Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C7 Concocting Pills

C7 Concocting Pills

0"Young master, young master, Zhang Wei is here to see you."    


The next day, when the sun had just risen, the sound of Die came from outside.    


"Let him wait outside." Lin Long replied.    


This wait of nearly a quarter of an hour had passed, and it was only when Xiao Die had come a third time to urge Lin Long to leave that he finally casually walked out of his room.    


Before this, no one in the Lin Clan other than the clan head would dare to show him any respect.    


"Hmm humph, it seems like Zhang Wei didn't sleep well enough last night." Lin Long laughed.    


Zhang Wei's eyes were red, his panda's eyes could be seen. Anyone could tell that he had not slept well last night.    


Xiao Die was worried that the Zhang Wei would go crazy if he waited for too long, but after hearing his young master say this, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.    


Zhang Zhi's face became even more unsightly, but he endured it. He threw the large bag of things in his hands towards the little butterfly, and then said coldly to Lin Long, "Young Master Lin Long, it's all up to you now. I hope you won't disappoint me."    


"When did this young master start bragging? But this matter can wait until this young master has finished his meal, right?" After saying all that, Lin Long no longer bothered with Zhang Zhi, but turned and spoke to Xiao Die, "Xiao Die, let's go, there's food to eat."    


"Young Master, this ?" Xiao Die could not help but look at Zhang Zhi.    


Zhang Zhi must have come early in the morning was something important, and he might have let it slide for so long, but now he was making the Zhang Wei wait ?    


She was afraid that the Zhang Wei would suddenly go berserk.    


"Xiao Die, don't worry, Zhang Wei is definitely going to go back to eat, so we'll take our time. Zhang Wei can wait." With that, Lin Long took the lead and walked out.    


Although Xiao Die was afraid of the Zhang Wei going crazy, would her young master dare to go against him after hearing what he had said?    


So even though she was a bit worried, she still followed him.    


As he walked, he turned his head to look at Zhang Wei, afraid that he would suddenly explode, but luckily, although Zhang Wei was so angry that his face turned black, he still stood there without moving.    


Until she turned into the kitchen and the Zhang Wei did not move, she was completely relieved.    


"Young master, I went out to get a river fish today, otherwise I would have already cooked breakfast."    


"Mhmm, my little butterfly is very diligent. Come on, Young Master will reward you with one."    


"Hey, Young Master, you can't touch that place."    


Listening to the laughter from the kitchen, Zhang Zhi was so angry that his lungs were about to burst, but to be honest, the reason he was in a bad mood was that he had spent the entire night with the other pill refiner in the village using the ingredients provided by Lin Long, and did not manage to produce any results.    


Now, being teased like this in Lin Long's courtyard, even a clay figurine would get burnt.    


He had already secretly vowed in his heart, if Lin Long's so-called refining medicinal pellets to cure him was just to fool him, he didn't mind showing some colors to Lin Long.    


At this moment, he could only sit on a stone bench and take out the dry rations he had and start chewing on them.    


After waiting for almost an hour, Lin Long who looked like he had eaten his fill came out of the room.    


"Young Master Lin Long, can we start now?" Even though he was half dead with anger in his heart, thinking that Lin Long was his only hope right now, Zhang Zhi still restrained the anger that should have erupted from his heart.    


It was truly strange, the young master had already teased the Zhang Wei and yet he did not get angry, what method did the young master use?    


Die was relieved, but she was curious.    


Curiosity was curiosity, but she naturally knew that there were some things that she should not know.    


She, who was incomparably obedient, quickly took out the teapot and teacup that were always hidden behind her back and placed them on the stone table in front of Zhang Zhi, then said, "Zhang Wei, please drink this tea."    


To be honest, if she didn't hide the teapot behind her back, her young master might have stopped her from taking it out.    


How could Zhang Zhi be in the mood to drink tea right now? He stared straight at Lin Long.    


On the other hand, Lin Long picked up the bag that Little Butterfly did not take over just now, that was placed at Zhang Zhi's feet. Looking at the various tools and materials inside, he said, "Zhang Wei can be rest assured, I will naturally be able to accomplish what I promised. Alright, let's ask Zhang Wei to wait here, I'm going. "    


Then, she picked up the bag and pulled Xiao Die to walk to a room behind her.    


In the room, Xiao Die was stupefied as she watched Lin Long conjuring up medicinal cauldrons, medicinal herbs, and all sorts of other things from his bag.    


She couldn't help but ask, "Young Master, are you an alchemist?"    


The reason why she was so shocked was because her young master had never come into contact with these things in her memories.    


How could she have known that this young master was no longer the same as the previous young master?    


"Xiao Die, your young master is an extremely intelligent man. You'll find out when you go to the city square to see how alchemists refine medicines. You don't need to specialize in that." Lin Long said.    


As he said that, he ignored the dazed Xiao Die and started to prepare to refine pills.    


In his previous life, Lin Long only came into contact with alchemy after he had become famous. However, his talent was outstanding, and he managed to become an outstanding alchemist.    


But the pill that was being concocted for Zhang Zhi was a piece of cake to him.    


The first thing he needed to do in order to refine medicine was to create a variety of ingredients. Even though refining this kind of medicine called Blood Pill was a piece of cake for Lin Long, he still had ten different ingredients to make.    


Even with his rich experience, he still spent a quarter of an hour to finish preparing these ingredients.    


Once the ingredients were done, they would officially begin the process of refining the pellets. Refining the pellets seemed to be an easy task, because all one needed to do was use torches to make the ingredients needed to make the pellets through the cauldrons.    


However, this refining process had to be extremely meticulous. Any step, even if one was unable to control the temperature well at any time, would lead to failure in concocting the pill.    


This required the alchemist to be familiar with the materials and master the fire quality. This required extreme precision, and to do this, the alchemist had to have strong enough spiritual will to sense these subtle changes.    


Thus, it was impossible for an ordinary person to become an alchemist.    


However, to grow an alchemist, one had to go through thousands of experiments. Because of the high cost of all sorts of materials, there weren't many people who had the qualifications to go through this process.    


Under the restrictions of various conditions, the number of people who could become alchemists was pitifully small. It was precisely because of this that there was only one alchemist in a town with a population of tens of thousands.    



It's so hard to become an alchemist, but his young master became an alchemist just like that. How could Xiao Die not be surprised?    


Seeing Lin Long so busy, she forgot that she should be helping an assistant at this time.    


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