CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C14 I'm Going to See This Handsome Brother

C14 I'm Going to See This Handsome Brother

0Because of handsome boy having a girlfriend, Jian Rui was still unhappy the next day.    


After class, Jian Yi took his lunchbox and went to eat in the woods beside the school field as usual.    


In the end, Jian Rui, who always saw delicious food, was full of energy. Today, she actually refused to eat.    


She said with a tone of despair, "Brother, handsome boy has a girlfriend, so I don't want to eat anymore."    


Jian Yi shook his head helplessly.    


"Is he that good? Is it worth you to be unhappy for him for so long?"    


Jian Rui nodded. She nodded once, but she felt that it was not enough. She nodded desperately again. "handsome boy is super good! I felt very close to him when I saw him. I really want to play with him!"    


After saying that, Jian Rui tilted her head and stared at Jian Yi again and again. She opened her eyes wide as if she had discovered something extraordinary.    


"Brother, I suddenly realized that you and handsome boy look very similar!"    


"No wonder I felt a sense of closeness the moment I saw him. Brother, really, you look very similar to that handsome boy!"    


Jian Rui said and returned to her excited state. Her little finger poked and pointed at Jian Yi's face.    


"Your eyes are very similar, your nose is very similar, and your mouth is very similar."    


Jian Yi could not help but hold Jian Rui's hand and rolled his eyes at her.    


"Do you think he looks like me or not? How much like me? It is not up to you to decide."    


"You guys really look like each other. You don't like handsome boy, so I won't play with you anymore!"    


Jian Rui was angry. She pouted and turned around to ignore Jian Yi.    


Jian Yi was speechless. He had no choice but to take out his phone.    


Jian Rui noticed that her brother was silent behind her. Jian Rui noticed that he was playing with his phone. Curious, she went over to take a look. "Brother, what are you doing?"    


Jian Yi shook his phone. "Didn't you want me to like that Ning Jiwei as much as you? I need to understand him to make an evaluation of him, so I hacked into his assistant's phone. I found his following schedule. "    


After saying that, Jian Yi got up and was about to leave.    


Jian Rui pulled him and asked, "Brother, where are you going?"    


"Ning Jiwei is going to meet with the foreign delegates at the Hilton Hotel next. I want to see how good handsome boy is."    


"Brother, are you going to find handsome boy?" Jian Rui's eyes lit up when she heard that. She pulled Jian Yi's clothes and jumped up and down in excitement. "Brother, can you take me there? I miss handsome boy so much!"    


"You can't."    


Jian Yi said with a serious face, "If you go there, it will affect my objective evaluation of him. You also don't want me to hate your handsome boy."    




Jian Rui still wanted to say something, but when she saw Jian Yi's unnegotiable expression, she finally calmed down.    


"Alright then, you can go. I will wait for you to come back. Remember to tell handsome boy that I miss him!"    


Jian Yi simply had no words for this younger sister. He waved at her and left.    


He only wanted to examine Ning Jiwei as a stranger, but he did not want to help Jian Rui bring the message.    


In the President suite of the Hilton Hotel, Lee Fu's phone suddenly turned black. Even the computer on the phone could not be turned on.    


Was it broken?    


He was a top student who graduated from the University of Beijing. He was actually helpless in this situation. He could only ask Director, Ning Jiwei, for help.    


When Ning Jiwei was in college, he created an online business empire on the internet. It was the first website in the country to harvest large amounts of user data, and he earned the first money in his life.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the computer and frowned.    


"This should have been hacked by hackers."    


"You go and check." Ning Jiwei said coldly.    


Lee Fu was sweating. The most valuable thing on his phone and the computer was Ning Jiwei's schedule. He really did not know why those hackers would hack into his phone.    




Very soon, the assistant came in with the results of the investigation.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the IP location on the computer screen and frowned.    


"Primary school?"    


"Yes, that's right." Lee Fu nodded his head. "The technician found out that the hacker's address came from an elementary school, and the intruder used a phone.    


The technician concluded that this was a misunderstanding, because the intruder did not do anything substantial. He only browsed for a bit before leaving. Now my mobile phone has returned to normal."    




Ning Jiwei sat on the sofa with one hand supporting his head. He stared at the Google Maps on the computer and sneered.    


He did not believe that this coincidence was a misunderstanding, but the address from primary school was hard to doubt. You could not possibly suspect that the hacker was just a primary school student and hacked their phone just to see their memos, right?    


Coincidentally, the foreign delegation arrived at this time. Ning Jiwei could only put this matter aside and rush to the meeting.    


Three hours later, the meeting ended.    


Ning Jiwei brought Lee Fu to send the foreign delegates to the car.    


When he turned around and returned to the hotel, a pair of small hands suddenly touched the corner of his shirt.    



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