CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C24 One Extra Chicken Leg as a Reward

C24 One Extra Chicken Leg as a Reward

0After Jian Haixi finished preparing the documents, the meeting had already begun.    


This meeting was hosted by the deputy manager, Lin Dong. He looked at the people who attended and only started after Ning Jiwei nodded.    


"There are two main topics for today's meeting. Regarding the cooperation with RU this time, RU Company has already given a clear answer. They also have the intention to cooperate with our Maiteng, but they have an additional request. We need to use this opportunity to promote a new male star, JOJO. Regarding this, we would like to ask Jian Haixi, the person in charge of this project, to give a detailed explanation to everyone. "    


After saying that, Lin Dong looked at Jian Haixi. Jian Haixi nodded slightly at him and walked up confidently and calmly.    


Ning Jiwei's gaze fell on her. He remembered the last time she introduced herself in front of everyone. He could not help but look forward to what kind of brilliance she would emit this time.    


Jian Haixi did not notice Ning Jiwei's gaze. She was completely immersed in it. She explained the details of the collaboration between Maiteng and RU to everyone present. She tried to convey her thoughts as concisely and clearly as possible.    


"Regarding the conditions of the RU, I think we can accept it. First of all, I have seen JOJO's image. Everyone can also take a look. Whether it was his appearance or temperament, he was an out-and-out idol. As long as we plan and push him a little, it's absolutely possible for him to become famous with one shot."    


Jian Haixi's voice was gentle and confident, explaining her thoughts unhurriedly. The people present nodded from time to time. They clearly received the message she sent.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi, who was so confident, and his eyes narrowed slightly, covering the expression inside.    


After Jian Haixi said her thoughts, she prepared to get off the stage. She had just taken two steps. Jian Haixi, since this project is your idea," she heard Ning Jiwei say. At present, you have done your job very well. Then you will continue to be in charge of the planning. "    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and nodded." Okay, Director. "    


Lin Dong saw that Ning Jiwei did not have any other instructions, so he continued to preside over the meeting. " The second thing was that Jian Haixi's plan had been stolen. After investigation, we finally confirmed that it was the former Director Zhang who stole the plan. Currently, the company has fired this person. We will pursue her according to the law."    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment. She frowned and stood up. "Vice President, are you mistaken?"    


Although Ms Zhang was involved in this matter, she had always thought that the mastermind was Sung Lan. With Ning Jiwei and Sung Lan's relationship, he would not pursue Sung Lan's responsibility. She knew this. But she also did not want Ms Zhang to be the scapegoat. After all, Ms Zhang provided a platform for her to develop.    


"Alright, today's meeting ends here. Jian Haixi will be promoted to Design Department's temporary director. If the cooperation between us and the RU can be carried out smoothly, she can become the official director. Meeting adjourned."    


Before Jian Haixi finished speaking, Ning Jiwei announced the meeting adjourned. He and Lin Dong left the meeting room together.    


The surrounding people saw Jian Haixi get promoted so quickly. They also knew that she was now a popular person in the company. They all went up to congratulate and flatter her.    


Jian Haixi smiled and half-heartedly said a few words. She dodged the crowd and chased after Ning Jiwei.    


"Director, please wait a moment."    


Jian Haixi said while gasping for breath in front of the elevator.    


Ning Jiwei saw her bending over to catch her breath. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Dong.    


Lin Dong understood and quickly said, "Director, I have other things to do. I will leave first."    


After saying that, he walked out of the elevator and pulled away a few people who did not understand the situation.    


Jian Haixi saw that they all went down the elevator. She was a little dazed and hesitated to go up.    


Lin Dong gave her a look. "What are you standing there for? Go in. Didn't you want to talk to Director about something?"    


Jian Haixi quickly nodded and walked into the elevator.    


The elevator door closed, isolating the sound from the outside world. Jian Haixi suddenly became quiet.    


"Choose the floor."    


Ning Jiwei looked at her stunned look and frowned slightly.    


Jian Haixi finally reacted. She quickly pressed the button and prepared to go to the floor of Director's office.    


Ning Jiwei saw that after she pressed the button, she kept her head down and did not speak. He looked at her strangely. "Don't you have something to say? What's wrong with you?"    


Jian Haixi scratched her head somewhat gloomily. "I don't know. I keep feeling that when I came in earlier, they looked at me strangely."    


Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows and the corners of his mouth curled into an evil smile." What do you think is strange about them? "    


"Just like..."    


Jian Haixi almost blurted out the words, "It's like I have an affair with you." Just as she said those words, she suddenly remembered who the person in front of her was. She hurriedly covered her mouth and shook her head, "It's nothing."    


"Is that so? "Ning Jiwei's lips curled up even more. He lowered his head and approached her. He reached out his right index finger and lifted her chin. "Why do I feel like you just wanted to say that we had an affair?"    


"How do you know?" Jian Haixi asked back subconsciously. After she asked back, she finally reacted.    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei's teasing look and blushed. She angrily slapped her forehead and said, "I am so stupid!"    


Ning Jiwei looked at her actions and laughed in a low voice, his eyes also carrying a smile.    


Jian Haixi heard the laughter and looked at him suspiciously. She had never seen Ning Jiwei laugh before.    


But when she looked at him, the original smiling Ning Jiwei made her heart beat faster.    


Ning Jiwei felt that he should not laugh. He cleared his throat and said, "You came to me because of Director Zhang?"    




When it came to business, Jian Haixi quickly stopped and said seriously, "Director, the reason I can work in Maiteng is because I was invited by Director Zhang. In this regard, she helped me. And although Director Zhang was involved in the theft of the plan, But she wasn't the mastermind. We all know who really wanted to steal the plan, don't we? "    


At this point, Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei and paused for a moment before continuing," This kind of result is not fair to Director Zhang. "    


"How do you know that the mastermind is not her?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi and said, "You did not see it with your own eyes. How did you come to this conclusion? I said this was the result of the company's investigation. Are you questioning my fairness? "    


Jian Haixi wanted to defend herself, but after thinking for a while, she nodded and said, "Yes, I think this matter is not fair to Director Zhang."    


Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei. In a short period of time, this was the second time she saw him smile. However, what he revealed just now was a real smile. At this moment, he was laughing coldly.    


"I hope that after you finish looking at this, you can still say these words to me so righteously."    


Ning Jiwei took out a USB from his pocket and threw it to Jian Haixi. He turned around and got off the elevator.    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She looked at his back and then shivered.    


The angry Ning Jiwei was really scary.    


After returning to Design Department, the colleagues in Design Department naturally congratulated Jian Haixi again. Jian Haixi answered absent-mindedly.    


Xie Nuan also smiled and congratulated her, "Hai Yue, congratulations. You are my boss from now on! In the future, I will rely on you to protect me."    


Jian Haixi rolled her eyes in amusement and said, "This matter is not confirmed yet. I am only temporarily in charge."    


"This matter will happen sooner or later." Xie Nuan hugged Jian Haixi with a laugh and said, "It is still me who had foresight and had a good relationship with you a long time ago."    


"Alright!" Jian Haixi laughed.    


The two of them chatted for a while. After Jian Haixi dismissed Xie Nuan, she sat on the workbench and opened the USB drive.    


There was a surveillance video on the USB drive. Jian Haixi looked from head to tail. Only then did she realize that from the beginning, it was Ms Zhang who looked for Sung Lan first. Ms Zhang suggested the plan of stealing from Sung Lan and after that, Ms Zhang also took the initiative to help Sung Lan think of a plan. Ms Zhang personally took away her plan.    


After watching the entire video, Jian Haixi felt cold sweat all over her body. If it was not for the evidence, she would have thought that Ms Zhang was the scapegoat for Sung Lan.    


She thought of Ms Zhang who helped her and Ms Zhang very quickly betrayed her. Jian Haixi could not help but shiver all over her body. This was the first time she realized the danger of the workplace.    


Just as Jian Haixi's whole body was feeling cold, the phone's notification rang, pulling her out of the monitoring incident.    


Jian Haixi turned off the video and pulled out the USB drive. She turned on her phone. Ning Jiwei sent her an email and told her to go to Director's office.    


Jian Haixi remembered that she misunderstood him just now. She bit her lower lip and took the USB drive to Director's office.    


Ning Jiwei was the only one in the office. Jian Haixi came in and closed the door. She put the USB drive in front of his desk and apologized solemnly, "Sorry, I misunderstood you just now. I apologize for what I said just now."    


Ning Jiwei looked at the USB drive and then looked at Jian Haixi, who was standing in front of his desk. "Apologize?"    


"That's right."    


Ning Jiwei looked at the woman who lowered her head and did not dare to look at him. He raised his eyebrows and stood up.    


Jian Haixi was lowering her head when she heard the footsteps and looked up. Ning Jiwei went around the table and walked in front of her.    




Jian Haixi looked at him suspiciously, but Ning Jiwei still did not stop in front of her.    


"You said you want to apologize to me?"    


Ning Jiwei slightly raised the corner of his lips, and as he spoke, he approached her step by step.    




Jian Haixi answered awkwardly as she kept retreating at the same time.    


Ning Jiwei looked at her and wanted to laugh in his heart, but his feet did not stop.    


Jian Haixi's back hit the wall.    


She had nowhere to go.    


Ning Jiwei smiled and stretched out his arm. He blocked her between him and the wall. "You can retreat again."    


Jian Haixi's face was red and her heart was beating fast. She could not even speak clearly.    


"Director?" Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows and lowered his head to approach her. "This nickname is not very good. You can call me Ji Wei."    


Jian Haixi met Ning Jiwei's deep smiling eyes and clearly heard her heartbeat.    


"So, how do you plan to apologize to me?"    


Jian Haixi looked at his face that was getting closer and closer and her heart almost jumped out. In a moment of desperation, she did not know where she got the courage to push Ning Jiwei with both hands.    


She used 80% of her strength this time. Ning Jiwei did not expect her to suddenly make a move and he was pushed away by her. He staggered two steps before he regained his balance.    


"This is the way you apologize?" Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi with amusement and said.    


Jian Haixi frowned. She also regretted her impulsive actions and wanted to say something. She did not know why, but she suddenly remembered the relationship between him and Sung Lan. That inexplicable feeling in her heart suddenly suppressed.    


"Miss Sung Lan was also involved in the matter of stealing the plan. She is your girlfriend and also your fiancee. I will not mention this matter again because of you. Such an apology should be fine, right?"    


Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes. His good mood had turned cold because of her words." Very good. "    


Ning Jiwei returned to the table and sat down. There was a table between the two of them. The ambiguous feeling just now had disappeared like a dream.    


Jian Haixi waited for a while. Seeing that he had nothing to say, she said, "If you have no other instructions, Director, I will go down first."    




Ning Jiwei saw that she was about to turn around and leave, so he stopped her and instructed, "Tomorrow at noon, follow me to see the boss of a public relations company."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi nodded and agreed.    


Jian Haixi looked at him and thought for a while. "Director, I am very grateful for the opportunity and promotion you gave me. What I said to you just now, I did not mean that. Comparatively speaking, you are already a very fair person. "    


"Relatively fair?" Ning Jiwei, who was initially a little angry, was amused by her words. He looked at the little girl who was standing in front of him, feeling uneasy. He smiled and waved his hand. "Alright, you can leave now. Before noon tomorrow, Design Department must hand over the advertising plan that was customized for JOJO."    


"Alright." Jian Haixi agreed. Seeing that Ning Jiwei did not look angry anymore, she heaved a sigh of relief and turned around to leave.    


Ning Jiwei looked at her back as she left. After a while, he laughed in a low voice.    


Since the first time he saw Jian Haixi in the garage until now, it seemed that every time they met, this woman would attract his strong interest.    


"Jian Haixi."    


Jian Haixi walked out of the office and called Yang Yaru.    


"Miss Yang, Maiteng has agreed to RU's request. Our cooperation can continue. Please give me JOJO's address. I need to get in touch with him. Only by getting to know him can I customize a plan suitable for him. "    


"Sure." Yang Yaru did not hesitate to give Jian Haixi the address and also said, "When you see him, be careful. JOJO's background is not what you and I can imagine. Our boss's financial backer recommended him. So you understand? "    


" I understand. " Jian Haixi nodded. Although Yang Yaru did not say it explicitly, she also knew that no matter what, they must not provoke JOJO.    


Yang Yaru said again, "JOJO has slight autism. You should be careful when you come into contact with him. Don't be too anxious. If you have something to do, contact me again."    


"Okay, thank you."    


"You are welcome." Yang Yaru said, "Also, I have said that Yi and I are friends. You can just call me Yaru."    




Jian Haixi hung up the phone and went back to Design Department. She asked Xie Nuan to go to JOJO's house with her.    


Jian Haixi originally thought that he would have a bunch of maids, maids, and security guards, but she did not expect that he was the only one at home.    


Jian Haixi knocked on the door. After JOJO opened the door, he ignored her and Xie Nuan. He also did not seem to care if the person who came was a bad person or not.    


In the huge house, his back looked pitiful and lonely.    


Jian Haixi and Xie Nuan looked at each other and introduced themselves, "You are JOJO, right? My name is Jian Haixi. This is Xie Nuan. We are employees of Maiteng's company, and we are also responsible for the cooperation of your debut plan. I have come today to understand the situation with you. "    


After saying a bunch of words, Jian Haixi looked at JOJO. However, JOJO did not react at all. He just sat on the sofa and played with his fingers, ignoring them.    


Jian Haixi silently sighed and pulled Xie Nuan to sit on another sofa.    


She thought in her heart, this additional condition is indeed not low.    


The three of them sat in a strange manner from dawn to dusk. JOJO had not spoken a single word all this while. Jian Haixi tried a few times. She was unable to make him speak. She was afraid that if she said too much, she would annoy him. It would not be easy for her to come next time. So in the end, she just sat there silently.    


Xie Nuan saw that the sky outside was completely dark and quietly touched Jian Haixi's arm and asked in a low voice, "Hai Yue, should we leave?"    


Jian Haixi looked at the sky outside and then looked at JOJO's condition. She knew that there was probably no breakthrough today so she nodded her head and stood up with Xie Nuan.    


"JOJO, then we will leave first."    


Jian Haixi politely said goodbye to JOJO. When she turned around and walked out of the door, She suddenly thought of something and stopped to ask, "You haven't eaten, have you? Is there anything you want to eat? Can I help you order takeout?"    


In the end, JOJO stood up and closed the door tightly in front of them.    


Hearing the deafening sound of the door closing, Xie Nuan was a little angry and said, "This child's temper is too bad. Is it great that he has a backer? We are here to help him. He is really rude."    


Jian Haixi helplessly shook her head. She still took out her phone and helped JOJO order takeout.    


Xie Nuan saw her actions and frowned. She asked, "He is already so rude. Do you still want to help him order takeout?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "I noticed that the rubbish bin in the room has a bag of Pioneer's Winner. So I just ordered Pivoter's pizza and spaghetti. Almost all young people like to eat that kind of stuff. He should also like it. "    


Xie Nuan pouted and said, "You are indeed a mother. You are different from us. The radiance of your maternal nature is about to spill out."    


Jian Haixi laughed and patted her, "What nonsense are you talking about? JOJO also makes my heart ache."    


"Alright. I know, great mother. " Xie Nuan exaggeratedly made an obeisance to her and said with a smile, "Oh right, my brother said he wanted to invite you and your Little Princess to eat hotpot with the little prince. How about we eat at home during the weekend? "    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "How would I dare not to show my face? Furthermore, if there is food, why would I reject it? Of course I will go."    


"I love you the most!" Xie Nuan hugged Jian Haixi and kissed her exaggeratedly.    


Jian Haixi felt goosebumps all over her body. She smiled and pushed her. "Go away!"    


The two of them laughed and joked for a while. Jian Haixi drove the car to send Xie Nuan back first before she went home.    


On the way home, her phone reminded her that the takeout had already been signed and accepted.    


Jian Haixi let out a sigh of relief.    


Because she had already told the two children that she would be back later, when she returned home, Jian Yi and Jian Rui had already eaten. When they saw her return, they ran to the door together. Jian Yi helped her with the bag and Jian Haixi helped her with the slippers.    


"Mommy, the rice is heating up for you. Take a rest and I will help you carry it out."    


Jian Yi put the bag away and said to Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi was surrounded by them the moment she returned home. After she heard his sensible words, she could not help but hug him and kiss him again and again, "I will do it myself."    


Jian Yi's face turned red, but he still insisted, "No need. You have been tired for the whole day. Sit down and rest for a while."    


"Yeah. Sit down and rest. I'll pour you some water, okay? "    


Jian Rui pulled Jian Haixi to sit on the sofa. Just like how she usually coaxed her to bring her a cup of warm water, she coaxed her to drink it, "You drink water."    


Jian Haixi smiled and took two sips of water.    


After drinking the water, Jian Yi had already brought the hot food in front of her. "I have eaten."    


Jian Haixi looked at the food in front of her. It was all her favorite food. She looked at the child standing beside her and could not help but tear her eyes. She hugged the two of them and kissed them a few times.    


"Thank you, I am so happy."    


"I am also very happy." Jian Rui said sweetly.    


Jian Haixi used dinner with the two children. She originally wanted to check their homework, but Jian Yi said directly, "I have checked your sister's homework. You just need to sign it."    


Jian Haixi smiled and patted his head, "It's good to have a genius son!"    


"How about me?" Jian Rui saw that she only touched her brother and also wanted to be touched by his head.    



"You are also very good!"    


Jian Haixi also touched her head. She signed the papers for the two of them and then she told them a story before going to bed. After she coaxed the two of them to sleep, Jian Haixi returned to her room.    


Sitting on the bed, Jian Haixi was still thinking about JOJO's situation. In this state, she had to hand over the promotion plan tomorrow. This was obviously not possible. Therefore, she thought about it and sent an email to Ning Jiwei. She hoped that he would give her a few more days. After all, communicating with people with autism required a lot of time and patience.    


Ning Jiwei quickly replied to the email. He agreed to her request and asked if she needed help from a professional.    


Jian Haixi thought about it and rejected it first.    


She thought about JOJO's appearance. If he suddenly saw a lot of people, he would definitely panic and reject them even more.    


To be conservative, she should try to get close to him first. If it really didn't work, it wouldn't be too late for her to find a professional to help.    


She told Ning Jiwei her thoughts. Ning Jiwei indicated that she could try, but she could not waste too much time. If she needed help, she could tell him.    


Looking at the email sent by Ning Jiwei, Jian Haixi suddenly remembered the scene in Director's office that day. Her heart skipped a beat and her face could not help but turn red.    


She realized what she was thinking and quickly shook her head to get rid of those distracting thoughts. She took out a painting book from her desk and recalled the time she saw JOJO. She slowly drew the profile of his side profile and then stared at the painting book. She looked at it for a long time.    


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