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C67 Han's Romance of the Three Kingdoms

C67 Han's Romance of the Three Kingdoms

0Han Tangbo had gone missing, leaving only a handwritten letter, which was also a will.    


In the will, he left a message saying that his life was not going to last long. He no longer cared about anything outside of his body. He wanted to tour the beautiful mountains and rivers of his motherland. If he died there, he would be buried there. He didn't need to search for his family.    


Although the will had instructed him not to search, the Han family still tried to find him through connections for a long time. However, they did not find any clues.    


Han Tangbo's disappearance had a huge impact on the Han Group. Zhou Weide and his five men team were in full power. Han Jianguo, who had lost his power, could not care less about Han Lu. He wanted to get back the right to speak.    


As a result, the internal conflict in the Han Group had a huge change. It had become Han Jianguo fighting against the five men group.    


Seeing the current situation of the group, Han Lu, who should have been relaxed, could not help but feel worried in her heart.    


"Should I help Han Jianguo? No matter what, he is still a member of the Han family. It is better than being taken away by him..."    


Without giving Han Lu the chance to finish her words, Zhao Quan asked, "Don't you remember why he suppressed you earlier?"    


Han Lu was slightly stunned. Han Jianguo suppressed her because of the marriage alliance with the Du Family.    


She suddenly reacted, "You mean to say that Han Jianguo might pull the Du Family into the trap to help?!"    


Zhao Quan shook his head, "It's not possible. He will definitely pull Du Family into the trap. Otherwise, Han Jianguo would not be able to handle the five of them."    


Once the Du Family entered the trap, would it cause the consequences of inviting a wolf into the house?    


He curled his legs and sat on the sofa. Han Lu thought about it and felt that this matter was very worrying.    


She did not know what to do now. She was worried that the foundation that her grandfather painstakingly built would be snatched away by outsiders.    


Han Lu looked up at Zhao Quan, who was reading a book, and asked, "Zhao Quan, what should I do now? Help me come up with an idea."    


"No, wait and see. Aren't you Old Han's boss? Then just sit by the shore and be a leisurely fisherman."    


Han Lu understood what Zhao Quan meant. Zhao Quan's suggestion was' the snipe and the clam fight each other and reap the benefits'. She was the fisherman.    


But she couldn't understand. She couldn't even speak a word in the Han Group. Why should she be the fisherman?    


When Han Lu brought up this question, Zhao Quan finally closed the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" book and smiled.    


"Don't worry, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms must have three governments. Otherwise, why would it be called the Romance of the Three Kingdoms..."    


The truth happened exactly as Zhao Quan had predicted.    


In the following month, many of Han Jianguo's direct descendants in the Han Group were removed in various kinds of names. The five-man group led by Zhou Weide in the group meeting basically became a hall of words. No decision could be refuted.    


It could be said that Zhou Weide could do whatever he wanted. The resistance was getting smaller and smaller. Even the cleaning lady in the group would play with the words' Han Group 'on her uniform, muttering that it was about to be changed to' Zhou's Group '.    


However, Han Jianguo was not an easy person to deal with. After a few failures in the struggle, he also offered a high offer. With the excuse of a certain project in the company, he successfully dragged the Du family into it.    


The representative sent by the Du family was Du Ziming, who had been absent from the 'fight' due to his mother's death a while ago.    


Of course, Zhou Weide was unwilling to let the 'external helper' invited by Han Jianguo participate in the battle at such a critical moment. Therefore, during the meeting this morning, he had an intense argument with Du Ziming, accusing Du Ziming of interfering in the internal affairs of the Han Group even though he was a member of the Du family.    


However, Du Ziming also had his reasons. In order to protect the orthodox Han Family, he didn't want to see the Han Group become the Zhou Group.    


When Zhao Quan heard the content of the meeting, he said to Han Lu, "You, the fisherman who watched the show, should get into the trap."    


"If you don't have a good name, you won't be able to speak smoothly. I believe Zhou Weide will definitely come and find you when he realizes this."    


"You are the legitimate daughter of the Han Family. You are also qualified to inherit your grandfather's shares in the company."    


"It can be said that besides roping you in, Zhou Weide has no other choice. He can fight Han Jianguo with his own conscience."    


After carefully savoring Zhao Quan's words, Han Lu frowned slightly.    


"Han Jianguo is trying his best to kill the thief, but I have to rely on Zhou Weide. It is not good, right? It's as if I am a traitor. "    


Trying his best to kill the thief? It seemed like Han Lu had yet to realize who the real thief was.    


However, Zhao Quan did not give too many explanations regarding this point. He only shook his head lightly.    


It was not that he did not want to explain. Someone had explained it for him. For example, Zhou Weide, who had entered Han Lu's office.    


After Zhou Weide entered the room, he sent Zhao Quan to take care of his car.    


Zhao Quan was a driver, so it was not a problem for him to send a car to the vice president of the company to take care of it. Han Lu did not know what to say.    


After sending Zhao Quan away, an expression of disappointment appeared on Zhou Weide's old face.    


"Xiaolu, I am really angered to death by you, Second Uncle. How could he do something like opening the door to welcome a thief?"    


"Du Family has always been thinking of annexing our Han Group. This is also the reason why Du Ziming pursued us. He wants to use the identity of son-in-law of Han Family to get into the inner parts of the Han Group, then divide us and eat us."    


"But now, you, Second Uncle, have taken the initiative to lure him in. Isn't this inviting a wolf into our house?"    


Han Lu finally understood what Zhao Quan meant by shaking his head. Zhao Quan wanted to tell her that Zhou Weide was a thief. However, the thief was not Zhou Weide, but the Du Family, which was welcomed by Han Jianguo.    


Using the recent book that Zhao Quan had read, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," to describe it, Zhou Weide was only Sun Wu, and the Du Family was Cao Wei!    


Han Lu understood what Zhao Quan wanted her to do, and also understood what she should do.    


She wanted to borrow Zhou Weide to rise!    


Han Lu 'anxiously' asked, "Grandpa Zhou, What should we do? We can't just watch the Han Family be swallowed by the Du Family. "    


Zhou Weide's eyes widened," Of course not. I will never allow this to happen even if I have to risk my life! "    


"Xiaolu, Grandpa Zhou has already discussed this with your other four grandpas. Since the old chairman is no longer around, we will do our best to protect you as the chairman. You are also a part of the Han Family. You also have the blood of the old chairman flowing in your veins."    


"From today onwards, the few of us will recommend you to the higher ups of the company. With the identity of the vice chairman of the Han Group, we will officially compete with Han Jianguo for the position of chairman. " I don't believe that with the five of us protecting you, you will lose to a Du Family! "    


When Han Lu heard this news, she was overjoyed and expressed her gratitude to Zhou Weide.    



Zhou Weide politely expressed that everything should be done. After instructing all other trivial matters, he left Han Lu's office.    


However, when he turned around and carried Han Lu on his back, his eyes revealed a sinister and cunning look.    


How could the Han Group be handed over to Han Lu? It had to be handed over to him and become the Zhou Corporation!    


At this moment, Han Lu was pondering. After Zhao Quan knew about this matter, he must be thinking...    


Shu Han's debut!    


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