Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C305 Prophet

C305 Prophet

0Wu Qing quickly walked to the side of the crowd and sat down on a chair beside Qin Zhong.    


Qin Zhong was currently seated at the head of the hall while the other elders were seated at the sides. The only people who were not sitting in the hall were Qin Xiaoyu and Su Yuande.    


They were of the younger generation, so they naturally did not have any objections. They could only stand there respectfully.    


After looking at the people around him, Qin Zhong's gaze stopped at Wu Qing, who was also wearing a black veil that obscured his appearance, and said, "Wu Qing, tell us what happened."    


Six days ago, when I was using the Eight Trigrams Diagram in the palace, I suddenly felt that something bad was going to happen. It was also because of this that I used up half of my blood essence and used the Eight Trigrams Diagram to deduce the future, and as expected, let me guess that there is a treasure related to the future of our sect within the Central Region Heavenly Star City's Heavenly Star Secret Realm. "    


"What treasure is it?"    


Everyone exclaimed in surprise when they heard this.    


They had complete trust in Wu Qing's divination technique.    


"This item is extraordinary, but I am unable to determine what it is." Wu Qing shook his head.    


"Since that's the case, we might as well send someone to clean up the treasures inside." One of the elders immediately said.    


"Elder Xing, you might not know this, but not everyone can enter the Heavenly Star Secret Realm. Only those below the age of twenty-five can enter." Elder Cang Yun said.    


"So there is such a restriction." Several of the Elders present nodded their heads.    


"This is also the reason why I called Xiao Yu and Yuan De over." Qin Zhong said.    


"Master, are you saying that you want us to go to the Heavenly Star City's Heavenly Star Realm to snatch some treasures?" Qin Xiaoyu quickly said.    


"Exactly." Qin Zhong nodded his head seriously.    


"Xiao Yu and Yuan De are so outstanding, and there aren't any outstanding talents in the central region. They will definitely be able to obtain that treasure." An elder said.    


"Elder Mo, you might not know, but that Heavenly Star Secret Realm has all sorts of restrictions on the rune array formation, and it's very possible that those who enter would not be able to display their own Xuan Qi." Cang Yun shook his head.    


"With this restriction, how can we tell who's stronger? Why would the Heavenly Star City create such a secret realm? " Some of the elders felt it was inconceivable.    


"I heard that the difference between the strength of alchemy and the strength of the other." Elder Cang Yun said.    


"The strength of alchemy is even better. I don't believe that with Xiao Yu's and Yuan De's strength, if we don't compare them to the alchemists in the Central Region, they are all fifth tier alchemists." An elder said.    


"Although you said that, I am worried. After all, it is not a competition of martial power. What if someone accidentally takes the treasure away?" Qin Zhong was worried.    


"What is there to worry about, Sect Master? We just need to send a few more disciples over." An elder immediately said.    


However, Elder Cang Yun shook his head, "We can't send that many people over. We promised to send at most three of them, and once they surpass this range, it would be troublesome if they were to be discovered by the Alchemists Union of the Central Region."    


"In that case, the treasure really won't be taken away by us." The Elders were very worried as they looked at each other.    


"How about this, I will take out the sect's treasure, the Thousand Cloud Symbol Token, and bring it to Xiao Yu and Yuan De. This Thousand Cloud Symbol Token contains the Ancient rune array, it can definitely resist the Sky Star Secret Realm's Rune Formation and allow Xiao Yu or Yuan De to display a portion of their profound energy. Qin Zhong said in an extremely serious tone.    


"Thousand Cloud Symbol Token? Sect Master, you actually want to take out this sect's treasure! " Someone exclaimed.    


"There's nothing we can do." Qin Zhong shook his head, "You all also heard what Wu Qing said. This matter is extremely important, so I have to take out this treasure."    


"This is indeed the best solution." At this moment, most of the elders also nodded in agreement.    


"With this Thousand Cloud Symbol Token, Xiao Yu and Yuan De have a high chance of obtaining that treasure." Someone immediately began to console him.    


"However, Xiao Yu and Yuan De must not look down on the younger generation alchemists in the Central Region. After all, there is only one Thousand Cloud Symbol Token and it can only be used by one of you." Qin Zhong said as he looked at Qin Youyu and Su Yuande.    


Qin Zhong then looked towards Elder Cang Yun, "Elder Cang Yun has always been staying in the central region, and has recently been staying in the Heavenly Star City. You should introduce the geniuses in the central region that Xiao Yu and Yuan De have to pay attention to."    


"Yes." Elder Cang Yun nodded, then looked towards Qin Xiaoyu and Su Yuande, "This time, the Central Region's Alchemists Union held a pill refining competition, and it was the people from the Alchemists Union who took first place, stole our quota, and made it so that I couldn't get my hands on the tens of thousands of medicinal herbs. Back then, Wu Qing was the one who told me to snatch the tens of thousands of medicinal herbs from you."    


At this moment, Wu Qing suddenly interrupted, "Speaking of this Ten Thousand Medicine List, I only had a faint intuition that it was related to the treasure this time."    


"Is that so?" Hearing Wu Qing's words, Qin Zhong's eyes lit up, and immediately said to Elder Cang Yun, "Elder Cang Yun, who in the central region obtained the qualification to read the tens of thousands of medicinal herbs in the first place?"    


"It's a young man below 20 years of age. This young man is very mysterious. Looking at the entire Alchemy Competition, I'm unable to tell how strong he is in alchemy at all." Elder Cang Yun said.    


"Elder Cang Yun, you are overthinking it right? How can the youths of the central region compare to Xiao Yu and Yuan De? " An elder immediately said in disdain.    


Most of the other elders also nodded in agreement.    


No wonder they thought like that, it was because Qin Xiaoyu's and Su Yuande's talent was too outstanding, it was simply not something an ordinary person could compare to.    


Elder Cang Yun smiled awkwardly, "Elders, that is not what I meant. I just hope that Xiao Yu and Yuan De will pay more attention to this person and not fall into a trap."    


Qin Zhong also nodded his head, "Elder Cang Yun is right, we should be careful to not sail the ship for ten thousand years. Xiao Yu, Yuan De, the two of you must listen to Elder Cang Yun, and be extremely careful of this person.    


"Master is right."    


"The grand master is right."    


Qin Xiaoyu and Su Yuande hurriedly nodded.    


"The other people who are worth paying attention to are Gu Qi, Lin Shiyin, Huang Yuan, Zhang Feiran, and others." Elder Cang Yun continued to speak, "However, Xiao Yu, Yuan De, the two of you don't need to remember this right now. When you guys arrive at Heavenly Star City, I will get someone to give you their detailed information."    


At this time, Qin Zhong swept his eyes across everyone once again, and said, "Things should be as they are, no one will have to add on anymore, right?"    


As Qin Zhong's voice fell, Wu Qing who had not spoken for a long time suddenly spoke again, "Pay attention to men."    


Wu Qing suddenly stood up after he said that and turned around, walking towards the back of the hall.    


At this time, Qin Xiaoyu and Su Yuande suddenly realised that after such a short period of time, Wu Qing seemed to have gotten older.    


The incomparably strange footstep from before actually felt like it was filled with an old age.    


Was it really as the legend said? Was the prophet using his own life in exchange for a better understanding of the Heavenly Mystery? The two of them had the same thought.    


Watching Wu Qing's figure disappear into the back of the great hall, an elder suddenly asked, "Then which of the two should we give the Thousand Cloud Symbol Token to Xiao Yu and Yuan De?"    



After saying that, all the elders looked towards Sect Master Qin Zhong. After all, this kind of matter was usually handled by the sect master.    


"Let Yuan De take it. At that time, it will be Yuan De you who will be using it." Qin Zhong said.    


He seemed to have already made up his mind.    


"Sect Master, this …" Su Yuande wanted to say something but hesitated. After a while, he said resolutely, "Let's just give it to Xiao Yu."    


His love for Qin Xiaoyu was known to everyone. This Thousand Cloud Rune, which was equivalent to protecting his life, naturally made him want to let Xiao Yu have it.    


An elder suddenly shouted, "Yuan De, listen to the Sovereign's orders!"    


Upon hearing this, cold sweat immediately appeared on Su Yuande's forehead. He quickly nodded and then respectfully said to Qin Zhong, "Yes, Sect Master."    


At this time, Qin Zhong suddenly took out a silver order badge that seemed to carry a strange light.    


This should be the Thousand Cloud Symbol Token, right? Qin Xiaoyu and Su Yuande thought.    


"Yuan De, come over here." Qin Zhong said.    


Su Yuande quickly walked forward, and stopped in front of Qin Zhong.    


At the end of the term, Qin Zhong suddenly shouted out 'go'. All of a sudden, the order badge flew out of his hand and slipped into Su Yuande's chest pocket.    


The others only thought that the order badge was in Su Yuande's pocket, and only Su Yuande knew, that the order badge was already close to his chest, and had fused with his entire body.    


Even if he changed, the token wouldn't leave him with the clothes he had changed.    


Then, Qin Zhong sighed a breath of relief and took out a yellowed talisman paper, handing it over to Su Yuande, and said, "Yuan De, this is the term for runes, after looking at it a few more times, you will be able to control it. But, you must remember, this order badge cannot be used as you wish, because the runes it faces are too powerful, so it does not have much energy, remember!"    


"Yes sir!" Su Yuande quickly nodded.    


"Alright, that's basically it. Tomorrow morning, you will immediately head to Heavenly Star City. You must enter the Heavenly Star City before the opening of the Heavenly Star Secret Realm and prepare yourself." Qin Zhong said again.    


"Disciple understands." Qin Xiaoyu and Su Yuande hurriedly nodded.    


"Yes, and also, call Xu Xiu over later. He'll come with you tomorrow." Qin Zhong added.    


"Master, why didn't you call us over just now?" Qin Xiaoyu asked curiously.    


"This is because the matter just now was extremely important and no one else could have heard about it." Qin Zhong's face suddenly became serious.    


Qin Xiaoyu quickly nodded.    


"I'll say it one last time. You all must obtain that treasure. That treasure must be extraordinary, so you should be able to sense it after entering."    


After this warning, Qin Xiaoyu and Su Yuande then left the great hall.    


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