CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C27 Do You Think This Is Good

C27 Do You Think This Is Good

0Jian Haixi came out of Director's office and could not help but let out a sigh of relief in her heart. Luckily it was Saturday today and she did not meet anyone else when she left the company.    


On the way, Jian Haixi called Jian Chenrann. As soon as the call connected, Jian Chenrann anxiously asked, "Hai Yue, what happened to you? Why didn't you come back for the whole night and didn't pick up my call?"    


Jian Haixi paused and said, "I'm fine. I had a party at my company last night. It was already very late when the party ended, so I rested at my colleague's house."    


Jian Chenrann heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Then you should also tell me. Not only I was worried about you, but the children were also worried about you."    


"Brother, I'm sorry. I will definitely tell you in advance next time." Jian Haixi promised.    


Jian Chenrann said, "It's good that you are fine. Today is Saturday. You can go shopping with your colleagues and rest for a while. You don't have to rush back. I was just about to bring Yi and Rui to the amusement park."    


Jian Haixi heard Jian Rui arguing at the side, "Mommy, we are going to the amusement park to play. You can live your single life today!"    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Then listen to your uncle obediently, okay?"    


"Mommy, I know. You have fun. Don't be in a hurry to come back!"    


When Jian Rui said this, Jian Haixi could not help but laugh. Her children were probably the people in the world who wanted her to relax and play the most.    


"I won't chat with you anymore. Don't worry, I will take care of the children." Jian Chenrann said.    


"Okay. Big brother, thank you. "    


"We are a family, you don't have to be so polite."    


Jian Haixi hung up the phone and did not go home. Instead, she drove to JOJO's house.    


Joe had completely accepted Jian Haixi's arrival. Although he was not very close to her, at least he did not reject her coming. When Jian Haixi chatted with him, he would also reply.    


Jian Haixi first cleaned up and then said to Joe, "Joe, I went to the supermarket to buy vegetables."    


Just as she finished speaking, she saw Jojo frown and he turned around to return to his room.    


Jian Haixi was stunned. What did he mean?    


After waiting for a while, Jian Haixi did not see him come out. Jian Haixi hesitantly walked to the door of Joe and knocked, "Joe?"    


The door was opened from the inside and Jojo walked out after changing into a set of clothes.    


Jian Haixi looked at him and was stunned. She asked, "Do you want to go to the supermarket with me to buy vegetables?"    


JOJO looked at her and did not speak, but his eyes had clearly expressed his meaning.    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. "Alright, then let's go together, but you have to follow me closely."    


Jian Haixi brought JOJO to the supermarket and asked with a smile, "Joe, what do you like to eat?"    


JOJO was stunned. He gently pulled on her sleeve and then turned around to take her to the beef shelf.    


Jian Haixi understood that this child wanted to eat steak, so she decisively bought beef.    


Jian Haixi thought for a while and said, "This type of steak with thick soup is the best. Joe, let's go and buy the ingredients for the soup, okay? The soup I made is very delicious."    


JOJO looked at her and nodded. Jian Haixi smiled and took him to buy the ingredients for the soup.    


After buying the ingredients, Jian Haixi made the soup and steak for JOJO. Jian Haixi did not know why she thought of Ning Jiwei when she was cooking. She thought that he was probably still working overtime in the company at this time. This place was also quite close to the company, so she made another set of steak and steak and soup.    


Wait. After JOJO finished eating, Jian Haixi did not stay any longer. After tidying up the kitchen, she brought the packed steak and soup back to the company.    


When Jian Haixi returned, Ning Jiwei was in the office holding a video conference with the French company representatives.    


Jian Haixi stood outside the door and looked at his serious expression. She could not help but be a little lost in thought as she held the lunchbox.    


This Ning Jiwei was really charming.    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei and unconsciously smiled. She put down the lunchbox and prepared to secretly leave.    


She turned around and took two steps. Unexpectedly, the office door suddenly opened and Ning Jiwei walked out.    


The two of them looked at each other. Jian Haixi blushed a little awkwardly.    


Ning Jiwei was a little surprised that she appeared here and asked, "What's the matter?"    


"I..." Jian Haixi bit her lips. She felt inexplicably shy and nervous.    


Ning Jiwei smelled the fragrance in the air and looked down at the lunchbox on the table beside him. He looked at Jian Haixi's fingers which were tied together nervously and there was a trace of a smile in his eyes.    


"You came to give me food?"    


Jian Haixi said with a red face, "I came to deliver food. I happened to be not far from the company and thought that you probably haven't eaten yet, so..."    


"Oh, so you specially came to deliver food for me."    


Ning Jiwei finished speaking on her behalf.    


Jian Haixi was a little shy and looked up at him and said, "Do you want to eat? If you don't want to eat, I will take it away."    


"I don't want to eat it." Ning Jiwei said.    


His direct refusal stunned Jian Haixi. She was angry and disappointed. She took two steps forward to take the lunchbox. "If you don't want to eat, I'll just take it away..."    




Jian Haixi's hand had just touched the lunchbox and was about to pick it up when her other hand grabbed her wrist.    


Ning Jiwei looked at her with a smile and said, "Unless you eat with me."    


Jian Haixi was stunned and looked at his wrist. She bit her lips and said with a red face, "I didn't eat anyway. I brought two servings..."    


Ning Jiwei's smile became bigger. He took her into Director's office.    


Jian Haixi put out the steak and soup with a red face. As soon as they sat down, Lee Fu came back with the packed food.    




Lee Fu had just spoken when he saw Jian Haixi. He immediately became silent. He then looked at the steak on their table and smiled awkwardly. " Hai Yue is here too. Director, the lunch you asked me to buy has arrived. "    


He took out the packed food and set it up. Jian Haixi looked at the dishes and was stunned. Lee Fu bought vegetables, and she brought steak and soup.    


She asked Ning Jiwei awkwardly, "Do you like to eat lighter dishes? Do you not like steak? "    


Ning Jiwei said without looking up," No. Lee Fu bought these vegetables on his own accord. "    


"What?" Lee Fu was stunned. He was about to say, "Director, didn't you ask me to buy some light dishes?" However, under Ning Jiwei's threatening gaze, he could only nod and admit, "Yes. I bought these. It was definitely not Director who asked me to buy them."    


Jian Haixi looked at Lee Fu in puzzlement, "Is that so?"    


"Take these away." Ning Jiwei said.    


"Ah? But..."    


Lee Fu wanted to say something else, but Ning Jiwei said coldly, "You can eat the things you bought yourself."    


Lee Fu wanted to cry but had no tears. He could only take the food that he had just prepared out and eat it himself.    


Jian Haixi saw Ning Jiwei eat a few mouthfuls before asking with anticipation, "Is it delicious?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at her and smiled this time. He said with certainty, "Not bad."    


Jian Haixi pouted and said, "Your evaluation of it is only" not bad "? Your requirements are too high. My culinary skills are quite good. In my house..."    


"Then if you have time, let me experience your culinary skills."    




Jian Haixi was stunned. Ning Jiwei smiled and said, "Didn't you say that your culinary skills are very good? I said if you have time, let me experience it. "    


Jian Haixi was stunned and blushed again. "It's not that easy for you to eat my food, I..."    


"It's decided then." Ning Jiwei made a one-sided decision and then said to Jian Haixi, "Don't talk when you eat."    


Jian Haixi did not know what to say. It meant that after he said it, she could not talk anymore, right?    


The two of them had a fairly harmonious meal. After they finished eating, Jian Haixi did not stay any longer. She packed her things and left the company.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the seat she had sat in and the smile on his lips lingered for a long time.    


To Jian Haixi, her relationship with Ning Jiwei had become closer, but it was not to the extent where she liked each other. She thought that perhaps the two of them could become friends, but she seemed to have forgotten that she was not so good to male friends.    


On Monday at work, Chen Zhaomu sent a message to tell Jian Haixi that the jewelry was ready.    


When Jian Haixi rushed over to get the finished product, Chen Zhaomu saw that she was even more excited than the first time. If she did not reject him strictly, he would probably hug her a few times.    


"Hai Yue, my goddess. Your design coupled with the mystery of the abyss is simply too awesome! Look at its noble posture and that dazzling blue. Once this kind of jewelry appears in the world, it will definitely cause a sensation!"    


Jian Haixi smiled. Chen Zhaomu rubbed his hands and said, "Hai Yue, can I buy the copyright of this design blueprint from you? Don't worry, I will definitely not let you suffer a loss."    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head.    


"As expected, I still can't buy the copyright of this design?" Chen Zhaomu was a little disappointed.    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "You don't need to buy it. If you like it, you can use it. I also hope that Mom's design can be seen by the whole world. "    




The surprise came too suddenly. Chen Zhaomu did not expect Jian Haixi to be so generous and trust him.    


"Of course it's true."    


Chen Zhaomu was so touched that he did not know what to say. He pulled Jian Haixi and said, "I'll treat you to dinner. You must agree to my invitation."    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. The two of them went to the restaurant. During the whole process, Chen Zhaomu almost treated Jian Haixi like a queen. From drinking to eating, he introduced everything to her and carefully used the chopsticks to pick it up for her.    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head, "You don't have to do this."    


"No, I have to do this." Chen Zhaomu said seriously, "Hai Yue, you don't know how much benefits you have given me. Inviting you to dinner is nothing. If you are willing, I can still take care of you for the rest of your life."    


Jian Haixi only thought that he was joking and shook her head with a smile.    


The other two saw the way the two of them talked and laughed, but the atmosphere between the two of them was completely different.    


Ning Jiwei and Sung Lan came out to eat and saw Jian Haixi talking and laughing with a man. They looked very intimate.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the smile on Jian Haixi's face and felt inexplicably uncomfortable. He was very unhappy in his heart.    


Sung Lan saw that he kept staring in that direction and could not help but look in that direction. When she noticed that he was looking at Jian Haixi, Sung Lan was even angrier in her heart.    


But at this time, she could not take the initiative to provoke Jian Haixi and would not give Ning Jiwei the chance to walk over. So she smiled and said to Ning Jiwei, "Ji Wei, let's go."    


Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes and looked at Jian Haixi. After a moment, he silently turned around, but his cold breath scared the waiter here.    


After the meal, Jian Haixi and Chen Zhaomu walked back to the company. On the way, Chen Zhaomu asked her to wait for a while, and then went to the flower shop to buy a large bunch of lily.    


"Hai Yue, this is for you."    


Jian Haixi was stunned and asked with a smile, "Why did you give me flowers?"    


Chen Zhaomu smiled and winked at her. "Thank you for giving me such a big benefit, my goddess."    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head, but still took the flowers.    


After saying goodbye to Chen Zhaomu, Jian Haixi carried the flowers back to the company. In the end, she was stopped by Ning Jiwei before she could enter the Design Department.    


"Director, why are you looking for me?" Jian Haixi saw that he was the only one here, and she could not help but feel puzzled.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the flower in her hand and frowned. "Throw it away."    


"What?!" Jian Haixi did not understand what he said.    


"I said, throw away the flower in your hand." Ning Jiwei said impatiently.    


Jian Haixi was a little confused. "Director, this flower was given to me by my friend."    


What she meant was that this was her flower. Why should he let her throw it away?    


Ning Jiwei saw that she was unwilling to throw it away and his mood became even worse. His voice also became several degrees colder, "I am allergic to pollen. Flowers are not allowed here."    


Jian Haixi was speechless. She turned around and gloomily went to deal with the lily in her hand.    


Of course, she was reluctant to throw away such a good flower, so she found a bottle and inserted the flower into the front desk downstairs.    


Looking at the blooming lily, Jian Haixi was in a very good mood as she hummed a small tune and went upstairs.    


In the end, as soon as she arrived at the elevator door, she saw Ning Jiwei waiting there.    


"You threw the flower away?" Ning Jiwei asked.    


Jian Haixi did not expect him to personally supervise her to throw away a bunch of flowers, so she nodded and said, "I have already taken care of it."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and did not say anything else, turned around and left.    


Jian Haixi looked at his back and felt even more baffled.    


Very quickly, Jian Haixi's proposal received a huge response. The moment Jojo's image advertisement was released, it caused a huge sensation. Jojo practically became the national idol overnight.    


Seeing this result, Jian Haixi was happy for herself and also happy for JOJO.    


She would still find time to cook for JOJO. After all, she really liked JOJO.    


Regarding the matter of JOJO becoming the national idol, Jian Haixi teased him after cooking.    


"JOJO, you have become a celebrity all of a sudden. I need to keep some of your signatures. When the time comes, I can make a lot of money."    


JOJO looked at her and did not reply. Jian Haixi did not feel awkward either.    


He still did not speak much, but Jian Haixi could already feel his acceptance and intimacy with her.    


Jian Haixi finished cleaning up the kitchen utensils and was just about to return when her phone received a notification from the school teacher. The teacher said that because it was Friday, she hoped that the parents would go to school early to pick up the child from school.    


Jian Haixi took a look and turned to JOJO and said, "JOJO, I'll be leaving first. I'm going to pick up Yi and Rui from school today. I left some food in the kitchen. You can eat more when you're hungry at night."    


She picked up the bag and was about to leave, but JOJO took her bag faster than she did.    




Jian Haixi was stunned, but JOJO did not say anything. He only looked at her First Primary School for a while and then took the lead to walk out.    


Jian Haixi hurriedly followed him out and looked at JOJO who was already standing by her car. She thought for a while and asked, "Do you want to come with me to pick up Yi and Rui?"    


JOJO nodded and pointed at the car, indicating for her to quickly open the car door.    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "I didn't say no, but you should at least lock the door of your house first."    


JOJO blinked, turned around, and walked back, closing the door with a bang. Then he looked at Jian Haixi, meaning that the door had been locked.    


Jian Haixi smiled helplessly and shrugged. "Then let's go. But let me tell you first, Rui is very mischievous, don't be scared by her."    


JOJO did not answer but firmly sat in the front passenger seat.    


Jian Haixi smiled and drove to school.    


When the two of them reached the school gate, they saw the three children walking towards the school gate together.    


JOJO pointed at the little fatty beside Jian Yi and Jian Rui and looked at Jian Haixi with doubt in his eyes.    


He had seen Jian Yi and Jian Rui in the album and could recognize them. But he did not know Gu Xiaomian.    


Jian Haixi briefly told him, "He is Gu Xiaomian, Rui's deskmate. Maybe he is also her good friend."    


Jian Haixi's words were not confident because Jian Haixi did not know what her son and daughter were thinking, so it was not good to guess the relationship between them.    


While they were talking, a few children had already seen Jian Haixi and excitedly ran towards her.    


"Mommy!" Jian Rui ran wildly all the way and directly rushed into Jian Haixi's arms, "Mommy, you haven't picked us up from school for a long time."    


As she spoke, she kissed Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi smiled and patted Jian Rui's head, "I have been a little busy recently. Didn't I hurry over to pick you up today?"    


"Mommy, then I want to eat a lot of delicious food today!"    


"Okay, no problem!" Jian Haixi nodded in agreement.    


Jian Yi walked over and stood by the side. He first looked at Jian Haixi, then turned his gaze to JOJO, who was beside Jian Haixi.    


JOJO also looked at him curiously. This was the genius child that Jian Haixi talked about.    


"Yi, come here. Let me introduce you all."    


Jian Haixi pulled Jian Yi and Jian Rui over and introduced them, "This is JOJO. He doesn't really like to talk, but he is a very good person. You can't bully him, understand? "    



"Mommy, I know!" Jian Rui pouted and said," In your mouth, I am like an unruly and naughty child. "    


Gu Xiaomian, who was beside her, quickly added, "Rui is the best. Rui is not a bad child!"    


Jian Yi rolled his eyes at him. "You are everywhere."    


Jian Haixi looked at the three children and shook her head. She smiled at JOJO and said, "Are they very noisy?"    


JOJO looked at the three children in front of him. Starlight flashed in his eyes and he shook his head at Jian Haixi.    


He did not feel that they were very noisy at all.    


"Brother Jojo, you look really good!"    


Jian Rui held JOJO's finger with infatuation and smiled. "I have seen you on TV. You look the best with the jewelry my mother designed, except not as good as handsome boy's."    


JOJO looked at her holding his finger. He was a little nervous, but he did not pull his hand away.    


Jian Yi's face was cold. He stretched out his hand and introduced himself like an adult. "Hello, I am Jian Yi."    


JOJO was stunned. He also reached out and shook hands with her. He opened his mouth and said, "JOJO."    


Jian Haixi was a little surprised that JOJO would answer Jian Yi's words, but she remembered how he usually loved to hear her tell stories about children. This was not surprising.    


"Auntie, my dad is calling me. I will leave first." Gu Xiaomian said goodbye to Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded.    


Then Gu Xiaomian looked at Jian Rui and said, "Rui, I'll be leaving first. I won't be able to see you in two days. I will miss you very much..."    


"Hurry up and leave!"    


Before Gu Xiaomian could finish speaking, he was pushed away from Jian Rui's side by Jian Yi. "I have already warned you. You cannot be so close to Rui."    


Gu Xiaomian touched his nose. He was not afraid of Jian Yi's cold face. He turned his head and waved at Jian Rui with a smile, then waved at Jian Haixi. "Goodbye, Auntie."    


Jian Haixi touched her forehead. It seemed that Jian Rui's charm was really great. Gu Xiaomian liked Jian Rui very much.    


She turned her head and looked at Jian Rui. Jian Rui did not even look at Gu Xiaomian. She was still staring at JOJO.    


"Brother Jojo, come home with us. I have a lot of things at home. I will let you play with them, okay? And my favorite chocolate... "    


In terms of eloquence, Jian Rui was definitely talented. Jian Haixi did not think that Jian Rui could say so many words in one breath just to let JOJO go home with them.    


Jian Yi looked at her with disdain, "I have a infatuated sister. This is really shameful."    


Jian Rui ignored him and only pulled JOJO to act spoiled, "Brother Jojo, okay?"    


JOJO did not answer her, but looked at Jian Yi.    


Jian Yi saw him looking at her and said, "Although she is infatuated, what she said is true. Our family does have a lot of delicious and fun things. Let's go."    


JOJO saw that Jian Yi did not object and seemed to be relieved. The corner of his mouth curled up slightly and he nodded.    


Jian Haixi brought the three children back home.    


With JOJO at home, she did not need to be busy anymore. Because Jian Yi and Jian Rui had automatically helped her take care of JOJO.    


To be more precise, JOJO and Jian Rui were playing. Jian Yi was in charge of controlling Jian Rui's emotions when she was excited.    


After dinner, Jian Rui still wanted to play, but Jian Yi stopped her and JOJO. He said seriously, "Jian Rui, it's time for you to do your homework."    


Jian Rui pouted. "Can't I not do my homework today? I still want to play with Brother Jojo."    


Jian Yi looked at JOJO and thought for a while. "Alright then. You don't have to do homework today. You have to make up for it tomorrow. "    


"I know, brother. You are so good!" Jian Rui hugged Jian Yi and kissed him. She turned around and looked at JOJO. She smiled and threw herself at him. "Brother Jojo, I want to kiss you."    




Before she threw herself into JOJO's arms, Jian Yi suddenly rushed over. He originally wanted to pull Jian Rui away, but he did not expect him to not stop either. He and Jian Rui both jumped onto JOJO. The three of them instantly rolled on the ground like a snowball.    


"What are you doing?"    


Jian Haixi heard the noise and walked to the door. Seeing the three of them rolling on the ground, she could not help but ask with a smile.    


"Nothing." Jian Yi said.    


Jian Haixi looked at Jian Rui suspiciously. Jian Rui was stupidly pulling JOJO.    


Jian Haixi was helpless and turned to look at Jojo.    


JOJO blinked and said, "Nothing."    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head. "Alright. You guys will come over for dinner after playing for a while. Don't play too crazily, understand?"    


"Mommy, I know!" Jian Rui answered first.    


JOJO held Jian Yi with one hand and Jian Rui with the other. He smiled in a rare way.    


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