Enchanting Alchemist



0Hua Ruge followed his orders and cast a wood type growth technique. A simple first rank would only allow the grass to grow taller.    


As a result, the plants grew so fast that their speed and tenacity shocked Hua Ruge.    


"If I'm not wrong, this is a third rank soul skill, right?" Hua Ruge looked at the wooden stick in his hand in a daze.    


"That's right." Tuoba Rui's expression that had been searching the entire time calmed down.    


Hua Ruge thought that it was good to have him by his side, and immediately asked: "What is this?"    


"Branches." Tuoba Rui said two words, then said to her: "Have you ever heard of the Tree of Life?"    


Hua Ruge shook his head like a newbie.    


"Legend has it that the Tree of Life is a sacred tree of the Elves. It grows by absorbing the Elemental Power of the entire Elf race. It can only grow by an inch a year and will only become useful after a thousand years."    


"This tree is very magical, the surrounding elemental energy is very dense, Soul Master's cultivation speed is a hundred times faster than normal, and the most magical thing is still his strong life force. It is said that a single leaf can bring a person back to life, and the power contained in it cannot be underestimated.    


"So this is really a branch in my hand?" Hua Ruge blinked his eyes as he felt that this world was simply too magical.    


Tuoba Rui tilted his head and looked at her: "Isn't this good?    


Hua Ruge covered his face. Did he know that he preferred to use wooden sticks to hit people?    


Why does it feel a little shameful?    


"It's still early, let's go for a walk." Tuoba Rui reached out and took her hand.    


If they could be together like this every day, then it would give off the feeling of peaceful times, and this world wouldn't be that annoying anymore.    


However, he felt that something was wrong with the touch of his palm. There was some sort of liquid that was sticky.    


He raised Hua Ruge's hand in surprise and placed it under the moonlight. Only then did he realise that there was blood on the two slender hands, and it seemed to be flowing down, following her arm up, he finally saw the scratch on her shoulder.    


The black robed man's vampire transformation was very powerful, and the claw marks were very deep. It was no wonder that he had lost so much blood.    


His face gradually grew unsightly. The corners of his eyes, which had been smiling just now, were tinged with anger as he asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you tell me?"    


"Don't make a fuss, it's just a small wound. Just go back and apply some medicine." Hua Ruge said unconcerned.    


"Why didn't you tell me?" Tuoba Rui kept repeating.    


"It's not like there's any serious injury, there's no need."    


"Everything you do is an incredible thing to me. You must be guilty if you dare to hide it from me." Tuoba Rui said forcefully, then pulled her into his embrace and soared into the sky.    


Hua Ruge felt that his aura was a little cold, and asked weakly: "Where are we going?"    


Tuoba Rui did not make a sound.    


"You're not looking for a place to bury me, are you?" She was colder.    


"Back to the city." he said snappily.    


Hua Ruge nodded his head, it was good that he did not bury him.    


Tuoba Rui directly dragged her into his room. With a flick of his finger on the belt at her waist, her robes scattered, and Tuoba Rui gently pulled it down.    


When Hua Ruge came back to his senses, he was already sitting on the bed with only his undergarment pressed.    


Because of the amount of blood, her entire arm had been dyed red.    


She glared at him and said, "Stand still, I can heal myself."    


Tuoba Rui pointed at her, and a white light immediately rushed into her body, sealing her cultivation.    


"What the hell?"    


Hua Ruge was dumbstruck. Her strength was already this high, how could he still say that it was sealed?    


Tuoba Rui walked up to the wound and looked at it with a frown.    


Due to the long period of injury, a portion of the blood had formed a scab and stuck to the clothes. If he were to remove the clothes now, it would definitely cause some damage to the wounds.    


With a flip of his hand, Hua Ruge retrieved a bottle of medicine from the spatial space and handed it over to him: "If worst comes to worst, I'll just let you apply the medicine on me.    


Tuoba Rui glanced at her, but instead of taking the medicine in her hand, he took out a bottle of medicine and poured the contents of the bottle onto her wound. He waited until her clothes were wet and couldn't stick to the wound before he tore off her sleeve, which was full of blood.    


Hua Ruge's mouth twitched. Such a small wound, he was actually so meticulous, directly tearing it apart might be painful, but she was not afraid.    


He began to powder her, very carefully, to make her even.    


He was so close to her that Hua Ruge could feel his steady breathing. She tilted her head to look at him.    


At this moment, his eyes were drooping, his long eyelashes leaving a faint shadow behind. His skin was crystal bright under the candlelight, and his lips were pursed nervously. His serious appearance had a certain charm to it.    


Hua Ruge couldn't help but extend her hand to poke his face.    


Tuoba Rui did not raise his head, but only said: "Don't move about carelessly."    


"It's not like touching is bad." Hua Ruge muttered.    


After applying the medicine, he took out a layer after layer of gauze and wrapped it around himself. If it was an outsider, it would be hard to imagine that the God of Death's hands would be able to do such a meticulous thing.    


Hua Ruge felt that if this continued, he would not be able to breathe, and could not resist the temptation.    


Tuoba Rui raised his brows in doubt, and asked: "That much?"    


"A lot." Hua Ruge looked at his two thick arms and said.    


Tuoba Rui had always had a bad temper. She thought that if she got angry, she wouldn't need to care about, and when the time came, she would be able to escape.    



Who would have thought that after hearing this, he would seriously nod his head and begin to dismantle the paper layer by layer. From time to time, he would ask, "Is it done yet?"    


His voice was indescribably gentle and sexy, unlike his usual cold and solemn tone.    


"It's done." Hua Ruge decisively said, as if interrupting him was also equivalent to interrupting the person who was infatuated with him.    


Even if she had a higher immunity, she wouldn't be so enticing.    


Only then did Tuoba Rui help her tie the wound up, and said: "Sleep early, don't touch the wound."    


He was going to take her to bed.    


"I want to go back to my room. What if you don't sleep properly and touch my wound?" Hua Ruge gave a reasonable excuse.    


Tuoba Rui hesitated for a moment, but quickly placed her on the bed.    


After covering her with the blanket, he stood to the side and said, "I'll watch you sleep."    


How could he sleep like this?    


Hua Ruge said with a bitter face, "Forget it, you should go up and sleep."    


At least this way he could sleep in peace.    


Tuoba Rui waved his sleeve to extinguish the candle. In the pitch black room, he sat on the side of the bed and pulled her hand: "I'll sleep with you so we can go out."    


Hua Ruge could not reject her, and could only obey. Her day of torment was not light, and she quickly fell asleep.    


When Tuoba Rui heard that her breathing was steady, he gently kissed her forehead and smiled.    


The next day, when Hua Ruge woke up, he found that Tuoba Rui was lying right beside her, keeping a distance from her.    


She wanted to say that he had broken his promise, but his mouth, which was still open, closed, and she turned over to look at his face.    


His sleeping appearance was calm and serene, without any of the powerful aura of the past. His handsome face was no longer cold, but instead looked more intimate. She looked at the corner of her mouth and revealed a smile that even she did not notice.    


"You see that I'm in such a good mood?"    


She heard a sound while she was in a daze, and then saw that Tuoba Rui had opened his eyes at some point in time, and was looking at her with a smile.    


"Don't be narcissistic." Hua Ruge denied it without even thinking.    


"In that case, I'll sleep with you every day." Tuoba Rui pinched her face and then added, "I won't charge you money."    


Puff ?    


Hua Ruge almost choked to death on her saliva. Why did it sound like she was the one taking advantage of the situation?    


"You went back on your word. Didn't you say that you would leave when I fell asleep?" She decided not to dwell on this and waited for Tuoba Rui to explain.    


She was full of momentum this time and felt that no matter what he said, she would refute him and not let him think that she was easy to bully.    


"I can't bear to part with it."    


Who would have thought that Tuoba Rui's mocking tone of voice would suddenly become very emotional, that pair of eyes that were as gentle as water would be enough to drown anyone who saw it.    


Hua Ruge didn't know what to say.    


Amongst all the people she had seen, only Tuoba Rui could say that he was a hoodlum in a fresh and refined manner, making others unable to refute him.    


Hua Ruge's little universe was wailing in grief. When would she be able to recover from it?    


Tuoba Rui laughed and pulled her up to eat something.    


Hua Ruge didn't go against the taste of breakfast, she ate more sweetly than anyone else.    


After dinner, some generals came to report on the plague. As there were the medicinal herbs thrown in by Hua Ruge in the well before, the casualties were reduced after last night. The situation could still be controlled.    


After the leader left, Hua Ruge said with a worried look: "The medicinal effects of the medicinal herbs that I had previously was not long, and they could not completely cure the plague, but we do not have any medicine with us, what do we do?"    


"I sent someone here the day after the medicine was used. I expect to be back tomorrow." Tuoba Rui said indifferently as he boiled some tea beside the furnace.    


Hua Ruge asked in surprise: "You knew I couldn't cure it once?"    


Although thanks to his scheming, this feeling of not being recognized was not very good either.    


"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I feel this kind of insurance." Tuoba Rui knew what she was thinking and said directly.    


Hua Ruge felt much better and skipped over to get some tea.    


"We should be able to guess when the plague will hit us. When are we going back to the capital?" Hua Ruge asked.    


"Are you in a hurry to go back?" Tuoba Rui asked.    


Hua Ruge took a sip of tea, then pouted and said: "I should return the debt that someone owes me."    


Her words were casual, but the sharp look in her eyes exposed the hostility in her heart.    


The Hua Clan had almost caused her to die. After suffering such a great loss and receiving such heavy injuries, how could she allow them to live a peaceful life again?    


"Do you want me to help you?" Tuoba Rui asked.    


Hua Ruge looked at Tuoba Rui in shock, this man had always made his own decision, but now he was asking for his opinion?    


"I will allow you to act with impunity, be it in front of others or in front of me." Tuoba Rui said lovingly.    


Hua Ruge suppressed his obviously faster heartbeat and said: "No need, it's enough for me to take care of a scarecrow family by myself."    


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