CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C116 Looking for Someone

C116 Looking for Someone

0After discussing the procedure with the doctor, Jian Yi was brought back by the middle-aged man.    


"Yi, this is what you wanted. Take a look."    


The middle-aged man handed a surveillance video to Jian Yi. Jian Yi silently took the computer and looked at it again and again.    


This was a surveillance video of a mountain foot. In the video, a black car sped past on a deserted highway at the foot of the mountain.    


An hour later, the car appeared on the screen again.    


Jian Yi looked at the black car. He narrowed his eyes and fixed the image. He carefully examined the frame after frame. Finally, he locked his eyes on the blurry figure in the car.    


"Yi, have you found anything?" The middle-aged man asked.    


Jian Yi pursed his lips. He put the video of the man locking onto the car last and turned the computer to the middle-aged man. "Take a look. Is this person Qin Tian?"    


The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and nodded. He took the computer over and said to Jian Yi, "Let me see. You take a rest first. It will be bad for your recovery if you consume your energy."    


Jian Yi nodded tiredly and closed his eyes with all his strength. Watching the computer at such a close distance was undoubtedly a huge burden to his damaged eyes.    


The middle-aged man stared at the screen and carefully compared the person in the car with Qin Tian's facial features. Jian Yi found a chair and sat down. He also wanted to rest, but he looked at the vast snow outside the window and recalled the bombing case. He could not close his eyes no matter what.    


Qin Tian died?    


This news was like a ridiculous joke to him.    


That explosion destroyed his and his home. However, the culprit had mysteriously died half a year after his disappearance. Such a coincidence could not convince him no matter what.    


Jian Yi looked out the window at the snow that seemed to never stop falling. He held Qin Tian's death certificate tightly in his hands.    


After a long time, he took a deep breath and made his decision even more firm.    


If the truth was destined to be buried under the snow, then even if he used himself as a sacrifice, he would tear apart the layers of snow and dig out the truth that was buried at the bottom.    


Just as Jian Yi was lost in thought, the door was pushed open with a creak and a teenage girl walked in.    


"Yi, why are you blowing the wind again?"    


Seeing Jian Yi sitting by the window in the snowstorm, the girl's bright and beautiful face wrinkled. She threw away the bag she was carrying and quickly walked over to help him close the window.    


"If you want to recover quickly, you can't blow the wind. If you get infected and you have to be hospitalized, I won't help you plead for mercy. Do you know that? "    


The girl nagged as she brought Jian Yi away from the window.    


"Luo Er." Jian Yi said faintly and called the girl's name.    


He was able to revive from the explosion because of Luo Er and her father's help. If it wasn't for them, he would have died by now.    


Luo Er squatted down and looked at the injuries on Jian Yi's face for a while. She nodded and said, "It seems that you have recovered quite well."    


Jian Yi looked at Luo Er and said softly, "Thank you."    


Luo Er smiled. Her youthful and beautiful face was as bright as the blooming of a hibiscus. She waved her hand and said to Jian Yi, "If you really want to thank me, hurry up and get better. Otherwise, what can you use to thank me?"    


Jian Yi nodded. He would.    


"That's right." Luo Er suddenly thought of something. She got up and walked to the side. She laboriously moved a long and big table over and put her bag on it.    


"I thought that you must be bored to death staying at home alone, so I prepared these for you. Am I very considerate?"    


As she spoke, Luo Er poured out a bunch of electronic equipment from her bag and placed them on the table one by one.    


After Jian Yi heard her words, he looked at her busy cleaning up. He could not help but raise his head and ask, "Are you leaving?"    


Luo Er, who was tidying up the table, paused for a moment and then nodded. She turned to Jian Yi and said, "My grandmother passed away. I have to return to the country."    


Jian Yi nodded and did not say anything.    


Luo Er looked at Jian Yi, who was obviously young but somehow seemed to have experienced the vicissitudes of life and loneliness. There was a look of reluctance and heartache in her eyes. She walked in front of Jian Yi and said, "After I leave, you must take good care of yourself. You must listen to the doctor's words and actively cooperate with the treatment."    


"Don't worry." Jian Yi said, "I don't want to die yet, so I will make myself recover as soon as possible."    


Luo Er took a deep breath and suppressed the discomfort in her heart. She forced a smile and said, "By the way, after I go back this time, I should be able to meet those guys in the group."    


Jian Yi nodded and said, "I also don't know how those guys are. When you see them, remember to send me a photo."    


Luo Er heard his words and her eyes reddened. She nodded.    


The two of them were silent. Jian Yi looked at Luo Er, who had her head lowered, and said, "Don't you still need to pack?"    


"Jian Yi." Luo Er's voice was choked with sobs. She looked up at Jian Yi and said, "If I leave, what will you do by yourself? There was no one here to chat with you, and no one was by your side."    


"I am fine." Jian Yi said lightly.    


"If you feel uncomfortable, I can't go back." Luo Er's eyes were slightly wet. She knew that Jian Yi was very strong, but she also knew how much suffering those nightmarish shadows were to him. So when Luo Er thought of leaving him alone in this world of ice and snow, her heart ached.    


Jian Yi slowly raised his hand and helped Luo Er wipe the tear that flowed out of the corner of her eye. He shook his head and said with a smile, "No need. Isn't your father here? He has already taken good care of me."    




Luo Er wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Jian Yi. "You staying behind is nothing more than chatting with me. Even if you return to the country, you can still video call me. It has nothing to do with the distance."    


Luo Er looked at Jian Yi and confirmed, "Can you really do it?"    


"Don't worry." Jian Yi nodded and said.    


Luo Er sighed. "Alright then. I will go back now. You can look for me anytime if you need me. Got it?"    




Luo Er looked at Jian Yi and helped him tighten his collar. Although it was not cold in the house, she still took care of Jian Yi as carefully as possible.    


After Luo Er finished doing these, she was about to get up when she saw the paper in Jian Yi's hand out of the corner of her eye.    


"What is this?" Luo Er reached out and took the paper. Seeing that it was Qin Tian's death certificate, she could not help but be stunned, "Why are you still holding it?"    


Jian Yi pursed his lips and did not say anything.    


Luo Er looked at Jian Yi's expression and asked with a frown, "You suspect that this death certificate is fake? Do you think Qin Tian is not dead yet?"    


Jian Yi nodded, "This matter is too much of a coincidence. Back then, with such a huge search, she was not found. If there is no one supporting her, I don't believe it."    


"That's true. In the end, the target was on that mountain and she actually escaped. This Qin Tian is too capable." Luo Er said.    


"Qin Tian disappeared for half a year after that. During this half a year, I, Daddy, did not stop and relax searching for her. However, it was difficult to find any trace of her. So I guess there must be another force behind Qin Tian. If my guess is correct, Then the force behind Qin Tian must have something else to ask of her. In that case... How could they let her die at this time? "    


"But I still don't understand." Luo Er asked in puzzlement, "Since they have already disappeared for more than half a year, wouldn't it be fine if they continue to disappear? Why should we create a death certificate at this time? "    


"Maybe they want us to stop searching for Qin Tian." Jian Yi guessed.    


Luo Er rubbed her chin with her hand and said, "Who do you think is behind Qin Tian? We can't find any information at all."    


Jian Yi shook his head. "Currently, the breakthrough point of this matter is still Qin Tian. If I can confirm that she is not dead, we should be able to find some clues by following the investigation."    


Luo Er raised her eyebrows and asked, "You have clues?"    


"I am not sure." Jian Yi shook his head and said, "I found a surveillance video, but the image is too blurry. At the moment, I cannot confirm that the person inside is Qin Tian."    


Luo Er looked at Jian Yi who was frowning and blinked. She reached out and pressed on his shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged. Don't worry. No matter where Qin Tian is hiding, I will help you find her."    


Jian Yi's mouth twitched. He nodded and said, "We will talk about this in the future. If I need you, I will definitely not be polite with you. For now, you can help me with one thing."    


"Go ahead."    


Jian Yi looked at Luo Er and said, "Aren't you going back to the country? After you go back, can you go and see my parents and my sister? I am very worried about them. "    


" Is that all? " Luo Er smiled and patted her chest to guarantee, "It is not difficult. Leave this matter to me."    


In the Maiteng.    


Ning Jiwei was working in his office when he saw Gu Chenyi bringing Jian Rui over.    


"Daddy!" Jian Rui saw Ning Jiwei pounce on him and hugged his thigh, not letting go.    


"Rui, what is wrong with you?" Ning Jiwei held Jian Rui in his arms and asked, "Are you not used to the first day of school?"    


Jian Rui shook her head. She buried her head in Ning Jiwei's neck and whispered, "I'm fine. I just miss you."    


"It's good that you are fine. You have to be good. I also miss you." Ning Jiwei coaxed Jian Rui before he looked up at Gu Chenyi and asked, "Is Rui already out of school now? Why did you send her here? I was thinking of going to pick her up."    


Gu Chenyi touched Jian Rui's head and smiled at Ning Jiwei." I went to pick up Xiaomian. I also helped you pick Rui up. "    


Gu Xiaomian stood by the side. He lowered his head and greeted Ning Jiwei, "Uncle, hello."    


Ning Jiwei smiled at Gu Xiaomian. He looked at Gu Chenyi and said, "Thank you."    


"Our families have such a good relationship, and you still want to say thank you? That's too unfamiliar." Gu Chenyi waved his hand indifferently.    


Ning Jiwei saw that Gu Chenyi had something to say to him, so he put Jian Rui down. "Rui, you play with Xiaomian for a while. I have something to discuss with Uncle Gu, okay?"    


Jian Rui nodded. Gu Xiaomian had already walked over and held her hand. "Rui, let's play over there."    


As he spoke, Gu Xiaomian pulled Jian Rui out of the office.    


After the two children left, Ning Jiwei looked at Gu Chenyi and asked, "Did something happen to Rui when you specially came over? There was something wrong with her expression just now. "    


"Did you notice?" Gu Chenyi said angrily, "The two of you have paid too little attention to Rui in the past six months."    


Ning Jiwei was shocked. He frowned and asked, "What happened to Rui?"    


Gu Chenyi sighed and sat down on the sofa. He briefly told Ning Jiwei about what happened to Jian Rui at school. "That's what happened. When I went, Rui cried like a frightened rabbit. She kept telling me not to tell you. She was afraid that you would worry."    


Ning Jiwei pursed his lips. There was shock and sadness in his eyes. "I didn't know."    


"Of course you don't know, because you have too many things to do. You have to manage two companies. You have to take care of Haixi. If you want to find Jian Yi, you have to find Qin Tian. You have so many things to do. You are so busy. How can you spare time to care about your daughter? " Gu Chenyi asked back with a stern voice.    


Ning Jiwei did not refute Gu Chenyi's accusation. He nodded solemnly and said, "This is all my fault."    


Gu Chenyi looked at Ning Jiwei. Even though he was very angry with Ning Jiwei, he could not bear to scold him anymore. He sighed and said, "Sorry, what I said just now was a little too much."    


"No, you are right." There was obvious pain and self-blame in Ning Jiwei's eyes. "It was I who neglected my daughter."    


Gu Chenyi sighed again. "Ning Jiwei, I know you are very sad after what happened to Jian Yi. Haixi was very sad. Everyone was very sad about this. But life can't be stopped because of this matter, right? Furthermore, did you forget the other person who would also be sad - Jian Rui? She and Jian Yi were always together. They were the most intimate twins. To Rui, the pain she suffered was no less than that of Haixi and you. "    


Ning Jiwei closed his eyes and did not speak.    


Gu Chenyi continued," We have to look forward. You are like this, and Haixi is also like this. She could not always be immersed in the grief of the past. Look at the past six months. What has Rui become? You have completely ignored her. If today's matter did not escalate to the point of inviting the parents, I reckon that we would all be kept in the dark by Rui. Ning Jiwei, Rui is only six years old. She should not have endured all this."    


" I know. " Ning Jiwei took a deep breath and said to Gu Chenyi, "I understand what you mean. Don't worry. I will not let this happen again in the future."    


Gu Chenyi nodded and said, "It is good that you understand. To Rui, Haixi is the one who is closest to her at this time. I think you need to have a good talk with Haixi. If it was half a year ago, I would not have said that. After all, Haixi's emotions were unstable at that time, but it has already been half a year. Her condition seems to have improved a lot. Then we can't delay Rui's matter any longer. "    


Ning Jiwei exhaled and said, "I will think about how to let Haixi do better."    


"That's good." Gu Chenyi nodded and stood up. "Think about it carefully. I will leave first."    


His purpose of coming here was to let Ning Jiwei realize the problem with Jian Rui.    


Gu Chenyi walked to the office door and waved to Gu Xiaomian and Jian Rui. "Children, come here."    


"First Dad!"    



Hearing Gu Chenyi's voice, Gu Xiaomian pulled Jian Rui and ran over. "First Dad, did you finish speaking so quickly? I haven't had enough fun with Rui yet."    


"You only know how to play every day." Gu Chenyi slapped him on the head and scolded him angrily, "Have you finished your homework today?"    


Gu Xiaomian stuck out his tongue and pulled Gu Chenyi's hand to say coquettishly, "First Dad, we are outside. Give me some face. "    


Gu Chenyi laughed and said, "Okay. I'll deal with you when I get back."    


After he finished speaking, he waved at Ning Jiwei and Jian Rui and said, "We'll be leaving first."    


Ning Jiwei carried Jian Rui and nodded at them.    


Gu Xiaomian crawled into Gu Chenyi's arms and waved at Jian Rui energetically. "Rui, I am going home. See you tomorrow. If you're bored, you can find me to video chat with."    


Gu Chenyi shook his head in amusement and carried Gu Xiaomian out.    


Jian Rui held Ning Jiwei's neck and waved at Gu Xiaomian. "Goodbye, Uncle Gu. Goodbye, Gu Ruanruan."    


Ning Jiwei pinched his daughter's face and said thoughtfully, "You seem to have lost some weight."    


Jian Rui blinked and smiled at Ning Jiwei. "Don't tell me I don't look good when I lose weight?"    


"Of course you look good." Ning Jiwei hugged his daughter tightly and kissed her on the forehead, "My daughter is naturally the prettiest."    




Jian Rui laid on Ning Jiwei's neck and blinked her big eyes. She finally stopped crying.    


"What's wrong, Rui?"    


Jian Rui shook her head and whispered into Ning Jiwei's ear, "Daddy, I miss you so much."    


Ning Jiwei's throat was slightly sore. He kissed Jian Rui's cheek again and said, "I miss you too. Sorry, I made you wait a long time."    


Jian Rui shook her head and did not say anything. She just hugged Ning Jiwei tightly.    


Gu Chenyi carried Gu Xiaomian and walked out. Gu Xiaomian kept twisting and turning.    


Gu Chenyi patted his butt and said, "Be honest. You blocked my view."    


Gu Chenyi ran into an obstacle, and then he heard a scream. The person who walked over was knocked to the ground, and the information in his hands was scattered all over the floor.    


"Sorry." Gu Chenyi hurriedly apologized, raised his hand, and put Gu Xiaomian down. He squatted down and helped the person in front of him pick up the information.    


"These are what Director wanted?" Gu Chenyi looked at the feedback and asked.    


"That's right. Director is in a hurry to get them. We will send the latest feedback to him every day." The person who sent the information said.    


Gu Chenyi looked at the content of the information and his eyes darkened.    


Ning Jiwei was looking for a child with major burns within half a year. He considered that if Jian Yi could survive the explosion, he would most likely be injured. And the information he picked up was actually from Belgian. It seemed that he had expanded the search scope to overseas.    


Gu Chenyi sighed slightly. He helped pick up the information and handed it to the person in front of him, then turned around and left with Gu Xiaomian.    


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