CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C309 Evil Can Never be Evil

C309 Evil Can Never be Evil

0As the host spoke, more and more contestants led their models into the arena. The dazzling clothing and colors overwhelmed everyone, and they once again realized how amazing Ning Jiwei's hosting of this competition was.    


In the shortest amount of time, he had attracted so many excellent designers. No matter what the result was, judging from this commercial battle, Ning Jiwei and his Mofu had successfully turned the tables.    


Tong Si looked at the people moving around on the battlefield and a vicious smile appeared on her face. She lowered her head and took out her phone to contact Lee Loong, ordering him to make a move.    


She had also threatened Lee Loong yesterday. If he did not copy, she would immediately stop his wife from performing the surgery.    


Lee Loong had agreed to it very thoroughly yesterday, so Tong Si was not afraid that he would suddenly turn against her.    


But the truth was that Tong Si's message had been sent out for a long time, and she had not received a reply from Lee Loong.    


Tong Si stared at the silent phone and frowned, preparing to quietly call Lee Loong.    


She wanted to see if he missed the message or if there was really a change in the situation.    


But just as she moved, a large hand pressed down on her shoulder.    


"Where are you going, Miss Tong?" Gu Chenyi asked with a smile.    


Tong Si paused for a second and smiled as usual. "I'm going to the bathroom."    


Gu Chenyi said, "Miss Tong, you are a partner. If you leave during the competition like this, it will cause panic for others."    


Tong Si frowned slightly. She was sure that Gu Chenyi wanted to make things difficult for her today.    


"Mr. Gu, please believe that this kind of panic is not something I want to cause, but there are three things to worry about. I believe Mr. Gu can understand."    


When she said this, Tong Si's face had already turned cold. She believed that no matter what Gu Chenyi did, after hearing this, he should let her go.    


But she did not expect that Gu Chenyi would still have a smile on his face. However, that big hand that was pressing on her shoulder did not seem to have any intention of withdrawing.    


"Miss Tong better endure it first." Gu Chenyi smiled and said.    


"You!" Tong Si was furious. She did not care about her image and said something like "there are three things to worry about." If it were any other gentleman, they would know that it was time to politely make way. But she did not expect Gu Chenyi to say such words to make her endure it.    


Before Tong Si was about to get angry, Gu Chenyi sneered and moved closer. He said in a low voice, "If Miss Tong wants to go out and call Lee Loong, then there is no need. Since he cannot reply to your message now, naturally he will not be able to answer your call in a while. "    


"What? You..." Tong Si looked at Gu Chenyi in shock. She did not expect that the matter that she had planned for a long time would be so easily pointed out by him.    


Gu Chenyi returned to his smiling appearance. In the eyes of others, he was just very friendly and chatting with Tong Si.    


"Miss Tong better watch the competition obediently. Moreover, you better hope that this competition ends perfectly. Otherwise, even if we want to spare the Tong Family, it will be impossible."    


Gu Chenyi's words made Tong Si's body stiffen. The hand that was holding the phone kept trembling, but she really did not dare to move.    


She had been exposed!    


The Tong Family had also been exposed!    


Ning Jiwei had even found out about the alliance between the Tong Family and the Soong Family!    


Tong Si kept thinking, but she could not figure out where they had been exposed.    


When did Ning Jiwei find out? Why could he not do anything for so long?    


On one side, Tong Si had mixed feelings. On the other side, there were also many clashes happening backstage.    


Soong Lu looked at Qiao Ya who was seriously preparing to lower her head and not speak, and the corners of her lips proudly curled up. She deliberately walked to Qiao Ya's side and said, " Yo, isn't this Miss Qiao? Last time she won me by five points. She must have prepared well this time, right?"    


Qiao Ya looked at Soong Lu and said lightly," You are very free? "    


"You..." Soong Lu choked and coldly snorted, "Qiao Ya, don't think that just because you got first place last time, you can also get first place this time. Let me tell you, this time the first place will definitely be mine."    


"Oh, is that so?" Qiao Ya swept a glance at the attire of the model behind Soong Lu. She was not a pushover that was easy to bully. Usually, she would only have her pride. How could it be anyone else's turn to speak of her?    


Hence, Qiao Ya's lips curled into a sneer and said to Soong Lu, "Soong Lu, are you going to use the trash behind you to compete with me for first place?"    


"Whose trash are you talking about?" Soong Lu's face revealed a malevolent expression and looked behind Qiao Ya before snorting, "What you are talking about is the junk!"    


One side was designed by a person and the other side was designed by a team.    


No matter how powerful Qiao Ya was, she, Soong Lu, was not afraid of her at this moment.    


Qiao Ya turned her head and looked at her model's clothes which were somewhat flawed. She smiled and did not bother with Soong Lu anymore.    


Summer insects cannot speak ice. It was useless to say more.    


Soong Lu saw that Qiao Ya did not care about her and became even angrier, "What are you so good at? I will make you look good in a while!"    


Finishing, Soong Lu led her model away.    


Qiao Ya narrowed her eyes and looked at the clothes on Soong Lu and the other models. Her gaze was somewhat complicated.    


Those clothes, although they had already tried their best to draw closer to the same style, professional people could still see that they were not from the same system at all.    


Soong Lu, she... How did she design this kind of clothing that was completely different from the same system?    


Or could it be...    


Qiao Ya did not think about the other possibility.    


It was not her place to worry about these things. She only needed to focus on her own competition.    


Very soon, it was Soong Lu's turn to go on stage.    


Everyone was looking forward to the second place last time.    


Although Qiao Ya's design had won a lot of attention, Soong Lu was still stunning enough last time, so everyone was looking forward to what kind of design she could bring today.    


Soong Lu was like a proud peacock as she went up the stage in high spirits.    


But as she went up the stage, she found that the reactions of the audience and judges were not as enthusiastic as she had imagined.    


No, it was not just not enthusiastic.    


There were even some gurgling sounds from below the stage.    


Soong Lu was somewhat flustered. Could it be that her design was not outstanding? Why was everyone frowning?    


Catherine looked at Soong Lu and her frown deepened. Even Qiao Ya could see the problem, how could she not see it?    


"What is going on?" Catherine could not bear it any longer and said in a low voice.    


Ning Jiwei reached out and patted the back of Catherine's hand to comfort her, "Teacher, please be angry for a moment."    


Catherine reluctantly suppressed her temper. It was not time to give a rating yet.    


Even so, other people could still come out with a look of displeasure on Catherine's face.    


Soong Lu faced Catherine's face full of anger and was shocked in her heart. She did not care about her performance and hurriedly got off the stage.    


The host was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted. He smiled and said, "Next, let us invite the semi-final champion Lady Qiao Ya and her model."    


If it was said that everyone had expectations for Soong Lu before she went on stage, Qiao Ya's appearance did not make everyone so excited.    


The performance of the second place in the semi-final was only so. No matter how the first place was, it would not be surprising.    


Soong Lu came down from the stage and brushed past Qiao Ya who was about to go on stage. She coldly snorted and said, "Don't be complacent. You might not be much better than me."    


Qiao Ya did not pay attention to her. She only raised her head and puffed out her chest and walked out confidently.    


Soong Lu stood at the backstage, waiting for the audience to once again laugh at her.    


However, she was disappointed. This time, not only did the crowd not laugh at her, they even burst into thunderous applause.    


Soong Lu even clearly saw surprise and admiration on Catherine's face.    


"How is this possible?" Soong Lu looked at this scene in disbelief. If not for this competition being completely transparent, she even suspected that everyone was bribed by Qiao Ya.    


"Why is it impossible?" A voice came from behind Soong Lu.    


Soong Lu was stunned for a moment. She turned around stiffly and faced Liao Huanyan, who was standing behind her. She did not know when he was standing behind her.    


At this moment, the two of them were standing close to the backstage entrance. There was no one else around.    


Soong Lu saw Liao Huanyan and her expression changed. She gritted her teeth and went forward, "Liao Huanyan, why are you here?"    


Liao Huanyan raised his eyebrows and looked at Soong Lu, "Soong Lu, do you look guilty or anxious?"    


"What does it have to do with you?" Soong Lu reached out and grabbed Liao Huanyan's arm. "Liao Huanyan, I'm warning you. Get out of here immediately. Do you hear me?"    


"Warning me?" Liao Huanyan reached out and pulled Soong Lu's hand away. "What are you going to use to warn me? Soong Family?"    


"It's good that you know." Soong Lu coldly snorted," If you don't leave and dare to speak nonsense here, our Soong Family will never let you off. "    


Liao Huanyan's sneer became even wider, "Soong Lu, what are you afraid of me talking nonsense for? Tell me, how did you lie to me and threaten me to help you design clothes and help you become the second in the semifinals?"    


"Shut up!" Soong Lu heard Liao Huanyan say it so easily and could not help saying angrily, "Liao Huanyan, you shut up. You better swallow those things in your stomach forever."    


Liao Huanyan did not show any weakness and said, "Why should I? Soong Lu, what right do you have to occupy the fruits of my labor and ask me to swallow it? Do you think you can do whatever you want with the support of the Soong Family and Soong Wei's help?"    


Soong Lu sneered and looked at Liao Huanyan." Liao Huanyan, are you alright? I am relying on the fact that I am a member of the Soong Family. What can you do to me if I do whatever I want? I'm just threatening you to help me design my clothes. I only got second place in the semi-final because I took your design drafts. Go ahead and say it. Do you dare? Even if you say it, do you think anyone will believe you?"    


"Soong Lu, don't go too far!" Liao Huanyan was so angry that he trembled. "At this time, you actually did not repent at all? You lied to me and used me, and now you still say such things!"    


Soong Lu's lips curled into a cold smile. She took a step forward and stared at Liao Huanyan and said, "Liao Huanyan, I advise you to be sensible and not use your own life to joke around. If you dare to say it out, I will make you not see tomorrow's sun. Believe me, I let you run away once. This time, I won't give you another chance."    


Liao Huanyan was so scared by her eerie tone that he took a step back. He staggered and almost fell down.    


Soong Lu looked at her miserable and timid appearance and felt inexplicably happy.    


"Liao Huanyan, in front of me, you are like a weed. No, you are like a fly. I can crush you with a wave of my hand." Soong Lu said word by word, "So you should understand reality earlier. Don't overestimate yourself there."    


Soong Lu thought that since she had said so, she could definitely scare the timid Liao Huanyan.    


However, she did not expect that she was not the only one behind Liao Huanyan now.    


Just as Soong Lu finished speaking, before Liao Huanyan could say anything, another person's voice came from behind.    


" Oh? I have no idea when the Soong Family has the power to kill." Mi Kai stood behind Soong Lu and smiled coldly," With me here, Miss Soong Lu wants Huan Yan to not see tomorrow's sun. I'm afraid it will take more effort. "    


"You... Mi Kai?" Soong Lu looked at Mi Kai in surprise, then turned to look at Liao Huanyan. She did not expect Liao Huanyan to be able to suck up to Mi Kai.    


Seeing Mi Kai speak for her, Liao Huanyan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart and quietly stood behind him.    


Mi Kai reached out and pulled Liao Huanyan's hand, "Don't be afraid."    


"Yes, I am not afraid." Liao Huanyan looked up and looked at Soong Lu. He said, "Because I believe that evil cannot be compared to good."    


The crowd below the stage was raging, but the excitement on the stage was rising.    


Qiao Ya's appearance once again shocked and cheered the entire audience. Especially with Soong Lu's comparison, Qiao Ya's excellence was even more apparent.    


Even Catherine could not help but stand up and applaud for her.    


"Alright, now let us invite all the participating designers to come up onto the stage and receive the evaluation of the judges." The host announced the process.    


Soong Lu was stunned when she heard that everyone was to go up on stage. She glared at Liao Huanyan and Mi Kai unwillingly before walking up with the crowd.    


"Teacher Catherine, may I ask how you feel about the performance of the designers in the finals?" The host asked.    



Catherine smiled and said, "Except for a few people who are not prepared, everyone's performance is excellent. Actually, in a competition, what matters is not what rank we get. It depends on what we have learned. I believe that in this short month, everyone has gained enough. Please don't forget the hard-earned experience and knowledge in your future design career. And don't forget your initial thoughts."    


Catherine's words caused thunderous applause from below the stage.    


The host said, "Then may I ask Teacher Catherine, have you done with the scores of the designers? We are looking forward to who will be the champion this time."    


As soon as the host finished speaking, countless people below the stage shouted Qiao Ya's name.    


Qiao Ya heard the cheers below the stage and was stunned for a moment before smiling calmly.    


She did not expect that after she broke past the limitations of the past, the clothing that she designed would be able to obtain the resonance and recognition of so many people.    


Catherine handed the form of the scores and rankings to the host. The host took the form and after briefly rendering the atmosphere, he announced the rankings of everyone.    


The first place was undoubtedly Qiao Ya, but the second place was not Soong Lu, but one of the top five in the previous semifinals.    


As for Soong Lu, her ranking was already so high that everyone could not be bothered to remember it.    


"Alright, this is the ranking of all the participating designers. Next, let us invite..."    


"Wait a minute."    


The host was about to start the next review process, but before he could finish, Ning Jiwei stood up and said, "There's another contestant who hasn't appeared yet."    


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