CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C23 If You Want to See Me Just Look at My Sister

C23 If You Want to See Me Just Look at My Sister

0Gu Xiaomian slowly climbed into the stretched Lincoln. The man in the car was reading the newspaper. Gu Xiaomian naturally climbed onto his leg, looked up and asked, "Dad, is it really like this when you chase girls? What if Rui becomes as fat as me after eating too much chocolate?"    


The man put away the newspaper, touched his little head and said, "Don't worry. Rui is naturally like her mother. No matter how much chocolate she eats, she won't become fat."    


"Is that so? How did you know?" Gu Xiaomian blinked and asked.    


The man turned his head and hid in the dim light. He chuckled but did not say anything else.    


Before dinner, Jian Chenrann came over. He saw Jian Haixi and said, "I saw your WeChat Moments."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She shook her head and laughed. "Can you not mention this as soon as we meet?"    


Jian Chenrann laughed. "So when I saw the news, I rushed over. I was afraid that someone would steal our treasure."    


Jian Haixi said helplessly, "Who could snatch away the two of them? They both took the initiative to cause trouble..."    


She then told Jian Chenrann roughly what had happened. After Jian Chenrann heard it, he laughed even louder. He pointed at Jian Haixi and said, "Isn't Rui the same as when you were young? A box of chocolates can trick you away and make you someone else's girlfriend."    


"That was all in the past!" Jian Haixi stomped her feet in embarrassment. Why did everyone's first reaction when they heard about this was her embarrassing past? Lin Xiaodou was, and so was her brother.    


As the two of them were talking, Jian Rui ran over and hugged Jian Chenrann. She said in a tender voice, "Uncle, brother and I have finished our homework. Uncle, please examine us. Don't let mommy check."    


Jian Chenrann was amused. "Why don't you ask Mommy to help you check your homework?"    


Jian Rui pouted and leaned on Jian Chenrann. She said confidently, "Mommy hid my chocolate bean. It was the chocolate that Gu Ruanruan gave me. It is my chocolate."    


Jian Haixi smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "Now you know my troubles."    


Jian Chenrann gave her an "understanding" look and carried Jian Rui into the study.    


As soon as he came in, he saw Jian Yi looking at his book quietly. There were homework for him and Jian Rui on the table.    


"Yi, have you finished your homework?"    


Jian Yi nodded. He had finished his homework long ago. If he did not have to tutor Jian Rui, he would have done other things a long time ago.    


Actually, Jian Chenrann had heard about his nephew's IQ a long time ago.    


"I will help you check your homework first." Jian Chenrann sat down with Jian Rui in his arms. He held her with one hand and checked their homework with the other.    


With Jian Yi by his side, there was no doubt about the quality of the homework.    


After checking the homework, Jian Rui put her arms around Jian Chenrann's neck and said, "Uncle, do you think Mommy is wrong? The chocolate is mine. How can she hide it? Although I am happy to share it with Mommy, it is not right for her to hide the chocolate. "    


Jian Chenrann touched Jian Rui's head and thought for a while." Do you know that without merit, you can't take other people's things? "    


Jian Rui blinked and shook her head. "I don't know."    


Jian Chenrann said, "If we don't have any merit, we can't accept other people's benefits for no reason. This kind of behavior is not good. You said that Gu Xiaomian gave you the chocolate, but have you ever helped him? If you don't have it, then why did you accept the chocolate he gave you?"    


" But... "    


Jian Rui frowned. "But Gu Xiaomian said he was the one who took me to catch sparrows. That's why I scored zero. That's why he gave me chocolate."    


Jian Chenrann looked at her. He was gentle but did not allow her to avoid his question. "But you also wanted to catch sparrows, so you ran to the back of the mountain. If you were not willing, Gu Xiaomian would not force you to go, right?"    


Jian Rui choked and lowered her head without saying anything.    


Jian Chenrann touched her hair and continued, "A good child must dare to face his own mistakes and not blindly push the responsibility onto others."    


Jian Rui said in a low voice, "Alright, I want to go."    


"Then do you have any reason to take this chocolate?"    


Jian Rui shook her head.    


Jian Chenrann guided her further and asked, "Then what should we do?"    


Jian Rui sobbed, "Tomorrow when I go to school, I will return the chocolate to him..."    


"But what?" Jian Chenrann asked.    


Jian Rui looked at Jian Chenrann, feeling wronged. "But uncle, that chocolate is really delicious..."    


Jian Chenrann smiled and shook his head. "Then next time when your grades are satisfactory, I will buy you chocolate, okay?"    




"Of course."    


When Jian Rui heard that her uncle would buy it for her, she immediately stopped crying. She hugged Jian Chenrann and said, "You are so good!"    


Jian Yi rolled his eyes at her. "You only know how to eat every day. You will become a fat pig sooner or later, just like Gu Xiaomian!"    


Jian Rui glared at him angrily, "You are bad. I will not become a pig. I am the forever beautiful Little Princess. I am not a fat pig!"    


Jian Chenrann looked at the two children who were arguing again and finally understood Jian Haixi's worries.    


The three of them stayed in the study for a while in First Primary School. Jian Haixi was outside shouting for food, so everyone quickly walked out.    


Jian Yi sensibly helped to set up the table with chopsticks. Jian Chenrann looked at Jian Rui and gave her an encouraging gesture.    


Jian Rui jogged over to find Jian Haixi and climbed onto her lap, "Mommy, I was wrong."    


Jian Haixi looked at Jian Chenrann in surprise and could not help but cough to suppress the smile on her face. She looked down at Jian Rui and asked, "What mistake did you make?"    


Jian Rui admitted honestly, "I should not have accepted Gu Ruanruan's chocolate. I should not have pushed the responsibility of scoring zero to Gu Ruanruan. I also wanted to catch sparrows. I cannot blame him for all of it."    


"Yes." Jian Haixi nodded. It seemed that the results of her education were still very obvious.    


Jian Rui looked at Jian Haixi again and said, "So, Mommy, you have to return the hidden chocolate to me before school tomorrow. I want to return it to Gu Ruanruan."    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. "Okay, I will give them to you in a while."    


Jian Rui frowned when she heard that. She thought for a while and shook her head. "Give it to me tomorrow. I am afraid I will eat it secretly."    


Jian Haixi laughed, "Okay, I will give them to you tomorrow. You should go and eat soon."    


Jian Rui nodded and ran to help Jian Yi set up the chair. Jian Chenrann walked over and asked as he carried the food, "How is it? Am I very powerful?"    


"Not bad." Jian Haixi smiled and thanked him, "Thank you, brother."    


Jian Chenrann fondly touched her hair and said, "I am your brother. I just want to say that this is why a baby needs a male role in the growth process."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Don't I have you here?"    


Jian Chenrann shook his head helplessly and said, "Yes, I am Big Mountain. In the future, I will always protect you and the two little fellows."    


Jian Haixi smiled happily. Who said that there must be love to be perfect? Wasn't it also a kind of happiness for her now?    


Jian Chenrann finished dinner and played with the two children for a while before leaving. At night, Jian Yi logged into the computer. Just as she showed her head in the chat group, she was caught by Yang Yaru.    


"Jian Yi, you haven't been online for a few days."    


Jian Yi did not say anything. Yang Yaru said again, "Your sister's plan is very good. I have decided to work with her, so can you meet me?"    


Jian Yi quickly replied, "It's not convenient recently. If you want to know what I look like, just look at my sister. We look very similar."    


After replying, Jian Yi immediately logged off.    




Ning Jiwei and the French delegation had a pleasant discussion, but he did not expect to see Sung Lan at the last dinner.    


Ning Jiwei frowned and watched Sung Lan walk to his side. She naturally talked to the people around her, as if she was already here.    


Ning Jiwei frowned and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"    


Sung Lan looked at him, feeling wronged. "Ji Wei, you haven't contacted me since you came to France. I miss you."    


She was about to lean into Ning Jiwei's arms when Ning Jiwei pushed her away. "There are so many people here. Pay attention."    


Sung Lan could only smile and take two steps back.    


Ning Jiwei thought that she would not cause trouble again, but he saw Sung Lan bring another glass of red wine. Her smile was charming and seductive. "Ji Wei, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Don't you want to have a drink with me?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at her strangely, then looked at the red wine in her hand. Then he said to her, "I have wine."    


Sung Lan was stunned for a moment and barely maintained the smile on her face. She still gave the glass of wine in her hand to Ning Jiwei.    


"I did not see... But this glass of wine was painstakingly brought over for you. You won't make me lose face, right?"    


Ning Jiwei frowned. He looked at the glass of red wine coldly and took it with a sneer.    


Sung Lan looked at him with hope in her heart. There was a voice in her heart that kept shouting, Quickly drink it, quickly drink it!    


But Ning Jiwei's performance once again disappointed her.    


Ning Jiwei took the wine glass and placed it on the other side of the table. Sung Lan's face did not look good.    


"Ji Wei..."    


Before she could finish her words, Ning Jiwei interrupted her, "I still have something to do, you can do it yourself."    


After saying that, Ning Jiwei did not care about her. He walked away and went to talk to his close partner.    


Sung Lan looked at Ning Jiwei's back and she was angered to death.    


She came to France this time because she had made up her mind to get Ning Jiwei, but she did not expect him to not cooperate with her at all.    


Sung Lan looked at the glass of red wine that Ning Jiwei put aside. She stomped her foot unwillingly and picked it up again.    


"I don't believe that you can not give me face in front of so many people." Sung Lan finished talking to herself and walked towards Ning Jiwei again with the glass in her hand.    


When Ning Jiwei saw Sung Lan carrying the wine glass over again, he frowned. Before she approached him, he asked the waiter to bring him a new glass of wine.    


Sung Lan stood not far away with two wine glasses. Her eyes were red with anger.    


Ning Jiwei kept avoiding Sung Lan at the banquet. Sung Lan kept finding excuses to let him drink.    


For the sake of the banquet's smooth progress and for the sake of everyone's face, Ning Jiwei endured it again and again.    


When the banquet had just ended, Ning Jiwei threw Sung Lan on the road outside the hotel.    


Sung Lan looked at Ning Jiwei, feeling wronged. She did not feel that she had gone overboard at all.    


"Ji Wei..."    


Ning Jiwei looked at her and said coldly, "Sung Lan, don't let me destroy the last of my tolerance for you."    


"Ji Wei, I just miss you..." Sung Lan said in a low voice, "You have been gone for so many days, and we have not spoken for a long time..."    


Ning Jiwei sneered, "I cannot stand your methods."    


"Ji Wei..."    


Sung Lan bit her lips and took two steps forward, wanting to pull Ning Jiwei's hand, but he decisively threw her away.    


"Why?" Sung Lan's eyes were filled with tears, "We have been engaged for so long, why can't you let me become your woman?"    


"My woman?" Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes and looked at her. "So this is what you wanted tonight. This is how you became my woman? Drug me?"    


"I just love you too much..."    


"Shut up!"    


Ning Jiwei could not take it anymore and shouted, "Sung Lan, the reason why I did not embarrass you in front of everyone tonight was because of your father. But next time, I won't be like this. "    


Ning Jiwei didn't wait for her to finish speaking before he turned around and drove away.    


Sung Lan stood by the roadside and angrily threw away her bag. But when she saw Ning Jiwei's car leaving, she angrily picked up the bag and took out her phone.    


"Check Ning Jiwei's latest flight information..."    


Just like what Ning Jiwei said, face would be used up sooner or later, but she was confident that she could get Ning Jiwei.    


The next morning, Jian Haixi sent two children to school and, as expected, met Gu Xiaomian at the school gate.    


Jian Haixi looked at Gu Xiaomian, who was holding the chocolate and waiting obediently at the school gate. Jian Haixi subconsciously sighed. She felt that educating the children was very difficult.    


Once Jian Rui got out of the car, Gu Xiaomian saw her. He waved at her. "I'm here!"    


Jian Yi frowned in disdain. "It's too embarrassing. If you don't reject him today, I won't be leaving with you in the future."    


"Brother..." Jian Rui pouted and looked at Jian Haixi. Seeing her encouraging look at her, she nodded and said, "Mommy, I will talk to him."    


"En, you can go." Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. She and Jian Yi walked behind her. They saw her carrying a small schoolbag and running towards Gu Xiaomian.    


Actually, she did not need to run because Gu Xiaomian had already run towards them.    


Gu Xiaomian just ran in front of Jian Rui and said while panting, "This is the chocolate I brought for you today."    


"I don't want it."    


Jian Rui looked at the box of chocolates and silently swallowed her saliva. Then she firmly shook her head and said, "Yesterday, my uncle said that I can't take your things if I don't help you. I was also wrong about the exam. I can't blame it on you. So I can't take your chocolates. I'll return this to you. "    


As she spoke, she took out the chocolate from yesterday's bag and handed it to him." I ate two, but I couldn't buy this brand of chocolate at the moment, so I gave you another brand of chocolate. I hope you don't mind. "    


"Why did you return it to me?"    


Gu Xiaomian looked at Jian Rui sadly. "I said I would be responsible for you. I was willing to give you the chocolate."    


"Why are you so long-winded? Anyway, you are not allowed to give me chocolate anymore. Take it!"    


Jian Rui stuffed the chocolate into his arms. She turned around and was about to enter the school with Jian Yi.    


"Wait for me!"    


Gu Xiaomian wanted to run to Jian Rui's side, but he was stopped by Jian Yi this time.    


Jian Yi put one hand on his chubby chest and did not let him go near. He also warned, "Gu Xiaomian, do not go near Rui again."    




Gu Xiaomian frowned and said, "You are Rui's elder brother, which is also my elder brother. But why don't you let me get close to Rui? Aren't we good friends? Rui and I are deskmates!"    


Jian Yi said angrily, "I don't have such a stupid brother like you!"    


Jian Haixi saw that the situation was getting weirder and weirder and could not help but say," Alright, we are all good friends. You can play together, but you can't give Rui any more gifts, okay? "    


"Why?" Gu Xiaomian raised his head and asked.    


Jian Haixi held her forehead and thought, Why does this child have so many questions?    


"Because I don't like you."    


Before Jian Haixi could think of an excuse, she heard Jian Rui frown, "Gu Ruanruan, you will make me become a bad child like this. I don't like it. If you give me more gifts, I will ignore you!"    


"Oh, okay."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She looked at Gu Xiaomian and sighed at her daughter's charm.    


It solved the problem just like that?    


Finally, the problem with the few children was solved. Jian Haixi hurriedly rushed to the company.    


Not long after she arrived at the company, Yang Yaru called her and asked her to go over.    


Jian Haixi rushed over again without stopping.    


Yang Yaru personally received her. She did not know if it was Jian Haixi's misconception but she felt that Yang Yaru stared at her for a bit longer this time.    


"Miss Yang."    


"No need to be so polite. Since you are Jian Yi's elder sister, then we can be considered friends. You can just call me Yaru."    


She had just solved the problem of her daughter when the problem of her son appeared again.    




"Yes, then I will call you Haiyue."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi agreed with mixed feelings.    


"Yi said he looks very similar to you. If I want to know what he looks like, I will know when I look at you."    


Jian Haixi nodded awkwardly and said, "We look quite similar."    


After all, he was her biological son, so of course they looked alike.    


Yang Yaru smiled and went back to the main topic.    



"Haiyue, I am here to tell you the news. After our company discussed it, we felt that your proposal is very good. We have decided to adopt your proposal. We also look forward to working with Maiteng this time."    


Yang Yaru's voice sounded and Jian Haixi asked excitedly, "Really?"    


"Of course."    


Yang Yaru paused for a moment and added," But we have a small additional condition here. "    


"Additional condition?"    


"Yes, we need to use this opportunity to promote a celebrity with the cooperation of Maiteng. His name is JOJO, a brand new newcomer. Our request is to make him famous. "    


Jian Haixi hesitated for a moment. She had never met such an additional condition before. She thought for a while and said, "I need to ask for instructions on this matter."    


"Okay." Yang Yaru did not make things difficult for her. After all, she knew that Jian Haixi's position in the Maiteng was not high.    


Jian Haixi brought Yang Yaru's request for cooperation back to the company. Along the way, she casually flipped through the things Yang Yaru gave her. She had to admit that he was indeed very handsome.    


Jian Haixi parked the car. She entered the elevator and was still looking at the photos. She did not pay attention to the people beside her until she heard a slightly familiar voice.    


"You like this type?"    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She looked up at Ning Jiwei who had appeared in the elevator without her knowing when. She looked at the number of the elevator's rise and confirmed that he did not appear out of thin air before she smiled and greeted him.    




Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows. He looked at the photo in Jian Haixi's hand and did not say anything.    


Jian Haixi saw his gaze and quickly explained, "This is the additional condition that Yang Yaru gave. She hopes to use this cooperation opportunity to promote this male star called JOJO."    


After Ning Jiwei heard this, he looked at the real episode in her hands again and asked again, "You like this type?"    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and thought for a while before saying, "I don't know what kind of liking you are talking about, but just from visual enjoyment, I like him."    




Ning Jiwei did not comment. He asked, "Then what do you think of his plasticity?"    


Jian Haixi pointed at JOJO's photo for Ning Jiwei to take a closer look. "I think his plasticity is quite strong. Look. In fact, JOJO's face had a foreign style. His image was both heroic and charming. He did not feel anything out of the ordinary. Whether it was heavy makeup or light makeup, he did not feel anything out of the ordinary. It would always be perfect on his face. "    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi with some disdain, "Do you women like this kind of sissy? Is he handsome in your eyes?"    


Jian Haixi did not know what he disdained, but she still nodded as if it was natural and said, "Yes. Do you usually not look at Weibo?"    


Then she clicked on her Weibo on her phone to let him see. "Times are developing, and entertainment is improving. The aesthetics of the new generation are now different from the past. Many of the new generation celebrities with a lot of traffic have adopted this kind of neutral persona."    


As she spoke, Jian Haixi was still afraid that Ning Jiwei would have a straight man mentality. At the same time, she said, "You can't use your past thinking to think about the entertainment industry now. People are multifaceted. Why does a man have to be a rough man? They can also become cleaner. You have to look at problems with the perspective of development. "    


Ning Jiwei was originally looking at Weibo, but he heard too much from Jian Haixi. His gaze unconsciously drifted to her. He saw her seriously and seriously explaining to him. For some reason, Ning Jiwei felt that his mood was a little better.    


Ning Jiwei smiled and nodded. "I understand. Get ready. We will organize a meeting and discuss this cooperation in detail."    


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