Enchanting Alchemist



0In the same room at the Qi Tian Tower, Xiao Yuyan had long since been waiting there. In the morning, she received a name scroll sent by Fang Lanxin, so she didn't dare delay at all and rushed over.    


There was also a hierarchy between nobles of the same rank.    


Although the Xiao family had a different surname from the Wang family, they only inherited the family name. They did not have any real power, so they were naturally inferior to the Fang family.    


Furthermore, Fang Lanxin's innate talent was extremely high, and had always been the focus of the nation's training. In addition to her extraordinary Hall of Sages, she had always been a little more cautious, without losing any of her identity.    


She drank a cup of tea's worth of time before opening the door. Fang Lanxin who was dressed in a blue dress walked in with the servant girl. Her facial features were exquisite, her temperament was extraordinary, making Xiao Yuyan feel inferior whenever he saw her.    


Fang Lanxin, on the other hand, wore a cold expression, and laughed: "Big Sister Xiao has been waiting for a long time, it's all this girl's fault that her hands and feet were not nimble, little sister has come late."    


Xiao Yuyan was startled for a moment, then got up and said: "Why do our sisters still care about this? Little Sister, quickly sit down and speak."    


After the two of them sat down, Fang Lanxin called the servant out for food, then slowly said: "To be honest, I have something to discuss with elder sister."    


"Sister, no need to be polite. As long as sister can help, I will do my best." As Xiao Yuyan said this, he felt that it was weird.    


Regardless of whether it was the Fang family or Fang Lanxin, both were more powerful than her.    


"This matter concerns a person. I heard that person had a grudge with elder sister." Fang Lanxin continued: "It's the Hua Ruge who defeated big sister in the arena last time."    


The moment Xiao Yuyan heard Hua Ruge's name, he immediately became angry, and the light in his eyes dimmed.    


Last time when Hua Ruge forcefully pushed her off the stage, she had always wanted to take revenge.    


Seeing her expression, Fang Lanxin knew that most of this was happening, and took the chance to say: "I want to punish her, I don't know what elder sister thinks?"    


Xiao Yuyan naturally wished for nothing more, but he did not say it in a hurry, but asked her: "She's also a sinful little sister?"    


"Indeed." Fang Lanxin nodded his head as he picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip.    


In that instant, his eyes flashed with killing intent.    


"She really isn't afraid of death." Xiao Yuyan felt that this was a bit unbelievable.    


Logically speaking, Hua Ruge did not have any background, he did not have any talent, only strength was a bit stronger, but he did not place these top class aristocrats in his eyes, it was truly strange.    


"What do you think about her making it so that she can't enter Hall of Sages?" Fang Lanxin said again.    


Xiao Yuyan's eyes lit up, but he quickly dimmed down and shook his head: "Hua Ruge is stronger than me, so it will be difficult to stop her in this selection."    


"It won't be easy in the arena battle, but once she enters the final round, we'll have the ability to do anything." Fang Lanxin turned the teacup in his hand and said softly.    


"What can little sister do?" Xiao Yuyan asked, then expressed: "I also don't want her to be selected, so she will definitely cooperate with little sister."    


Fang Lanxin's eyes curved as he said, "As long as big sister is willing to cooperate, then this time, we will definitely win."    


She knew in advance what the final battle would be like today, and now that it was being used on Hua Ruge, she guaranteed that there would be no mistakes.    


After Xiao Yuyan heard it, he smiled with his eyes: "Wonderful, don't worry little sister, I won't let her off so easily this time."    


Fang Lanxin nodded his head in satisfaction, then instructed, "Hua Ruge is too smart, so in order to not let her see, you definitely cannot do anything in the arena."    


Xiao Yuyan nodded repeatedly. When she thought that she could deal with Hua Ruge, she couldn't help but get excited.    


The two chatted for a while before the dishes were served.    


"These are the famous dishes of the Qi Tian Tower. You and I will be celebrating our success ahead of time." Fang Lanxin said.    


Xiao Yuyan agreed: "Little sister's plan is detailed, this time you will definitely succeed."    


Fang Lanxin laughed, a dark light flickering in his eyes.    


Hua Ruge, let's see how you can act arrogant this time.    


As she thought about how happy Xiao Yuyan was in front of her, she couldn't help but sneer in her heart. Her hands and feet weren't doing well this time, Tuoba Rui would definitely be able to find out, and this stupid woman would be the scapegoat.    


There was someone with ill intentions here, Hua Ruge who was completely unaware was concocting pills in her room.    


The competition would be held in half a month, and there was a month to go. In order to ensure that there were no mistakes, she could only raise her strength during this period of time.    


The last time the Devouring Beast swallowed the Heavenly Lightning Tower, her spirit energy had increased. If she consumed a large amount of pills to breakthrough the bottleneck, she would have a chance of doing so.    


A few of her neighbors were also in seclusion during this period of time.    


Tuoba Yu was a Soul Master of the seventh step, so he was relatively safe.    


Since Mao Jun and Yan Zixing were both Battle Master, they were both in great danger. Therefore, they were trying their best to break through, if they could reach 1-star Battle Master, it would be safer to advance.    


After Lan Bing'er found out that Hua Ruge was about to go into closed door cultivation, he only had one request, and that was to come over once every three days to give her food so that she wouldn't eat snacks every day.    


Hua Ruge saw that she was being meticulous and agreed to it. She was not willing to eat cake and drink cold water every time.    


Because he had stolen a large amount of medicinal ingredients, Hua Ruge's refining the pill this time was much more convenient.    


The last time the pill furnace was damaged, but the materials used for grade five magic tools were able to repair themselves, so they quickly recovered.    


Thus, she started refining pills and cultivating arduously every day. The necklace that Tuoba Rui gave her shined slightly when she channeled her cultivation, increasing the flexibility of her spirit energy.    


Half a month had passed in a flash, and Hua Ruge felt that the Spirit Qi in his body had become even more abundant, but he was still quite far from breaking through his bottleneck.    


With such a cheating godly weapon like the Devouring Beast, breaking through was already so slow. This Element Body was truly tiring.    


Hua Ruge thought with a depressed look on his face as he laid on the bed.    


"Brother Hua, come out and drink." Mao Jun shouted loudly in the courtyard.    


Tomorrow was the official start of the competition, and everyone had already left their seclusion.    


Hua Ruge pushed open the door and went out to see Mao Jun and Yan Zixing sitting there. Lan Bing'er was serving dishes from the small kitchen.    



"Where's the Brother Tuoba?" Hua Ruge asked.    


"The Empress is ill. Her Highness has returned to the palace to tend to his illness. He has been gone for quite a few days." Lan Bing'er replied.    


"What is it?" Hua Ruge asked as he walked.    


Lan Bing'er shook his head: "I'm not sure about that. I said it's not heavy, I just need to rest."    


"That's good." Hua Ruge nodded. If it was a serious illness, she should go and take a look.    


On the other side, Mao Jun was in high spirits while Yan Zixing was even more depressed than usual.    


Hua Ruge raised his brows and asked: "Did Brother Mao break through?"    


"I can't hide anything from the Brother Hua. I just broke through to a one star Battle Master the day before yesterday." Mao Jun did not try to conceal his excitement.    


"Congratulations." Hua Ruge said, and then said to Yan Zixing, "Brother Yan, no need to be sad. Brother Mao's talent is always higher, it is normal for it to happen earlier."    


Yan Zixing nodded, and also congratulated Mao Jun.    


Although he had a venomous tongue, he was still a good person.    


"It's not easy to hear a good word from your mouth. Let me toast you." Mao Jun raised his cup and casually said.    


Yan Zixing raised his glass.    


"Bring me." Hua Ruge shouted loudly, she had never lagged behind when it came to drinking.    


After the three of them drank together, Mao Jun slapped his thigh and said, "Since you're so happy today, I'll treat you to Swallow Spring Pavilion."    


Yan Zixing's expression turned cold, but he did not reply.    


Mao Jun then turned to Hua Ruge and asked: "Brother Hua, let's go."    


Hua Ruge rubbed her nose, thinking of a way to reject her, she did not want to be involved in a play anymore.    


"Big brother, don't go." Lan Bing'er walked out at this time and pulled Hua Ruge along, "That's not a good place."    


"Alright, alright, alright. Big brother won't go, I'll accompany you at home." Hua Ruge went down the stairs.    


Lan Bing'er smiled mischievously, only now did Hua Ruge know that this girl was doing it on purpose.    


Mao Jun had a bitter look on his face.    


"That's right brother, Bing-Er has broken through as well. She is now a Soul Master of the fourth step." Lan Bing'er showed her the new badge on his chest.    


Hua Ruge was a little shocked: "Entering the academy in less than a year, your speed is truly defying the heavens."    


"I remember that Fang Lanxin and Hua Ruxue were not as fast as him back then." Yan Zixing said at the moment.    


Mao Jun nodded, "Yes, Bing'er will definitely have a promising future."    


Lan Bing'er was praised to the point that he did not know what was going on. He shyly smiled, not knowing what to say.    


However, Hua Ruge said gratifyingly: "Very good, our courtyard has also produced a genius."    


"Bing'er is indeed a genius, but she isn't as heaven-defying as you. You only used less than a year to go from the third to the sixth step. You know, the latter stage is much more difficult than before." Mao Jun said.    


Yan Zixing nodded, he also felt that Hua Ruge was even more heaven defying than Lan Bing'er, and was even able to fight many times above his level.    


"I was just lucky." Hua Ruge said, but he was groaning in his heart.    


In less than a year, although she didn't train as hard as the others, she still paid more than anyone else.    


That night, the rest were all drunk as expected. Lan Bing'er supported Hua Ruge and went back home, snatching the wine jar from her arms and helping her wipe her face with a towel.    


"Kid, you're already so virtuous at such a young age. Whoever finds you in the future will be truly blessed." Hua Ruge squinted his eyes, with his tongue hanging out.    


Lan Bing'er only shook her head and smiled. She had never seen anyone like to drink as much as Hua Ruge.    


"Ignore me. Sleep." Hua Ruge pulled the pillow and hugged it, and turned his body over as he fell into a deep sleep.    


Lan Bing'er helped her take off her shoes and put it on, then carried the water basin out.    


The next day, Hua Ruge got up in a daze to participate in the tournament. There were a total of seven rounds in the competition, whether the first round would be the round-robin tournament, or each person would fight three rounds, and those who lost more than two would be eliminated.    


During the drawing of lots, Hua Ruge saw Xiao Yuyan. He thought that this woman would try to flirt with him as usual, but she acted as if she didn't see him, and silently walked away.    


Hua Ruge was suspicious, could it be that the lady had suddenly changed her personality?    


Just then, Su Nianxia walked over, patted her shoulder and asked: "Little big brother, who's the opponent you drew?"    


Hua Ruge handed over the slip of paper that he had yet to look at to her. Looking at Xiao Yuyan's back, he thought to himself that maybe this woman learnt her lesson.    


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