CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C33 Get Lost

C33 Get Lost



Jian Haixi drove to Jian Chenrann's house. As soon as she got off the car, she saw Jian Chenrann standing at the entrance of the neighborhood with Jian Yi and Jian Rui.    


The two children looked around. Obviously, they had been standing there for a while.    


As soon as Jian Haixi stopped the car, the two little fellows pounced over.    


"Mommy, you're finally here. I missed you so much!" Jian Rui hugged one of Jian Haixi's thighs and pouted.    


Although Jian Yi did not hug Jian Haixi's thigh, at this moment he also pulled her sleeves tightly with a red face and said, "Mommy."    


Jian Haixi's heart skipped a beat. Nuan squatted down and hugged the two children with her two hands and kissed them one by one.    


"My good babies, I also miss the two of you!"    


"Mommy, this is not enough. I still want you to kiss my side of the face. I also want to kiss you." Jian Rui hugged Jian Haixi's neck and gave her two big kisses on both sides of the face.    


Jian Haixi smiled and also kissed her other side of the face, "Okay, I will give Little Princess another kiss, okay?"    


"Thank you, Mommy." Jian Rui smiled and pointed at Jian Yi, "Mommy, big brother also wants two kisses."    


Jian Yi glared at her with a red face. "One kiss is enough."    


Although he said so, his eyes that were looking at Jian Haixi were clearly filled with anticipation. Jian Haixi smiled and touched his head and gave him another kiss.    


"You are always so sensible, but what should I do? I also want your kiss..."    




Jian Yi's face became even redder. He looked away shyly and said in a low voice, "Just this once."    


After he said that, he took two steps forward and gently hugged Jian Haixi's neck to kiss her face. After the kiss, he immediately stepped back.    


Jian Haixi smiled and rubbed his head. She stood up and took the two children back.    


After a few steps, she saw Jian Chenrann walk out of the neighborhood. He looked at them and smiled. "The two children knew you were coming and came down early. I couldn't stop them. They insisted on waiting for you here. "    


Jian Haixi smiled and asked, "You have waited for a long time, right?"    


"I am fine." Jian Chenrann smiled and shook his head. "I saw them sitting there just now. The two little guys knew that you were going to take them out to play today. They were so excited."    


"Have you guys discussed where to have fun?" Jian Haixi asked.    


Before Jian Chenrann could finish, Jian Rui jumped up. "Mommy, can we go to the amusement park? Uncle took us there last time. I still want to go!"    


Jian Yi glanced at her and said, "You haven't had enough fun?"    


"No. I will never get bored of such a fun place." Jian Rui said.    


Jian Haixi looked at Jian Chenrann and said, "It seems that she has tortured you a lot last time."    


Jian Chenrann kindly picked Jian Rui up, pinched her little face and said, "This is a great happiness to me, how can it be said to be torturous?"    


"Mommy, can we go to the amusement park?" Jian Rui hugged Jian Chenrann as she cutely said to Jian Haixi.    


"Okay, let's go to the amusement park, okay?"    


"Yeah! We can go to the amusement park again!" Jian Rui raised her arms and shouted happily.    


The four of them got into the car, Jian Chenrann drove the car, and Jian Haixi took the two children to the back seat.    


Jian Rui blinked her big eyes and stared at Jian Haixi's clothes and asked, "Have you changed your clothes? I have never seen your new clothes."    


Jian Haixi was a little embarrassed and just as she wanted to find an excuse to trick her, She heard her son beside her say, "You also wore a new dress a few days ago. The style is similar to your usual clothes. But the price is very different. It is the kind of brand that you normally would not buy."    


Jian Haixi looked at her son somewhat awkwardly, "Yi, you even know this?"    


Jian Yi raised his chin and said matter-of-factly," There is an insensible sister and careless mommy at home. I need to know more. "    


Jian Haixi laughed dryly.    


Jian Rui tilted her little head and said, "Mommy, do you have a boyfriend? Mommy, have you found a new father for me? Is he handsome? Does he like me and my brother?"    


Jian Haixi listened to her daughter's string of questions and was very embarrassed and speechless," Rui, you think too much. I bought these clothes casually. "    


"Is that so?" Jian Rui looked at her suspiciously and then looked at Jian Yi. "Brother, is Mommy lying?"    


No matter what, she believed in her brother's judgment.    


Jian Yi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Jian Haixi. He shook his head and said to Jian Rui, "I don't know. Let's not bother about adults."    


"How can that be?"    


Jian Rui frowned and pouted. "What if Mommy has an ugly boyfriend?"    


Jian Rui paused and added, "Actually, my favorite is Handsome Uncle..."    


Jian Haixi was a little surprised. She did not expect that the legendary Handsome Uncle would be remembered by her daughter for so long just because she had met him once.    


Jian Yi gave Jian Rui a look and said, "Don't say anymore. If you say too much, Mommy won't dare to find a boyfriend."    


"Oh, okay."    


Jian Rui stared at Jian Haixi and said, "Mommy, I don't have an opinion. Go and find a boyfriend!"    


Jian Haixi helplessly smiled and shook her head. She turned to look at Jian Chenrann and said, "Brother, how about I drive?"    


She felt that if she sat with the two children for a while longer, she would not be able to hide any secrets.    


Jian Chenrann laughed loudly. "You can just carry the two children and sit there. Actually, I also want to know what secrets you can reveal under their interrogation."    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly and could only carry her two children. Along the way, she listened to Jian Rui's muttering and went to the amusement park.    


It was not easy to get out of the car and Jian Haixi finally let out a sigh of relief. Finally, she could divert the attention of the two little fellows away from her.    


Just as she thought, Jian Rui went to play the moment she entered the amusement park. Whenever she wanted to play, she would shout and pull Jian Yi to play.    


Although Jian Yi said that he would not go, he could not resist Jian Rui's pestering. In the end, he was always dragged along to play with her everywhere.    


Jian Chenrann and Jian Haixi stood not far away from the children and watched the two of them. Occasionally, they would also personally go and play with the two little people.    


After playing crazily for half a day, Jian Rui was completely satisfied and fell asleep in Jian Haixi's arms.    


Jian Yi was also tired and was carried in Jian Chenrann's arms.    


Jian Haixi and Jian Chenrann looked at each other and smiled at the same time, shaking their heads.    


It had to be said that playing with children was also a physical activity for adults. Although they did not participate much in the half a day, they were also very tired now.    


When they returned home, Jian Haixi accompanied the two children and slept for a while. Jian Chenrann was busy with his own matters. Jian Haixi and the children only woke up when it was almost evening.    


Jian Chenrann smiled and said, "I thought you guys were going to sleep all the time and not even eat dinner."    


Jian Rui climbed onto his leg and hugged him cutely. "Uncle, I can't not not eat dinner. Mommy said that brother and I are still growing. If we don't eat, we won't grow taller."    


"Okay, then what do you want to eat?" Jian Chenrann smiled and touched her head.    


Jian Rui could not think of anything. She looked at Jian Yi and asked, "What do you want to eat?"    


Jian Yi ignored her and only looked at Jian Haixi.    


His meaning was very obvious. He would eat whatever his mommy ate.    


Jian Haixi thought for a while and suggested, "Why don't we eat hotpot? We can go to the supermarket and buy some vegetables to eat at home. It's convenient, quick, and lively."    


"Sure." Jian Chenrann paused and said, "We can also call Xiaodou."    


Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows and looked at him meaningfully. She asked curiously, "Brother, it has been a few years. Have you and Xiaodou not developed further? Your relationship is developing too slowly."    


Jian Chenrann smiled shyly and touched his head. He smiled and said, "Our work is too busy..."    


Jian Rui was holding Jian Chenrann's neck when she heard their conversation. She quickly climbed down and grabbed Jian Haixi's hand and said, "Mommy, you have to quickly tell Madam Dou and make her move faster. Otherwise, uncle will be taken away by other bad women!"    


"Ah?" Jian Haixi did not understand. She turned to Jian Chenrann and asked," What bad woman? "    


Jian Chenrann smiled bitterly and helplessly said, "Bai Yiyi came over this morning and was seen by Jian Yi and Jian Rui."    


"Bai Yiyi?" Jian Haixi frowned. Hearing this name made her mood bad.    


"What is she doing here?"    


Jian Chenrann smiled bitterly. "Bai Jing and Bai Yiyi have been getting more and more overboard these few years. The two of them have always urged me and Bai Yiyi to get married. Usually, I can hide, but there are always times when I can't hide. So..."    


Jian Haixi's face darkened, "This is the reason why you don't accept Xiaodou."    


Jian Chenrann sighed and said," In these few years, as long as I get closer to any girl, Bai Yiyi and Bai Jing will harass that girl. This kind of thing has happened more than once, so all these years, in order to avoid trouble, I also don't dare to get close to any of the opposite sex, it's not that I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I'll implicate other innocent girls."    


"These mother and daughter are really shameless." Jian Haixi was very angry.    


"Xiaodou, she..."    


Thinking of Lin Xiaodou, Jian Chenrann's eyes showed some regret, "She is a good girl. I don't want her to be bullied by Bai Jing and Bai Yiyi. I also don't want to delay her..."    


"Brother, why are you so stupid?"    


Jian Haixi said angrily, "You should have told me this kind of thing earlier. Why did you hide it from me?"    


Jian Chenrann sighed and patted Jian Haixi's head. "If I told you this, what could you do? It is already hard enough for you to take care of two children alone. How can I let you worry about this kind of lousy thing? Even if it's only for the children, I can't let that crazy mother and daughter pair cause trouble for you. "    


Jian Haixi was extremely angry," You said that if we are siblings, we must share fortune and hardships together. What happened in the end? You always silently bear these grievances by yourself. "    


Jian Chenrann twitched the corner of his mouth. "These things are really nothing. It is shameful enough that a man like me can't even handle such a small matter. How can I have the nerve to tell anyone?"    




Jian Haixi looked at Jian Chenrann's lonely look and her eyes turned red with heartache. "Brother, we can't be afraid to leave the house just because we stepped on a pile of dog poop. No matter how much those mother and daughter went overboard, you can't bury your happiness with them. Do you really plan to marry that Bai Yiyi? "    


" Of course not. " Jian Chenrann said, "I will never marry her, but you also know that I am not good at dealing with women. That is why I always thought of hiding when I could. Maybe they will give up after a few years. I just didn't expect that... "    


"You just didn't expect them to be so patient, did you?" Jian Haixi helped him finish what he was going to say next. Thinking of the mother and daughter, Jian Haixi also sighed and said, "Brother, do you think Xiaodou's feelings for you these few years are not clear enough? You can't always make her wait. You have wealth, strength and bearing. In the eyes of the mother and daughter, you are the best. How could they let you go?"    


At this point, both of them seemed to have recalled the past of the Jian family. They couldn't help but become silent.    


Because of the appearance of Bai Jing and her daughter, they lost their beloved mother.    


These two women were like vipers. However, the person they had set their eyes on was their father, and now it was Jian Chenrann.    


Jian Rui saw Jian Haixi and Jian Chenrann's unhappy expressions and squeezed to their side with a smile. She pulled Jian Haixi's hand and said, "Don't be angry. Big Brother and I have already chased that bad woman away."    


Jian Yi also nodded and said, "When she came over this morning, Rui and I pretended to be uncle's children and chased her away."    


Jian Chenrann nodded and smiled. "Yes, it was all thanks to them today. Otherwise, I would really have had a headache again."    


Jian Haixi heard the two children's words and also relaxed her mood. She touched Jian Yi and Jian Rui's head and said, "You guys did really well. Your uncle's heart was too soft. You must protect your uncle, okay?"    


"Mommy, don't worry. Leave this to me!" Jian Rui patted her small chest and looked like she would let her handle everything. It made Jian Haixi and Jian Chenrann happy.    


Jian Haixi and Jian Chenrann brought the children to the supermarket to buy groceries. When they came back, they started to prepare hotpot for the evening.    


When Lin Xiaodou arrived, Jian Haixi and Jian Chenrann were washing the vegetables. She walked in with a big bag of snacks. Seeing the two busy people, they could not help but laugh, "What hardworking siblings. You guys move quickly. We will wait for you guys while eating snacks!"    


As she spoke, she pulled Jian Yi and Jian Rui and squatted down. She held her own face and blinked. "Haixi, look at me. Am I a good baby?"    


"You said you are a baby?" Jian Haixi was amused by her and laughed loudly. She sprinkled water on her. "Please don't forget your age, okay?"    


"I will always be seventeen!" Lin Xiaodou laughed.    


"Seventeen?" Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure you don't want to be a year older?"    


"Seventeen, what's wrong?" Lin Xiaodou asked curiously.    


Jian Haixi looked at her and then looked at Jian Chenrann beside her. She smiled meaningfully and said, "Nothing much, but you are not an adult yet. How can you get a marriage certificate? If you can't get a marriage certificate, what will happen to my brother?"    


When she said this, Jian Chenrann and Lin Xiaodou's faces turned red at the same time.    


Lin Xiaodou blushed and glared at Jian Haixi, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm not playing with you anymore!"    


After she said that, she pulled Jian Yi and Jian Rui back to the living room and left Jian Haixi there to laugh.    


Jian Rui also joined in, "Madam Dou, how can you marry my uncle when you are only seventeen years old? How can you be my aunt?"    


Jian Haixi laughed even more happily. Jian Chenrann looked at Lin Xiaodou whose face was completely red but did not know what to say. She could only awkwardly smooth things over, "Rui, don't speak nonsense."    


"I speak nonsense?" Jian Rui looked at Jian Yi, not understanding, "Big brother, did I say something wrong?"    


Jian Yi looked at them and shook his head calmly. "That's right. Uncle means that Madam Dou is already an adult and can get her certificate with him."    


"So that's how it is." Jian Rui suddenly understood and hugged Lin Xiaodou, "Madam Dou, quickly become my aunt."    




Lin Xiaodou nervously stuttered and turned to look at Jian Haixi who was laughing and said angrily, "Jian Haixi, look at your family's mischievous children!"    


"Weren't there three cute children just now?" Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Now you are not a baby anymore?"    


Lin Xiaodou wanted to cry, but she could not!    


With Lin Xiaodou's arrival, the atmosphere in the house suddenly became lively. A few people prepared hotpot and not long after, they began to eat enthusiastically.    


As they were eating, Lin Xiaodou suddenly thought of Ning Jiwei's matter and could not help but ask Jian Haixi, "How is the person who was drugged?"    


Jian Haixi was drinking water and when she heard her words, she almost spat out a mouthful of water. She quickly kicked Lin Xiaodou's foot under the table.    


"What person was drugged?" Jian Chenrann frowned and asked.    


"Oh, that..."    


Lin Xiaodou was kicked by Jian Haixi and came to her senses. She could only say herself, "One of my colleagues had a super crazy pursuer, and then my colleague was drugged by him. She almost lost her virginity!"    


Jian Haixi was speechless. When Lin Xiaodou said that the colleague was drugged and lost his virginity, she pulled the two children into her arms in advance and covered their ears with both hands.    


Lin Xiaodou only realized that there were children after she said that and stuck out her tongue and smiled.    


Seeing her playful look, Jian Chenrann could not help but look at her a few more times. Their eyes met. Lin Xiaodou blushed and hurriedly lowered her head. Jian Chenrann also coughed lightly and shifted his gaze.    


Jian Rui struggled out from Jian Haixi's embrace and pouted to correct, "Madam Dou, you are wrong. The medicine is used to eat. The medicine must be eaten and the illness must be taken to recover."    


Lin Xiaodou nodded awkwardly, "Okay, I know I was wrong."    


After Jian Rui finished speaking, she deliberately asked Jian Yi, "Brother, am I right?"    


Jian Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Jian Haixi. He smiled and nodded. "Yes."    


Jian Chenrann laughed and said, "Rui is really smart. She is even smarter than your Madam Dou!"    


Jian Rui was praised and raised her chin proudly.    


Jian Haixi held her forehead and sighed. Her daughter was very lively.    


They had a very happy meal. After the meal, Jian Chenrann prepared fruits for them. Jian Haixi and Lin Xiaodou carried the two children in the living room and watched television.    


The warm atmosphere in the room disappeared when Bai Jing and Bai Yiyi suddenly barged in.    


Bai Jing and Bai Yiyi violently kicked open the door and as soon as they entered the room, they shouted loudly, "Where is Jian Chenrann? Come out!"    


Jian Haixi frowned and looked at the two of them and scolded with a dark face, "Who let you guys in? Get out!"    


Bai Jing and Bai Yiyi also saw Jian Haixi and Lin Xiaodou at this time and both of them were stunned.    


Bai Jing sneered and said," I thought who it was? So it was you two vixens."    


"Who are you calling vixens?" Lin Xiaodou could not stand it and stood up angrily.    


"I'm talking about you. What's wrong?" Bai Jing scolded as she came up to grab Jian Haixi. Lin Xiaodou blocked Jian Haixi and kicked towards Bai Jing's calf.    


"It hurts so much!" Bai Jing covered her calf and howled.    


"Don't get close to this kind of crazy person, lest you get infected."    


Jian Haixi pulled Lin Xiaodou a little further away from the two of them. At the same time, she gave Jian Yi a look and told him to take Jian Rui away.    


Jian Yi understood and his eyes moved slightly. He pulled Jian Rui and ran towards the kitchen. As he ran, he shouted, "Dad, the bad woman is here again!"    


Bai Jing was just looking at Jian Haixi and Lin Xiaodou and did not notice that there were two small people beside them. At this time, she heard the voices of the children and could not help but be stunned.    


When she reacted to Jian Yi and Jian Rui calling Jian Chenrann father, the anger in her heart immediately burned.    


"What are you shouting for? If you keep shouting, I will snap your neck!"    


As she spoke, she was about to walk towards the kitchen, but before she could get close, she was pushed to the ground by Jian Yi.    


"My waist..." Bai Jing rolled around in pain. Bai Yiyi saw this and quickly ran over to help her up.    


After Jian Yi pushed Bai Jing, he turned around and threw himself into Lin Xiaodou's arms. He hugged her tightly and called out, "Mom, I'm afraid."    


Lin Xiaodou had an inexplicable expression. Jian Haixi quietly poked her from behind to let her cooperate. Lin Xiaodou could only pat Jian Yi's shoulder and hug him tightly, "Don't be afraid. I'm here."    


Bai Yiyi heard Jian Yi call Lin Xiaodou's mother and was shocked and angry. "So this little bastard was born between you and Jian Chenrann, you little slut!"    


"Who are you calling a bastard?" Lin Xiaodou was so angry that she wanted to go forward and beat her up.    


At this time, Jian Chenrann carried Jian Rui out of the kitchen and scolded Bai Yiyi coldly, "Shut up!"    


"Chenran, I..."    


" Jian Chenrann, what's wrong with you? "    


Bai Yiyi still wanted to say more but Bai Jing stood up and pointed at Jian Chenrann and scolded, "Are you worthy of Yiyi? I thought you were a man after so many years, but I did not expect you to find a little slut without saying anything. You even secretly gave birth to two little b * stards!"    


Jian Haixi gritted her teeth and quickly went forward with a gloomy face. She raised her hand and slapped Bai Jing, "Bai Jing, after so many years, you are still as shameless!"    


Bai Jing was stunned by Jian Haixi's slap and turned to look at Jian Haixi, "You dare to hit me?"    


"Why wouldn't I dare?"    


Jian Haixi coldly said, "Let me tell you, today you scold me once and I will hit you once!"    


Jian Haixi lifted her chin towards Lin Xiaodou and said, "Bring the children into the house and call the police."    


Lin Xiaodou nodded her head. It was better to not let the children participate in this kind of scene.    


"You are not allowed to call the police!"    


When Bai Jing heard that she was going to call the police, her heart was somewhat anxious. She glared at Jian Haixi and said, "Jian Haixi, I did not think that you would actually dare to come back."    


"Why would I not dare to come back?"    


Jian Haixi sneered, "Not only did I come back, I also want you to pay the price!"    


"You dare!"    


Jian Haixi held Bai Jing's collar and stared at her coldly, "You try if I dare or not."    


"Let go of my mother..."    


Bai Yiyi saw the situation and went forward to help Bai Jing. Jian Haixi coldly laughed and kicked Bai Jing away. She picked up the tray on the table and threw it at Bai Yiyi.    




Bai Yiyi saw that she was covered in stains and cried out.    


Jian Chenrann went forward and blocked Jian Haixi behind him and coldly said, "This is my last warning to you guys. Bai Yiyi has nothing to do with me. If you guys come and cause trouble again in the future, don't blame me for being impolite."    


"Chenran..." Bai Yiyi saw Jian Chenrann saying the same thing. She could not help crying with red eyes, "Chenran, how can you do this to me? I love you so much. After so many years, have I not treated you well enough? How can you be so heartless? "    


Jian Chenrann looked at Bai Yiyi with a complicated look. Although Bai Yiyi was bad, it was all because of Bai Jing's misdirection.    


"Bai Yiyi, stay away from your good mother. Otherwise, your life will be ruined."    


"Chenran, you still care about me, don't you?" Bai Yiyi asked while crying.    


"I have no feelings for you." Jian Chenrann said coldly.    


"No, it's impossible, it won't be..." Bai Yiyi cried and shook her head.    


Bai Jing looked at Jian Haixi, "I was wondering why Jian Chenrann suddenly became so idealistic. So it was you who came back to support him."    


Jian Haixi sneered, "Yes, I am supporting my brother. If you dare to bully him in the future, I will make you pay back tenfold!"    




Bai Jing still wanted to scold her but Lin Xiaodou walked out and said, "I have already called the police. The police will be here soon."    


"Mom, let's go..."    


Bai Yiyi cried and pulled Bai Jing, "I don't want to go to the police station. Mom, let's go."    




Jian Chenrann looked at Bai Jing and Bai Yiyi who wanted to leave and said, "Hand over the keys to my house."    


He did not want these two people to come to him every few days.    


"No, Chenran, you can't do this..."    


When Bai Yiyi heard that he wanted her to hand over the key, she quickly covered her pocket and begged, crying, "Chenran, did you get cheated by this woman? How can you do this..."    


Bai Jing naturally did not agree to hand over the key. Only with the key could they come and go. If they did not have the key, what would happen if Jian Chenrann did not open the door for them when they came here in the future?    


"Jian Chenrann, don't bully us too much. We will not hand over the key." Bai Jing said.    


Lin Xiaodou was shocked by the shamelessness of these two people. She could not help but scold, "Do you know shame? This is Jian Chenrann's house and the key is his. What right do you have to take it?"    


"None of your business." Bai Jing put her hands on her waist and scolded, "If it wasn't for you, would Jian Chenrann do something that would let Yi Yi down? It was clearly you who did not know shame. You took advantage of the moment when Yiyi was not paying attention. You secretly gave birth to two children with Jian Chenrann, yet you still have the nerve to speak sarcastic words here."    


"I'm shameless?" Lin Xiaodou smiled and shook her head, too lazy to tell them.    


Jian Haixi coldly said, "We do not need to talk to people like them. If they do not hand over the keys, then they will not hand it over. We will make a phone call later to change the lock. We will directly change the lock."    


Jian Chenrann nodded. He also knew that it was impossible to make Bai Jing hand over the keys.    



"Chenran, I..."    


Bai Yiyi still wanted to say more but Jian Haixi shouted sternly, "You all leave quickly!"    


Bai Yiyi was so scared that she trembled and turned to look at Bai Jing.    


Bai Jing coldly snorted and pulled Bai Yiyi to turn around and leave.    


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