Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C181 Reunion

C181 Reunion

0Lin Long observed the runes and threads on the walls of the room for a good half an hour. Finally, when his gaze left the runes and lines, his face revealed a satisfied expression.    


Based on his observation and understanding, these rune threads were not only distributed in the room, but in the entire cave yard. Furthermore, he found that he could trigger the entire rune formation in the room.    


This way, these evil spirits didn't dare to stay in the courtyard.    


The reason why Lin Long could deduce all these was entirely because he had been continuously digesting the knowledge gained from the Runes.    


After confirming that, Lin Long immediately activated the entire Rune Circle. Sure enough, once it was activated, the evil spirits did not dare stay in the courtyard of the cave and all left.    


In that short period of time, Lin Long could already feel that there were no longer any evil spirits left in the courtyard.    


After heaving a sigh of relief, Lin Long pushed open the door of the room and walked out.    


Curious about the courtyard, he immediately took a look inside.    


After walking around, he started to feel disappointed because he didn't find anything of value. He didn't even know who the owner of the courtyard was.    


He opened the door to the room in front of him.    


As far as he was concerned, this should be a cultivation room.    


After the door was pushed open, he was immediately stunned. He discovered that the walls of the small training room were actually filled with words, and the contents of the words were actually from the various martial skills below the yellow rank of Purple Sun Sect.    


A few martial skills that Lin Long had never seen before were carved on the walls of the training room.    


However, to be honest, Lin Long was not very interested in these cultivation techniques and martial skills. Even so, he still read these words seriously, after all, Nangong Yi cultivated these cultivation techniques and martial skills.    


Lin Long knew, with Nangong Yi's persistence, he would meet her again in the following days.    


Originally, he had only been reading these words with this kind of mood. However, the more he read, the more surprised he was because he discovered that the martial skills here evolved from the first few martial skills.    


This was not the most important thing, the most important thing was that when he looked through all the words and carefully sorted out their relationship, he discovered that the last type of palm technique called the Purple Sun Flame Palm not only combined all the advantages of the palm technique, but also, once it was understood, it could completely be compared to an Earth Ranked Martial Technique.    


In other words, it was actually a quasi-Earth Ranked Martial Technique, a Superior Grade Yellow Ranked Martial Technique.    


When he thought about it, even though he used to be a Martial Emperor and had seen all kinds of martial skills, Lin Long's heart still jumped out of his chest in excitement.    


In his previous life, he had only heard of this type of martial skill, but had never seen one. Moreover, this type of martial skill was pitifully rare. This was the reason why he hadn't seen one for so long.    


Of course, the reason why Lin Long was able to comprehend all of this was related to the detailed description of the Purple Sun Flame Palm on the wall.    


The most important thing was a sentence above, "This Purple Sun Fire Palm is comparable to a low rank Earth Realm martial skill."    


However, these words alone were unable to comprehend the essence of the Purple Sun Flame Palm. If one didn't look at all of these martial skills, it would be impossible to understand this point.    


Of course, this was also because Lin Long had an outstanding Inherent Skill and a lot of experience. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to comprehend this point without anyone teaching him.    


Lin Long would naturally not let go of the Purple Sun Flame Palm that was completely comparable to a low rank Earth Realm martial skill. Therefore, after confirming this point, he immediately started to seriously study the Purple Sun Flame Palm.    


This meditation session lasted for one day and one night. Only when he had almost used up all of his contribution points did he exit the training room.    


There was a satisfied smile on his face. Even though he hadn't fully mastered the Purple Sun Flame Palm, he had more or less mastered it.    


After leaving the courtyard, Lin Long did not continue to chase after the other evil ghost, because the Spirit Monkey had not discovered its presence.    


Furthermore, the huge commotion from before was definitely caused by the evil ghost. That meant that the evil ghost had already discovered his tracking, so continuing to track it was even more difficult.    


Therefore, Lin Long did not plan to chase it anymore. Instead, he directly chanted an incantation and left the fifth floor.    


Following that, Lin Long's figure appeared in a certain forest behind Purple Sun Peak.    


After leaving Purple Sun Peak, Lin Long first went to purchase raw materials before returning to Qingfeng.    


Outside his door, there was no beautiful figure, but Lin Long did not care at all, and directly returned to his room.    


If it were someone who was addicted to their children's relationship, how could he have become a Martial Emperor under such difficult circumstances in his previous life? As for his rebirth in this life, he would never make such a mistake.    


After returning to his room, after confirming that no one was secretly spying on him, Lin Long began to refine the pellets. Only after it was time to eat did he walk out of his room and return to Qingfeng's dining hall.    


There were only a few people in the dining hall, and even Li Muling was not there. It was likely that they were all busy with missions.    


When Lin Long was enjoying the food, the few people who had not seen him for a long time surrounded him.    


These people were naturally curious as to what Lin Long had been busy with recently.    


Lin Long evaded the crucial point and lightly answered them.    


After exchanging greetings, Lin Long was full, and then he left the dining hall and returned to his own room.    


returned to his room and continued refining the pills. He worked until night and refined all the ingredients he bought before resting.    


The night passed without incident, and on the second day, he once again headed towards the Demon Suppressing Pagoda early in the morning. Afterwards, he began the day of selling medicinal pellets and killing monsters by himself.    


Of course, he didn't return to Qingfeng every day, just like how he stayed outside of Qingfeng during the previous month.    


Next, he would naturally repeat the same actions of the past.    


Unknowingly, another five days had passed, and in these five days, he had basically mastered the Purple Sun Flame Palm. This was a good palm technique, but the only drawback was that it consumed too much profound energy, just like the spirit fire.    


But thinking about it, Lin Long understood. After all, this was a Yellow Ranked Martial Technique that was equivalent to an Earth Ranked Martial Technique.    


This morning, Lin Long was still selling the pellets he had refined on the eighth floor.    


Although his strength had increased, he still did not sell any pills in the small plaza. After all, his goal in the small plaza was simply too big.    


However, today was truly unfortunate, because just as he was selling one pill, he met Nangong Yi.    


Honestly speaking, in this period of time, with the law enforcement team doing their utmost to clean up the mess, there were very few violations of the rules inside the tower. Even Lin Long's previous competitors had disappeared.    


It could be said that Lin Long was the only one who made Nangong Yi feel a headache and wished that he could kill him on the spot.    



Upon seeing Lin Long, Nangong Yi immediately gave chase without a word.    


Lin Long naturally started to run. However, Lin Long did not go all out and run like he did before. Instead, he deliberately lured Nangong Yi to a place where there were fewer people.    


In the desert of the eighth floor, although the appearance of evil spirits could be said to be elusive, there was still a certain rule. In some places, the appearance of evil spirits was rare no matter what time it happened.    


Lin Long had been in this place for such a long time that he naturally knew the location of this kind of place.    


Because every time he saw a masked man like Lin Long, almost everyone would run away immediately. Thus, Nangong Yi did not doubt that he was here.    


Besides, she could tell that this masked man was the one who had been toying with her for the past few days.    


Of course, the most important thing was that Lin Long's mask had never changed at all.    


With one chasing and the other fleeing, Nangong Yi was quickly lured to a desert by Lin Long.    


At this time, Lin Long stopped.    


Nangong Yi also stopped, but she had a startled expression, because she did not expect the other party to actually stop. One must know that the other party had been running nonstop the last few times, where did he stop?    


"You, why aren't you running anymore?" Nangong Yi frowned slightly.    


"It's nothing. I just feel like we're going to die today." Lin Long smiled slightly.    


No matter what, it was a waste of time to play chasing games like this every time.    


Of course, if it wasn't for the [Purple Sun Flame Palm] that he had recently mastered, Lin Long wouldn't dare to make such a "cut off" decision with the other party so easily.    


"End?" "Hrmph." Nangong Yi said coldly.    


With that, she directly used her own martial skills to attack Lin Long.    


This way, she wouldn't miss out on an opportunity to grab onto the other party.    


In that moment, Lin Long could feel a faint aroma that seemed to be able to captivate one's soul.    


Lin Long's mind trembled, because he knew that this was Li Muling's Ling Xiang Palm. This kind of palm technique would carry such a fragrance, but the fragrance was not an easy one.    


However, Lin Long had already completely understood the Ling Xiang Palm, so how could he be easily tricked by it?    


Of course, aside from his own formidable strength, he also benefited from his understanding of the Lingxiang Palm the day before in the training room.    


Other than this fragrance, the Ling Xiang Palm was also filled with a strong force that lifted dust into the air. Looking at this kind of attack, Lin Long's face revealed a slight smile, and then he raised his palm, facing the opponent's force head on.    


After the Qi-Storing, Lin Long retreated a few steps, but Nangong Yi remained motionless.    


"You really do have some skill." Seeing that Lin Long was actually able to block his palm so easily and was not afraid of the fragrance of his Ling Xiang Palm at all, Nangong Yi frowned again.    


However, she naturally did not think that she could not handle him. After all, she was ranked second on the Heavenly Rankings and was only second to Hua Haotian.    


After a light shout, she once again used her Ling Xiang Palm and attacked Lin Long.    


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