Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C229 Face to Face

C229 Face to Face

0Yi Weihai sat on the main seat of the sofa. His eyes were cold. Yi Haoen and Yi Haofeng sat on either side of him. Fang Fang sat on the single sofa on the left. Yi Rui'er and Yi Chengzhi sat on the short sofa on the right. They looked like they were inviting someone to join them.    


Seeing Yi Lanyou come back, Yi Rui'er coldly snorted and raised her chin. "You still have the face to come back?"    


"What do you mean?" Yi Lanyou looked at Yi Rui'er.    


"Lanyou, I'm really sorry. " Fang Fang put on a guilty look, "I originally promised to keep it a secret for you, but. . . But your sister leaked it. . . "    


"A secret? A secret for what?" Yi Lanyou asked in confusion.    


"Stop pretending. " Yi Rui'er coldly snorted and said, "Dad, I saw with my own eyes today that Yi Lanyou used our family's money to squander to outsiders and bought a lot of things. "    


"Rui'er, don't say anymore. " Fang Fang shook her head. "I think it must be because Lanyou felt that it was not easy for Sister Hui to be alone that she did this. . . Is it Lanyou?"    


"No. " Yi Lanyou directly denied it and looked at Yi Haoen. "Father, is the money you gave me mine? Why do I have no freedom to spend it? "    


"The money I gave you is yours. You can spend it however you want. " Yi Haoen nodded. Actually, when Fang Fang and the others came back and said that it was all a conspiracy, he did not believe it. He felt that Yuan Hui was not that kind of person.    


"Then it's okay. " Yi Lanyou spread out her hands. "Then why are we still here?"    


"Lanyou, your aunt is also worried that you will be deceived when you are young. " Yi Haofeng said, "Although I also do not want to believe that Sister Hui is that kind of person. . . "    


"Not willing to believe?" Yi Lanyou smiled. "The word 'uncle' is really used very well. The Z Country language and culture are really extensive and profound. " If she didn't want to believe it, wouldn't she just believe it?    


"Lanyou, your father gave you money to let you use it as daily pocket money to buy some learning necessities and clothes. " Fang Fang said with a regretful expression, "You usually buy so many luxury goods. We all saw it, but we respected your freedom and did not say anything. But you can't go too far. Auntie believes that you are not a bad child. It's also possible to be instigated. "    


"Provoked?" Yi Lanyou laughed out loud. "Haha, who is it?"    


"Sister, don't hide it anymore. We all know. " Yi Rui'er said, "You should admit it yourself, right?"    


"Admit what? What's there to admit?" Yi Lanyou asked back. " Why don't Yi Rui'er tell me what I should admit? "    


"Why are you still so stubborn?" Yi Rui'er said, "It was obviously your mother who set this trap. The reason I asked you to come back was to let you get money from our Yi family and spend it on her. "    


"Wow, you make it sound like you saw me transfer the money to my mother with your own eyes. " Yi Lanyou sneered and said, "This imagination, I can't help but want to applaud you. "    


"Lanyou, I know how you feel. " Fang Fang earnestly said, "If I did not see it with my own eyes today, I would not believe it either. "    


"What did you see with your own eyes?" Yi Lanyou said, "Didn't you see my mother try out a new dress?"    


"You child. . . Eh. . . " Fang Fang had a look of disappointment as she helplessly shook her head.    


"Dad. " Yi Lanyou was more concerned about Yi Haoen's thoughts now. She looked up at Yi Haoen. "What do you think? Do you think so too?"    


Yi Haoen did not say anything but just shook his head. He did not believe that Yuan Hui was such a person.    


Seeing Yi Haoen shake his head, Yi Lanyou smiled. She did not care about the people here. As long as Yi Haoen believed in Yuan Hui, it was enough. "Wait for me for three minutes. "    


After saying this, Yi Lanyou jogged upstairs. Seeing Yi Lanyou's actions, Fang Fang and Yi Rui'er looked at each other. At this time, what could this Yi Lanyou do?    


Not long later, Yi Lanyou jogged down again. In her hands was a stack of papers and a small book the size of an A5. "This is my bank card and cash receipt every time I swipe it. There is also my daily expenses and accounts. The sum is all here. "    


Seeing Yi Lanyou's actions, Fang Fang frowned and Yi Rui'er quipped. "Who knows if this is real or fake?"    


"There is no need to doubt or doubt. " Yi Lanyou opened the bill and said, "The price of the luxury goods I buy every month is between two to twenty six thousand. These expensive things are all in my room. You can compare them according to the invoice. In addition, Dad, you can also call Uncle Lian to get all the records of my credit card and check them one by one. I can only spend a few thousand yuan per month. This few thousand yuan can't possibly be used to make fake accounts for my mom. I'm not that free either. "    


Hearing Yi Lanyou's words, Fang Fang and Yi Rui'er knew that their plan this time had failed and they became angry in their hearts. But Fang Fang thought about it and said, "Then Auntie really misunderstood you. Your sister and I are also worried that you will be cheated. Then. . . Your father said that he will give you thirty thousand today. . . Do you have this bill?"    


"Haha. " Yi Lanyou laughed out loud. "I didn't spend a single cent today. Where did the bill come from?"    


"It can't be. " Yi Rui'er looked at the things that Yi Lanyou still put on the spot when she brought them back. Although these few packaging bags were not some first-tier brand, they were also not cheap goods.    


"My mother bought these things for me. " Yi Lanyou raised her chin, "Do you have any other questions?"    


"Hehe. " Fang Fang forced a laugh and said, "Then the quality of Sister Hui's life has really improved. . . "    


"Of course. " A glint flashed across Yi Lanyou's eyes as she deliberately said.    


"How can an office worker have so much money? Who would believe it. . . " Yi Rui'er curled her lips.    


At this time, Secretary Lian also came in from outside. He held the documents that Yi Haoen had asked him to send over at the last minute. When he saw this scene, he was also stunned.    


"Uncle Lian came just in time. " Yi Rui'er snorted and said, "Didn't sister say that we can check her credit card bills? Then let Uncle Lian check how much she spent the thirty thousand today. "    


"Thirty thousand?" Lian Cheng was stunned for a moment and then said, "Oh. . . It's about the matter of the money that Sir called to give to Eldest Miss today, right?" After a pause, Lian Cheng explained. "I haven't called yet. I want to transfer the money tomorrow. What's wrong? "    


Yi Rui'er was stunned when she heard Lian Cheng say that. She looked at Yi Lanyou and said, "Impossible. " She did not believe that she had clearly seen it today. "Then how did your mother get the money?" No matter how it came, it was definitely not clean.    


"Are you done yet?" Yi Lanyou was also impatient. "What's wrong with the money my father gave my mother? None of your business! "    


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