement Elder, who originally had a serious expression, revealed a surprised expression.    


"Could it be that Law Enforcement Elder is unable to detect the realm of his Pure Yang Art?"    


Seeing Law Enforcement Elder like that, many of them were shocked.    


However, Law Enforcement Elder's brows quickly relaxed, and following that, the light aura around his body also slowly disappeared.    


When the light disappeared, he kept the finger he had pointed at Lin Long.    


"Looking at the look of the Law Enforcement Elder, it should have detected Lin Long's strength, and maybe he just met with a little trouble a moment ago." Upon seeing this, everyone in the audience slightly nodded their heads.    


Looking at the people in front of the hall, Law Enforcement Elder's expression was still as solemn as ever, he slowly said, "Alright, let me inspect … …"    


Saying that, the Law Enforcement Elder paused, and at this time, the entire place became silent, no one said a word, everyone's eyes were focused on the Law Enforcement Elder.    


"After my examination, Lin Long's Pure Yang Art is only at the third level." The Law Enforcement Elder continued.    


When they heard that, the Everyone at the scene was in an uproar. They had thought that Lin Long was definitely going to secretly learn cultivation techniques, but they never thought that things would actually turn out like this.    


Law Enforcement Elder, you must be mistaken, I saw Lin Long secretly learning the Pure Yang Art with my own eyes, how could he be at the third level of the Pure Yang Art? Cao Yi's face was filled with disbelief.    


"Cao Yi, are you questioning my standards?" Law Enforcement Elder looked straight at Cao Yi, his eyes revealing a cold light.    


However, he still argued, "Law Enforcement Elder, this disciple does not dare to question your standards, I am just afraid that Lin Long will use some kind of evil technique to fool you. If he did not secretly learn the Pure Yang Art and cultivate to the fourth layer, how could he be a match for Senior Brother Yu Yuanwu?"    


Cao Yi, you have stayed in Purple Sun Sect for nothing all these years. The Law Enforcement Elder sneered.    


"Disciple …" Cao Yi was momentarily at a loss for words. To be honest, he had never been able to figure out what was going on.    


"Alright, the truth has been revealed." After saying all that, the Law Enforcement Elder's voice suddenly became extremely stern, "Cao Yi, you slandered your fellow sect brothers, this is a huge taboo in the Purple Sun Sect, do you know your crime?"    


"To slander a fellow disciple, you must have been imprisoned in the sect for more than a year, this Cao Yi is doomed."    


"One year later when he comes out, I'm afraid Li Yiming will find an excuse to kick him out of Purple Sun Sect."    


"This Cao Yi slandered his own sect, he deserves to be punished. In my opinion, a year is too light, he should be chased out of Purple Sun Sect, we Purple Sun Sect do not need such a villain."    


People in the audience were discussing in whispers.    


"Disciple!" Cao Yi's face revealed a terrified expression.    


"Hurry up and kneel!" Seeing Cao Yi's hesitant look, the Law Enforcement Elder asked sternly.    


Cao Yi was immediately scared by Law Enforcement Elder and kneeled on the ground.    


Just when everyone thought that he was going to lower his head and admit his mistake, he gritted his teeth and said, "Law Enforcement Elder, I suspect that you have secretly hooked up with Lin Long. Despite knowing that Lin Long has already cultivated to the fourth level of the Pure Yang Art, you still say that it's Stage Three.    




Hearing that, everyone became dumbstruck, they never thought that Cao Yi would actually dare to question Law Enforcement Elder.    



In the eyes of the masses, the Law Enforcement Elder was a person who would enforce the law strictly and never break the law. In the past few decades, he had never been tainted by anything. The thing that made everyone most interested in was the fact that he had once imprisoned his close brother in the Purple Sun Sect's dungeon until now.    


But such a person was actually questioned by Cao Yi, and it could only be said that Cao Yi's head was kicked by a donkey.    


"You …" Law Enforcement Elder's eyes opened wide in disbelief.    


"I request that Sect Leader and Martial Uncle come out to uphold justice." Cao Yi said loudly, he was already going all out, and of course, the most important thing was that he did not believe that Lin Long did not secretly learn the Pure Yang Art.    


"You …" Law Enforcement Elder's expression returned to normal after saying two more things. He said with a cold expression, "The sect has never had such a precedent, but in order to prove this elder's innocence, this elder can make an exception for you."    


With that, Law Enforcement Elder suddenly raised his head, his voice extremely bright and bright as he shouted, "Pass down our sect's leader, Xing Bai."    


"I am Xing Bai, the Sect Leader."    


"I am Xing Bai, the Sect Leader."    


"I am Xing Bai, the Sect Leader."    


This sound reverberated throughout the hall for several times before stopping.    


Then, the thick and wide door at the back of the hall suddenly opened, followed by bursts of mist floating out from the door. Not long later, a middle-aged man dressed in white slowly walked out from the mist with his hands behind his back.    


This middle-aged man had a pale face and no beard. He looked gentle, but his face was solemn and his eyes were sharp like a sword. Those who looked at him immediately lowered their heads.    


Of course, Lin Long was the only exception. However, Lin Long did not want to attract the other party's attention, so his gaze only flashed past the other party.    


What bothered him was the powerful aura that seemed to be able to swallow the heavens and devour the earth that came from behind him.    


This aura seemed to be extremely complicated, causing him to be unable to figure it out for a while.    


However, before he could figure it out, the door behind the middle-aged man had already closed and the powerful aura was immediately cut off.    


When they saw the middle-aged man appear, everyone immediately went over to greet him. Then, they loudly said, "Greetings, Sect Leader."    


Lin Long had never seen this middle-aged man before, but he naturally knew that this middle-aged man was Sect Leader Xing Bai.    


"Right." Xing Bai slightly nodded, then walked to Law Enforcement Elder's side and asked, "Law Enforcement Elder, I am currently patrolling outside the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, what business do you have with me?"    


"The matter is like this …" Law Enforcement Elder immediately told his in full detail what had happened.    


Hearing that, Xing Bai's brows furrowed, and his face became extremely serious, "It looks like someone is questioning our sect!"    


Hearing that, Cao Yi's face changed, he immediately knelt down again, and anxiously said: "Sect Leader Master, this disciple does not dare to doubt, it's true!"    


"Alright." Cao Yi had not finished speaking when Xing Bai had already waved his hand, "Since you doubt it, it means that there are still others who doubt it.    


After he finished speaking, Xing Bai reached into his bosom and, in the blink of an eye, grabbed onto a fiery-red ball that seemed to be still steaming.    


Seeing the sphere, everyone in the hall was immediately shocked. Although they had never seen this thing before, they knew that it was another treasure, other than the violet sun sword s, the Blood Fire Pearl.    


No, it could be said to be the only remaining treasure, because the violet sun sword had long since disappeared from the Demon Suppressing Pagoda.    


They had heard that the Blood Fire Bead had a lot of power, but they didn't know what exactly it was. They only knew that if someone had the Blood Fire Bead, they would be able to cultivate the Pure Yang Art very quickly, because the Blood Fire Bead was a Yang object.    


The Sect Leader was in charge of this thing, and normally, it would not easily show it to others, but today, it had appeared in front of everyone, and could even be said to be the glory of Cao Yi and her.    


However, if any of them were to lose today, it would be a great misfortune, because since the Sect Leader had already brought out this much, it clearly showed how angry he was.    


As the Blood Fire Pearl was a Yang object, it could easily detect the realm of the Pure Yang Art in a person's body. Therefore, once this thing was used, everyone knew that they would no longer have any doubts.    


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