CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C43 Hurry up and Eat

C43 Hurry up and Eat



When Xie Nuan saw Jian Haixi standing there silently, she thought that her joke just now had gone too far. It made Jian Haixi unhappy. So she apologetically apologized, "Sorry Haixi, I was just joking just now. Don't take it to heart."    


Jian Haixi shook her head and said, "I am not thinking about this. Come with me."    


Then, she led Xie Nuan to turn on the computer. "Can you confirm that the person you saw downstairs at the company is the same person as the person in my WeChat picture?"    


Xie Nuan nodded. "I can be sure. You also know how infatuated I am. As long as it is someone who looks not bad, I can basically remember them."    


Jian Haixi pursed her lips. She reached out and typed on the keyboard. She found a clear picture of Chen Zhaomu. She moved aside to let Xie Nuan see clearly, "Is it him?"    


"It's him."    


Xie Nuan asked doubtfully, "Haixi, what happened to you? Is this matter that serious? In my opinion, this man is not bad looking. But from his nose and eyes, I can see that he is a petty person. He is far inferior to Director. Haixi, where are you going? "    


Before she could finish her words, she saw Jian Haixi had already stood up and left.    


Jian Haixi angrily ran all the way to Director's office. When Ning Jiwei saw her come, his mood was not bad.    


"You are here. Where are we going to eat lunch?"    


He thought Jian Haixi had come because he had sent her a message on WeChat. He even smiled and said, "Actually, you don't have to come this time. I'll go pick you up after work. But if you want to come, I have no objections."    


Jian Haixi did not speak the whole time. She just stood there.    


Ning Jiwei waited for a long time and did not see her answer. Only then did he realize that something was wrong. He put away the smile on his face and could not help but ask, "What happened to you? I see that you look unhappy."    


Jian Haixi was so angry that she could not suppress her anger. She simply went forward and showed him the photo of Chen Zhaomu that was picked out on the phone's website. She questioned him.    


"Chen Zhaomu is my friend. Did you secretly deal with him without telling me? "    


After asking, Jian Haixi stared at Ning Jiwei, hoping that he would give her a negative answer.    


But Ning Jiwei only frowned. He put down the document in his hand, looked up at her and asked, "Whether I did that or not, does it have anything to do with you?"    


Jian Haixi was furious and said, "Ning Jiwei is my friend. No matter what he did, I should be the one to resolve it. Why are you hiding it from me and making decisions for me?"    


" Am I not your man? "    


Ning Jiwei sneered. He stood up and grabbed Jian Haixi's phone and threw it on the table.    


"What are you doing?" Jian Haixi was even angrier when she saw him throw her phone away without any explanation. She was about to speak when Ning Jiwei grabbed her hand and pressed her back on the table.    


"Ning Jiwei, you..."    


Ning Jiwei held her waist with one hand and pressed it close to her cheek. "If you don't know who I am, then I don't mind letting you know again."    


After saying that, he picked Jian Haixi up by the waist and walked towards the lounge in the room.    


"What are you doing? Ning Jiwei, you are a bastard! Let go of me!"    


Jian Haixi angrily patted his shoulder and scolded with red eyes.    


But Ning Jiwei did not let go at all. He placed her on the bed and pressed her down, making the two of them fall on the bed together.    


"Ning Jiwei, you are a bastard."    


Jian Haixi's scolding was sealed between her lips and teeth. Ning Jiwei did not hesitate to use his method to punish her.    


Jian Haixi was angry and embarrassed. She reached out and pushed hard at Ning Jiwei's chest, but she could not push away Ning Jiwei who was pressing down on her. Instead, she was pressed down by Ning Jiwei.    


There was a familiar smell between her lips and teeth. Ning Jiwei was moved. He kissed her fiercely.    


Jian Haixi was still resisting. But facing Ning Jiwei, how could she resist? In a moment, Jian Haixi was kissed until she melted into Ning Jiwei's arms.    


Only when she was about to suffocate did Ning Jiwei kindly let go of her and let her breathe a few mouthfuls of oxygen. It prevented her from becoming the first person in history to be kissed to death.    


Jian Haixi's little face was flushed red. She stared at him angrily with her big eyes.    


However, her red lips were obviously swollen from being kissed, and her watery eyes did not have any deterrent force.    


Ning Jiwei looked at her with amusement. His index finger wrapped around her hair and said, "Didn't you want to know the answer? That's right, I stopped Chen Zhaomu. Do you want to blame me?"    


Jian Haixi was so angry that she hit his chest twice. "Ning Jiwei, you clearly did something wrong. How can you still be so self-righteous?"    


Ning Jiwei smiled and held her hand. He held her hand tightly in his palm and said, "Am I wrong? But I don't think I did anything wrong. And I don't regret it at all. I just can't stand him giving you roses. If you want flowers, I can only give them to you."    


Jian Haixi was so angry that she had nothing to say. She glared at him angrily and turned her head.    


Ning Jiwei looked at her mockingly. He reached out and pulled her chin over to let her look at him. "What are you angry about? Now that you know, do you plan to rush over and take the initiative to throw yourself into his arms?"    


"Don't speak nonsense!" Jian Haixi glared at him. She was so angry that she reached out to cover his mouth and said, "Don't slander me. I don't have such intentions."    


Ning Jiwei felt the heat on his lips. He smiled and kissed her palm.    


Jian Haixi was kissed by him. The numb feeling made her want to withdraw her palm. But her hand was caught by Ning Jiwei and held in his palm.    


"Let me guess why you are so angry."    


Ning Jiwei smiled and looked at her. "Jian Haixi, you have fallen in love with me."    


"I am not!"    


Jian Haixi's expression changed and she quickly said.    


Ning Jiwei smiled and said, "If you did not fall in love with me, why are you in such a hurry to explain that you have no interest in Chen Zhaomu? If you didn't fall in love with me, why would you care so much about the matter of me hiding it from you to deal with Chen Zhaomu?"    


"Shut up, don't talk nonsense!"    


Jian Haixi panicked in her heart. She pushed him away and got off the bed. She turned her back and said, "What I said is only the truth. Don't make wild guesses."    


"Is that so?"    


Ning Jiwei did not get angry when she pushed him away. He walked behind her with a smile. He wrapped her in his arms. He put his head on her shoulder and said, "Whatever you say. But I know it very well. Jian Haixi, you love me."    


" I didn't! "    


Jian Haixi didn't know whether she was warning him or herself. She reacted and broke free from Ning Jiwei. "I did not fall in love with you. We are not in love at all!"    


Ning Jiwei frowned and looked at her. "Haixi..."    


"Don't call me by my name."    


Jian Haixi's eyes turned red and she said coldly, "I don't want to be a third party. I also don't want to ruin your relationship."    


Ning Jiwei was stunned. He walked forward with a frown. He lifted her chin and looked at her. "Who did you ruin your relationship with? Sung Lan and I? Sung Lan and I have never had any relationship."    


" Since you don't have feelings for each other, then don't marry her. Can you do that? " Jian Haixi looked into Ning Jiwei's eyes and asked.    


Ning Jiwei pursed his lips and did not say anything. He squeezed Jian Haixi's chin harder and after a long time, he said, "Haixi, don't force me."    


"Since you can't do it, what's the point of saying all this?"    


Jian Haixi sneered and turned around to leave.    


Ning Jiwei saw her cold eyes and his heart suddenly felt empty. When she turned around, he subconsciously grabbed her wrist.    


"Where are you going?"    


Jian Haixi looked at him strangely, "Director, I am fine now. Of course I have to go back to Design Department."    


"You are not allowed to leave." Ning Jiwei hugged her tightly and said.    


Jian Haixi coldly said, "If I do not leave, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to sleep with you?"    


Ning Jiwei did not say anything. However, his hands that were hugging her were exceptionally tight.    


Jian Haixi kept sneering. That laughter made Ning Jiwei feel a little sour in his heart. He might as well kiss her fiercely again.    


In the deep kiss, Ning Jiwei felt as if he had been hooked by some kind of memory. Only Jian Haixi could give him this kind of familiar feeling. Therefore, Ning Jiwei could not resist the urge to kiss even deeper.    


Jian Haixi's resistance was ineffective. She was forced to endure his dominance.    


After the kiss, Ning Jiwei held Jian Haixi tightly in his arms and said, "Haixi, other than reputation, I can give you anything. Can you be my woman obediently?"    


Jian Haixi sneered and did not speak.    


When Ning Jiwei heard her laugh, the hand he held behind her tightened even more.    


His embrace, as always, made her lose herself in it. Jian Haixi thought sadly.    


She struggled out of Ning Jiwei's embrace and shook her head with a bitter smile. "Ji Wei, by calling you this, it means that I am seriously talking to you about this matter. I want to tell you my real thoughts. I don't want to be a third party. I don't want to have a relationship that can't be exposed. An underground relationship is an insult to both you and me"    


" It's not like that "    


Ning Jiwei held her hand tightly. Qing Qing said. : "Our relationship can't be exposed. Besides status, you can have anything. I will do what I say. "    


Jian Haixi still shook her head. Just as she wanted to say something, someone broke through the door and entered.    


"Jian Haixi, you slut!"    


Sung Lan's resentful voice sounded. At the same time, she rushed in from outside the door and raised her hand to slap Jian Haixi's face.    


Before Jian Haixi could dodge, Ning Jiwei had already held Sung Lan's hand.    


"What are you doing?"    


"What do you think I am doing?" Sung Lan was so angry that she cried. She looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "Ji Wei, why are you doing this to me? I am your fiancée, and I am your future wife. How can you be so heartless to me? "    


Ning Jiwei threw her to the side and sneered, "Sung Lan, I told you long ago that there is only business transaction between us. Since the Sung Family chose to sacrifice you to make a deal with me, then you are a member of the Sung Family and a sacrifice. You should bear all the consequences. This was your own choice. "    


Sung Lan was so angry that her entire body trembled. She lifted her head and stared at Ning Jiwei in despair. "Do I have any other choice back then? Do I have to sleep with those stinky men?"    


Ning Jiwei smiled coldly and did not say anything. Sung Lan gritted her teeth and turned her head to look at Jian Haixi who was standing by the side. She wished she could go forward and tear Jian Haixi apart.    


"Jian Haixi, no matter how many problems there are between Ji Wei and me, I am still his legitimate fiancée. No matter how powerful you are, you are still a third party who destroys other people's family!"    


Jian Haixi opened her mouth but did not refute.    


Sung Lan was right. Even though Jian Haixi had already rejected Ning Jiwei before Sung Lan entered the room.    


"Shut up!" Ning Jiwei snapped.    


"Director, I'll be leaving now." Jian Haixi did not want to stay here and listen to Sung Lan's mocking and scolding, so she told Ning Jiwei and turned around to leave.    


"Don't go!"    


Sung Lan took two steps forward and wanted to stop Jian Haixi. Sung Lan was stopped by Ning Jiwei and Sung Lan angrily shouted, "Jian Haixi, are you afraid? With a mother like you, your two children will not be any better. All of you will die a horrible death! "    


" I'll say it again, shut up! "    


Ning Jiwei hurriedly wanted to stop Sung Lan from cursing, but he did not carefully listen to what she said.    


Jian Haixi, who was about to leave, stopped.    


If Jian Haixi had any weakness, it would be her two children.    


In this world, she was not afraid of attacks and rumors. But if someone wanted to attack her children, she would fight to the death with this person.    


Jian Haixi took a big stride forward and pushed Ning Jiwei away. She held Sung Lan's collar and said, "Take back what you just said!"    


Sung Lan sneered, "What is it? Did I poke your sore spot? Jian Haixi, have you never told Ji Wei that you have children? You don't even know who the father of your children is! "    


Jian Haixi's eyes suddenly shot out two sharp lights. She raised her hand without hesitation and slapped Sung Lan's face.    


Sung Lan covered her face and took two steps back. She looked up and looked at Jian Haixi in disbelief, "Jian Haixi, you dare to hit me!"    


Jian Haixi sneered and chased after two steps and picked up her collar again. "Even I dare to kill people who dare to scold my children, let alone hit you? Do you believe that if you scold me again, I will still dare to hit you? I will hit you until you don't dare to scold me. "    


Sung Lan was so frightened by the murderous look on Jian Haixi's face that she trembled. But when she saw the complicated look in Ning Jiwei's eyes behind her in the blink of an eye, she suddenly felt that she had a backer.    


So she sneered and said, "You don't want me to scold them, does that mean that they are not bastards? Why don't you tell me who the father of your children is? Can you say it? "    


Jian Haixi was so angry that she gritted her teeth. She wanted to give Sung Lan another slap, but she heard Ning Jiwei's voice coming from behind her.    


"Is this true?"    


His voice did not have any anger, but it was full of doubt. His voice immediately stung Jian Haixi's heart.    


Jian Haixi withdrew the hand that was holding Sung Lan's collar and turned her back to him. She did not reply.    


Sung Lan had already rushed to say, "Of course it is true. Ji Wei, a lot of people in the company knew about this matter. You were cheated by this woman. She only knows how to pretend to be a little bunny in front of you. In fact, she's not a virgin anymore."    


" Shut up! "    


Sung Lan originally thought that after she said this, Ning Jiwei would question Jian Haixi, but she did not expect Ning Jiwei to scold her first.    


"Ji Wei, you..."    


"I did not ask you."    


Ning Jiwei said coldly. He turned to look at Jian Haixi and asked, "Is what she said true? Jian Haixi, I want you to tell me personally."    


When Jian Haixi heard his question, her heart ached. She took a deep breath, turned around, and looked at him calmly.    


"What do you want to know?"    


Ning Jiwei pursed his lips and said, "You have two children, is that true?"    


"That's right."    


Jian Haixi nodded and said, "But do I need to explain these things to you? I am the mother of two children. My children do not have a father. This is a fact that no one can change, but so what? This doesn't mean that my children and I are inferior and can be humiliated by others. "    


Ning Jiwei said angrily," Did I insult you? I just want an explanation! "    


"What do you want me to explain?"    


Jian Haixi sneered, "You want me to explain why I have two children and why I became a single mother? I will raise my own two children myself. I will not steal or rob. Except for you, everything I do is open and aboveboard. What do I need to explain?"    


"Ji Wei, don't trust her. A woman like her would definitely get pregnant because of her life's lascivious nature. Do you know that her mother was angered to death by her?! "    


Before Sung Lan could finish her words of sowing discord, Jian Haixi could not bear it any longer and slapped her to the ground.    


"Jian Haixi, you slut. Just you wait."    


Jian Haixi looked at Sung Lan and warned, "Sung Lan, I'm warning you, don't anger me. You better be more polite with your words, otherwise I will let you know how serious the price of angering me is. "    


Ning Jiwei's eyes were heavy and he did not say anything.    


Jian Haixi looked at him. She had turned from sad to disappointed. She said coldly, "If you can't even accept my past, how are you going to give me the future? Ning Jiwei, if I let you choose between your interests and mine... Then you have already told me your choice. And if I choose between you and my children, I will also choose my two children without hesitation. So, Ning Jiwei, we have nothing more to say."    


After saying that, Jian Haixi turned around and left the office.    


She left in a carefree manner. But only she knew the pain in her heart. After walking out of this door, she was still that calm and rational businesswoman. She would not let anyone see anything strange about her.    


After Jian Haixi left, Sung Lan got up from the ground feeling wronged. She weakly covered her face and looked at Ning Jiwei, "Ji Wei, look, she is a crazy woman."    


Before she finished speaking, she was already frozen in Ning Jiwei's cold eyes.    


"Sung Lan, did I give you too much face?"    


Ning Jiwei cruelly smiled and said word by word, "Who gave you the right to be so impudent in my territory?"    


"Ji Wei!"    


Sung Lan was frightened by his expression and took two steps back. But before she could speak, her arms were already grabbed by the two bodyguards who walked in.    


"What are you doing? Let me go!"    


Sung Lan struggled violently. In the past, no matter how unbridled she was here, Ning Jiwei never used his bodyguards to deal with her. If she was brought out by the bodyguards like this today, then when she came to the Maiteng in the future... Who would give her face?    


Sung Lan was still struggling until Ning Jiwei said something light and light, "I remember that the Sung Family has a more obedient daughter. Perhaps she is more suitable for this transaction than you."    


Sung Lan heard his words and immediately became quiet, "Ji Wei, you actually want my half-sister to replace me?"    


"There is nothing wrong with that. If you continue to be so ungrateful." Ning Jiwei said casually.    


No! She absolutely did not want to be replaced. Even if she was only a sacrifice, it was still better than not being able to be a sacrifice.    


Sung Lan quickly shook her head and guaranteed, "Ji Wei, I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. Can you not replace me? I just love you too much. Ji Wei, I will definitely be your fiancée in the future. I beg you, don't change me."    


Ning Jiwei no longer listened to her nonsense. He turned to look at the bodyguards and instructed, "Take her away and make sure that she will be obedient in the future before letting her out."    


"Yes." The bodyguard dragged Sung Lan out of the office.    


After everyone left, the office suddenly became empty. Ning Jiwei stood in front of the French window and looked at the huge city outside. His eyes gradually became serious, but no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.    


After work, Jian Haixi returned home. The two children at home were busy in the kitchen. Jian Yi was sitting on a stool and cooking while Jian Rui was busy helping him. Although the kitchen was very messy, it was filled with a warm and peaceful atmosphere.    


When they saw Jian Haixi come back, they ran to her side to welcome her home. Jian Yi wanted to ask how Jian Haixi was doing at work today, but before he could say anything, he was hugged by her.    



Jian Haixi carried the two children and said with red eyes, "In the future, I just want to protect the two of you well. Those that don't belong to me, I won't covet them anymore. "    




They could tell that Jian Haixi was unhappy. Jian Rui obediently stretched out her little arms and hugged Jian Haixi, helping her pat her back. She used a tender voice to coax, "Mommy, don't be unhappy!"    


Jian Yi looked at Jian Haixi like this. The expression in his eyes changed a few times, but he did not say anything. He just silently turned back to the kitchen and continued to cook.    


When all the dishes were served, Jian Yi was just about to go and call Jian Haixi to eat when he saw Jian Rui come out of Jian Haixi's bedroom and tell him not to make any noise.    


"Big Brother, Mommy is asleep. She wants us to eat by ourselves. She said that she will help us with the bath water when she wakes up later."    


Jian Yi frowned even more deeply. He just nodded and pulled Jian Rui to sit at the dining table to eat.    


Jian Rui's heart ached for Jian Haixi. She pouted and said, "Brother, Mommy must have been bullied at work."    


As she spoke, Jian Rui rolled up her sleeves and revealed her two little fat arms. She said angrily, "I want to go to the company to help her get justice!"    


"It's not about work." Jian Yi shook his head and said, "Think about it. When we were overseas, Mommy's work was ten thousand times harder than it is now. She had to follow Uncle Mike to deal with those troublesome business partners every day. But, when have you ever seen Mommy suffer because of work?"    


Jian Rui held her head and thought for a while, then nodded and said," That's right. Then brother, tell me, why is Mommy so sad? Could it be that there are also people who say that she has gained weight?"    


" Only you will be sad because of this. "    


Jian Yi was speechless.    


In fact, he knew very well that Jian Haixi was probably sad because of Ning Jiwei. However, he could not explain this matter to Jian Rui. He could only say a few perfunctory words and ask her to eat quickly.    


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