Enchanting Alchemist



0Due to drinking a bit of alcohol, Hua Ruge slept soundly that night. The other people's hearts were not as big as hers, and did not sleep soundly.    


In the past two days, she had not stopped consuming Healing Pill. Other than not being able to use spiritual energy, her body was fine.    


After waking up, she wiped her face like a mud monkey, causing people to be unable to see her face clearly. Only a pair of eyes that were bright like stars could be seen.    


After a few days of work, there was still plenty of work to do. She wasn't surprised.    


Knowing that the city was coming, everyone worked hard.    


The soldiers followed closely behind, whipping anyone who saw them fall behind. It was likely that a few of their comrades had died, so it was much more harsh than before.    


The old man, who had always been helping Hua Ruge, started to stagger when he was older, carrying the two pieces of limestone on his shoulder as he whipped his soldiers. The old man staggered for a bit, and then fell down.    


Hua Ruge reacted quickly and released a hand to grab onto the two green slabs. The old man fell into the snow and held onto his legs with a pained expression on his face.    


"You old bastard, what are you pretending for? Hurry up and get up." The soldiers were unmoved.    


Hua Ruge's eyes were filled with anger, he used the force of his hand that was holding onto the limestone, and with a flip of his hand, the two flagstones flew out, smashing straight towards the soldier's legs.    


The blue flagstones were extremely fast. The soldiers couldn't dodge the flying flagstones, and could only watch as the two flagstones smashed into each other on their legs.    


"Crack crack!"    


A clear bone cracking sound could be heard. Two stone slabs weighing over a hundred pounds were enough to smash both of his legs into pieces.    


Ah ah ah ah!    


The soldier fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, wailing in pain.    


The officers and labourers in front all turned around, their faces full of surprise.    


"Sorry, sir. I accidentally broke your leg. Stand up." Hua Ruge said apologetically.    


The soldier was in so much pain that his face was covered in sweat. He shouted in anger, "Why did you get up with a broken leg?"    


"This old man's leg is broken. I thought you could do it if you let him get up." Hua Ruge did not hide his ridicule in the slightest.    


"You are courting death!" The soldier yelled, his face red from the pain.    


Hua Ruge flung his hands and pressed down his two stone tablets, this time the official did not even make a sound, only rolling his eyes and fainting due to the pain.    


"How can this grandpa be so arrogant?" Hua Ruge snorted in disdain.    


As she spoke, she bent down to help the old man sit up and look at his legs. The old man's body was thin to begin with, but this time he really did break.    


The soldiers rushed over and asked, "What is going on?"    


"Reporting to Your Lordship, the one who broke his leg saw that the old man fell and took the initiative to move the stone over. But it could be because his body was too weak to move and he smashed himself." Hua Ruge's words were precise and sincere.    


Because the ten of them had to watch the three hundred people, they were all very scattered, so it was normal that they couldn't hear anything.    


The officer came in contact with Hua Ruge when they were changing shifts the day before. He knew that Hua Ruge was a fool who only knew how to work, so he did not believe her completely.    


"Then why did he smash four pieces on his leg?"    


"This commoner did not clarify, this commoner learned how to connect bones, and this commoner helped this commoner look after his legs, and also moved this commoner's flagstones, which is why this commoner was smashed." Hua Ruge said with a serious look.    


The labourers who had already seen the truth all looked at Hua Ruge as he reversed the truth, and he even said it as if it were true.    


It made them suspect that they had seen wrongly.    


"This Official is truly a good person. It's best for you to quickly treat him. Otherwise, you won't be able to save him if you bleed too much." Hua Ruge said with good intentions.    


The soldier frowned and said, "Alright, let's carry him away first. We'll ask him later what happened."    


In his memories, this person did not seem to have such good intentions, but Hua Ruge did not seem to be lying. Fortunately, this person was not dead, so they could still hear what he had to say.    


Two or three soldiers lifted up the limestone, and everyone saw the shattered and mangled lower half of the soldier's body.    


At this moment, the leg was no longer in shape and could not be lifted. Thus, the soldiers carried away the amputee that had been forcibly amputated.    


Blood spilled from the severed leg.    


Even if Hua Ruge did not silence him, he would not have survived long ago.    


"Tsk tsk, what a pity for such a good person." Hua Ruge was extremely regretful.    


"Can you still get up?" The soldiers snapped at the old man.    


Before the old man could even speak, Hua Ruge said: "This old uncle's leg is broken, and for the past hundred days, he has not been able to move at all."    


Displeased expressions appeared on the faces of the soldiers.    


"The duration of the work is too tight. Isn't he just giving trouble to the emperor?" Hua Ruge said with a bitter face.    


When her words reached the heart of the soldiers, he gave an imperceptible nod.    


"Sir, don't worry. How about this? I'm stronger, so I helped him with his work. But can you give me his reward?" Hua Ruge laughed a little embarrassedly: "My mother is still waiting for me to take the money to get a job in the next village."    


No matter how people looked at it, this was a person who was completely preoccupied with getting married.    


"That's fine, as long as you can work." The soldiers laughed when they heard this.    


Hua Ruge patted his chest and said: "No problem, leave it to me."    


"Then throw him out on his own." The soldier said again.    


This was exactly what Hua Ruge wanted, if she did not come out, the old man might be beaten to death by these people.    


"We'll listen to Sir Shangguan. I'll help him to walk into the forest." Hua Ruge's face was filled with joy, as if he was happy to be able to get another set of wages.    



The officer did not speak again.    


Just as Hua Ruge was about to make a move, someone in front shouted loudly, "City Lord has arrived."    


Everyone followed suit, and Hua Ruge happened to be squatting beside the old man, not moving at all.    


It was reasonable for the kneeling Emperor to kneel. This kind of person wasn't worth her kneeling to.    


Not far away, two palanquins were being carried. One was blue and one was pink. From the looks of it, the palanquins were of a man and a woman. It seemed like they had brought along their family.    


The servant opened the curtain, and an old man dressed in rich brown clothing walked out. He was neither fat nor thin, with a full beard, and his solemn gaze gave him a sense of authority.    


This corrupt official was still acting quite decently.    


The palanquin curtain behind him was also knocked up. Hua Ruge originally thought that the one who came out was this greedy beauty, but he never expected that it would actually be a fat woman.    


Hua Ruge was stupefied.    


The woman looked to be in her thirties. She was very thick, with a flat face as if it had been run over by a car. She had small eyes, a flat nose, and a large mouth with exaggerated lipstick.    


It was as if she didn't know that she was ugly, and she dressed up beautifully. She was dressed in a pink and long dress that was more gorgeous than anyone else, and her smile was very big, making her seem very creepy.    


However, what made Hua Ruge's jaw drop was that the person who got off the palanquin with this woman was a handsome, fair skinned, and slender, beautiful man.    


And that pretty boy actually had a hint of a fawning smile on his face.    


The woman didn't pay attention to her image at all. She would either touch her face or touch her body and laugh in an exaggerated manner.    


Hua Ruge offered some tears of sympathy for the beautiful man.    


The mayor walked over as if he saw the blood trail. Hua Ruge pretended to be taking care of the old man.    


"Old thing, you're not dead yet."    


Unexpectedly, the mayor didn't ask what was wrong with the blood, but looked at the old man with ridicule.    


The old man raised his head and hatefully said, "I've already lived enough. If you have the ability, then kill me."    


"You shouldn't hate me. The one you should hate is your son. My daughter gave him face, yet he didn't even agree to be my son-in-law. It's simply absurd." The mayor was still very angry when he spoke of this.    


You could see that she was very fond of her daughter.    


Hua Ruge could tell now that the person following him should be his daughter.    


The male killer in the city was not the mayor, but the woman who already looked very masculine.    


The woman walked over, but her gaze was not looking at Hua Ruge, she was really just like a mud monkey, if she was to walk by his side, he might have to hide for a bit.    


"I won't let you die. Get up and work for me." The disgust in the City Lord's heart did not dissipate, but he still wanted to torture the old man.    


Hua Ruge knew that if the old man said that he could not work because his leg was broken, what treatment would he receive?    


"Reporting to the city lord, the old man's leg is injured from the fall, and the Shangguan said that I will do that part of his work." she said.    


The mayor was displeased. "Did I allow you to speak? Scram!"    


"This is a new posture, can the mayor show me?" Hua Ruge stood up, the smile on his face had already disappeared.    


She had always been the one bullying others. Now that someone was standing in front of her, of course she couldn't tolerate it.    


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air when they heard this. Wasn't her words just courting death?    


Hearing this, the mayor was startled, but after being in the government for so many years, he reacted quickly. He lowered his head and asked, "Are you done living?"    


"How could I let my good time go by so softly when I was still so young? The mayor has lived for so long, so he might be tired of living." Hua Ruge said indifferently, not putting him in her eyes at all.    


No matter how much she lost, she was still a People From The Hall of Saints, and was still a noble of the Great Zheng. Other than the emperor, no one had the right to kill her.    


The reason why she did not reveal herself was because she was afraid of encountering the trusted aides of the Hua family. Since she had killed the number one genius of the Hua family, Hua Ruxue, the Hua family would definitely give their all to hunt her down.    


After all this time, if the Hua Clan had sent out a wanted poster in secret, they might have already arrived.    


She was careful to keep herself calm, but that didn't mean she was afraid.    


The mayor didn't expect a laborer to dare to talk to him like this. He was so angry that he didn't know what to do.    


Killing him would not do, he had to suffer.    


"Interesting." The ugly woman laughed, and stared at Hua Ruge's bright eyes.    


She had seen countless beautiful men, but she had never seen such beautiful eyes before.    


Only when he got a closer look did Hua Ruge see a blue badge on her chest. It was actually a water attribute Soul Master of the seventh step.    


In such a remote place, to be able to reach this level in his thirties could be considered a very high level of talent.    


No wonder she could be so rampant.    


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