CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C30 His Pride

C30 His Pride

0Jian Haixi thought to herself, with Ning Jiwei's pride, he would never allow him to be hospitalized for such a thing. So she thought for a while and said to Lin Xiaodou, "Can you make some medicine for him? With his identity, it is not convenient for him to be hospitalized here."    


Lin Xiaodou thought for a moment and understood Jian Haixi's meaning. She thought for a while and said, "Wait for me. I will go and make the medicine and then send him back with you."    


Jian Haixi nodded. She was really worried that she could not deal with Ning Jiwei alone. "Sorry to trouble you."    


"It's a small matter." Lin Xiaodou smiled and patted her shoulder. "I am a doctor, after all!"    


Jian Haixi smiled and not long after, Lin Xiaodou walked out with the prepared medicine and drove back to Maiteng with Jian Haixi.    


The two of them helped Ning Jiwei to the lounge in the office and laid him down. Lin Xiaodou checked his condition again and could not help but shake her head. "Who is so wicked? He is really ruthless."    


After she said that, she looked at Jian Haixi and whispered in her ear, "But you can take advantage of him."    


"You are talking nonsense again!"    


Jian Haixi's face was red as she gave her a massage. Lin Xiaodou laughed loudly and waved her hand and said, "Alright, I have already given you the medicine. I will leave now."    


"I will send you down."    


Lin Xiaodou said, "No need. You just need to take care of him."    


Lin Xiaodou instructed, "He might have a fever next, but this is a normal phenomenon. You don't have to worry. Try to use the physical cooling method to reduce his fever."    


When it came to the physical cooling, Lin Xiaodou smiled and winked at Jian Haixi.    


It was a pity that Jian Haixi only concentrated on memorizing the things she instructed and did not understand the deeper meaning behind her words.    


After Lin Xiaodou left, Jian Haixi thought about it and called Jian Chenrann. She said that she had something to do tonight and could not go back. She asked him to take care of the two children for a night.    


After hanging up the phone, Jian Haixi looked at the man lying on the bed and unexpectedly thought of the scene in the parking lot. If it was not for her coincidentally arriving, perhaps Sung Lan would have gotten what she wanted.    


Thinking of this, Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei with some pity. She reached out and took a thin blanket to cover him.    


Because of the injection and taking medicine, Ning Jiwei had already fallen asleep. Jian Haixi touched his forehead and saw that he did not have any symptoms of fever before she let out a sigh of relief.    


After Jian Chenrann received Jian Haixi's call, he immediately drove to school.    


At the school gate, Jian Yi and Jian Rui were obediently standing there waiting. Seeing Jian Chenrann coming over, Jian Rui's eyes lit up and she immediately rushed over.    




Jian Chenrann smiled and hugged Jian Rui. He touched her head and said, "You must have waited for me for a long time. I will send you home now."    


Jian Rui muttered, "Uncle, I am afraid we cannot go home."    


"What's wrong?" Jian Chenrann was puzzled.    


"I was careless..."    


"Jian Rui left the key at home." Jian Yi coldly added what Jian Rui did not say.    


"I was just careless. I don't often lose the key." Jian Rui widened her eyes and emphasized.    


"Okay." Jian Chenrann pinched Jian Rui's face lovingly. He pulled Jian Yi up with one hand and said, "Let's go. You guys can go home with me today."    


"Shall we go to uncle's house?" Jian Rui clapped her hands excitedly. "I have never been to uncle's house!"    


Jian Chenrann brought the two children home. Jian Rui excitedly walked around the house. "Uncle, I want to sleep with you tonight!"    


"Sure." Jian Chenrann said, saying, "But you have to finish your homework first. I will cook for you. After you finish your homework, we can eat."    


"I don't want to do homework." Jian Rui rolled her eyes and said, "How about I help you with your work?"    


As she spoke, she rolled up her small sleeves. Just as she wanted to be a kitchen helper to avoid the fate of doing her homework, she was pulled by Jian Yi's collar and brought outside.    


"Don't think about slacking off. Quickly come and do your homework!"    


"I was taken away by big brother. Uncle, quickly come and save me ~"    


Jian Rui stretched out her hands and shouted.    


Jian Chenrann looked at the two children who were making a fuss and shook his head with a smile. He lowered his head and continued to prepare the food.    


At night, Jian Haixi looked after Ning Jiwei for a long time. When she saw that everything was normal, she walked to the sofa in the outer room and laid down to sleep.    


In the middle of the night, Jian Haixi was sleeping. In her daze, she heard footsteps. She opened her eyes and saw that Ning Jiwei had walked out of nowhere.    


"Director, how do you feel?"    


Jian Haixi quickly got up and walked forward, but Ning Jiwei ignored her.    


Jian Haixi saw that he was looking for water and quickly rushed in front of him to pour water for him.    


Ning Jiwei had just woken up and was unconscious. He did not expect her to suddenly appear. He still bent over to the water dispenser out of habit.    


One of them was in front, while the other was behind. They were not careful that Jian Haixi was hit by Ning Jiwei.    


Jian Haixi knocked her head on the water dispenser and softly called out. She covered her head and turned around.    


"Director, you..."    


Jian Haixi wanted to say something but when she saw the handsome face in front of her, she immediately became silent.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi. At this moment, he was still maintaining the bowing position. Jian Haixi raised her head. The distance between the two of them was less than ten centimeters.    


Ning Jiwei's warm breath hit Jian Haixi's face, bringing with it waves of warmth. "Are you alright?"    


Jian Haixi shook her head and took a step back. She lowered her head and poured water for him.    


Ning Jiwei looked at her and took the cup and drank it all.    


The moment their fingers touched lightly, Jian Haixi was sensitive to the temperature of Ning Jiwei's hands. She frowned and boldly went forward to touch Ning Jiwei's forehead. It was indeed hotter than the afternoon.    


Ning Jiwei's eyes darkened slightly. He took her hand and asked, "What are you doing?"    


"You have a fever."    


Jian Haixi carried him to the lounge without giving him any explanation.    


"Xiaodou said it is normal to have a fever, but you still need to physically cool down, otherwise it will be troublesome."    


Ning Jiwei originally had some resistance, but the way she supported him with all her strength was too warm, so he actually followed her into the lounge.    


They walked to the bedside. Because the lights were not turned on, Jian Haixi did not notice the protrusion at the foot of the bed. She tripped and instantly fell onto the bed. Even Ning Jiwei, who was supported by her, also fell down.    


Jian Haixi cried out in pain. She did not expect that within a few short minutes, she actually knocked her head twice. It was all Ning Jiwei's fault.    


Thinking of this, Jian Haixi could not help but stare at him. This time, she was stunned.    


Ning Jiwei's entire body was pressing down on her.    


"Can you get up first?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at her. The curves under his body made him feel that his body temperature was even higher.    


"You just said that you want to use a physical cooling method to reduce my fever?" Ning Jiwei asked in a hoarse voice.    


"Yes." Jian Haixi did not understand, "Is there a problem?"    


Ning Jiwei saw that she did not understand the meaning behind it. He curled his lips and said, "No problem."    


" Oh. "    


Jian Haixi nodded and reached out to push him. With a red face, she said, " Okay."    


"I don't have strength."    


Ning Jiwei said matter-of-factly," I have a fever. I don't have strength. I can't move. "    


Jian Haixi was skeptical and could only do it herself.    


But Ning Jiwei's 1.8m tall body was pressing down on her. If she wanted to come out, she could only rub against him slowly.    


Jian Haixi's face turned red in anxiety, especially at such a close distance. She could clearly feel the heat coming from Ning Jiwei's body.    


"Hold on a little bit."    


"Didn't I say that I don't have strength?" Ning Jiwei whispered into her ear.    


Ning Jiwei's hot breath sprayed into Jian Haixi's ear, making her tremble.    


"What's wrong?" Ning Jiwei asked evilly.    


"I'm fine."    


Jian Haixi continued to help. At first, Ning Jiwei still had the mood to tease her, but gradually he was also ignited by her. He could not help but tilt his head and did not speak anymore.    


Jian Haixi struggled to climb out. She did not know where she touched or where she touched. She only heard Ning Jiwei suddenly call out in a low voice. He suddenly grabbed her arm.    




Ning Jiwei gritted his teeth and said, "Jian Haixi, did you do it on purpose?"    


Jian Haixi blinked and looked at his hand unhappily. "Director, don't you have no strength?"    


Ning Jiwei paused and awkwardly loosened his hands. "Lightly..."    


Jian Haixi was slightly stunned. Why did these words sound so awkward?    


It took a lot of effort for Jian Haixi to climb out from under Ning Jiwei. She was very suspicious that Ning Jiwei did it on purpose, so she lowered her head and stared at him. She did not think that Ning Jiwei's face was even redder than hers.    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She did not care about being angry and reached out to touch his face. "Your body temperature has increased again?"    


Ning Jiwei awkwardly avoided her hand. "You should be more reserved."    


Jian Haixi curled her lips. "I did not see it again."    


Ning Jiwei glanced at her. "Then you can do whatever you want?"    


"You..." Jian Haixi glared at him and was so angry that she stopped talking.    


Ning Jiwei saw that she was staring at him with her big eyes and her angry look was even cuter than usual. He could not help smiling in his eyes and said, "Didn't you want to cool me down physically?"    


"Wait." Jian Haixi was not angry anymore after he reminded her. She quickly took out her phone and searched for ways to cool her down on the internet.    


It could not be helped. Lin Xiaodou only gave her methods, but she did not teach her how to do it.    


However, the moment she opened the website, Jian Haixi regretted it.    


Who could tell her why she needed to touch the patient's body?    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi, who seemed to have no idea what was going on until she wanted to cry but had no tears. The corner of his mouth hooked up a little. When Jian Haixi looked over, he hurriedly put away his expression.    


"That..." Jian Haixi did not know how to say it.    


Ning Jiwei pretended to frown. "What's wrong? Why aren't you starting?"    


Jian Haixi asked carefully, "Why don't I send you to the hospital? I won't take care of you..."    


Ning Jiwei glanced at her. "Do you think I will go?"    


Jian Haixi shook her head. "No."    


"Then what are you talking about?"    


Jian Haixi took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and said, "Wait for me."    


Finishing, Jian Haixi quickly ran out and took out the blindfold from her bag.    


Ning Jiwei saw her wearing the blindfold and could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "You are going to cool me down like this?"    


Jian Haixi nodded seriously, then touched the bedside, touched his clothes, and began to unbutton them.    


Ning Jiwei felt her hands go down his throat one by one, and he somewhat unnaturally swallowed it. He silently turned his face away. "Don't take advantage of me."    


Jian Haixi's face was also extremely red, but she forced herself to say, "If you don't want me to touch you, then it will be very difficult for me to help you!"    


Ning Jiwei smiled. Seeing her frowning face, he thought that she really was a naive little girl.    


Jian Haixi also had no other choice. She forcefully peeled off Ning Jiwei's shirt, dipped it in alcohol, and slowly helped him wipe his skin.    


His armpit, chest...    


Jian Haixi's slightly cool palm touched Ning Jiwei's warmth. Both of them were a little awkward and neither of them could speak.    


The air was filled with a quiet and ambiguous atmosphere.    


At first, Ning Jiwei was a little shy and awkward, but soon his face darkened.    


When Jian Haixi wiped the alcohol on his mouth again, he could not stand it anymore and pulled off her blindfold.    


Jian Haixi exclaimed and opened her eyes to look at Ning Jiwei. "What's wrong, Director?"    


Ning Jiwei pointed at his own mouth. "What's wrong? You wiped the alcohol in my mouth."    


He paused, then extended three fingers and added, "Three times. Do you want to kill me?"    


Jian Haixi was a little embarrassed and could only apologize, "I'm sorry Director, I'll be careful."    


Ning Jiwei coldly snorted and turned his face away, but he did not say that he would not let her continue.    


This time Jian Haixi did not dare to wear the blindfold again. Looking at the muscular body in front of her, she swallowed her saliva and thought in her heart, I will treat him as my son.    


After countless times of self-hypnosis and treating Ning Jiwei as Jian Yi, Jian Haixi reluctantly helped to cool him down without any distractions.    


Ning Jiwei did not know that he had already become her son in Jian Haixi's heart. If he knew, he might not be able to help but beat Jian Haixi out.    


Jian Haixi helped Ning Jiwei wipe again and again. Ning Jiwei's fever was terrible after all. He could not hold on much longer and fell asleep again.    


Jian Haixi did not sleep for almost the whole night. It was only when the sun rose that she confirmed that Ning Jiwei's fever had subsided that she could not hold it anymore and lied on the bed.    


In the morning, the first thing Ning Jiwei felt when he woke up was that his head was much clearer. He looked to the side and saw Jian Haixi lying there with her head resting on her arm. She was very sleepy. He could not help staring at her side profile for a while.    


It was this woman who surprised him every time. Every time, it made him more and more moved.    


After a while, Ning Jiwei got out of bed and gently picked Jian Haixi up and put her on the bed. He covered her with a blanket and let her continue sleeping.    


Looking at Jian Haixi's sleeping face, Ning Jiwei smiled and reached out to touch her eyebrows. He did not notice how gentle his eyes were.    


After a moment, he thought that if it was not for Jian Haixi yesterday, he would have...    


Thinking of this, Ning Jiwei's eyes suddenly turned cold. He got up and walked to the office. He picked up his phone and made a call.    


Sung Family was in chaos at the moment. In one night, the supporting shares of Sung Family's enterprise were suddenly withdrawn. The large company was immediately faced with many financial loopholes.    


Father Sang was anxious and angry. Unless it was an enemy, no one would dare to do such a thing in the business world.    


Father Sang's men quickly sent him a message. His enemy was actually Ning Jiwei.    


Upon hearing the news, Father Sang was so angry that he gritted his teeth.    


He didn't need to ask to know. It must be his silly daughter who did something again. Otherwise, with Ning Jiwei's tolerance, he wouldn't have suddenly made such a move.    


Thinking of this, Father Sang ordered people to call Sung Lan.    


Sung Lan was called into the room by her father and said guiltily, "Dad, you are looking for me!"    


Before she could finish, Father Sang had already hit her with a stick.    


Sung Lan immediately knelt on the ground in pain, "Dad, why did you hit me..."    


"You still want to ask why? I still want to ask you!"    


Father Sang roared and hit him with his stick again. "Tell me, what stupid thing did you do again?"    


"I didn't do anything..." Sung Lan cried.    


"You didn't do anything?" Father Sang sneered, "Ning Jiwei will suddenly attack the Sung Family?"    


"I..." Sung Lan's expression changed when she heard Ning Jiwei's name.    


Father Sang noticed the change in her expression. He shouted and swung his stick at her again. "You really did what you did. Tell me the truth!"    


"Don't hit me..."    


Sung Lan cried, "Didn't you tell me to find a way to get him, so I drugged him..."    




Father Sang was so angry that he spat out blood. He pointed at Sung Lan with a trembling finger and said, "Do you think I have lived too long? Or do you think the Sung Family is too rich?"    


Sung Lan cried, "Dad, I was wrong. But I did not get what I wanted. He ran away..."    


"You beast!"    


Father Sang was so angry that he coughed. "How stupid are you to use such underhanded means? It's fine if you use such underhanded means, but you actually let him run away? If you succeed, it will be fine. What do you think we should do now? "    


Sung Lan trembled and did not dare to speak.    


Father Sang saw her crying and wanted to continue hitting her. The servant suddenly reported that Xu Hui had come.    


When Father Sang heard this, he immediately felt as if he had seen hope. He quickly got someone to support him to welcome Xu Hui.    


This day was destined to not be peaceful. Besides Sung Family, there was also Jian Chenrann's family.    


In the morning, Jian Chenrann was still taking care of Jian Rui. Jian Yi had already finished washing up early. He got up to prepare breakfast for his uncle and sister.    


However, just as he went downstairs, he saw someone push the door and walk in.    


Bai Yiyi did not expect to see a child at Jian Chenrann's house. She frowned and stared at Jian Yi fiercely.    


She sized Jian Yi up and down and saw that his facial features were somewhat similar to Jian Chenrann's. She could not help but feel alarm bells ringing in her heart.    


"Who are you?"    


While Bai Yiyi was looking at Jian Yi, Jian Yi was also looking at her. Of course, he did not miss the vigilance and disgust in her eyes.    


When he saw her ask this question, he asked coldly, "And who are you?"    


Bai Yiyi did not expect a five or six-year-old boy to speak so calmly. She was stunned for a moment and became even angrier. She loudly questioned, "Who exactly are you? Do you know that sneaking into someone else's house is very uncultured behavior?"    


Jian Yi slightly frowned and said, "I am at my father's house."    


"Your father..."    


Bai Yiyi was stunned. "What nonsense are you talking about? Who is your father?"    


"Jian Chenrann is my father!"    


Jian Yi blinked his harmless eyes and stared at Bai Yiyi and asked," Auntie, who are you? Why are you looking for my father?"    




Bai Yiyi was so angry that she stomped her feet, "Move aside, I want to find Jian Chenrann and ask him about it!"    


Jian Yi raised his eyebrows slightly and blocked in front of her, "Auntie, who exactly are you? Do you know that sneaking into someone else's home is very uncultured behavior?"    


Bai Yiyi was so angry that she spat out blood. Jian Yi returned the words that she had just said.    


Especially the way he addressed her made her feel angry.    


"Get out of my way!" Bai Yiyi was so angry that she wanted to push Jian Yi away. Before she could do anything, she saw Jian Chenrann pulling Jian Rui downstairs.    


"What are you doing?" Jian Chenrann frowned and looked at Bai Yiyi.    


When Jian Yi saw Jian Chenrann, he had an idea and immediately rushed over. He hugged Jian Chenrann's thigh and cried, "Dad, this auntie wants to hit me! Dad, are you going to find a stepmother for us? I don't want such a vicious stepmother. Not only did she scold me, she also hit me... "    


Jian Chenrann looked at Jian Yi who was hugging his thigh and was stunned. Jian Yi took the opportunity to tilt his head and look at Jian Rui, who was on the other side.    


As a professional actor, Little Princess immediately received the signal from her brother. Without saying anything, she also turned around and hugged Jian Chenrann's other thigh. She pretended to cry.    


"Are you really going to find me such a bad stepmother? You see, she is ugly, old and bad. After scolding big brother, she still wants to hit big brother. She will definitely hit me in the future. I don't want her to be a stepmother..."    


The corner of Jian Chenrann's mouth twitched. Although he felt somewhat helpless about the acting skills of the two children, he could hear some meaning from Jian Yi's words.    


He looked coldly at Bai Yiyi and questioned, "Did you just want to hit the child?"    


"I didn't..."    


Bai Yiyi felt wronged and said, "Chenran, listen to my explanation. I just..."    


As soon as she opened her mouth, Jian Rui immediately started to scream.    


That cry was so miserable that even Jian Yi, who was pretending to cry, could not help covering his ears.    


"Dad, I don't want to see her. I'm afraid. Hurry up and chase her away."    


Jian Chenrann touched Jian Rui's head. Although he knew that she was pretending, he still frowned when he saw his niece crying pitifully.    


"Chenran, I..."    


"Get out!"    


"What?" Bai Yiyi looked at Jian Chenrann in disbelief.    


Jian Chenrann said coldly, "Didn't you hear what I said? Get out of my house!"    


Bai Yiyi gritted her teeth and glared at Jian Rui and Jian Yi, who were hugging Jian Chenrann's thighs. She stomped her feet and ran out unwillingly.    


As soon as Bai Yiyi left, Jian Yi let go of Jian Chenrann's thigh and wiped the few drops of tears on his face. Then, he returned to the cold and aloof young man.    


"Uncle, this woman is too bad. You can't let her be our aunt!"    


"That's right."    


Jian Rui cried too hard, even though she did not cry now. The aftereffects still made her choke non-stop. She said as she smoked, "Uncle, my aunt must be beautiful and kind. You cannot be deceived by a bad woman."    


Jian Chenrann looked at the two children, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. He nodded and said, "Alright, then I'll leave my matters to the two of you to handle from now on."    


Jian Yi and Jian Rui looked at each other. They nodded and said, "Don't worry. Leave this matter to us."    



Jian Chenrann smiled and shook his head.    


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