CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C18 Be Good

C18 Be Good

0Ning Jiwei raised his pretty eyebrows and looked at her with his deep eyes. His lips parted slightly. "Why haven't you left yet?"    


Jian Haixi waved the thing in her hand. "I need to work."    


"What kind of work requires you to work overtime until now? Your work speed is very slow?"    


Ning Jiwei was a person who paid attention to work speed. He felt that under the current fast-paced lifestyle, the perfect combination of work ability and work speed was the best employee.    




Jian Haixi hurriedly explained, "This is the information sent over by the floor management."    


"What do you need the floor manager's information for?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi looked at him. She looked like Ning Jiwei knew she had offended Sung Lan.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi. Combined with what he saw in Director's office today, he did not need to think to know what was going on.    


"You cried?"    


"Huh?!" Jian Haixi was stunned and shook her head. "No, I didn't cry. I was just a little too busy."    


"Now, you get off work."    


Jian Haixi was stunned and hesitated, "But I haven't finished my work yet."    


"I say, you are off work. Do you understand?"    


Although Ning Jiwei was gentle, he did not like to repeat his words twice.    


When he answered Jian Haixi again, he was already a little impatient.    


Jian Haixi was looked at by his profound eyes and nodded in a daze. She immediately reacted and hurriedly took two steps back. "I'm packing. I'm leaving now."    


After she said that, she quickly went to pack her things. When she was a little further away from Ning Jiwei, she was relieved. The pressure from that distance was really too much for her to bear.    


The two of them walked out one after another. Jian Haixi saw that the rain outside was getting heavier and heavier. She thought for a while and handed the umbrella in her hand to Ning Jiwei. "Director, take the umbrella."    


Ning Jiwei looked at her and his eyes paused on the umbrella in her hand for two seconds. He turned around and said, "I'll go to the basement to drive."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi was embarrassed again.    


The elevator reached the first floor. Jian Haixi thanked Ning Jiwei and turned to leave.    


Ning Jiwei leaned against the elevator and looked at Jian Haixi's back as she ran out. The corner of his lips unconsciously curled up.    


When Jian Haixi returned home, the two little babies had already put on apron and started cooking. Seeing her return, they quickly ran over to greet her.    


Jian Haixi smelled the fragrant scent of the dishes and Jian Haixi felt extremely sad.    


Other people's children were all raised by their parents, but their little darling had to go home to cook. When there was thunder outside, they did not have the arms of adults to rely on.    


The more Jian Haixi thought about it, the more her heart ached. She hugged Jian Yi and Jian Rui and could not help but wet her eyes.    




Jian Rui stretched out her small hand to help Jian Haixi wipe her tears and sensibly comforted, "Mommy, don't cry. I am already not afraid of thunder now. Because the teacher had said that thunder was a natural phenomenon, just like the sun. Demons will come out when thunder is struck, and they will also come out when the sun is out."    


Jian Yi rolled his eyes and knocked on her head." How many times have I told you? There are no demons in the world. "    


Jian Rui pouted and covered her head. "Brother, I originally knew. I just became stupid after being knocked silly by you. That's why I didn't know."    


The childish words made Jian Haixi laugh. Her mood also changed.    


The family was having dinner. Jian Haixi was in a good mood. She took a picture of the food the children made and posted it on her WeChat Moments. She said, "I was blessed with a few lifetimes of good fortune. I only got two such sensible little cuties in this life."    


As soon as her WeChat Moments were posted, the comments section exploded. Everyone left messages to congratulate and envy her good fortune.    


Lin Xiaodou commented, If you post another post, I will go to the door to steal the children!    


After they finished eating, Jian Haixi went to wash the dishes. Jian Yi and Jian Rui held her phone and looked at the comments.    


Jian Rui giggled and read the comments, saying, "Mommy, Uncle Mike commented on you. He said that you took away his two little babies. It was a crime. He even cried!"    


"Show me your phone. I want to reply to Uncle Mike." Jian Yi reached out to take the phone, but Jian Rui refused.    


"I don't want to give the phone to brother. I also want to reply to Uncle Mike."    


As she spoke, she pressed the phone and replied, "Uncle Mike, Rui is the little darling. Big brother is not the little darling. Big brother is a little fist. Small fist will hit your chest."    


Jian Yi simply could not stand it. He angrily glared at Jian Rui, turned around, and carried his tablet to the other side of the living room.    


He directly went to video chat with Uncle Mike!    


Jian Haixi, who was busy in the kitchen, heard the laughter of the children coming from the living room. Her heart was as sweet as honey.    


At this moment, even the thunder outside was not as scary anymore.    


At night, Jian Haixi was as usual telling the two little babies a story before going to bed. After Jian Rui heard it, she hugged Jian Haixi and asked for a good night kiss. Jian Haixi smiled and bent down to kiss her forehead and cheek, "Good night, Rui baby."    


Then she turned her head to look at Jian Yi, but Jian Yi had not moved yet. He held out his hands vigilantly to cover his face and put on a cold little face at the same time. He said seriously, "Mommy, you already kissed me this morning. You can't have another goodnight kiss."    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded. "Okay, then baby Yi also has a good night."    


"Good night Mommy."    


Almost as soon as Jian Haixi left, Jian Rui could not wait to climb out of the blanket and jump onto Jian Yi's bed.    


"Brother, how is it? Did you see handsome boy today? Quickly tell me."    


Jian Yi frowned and pushed her. "Quickly go back to your bed, Fat girl."    


" I don't want it. Big brother, quickly tell me about handsome boy. "    


Jian Rui used all four of her legs to entangle Jian Yi like an octopus. She looked like she would not let go of him if he did not tell her. Jian Yi felt helpless. If he really could not chase her away, he could only help her hide the corner properly. "Lie down properly. I will tell you. You are not allowed to move. Otherwise, you'll catch a cold "    


"Oh, okay!" Jian Rui saw that her brother finally let go and immediately obediently let go of her hands and lay down beside her.    


Jian Yi said, "After I went to Shangri-La Hotel today, I saw him at the door. Then I pretended not to open the bottle and let him help me unscrewed it."    


"And then? Did handsome boy help you? I told you that handsome boy was the best! " Jian Rui interrupted before Jian Yi could finish.    


"If you interrupt again, I won't say anymore."    


"I won't say anymore." Jian Rui immediately covered her mouth to indicate that she would not interrupt anymore.    


Jian Yi then continued, "He did help me, and he did not look impatient at all with a smile on his face the whole time."    


He thought for a while before saying, "But according to my analysis, this kind of people are usually very subtle and very dangerous."    


Jian Rui was a little stunned. She didn't expect Jian Yi to have such an evaluation of Ning Jiwei.    


Jian Yi looked at Jian Rui and said, "Don't think about him. A man like him will always put benefits in front of all emotions. For example, his current girlfriend is the daughter of a famous entrepreneur. You don't think that he simply thinks that woman is his true love, do you? "    


Jian Rui did not say anything. She really wanted to explain on handsome boy's behalf, but when she heard Jian Yi's analysis, she felt that what he said was right.    


"Then, when you become a successful person in the future, will you also be like handsome boy, viewing money as the most important thing?" Jian Rui pouted and asked in a dilemma.    


"Of course I won't." Jian Yi rolled his eyes and knocked Jian Rui's head. He said, "Didn't Mommy say that family is the most important? I will not give up on you and Mommy for fame and fortune. Can you not worry about those impossible things? "    


Jian Rui heard his words and smiled again. She hugged Jian Yi and cheered, "I knew that brother listened to Mommy the most. Brother is the best brother in the world!"    


The siblings were having a quarrel when they heard Jian Haixi knocking on the door, "Baby, what are you excited about this late at night?"    


She then pushed the door open.    


Jian Yi hurriedly said to Jian Rui, "Mommy, it's nothing. It's just that my sister is afraid of thunder."    


Jian Rui also quickly reacted. She took the opportunity to hug Jian Yi and said to Jian Haixi, "Yes, Mommy. I'm afraid. I want to sleep on the same bed as older brother."    


Jian Haixi was helpless. She covered the two little babies with a blanket and closed the window before leaving.    


After Jian Haixi left, Jian Rui was just about to come out when suddenly there was an explosion of thunder that scared her so much that she immediately went back and hugged Jian Yi as she trembled.    


Jian Yi frowned. He knew that Jian Rui was afraid of thunder since she was young, so he stretched out his hand to cover Jian Rui's ears. The usually cold and aloof boy at this moment was like a little man and said gently, "Younger sister is not afraid. Big brother is here."    


Jian Rui took his hand and blinked at him. "Big brother, tell me the story of thunder again. It is the one where natural phenomena can generate electricity. I will not be afraid after hearing it a few more times."    


"Okay, I will tell you." Jian Yi nodded and started to tell the story of Franklin and Thunder. However, before he finished, he found that Jian Rui had fallen asleep.    


Jian Yi smiled and shook his head. He tucked her under the blanket and saw that she was sleeping soundly. He could not help but poke her chubby cheeks. "Silly girl."    


After Jian Yi confirmed that Jian Rui was completely asleep, he turned around and picked up his phone. He thought for a while and opened the website to browse the information about Ning Jiwei.    


The next day, Jian Haixi sent the children to school. On the way to the company, she met Xie Nuannuan, who had just come out of the subway station.    


Because the subway station was still more than ten minutes away from the company, Jian Haixi invited Xie Nuannuan to go with her.    


"Haixi, it is so good to meet you!" Xie Nuan happily got into the car and could not help but feel how terrifying the traffic in the subway was in the morning.    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head.    


"Oh right, Haixi, have you had breakfast?" Xie Nuan said as she shared her breakfast. Jian Haixi nodded and said, "I have had breakfast."    


"I forgot that your family still has two chefs!"    


After Xie Nuan finished speaking, she then noticed that there were all kinds of children's ornaments in the car. She observed for a while and pointed to the trunk of the car and said confidently, "I know this time. Your little prince must always sit on the left side. Little Princess sat on the right side. Because the left side is very neat and tidy, while the right side seats are covered with stickers from all kinds of little girls."    


Jian Haixi laughed loudly and shook her head. "You guessed wrong this time."    


"How can I be wrong?" Xie Nuan could not accept it.    


Jian Haixi said, "The sticker belongs to Rui. You guessed it right. But Rui was a person who could not sit idle and jump off her character. She would not stay in the car obediently. She always sits there casually. Yi was also a fan of his younger sister. As long as it was not an urgent matter, He usually gives in to Rui, so it should be said that this car is under Little Princess's control."    


Xie Nuan said enviously, "Just listening to you makes me feel very happy. If there is a chance, I must meet the two little babies of your family!"    


" Sure. Are you free next weekend? If you are free, you can come to my house to eat!"    


"Really?" Xie Nuan immediately nodded and said, "I am free. I can see Little Prince and Little Princess and also freeload. Even if I am busy, I am fine now!"    


When the two of them arrived at the company, Xie Nuan remembered what happened yesterday. "Oh right, Haixi, did you get off work very late last night?"    


Jian Haixi said, "Not really. Around 9 o'clock. It is still okay."    


Xie Nuan said angrily, "Sung Lan is this kind of person. Who is prettier? She could not bear to see it, but first lady, who was like her, was too lazy to work in the company. Usually, she comes once and won't come again for half a year. Don't worry."    


Jian Haixi nodded to show that she understood. Just as the two of them got off the elevator, they saw Sung Lan standing in front of their office with a black face, holding a stack of documents. When she saw them, she quickly walked over.    


Xie Nuan frowned and said in a low voice, "Haixi, don't be afraid."    


Jian Haixi calmly said, "You go first. She came for me. Let's not suffer together."    


Xie Nuan originally did not want to leave but under Jian Haixi's request, She still left. Jian Haixi was right. They could not bear to suffer together. Now she could still secretly help Jian Haixi but if she was also targeted by Sung Lan... No one could pull them anymore.    


Sure enough, after Xie Nuan left, Sung Lan coldly threw a stack of documents onto Jian Haixi's body, "Jian Haixi, did I not make myself clear last night? You finish all the forms and statistics and pass them to me this morning. Did your brain get eaten by a dog? You can't even understand such a simple thing?"    


Jian Haixi coldly looked at the documents that she threw over. She used her toes to touch the forms on the ground and looked at the words on the cover page: Floor Management Information.    


"Miss Sang, you can't be too excessive."    



Jian Haixi sneered and took out her employment contract from her bag. She opened a page and raised it in front of Sung Lan. "Did you see it? Do you know words, Miss Sang? My employee contract is clearly written. I am an employee of Design Department. My job is to design the design of the service company. The salary I receive, every single cent is given to me by Design Department. Not from your floor management.    




"What happened to me? Sorry, Miss Sang." Jian Haixi coldly interrupted her and said, "I can't help you with your work. If you still want to give me work, First, please ask Director for permission. If he permits... I have no objections. Second, please increase my salary. Otherwise... I can sue you with the employee contract. "    


After Jian Haixi said this, Jian Haixi did not even bother to look at Sung Lan. She wiped her shoulder and walked over. The surrounding people were all in admiration of Jian Haixi and secretly applauded her in their hearts. Especially Xie Nuan, when she saw Jian Haixi walk over, she gave her two thumbs up.    


Director, who had been oppressed and bullied by Sung Lan, also walked over. She patted Jian Haixi's shoulder and said softly, "You did well."    


Jian Haixi smiled and agreed.    


Sung Lan suffered a setback. Seeing Jian Haixi return victorious, she could only leave hatefully.    


Sung Lan suffered a setback at Jian Haixi's side and turned around to look for Ning Jiwei.    


"Ji Wei, I want to go to Design Department. You can let me go to Design Department to work."    


"No." Ning Jiwei said with a serious face.    


"Ji Wei!"    




Sung Lan still wanted to make a fuss. Ning Jiwei looked at her and suddenly stretched out his hand and smiled gently at her. He pinched her shoulder and said, "Be good. I will accompany you to see your father in the afternoon."    




Sung Lan immediately forgot about the matter of transferring departments and said in surprise, "We are going back. We must bring gifts. I want to think about what to bring. Ji Wei, my dad has been talking about having a good drink with you. If you go, he will definitely be very happy! I am also very happy!"    


When Sung Lan finished speaking, Sung Lan looked at him shyly.    


"Yes." Ning Jiwei smiled and nodded. "I order you with the identity of Director of Maiteng. Now you go to the mall after work. You can buy whatever you want. It will all be under my name."    


"Okay! Ji Wei, I love you so much!"    


As Sung Lan spoke, Sung Lan hugged Ning Jiwei excitedly. Just as she wanted to further express her feelings, Ning Jiwei quietly pushed her away and urged her to go quickly.    


Sung Lan did not notice anything unusual and happily left.    


After Sung Lan left, the assistant Lee Fu walked in and handed Ning Jiwei a merger contract. "Director, if we can successfully merge Sung Family's business this time, he said. The company's market value will definitely increase in France. After all, although Sung Family's business is not considered big in China, it is very impressive in the overseas market. "    


Ning Jiwei stared at the contract. He did not say anything, but his eyes gradually became deep.    


At noon, Jian Haixi and Xie Nuan went out of the company's canteen for lunch. Jian Haixi noticed that other people did not seem to have a good impression of her and there were even people who mocked her.    


Although Jian Haixi did not care about other people's gazes, this kind of inexplicable hostility still made her frown.    


Xie Nuan naturally also noticed it and whispered to her, "Haixi, don't mind. I heard that there is a new movement in the company recently. If it is going to be listed in the overseas market, there will be a lot of help from the Sung Family. When the news spread in the morning, these people immediately chose to stand on the side. This is really disgusting."    


Xie Nuan clearly showed disdain towards these people. "Let me tell you, our Director is very capable. I believe that even without the help of the Sung Family's market, he would still be able to go smoothly. If it was really the help of the Sung Family... It was also that Sung Lan who took the initiative to approach Director. "    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "I also think that Ning Jiwei is a very capable person. However, the Sung Family is after all an old state-owned enterprise. In terms of background and channels, these help are very objective and indelible."    


Xie Nuan ridiculed," So, this is a capitalist society. Human relationships are not able to resist the temptation of money. "    


As she spoke, she looked at Jian Haixi and asked with a smile, "Haixi, to be honest, you are so beautiful. Have you ever thought of marrying into a wealthy family?"    




Jian Haixi pointed at herself in surprise and shook her head, "I will marry into a wealthy family? Forget it. Right now, I only want to lead a good life with two children. The true meaning of life is rice, oil, and salt. Didn't they say that once you enter a wealthy family, you are as deep as the sea? I admit that my swimming skills are not good enough. So let's just forget about rich families and whatnot."    


Xie Nuan clicked her tongue when she heard those words. "Haixi, you are the real goddess! In my opinion, our Director should be worthy of a girlfriend like you. Men are talented and women have looks. This is a perfect match! "    


Jian Haixi rolled her eyes. "Are you saying you want Ning Jiwei to be the father of my child?"    


Xie Nuan spat out a mouthful of water and laughed. "Why not? Your little prince and Little Princess are so cute, as long as it is a man. Not to mention them. If I were a man, they wouldn't even have a share! "    


Jian Haixi smiled and shook her head. The two of them chatted as they ate. To Jian Haixi, other people's gazes were not a disturbance at all.    


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