Enchanting Alchemist



0The people in the field had originally wanted to watch the battle between the Dong Xia and the Great Zheng, but they didn't expect it to end in failure.    


They were all suspicious because Dong Xia had changed their mind so they must have thought that victory was not guaranteed. It was already a disgrace for a powerful country to challenge a weak one, and if they lost again, not only would they lose the city, they would also lose their reputation.    


The people from Dong Xia discussed for a while, and in the end, the envoy jumped out to challenge Shang You. Shang You and Dong Xia were at the border of the barren land, so Dong Xia had no choice but to do this.    


Even if it was the barren land of the dead, it still wouldn't want to be lost.    


He had previously lost fifteen cities. Now, if he lost another five, his upper hell's territory would be reduced by a third in an instant. However, there would be many commoners here, and in the future, it would definitely cause a panic among the resources.    


Shang You was forced to accept the challenge. The envoy went to the field with a mournful expression, and most of the soldiers lacked the will to fight.    


Tuoba Yu said in a strange manner, "The Dong Xia have coveted my Southern Wilderness for a long time, why would they not challenge us and instead choose those barren cities in Upper Nether Realm?"    


"Facing an opponent like me, how can you not underestimate your opponent? You should not underestimate the person who sent the intelligence to the Emperor." Hua Ruge stroked his chin.    


Su Nianxia asked curiously: "Elder sister Ru Ge, what did you say?"    


Facing the curious gazes of the two, Hua Ruge said indifferently: "I asked the barbarian soldiers to prepare for battle, there are a thousand of them."    


Hearing this, the two of them sucked in a breath of cold air. What kind of strategy would a Barbarian use if they were on stage? No matter what team they would encounter, they would be able to insta-kill them.    


"I purposely didn't have the barbarians stationed in the distance. The first round was a show of weakness. I originally wanted to catch a big fish this time, but it seems like we've lost." Hua Ruge said somewhat regretfully.    


Tuoba Yu thought for a moment and said: "So you're saying that someone from the Dong Xia is paying attention to our movements, and they noticed us just as we deployed our troops?"    


Hua Ruge nodded.    


"Such a meticulous person." Tuoba Yu lamented.    


Hua Ruge squinted his eyes and did not say anything.    


Dong Xia's army had an overwhelming advantage over Upper Sky. They fought for an hour without any suspense, and had not stopped until the end of the battle.    


The upper hell's pressure on the emperor's head dropped even further. He had lost two matches in a row. Now, the upper hell was truly suffering from deep suffering.    


The two matches had already reached the afternoon. Everyone needed to rest, so today's match ended.    


When the Emperor of Dong Xia rushed to the palace, the first thing he did was to go to the palace where his daughter Bei Chenyue was. At the moment, Bei Chenyue was sitting in front of a table, reading a book.    


She was still dressed in a flowery dress, and her entire body exuded an indescribable noble aura. Her movements were graceful, and her expression was always light, as if nothing could cause her to waver in her emotions.    


Only after seeing the Emperor walk in did she slowly put down the book. She stood up and bowed to the Emperor, "Father."    


The emperor waved his hand and said, "Escort. I am here to ask you why you sent me a note asking me to give up my confrontation with Daozheng."    


The two words' call it quits' on the letter that Bei Chenyue passed over did not mention anything. The Dong Xia Emperor knew that his daughter would not make a mistake, so even if he did not understand the reason, he still would do it.    


Bei Chenyue gave the throne to the emperor and helped him along at the side. Then, he said, "Because there's Hua Ruge in the great Zheng."    


"Just because of a little girl?" The Dong Xia Emperor had a face full of doubt. Although that girl had performed very well last time, a mighty imperial court shouldn't be afraid of a girl, right?    


He had originally thought that Bei Chenyue would say some sort of reason, but he didn't expect Bei Chenyue to only nod his head: "Yes, it's because of her."    


"What's so good about her?" Emperor Dong Xia revealed a face of doubt, he had never heard of his daughter raising someone this high.    


"She has the barbarian army, a thousand men." Bei Chenyue said calmly.    


The Dong Xia emperor was indeed shocked.    


A human could be said to not be able to fight back at all. The Dong Xia Emperor thought for a moment, then let out a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we didn't take any action."    


"I didn't know that until I handed the note." Bei Chenyue said, then took up the tea that he had just finished and poured a cup for the emperor.    


The Emperor of Dong Xia took the tea and asked doubtfully: "You're afraid of her strength even before you see her?"    


"Daughter is not afraid, but Dong Xia cannot create such an opponent. Bei Chenyue said slowly.    


The Emperor of Dong Xia thought for a moment and said, "Didn't she just fight a war?"    


"The most important thing is that she incited the hostility that the Da Yu had towards Senior You. The reason why she won so easily is because the Da Yu Emperor sent people to kill the general protecting the nation of Senior You." Bei Chenyue analyzed.    


The Dong Xia Emperor suddenly realized, "This girl really has some tricks up her sleeve, we are right not to provoke her easily, our daughter really has foresight."    


Bei Chenyue nodded slightly.    


"How is the progress between my daughter and that Tuoba Rui?" After the Dong Xia Emperor figured out this matter, he started to inquire again.    


Bei Chenyue pursed his lips and laughed: "My daughter and senior brother aren't in a relationship, father, please stop messing around with me."    


"Didn't Your Majesty look favorably on you? You need to grab hold of this chance, what's more, Tuoba Rui is a dragon and phoenix amongst humans, so isn't he compatible with you? " The Emperor advised.    


"Father, please let our daughter go." Bei Chenyue said as if she was acting coquettishly.    


The Dong Xia Emperor had always been helpless against his daughter, and after chatting for a while, he left.    


Bei Chenyue slowly returned to his seat of honor, his expression was unperturbed and only asked softly: "Yun Jin should be arriving soon?"    


A blue-clothed maid walked out from behind the screen. She was young, but her aura was very strong. She said, "Yes, she'll be here in a few days."    


Bei Chenyue poured himself a cup of cold tea and sipped it, then revealed a meaningful smile.    


"Miss, when are you planning to make your move?" The maidservant asked.    


Bei Chenyue drank another mouthful of tea, his bright eyes devoid of emotion. Hearing this, he only spat out a few words: "Small fries, you don't need me to act."    


"Didn't you say she was very powerful?" The maidservant asked in confusion.    


Bei Chenyue picked up the book on the table and continued reading, it looked like he did not plan to speak.    


The servant girl realized that she had misspoken and quickly retreated.    



She felt that her master was forever unfathomable. She was clearly seventeen or eighteen years old, but she could still bear the loneliness and never spoke a word to anyone.    


This temperament made her shudder whenever she thought of it.    


On the other side, Hua Ruge strangely sneezed a few times. At this moment, she was walking together with Tuoba Yu, intending to go back to her room and eat.    


"Why are there people scolding me?" Hua Ruge muttered.    


Su Nianxia tilted his head and said, "I bet you don't know who it is."    


Hua Ruge nodded honestly, "How do you know?"    


Su Nianxia immediately laughed: "Because you've offended too many people."    


Tuoba Yu nodded as he heard this.    


"One of you owes me a celebratory wine. Hurry up and invite him over." Hua Ruge said snappily.    


Su Nianxia was confused: "Why are you so anxious, big sister Ru Ge?"    


"After we finish drinking, we will break off our friendship." Hua Ruge said resolutely, "This time, I'm serious!"    


Tuoba Yu and Su Nianxia looked at each other, and then laughed sinisterly.    


"I'll treat you one more time, and you'll make up with us again." Tuoba Yu said in an understanding manner.    


Hua Ruge thought for a moment, and really couldn't think of a reason to reject, so he resigned himself to the fact that he was an alcoholic.    


As compensation for his mental health, Tuoba Yu took out the good wine that he treasured. Originally, Hua Ruge wanted to get her drunk, but when Lan Bing'er arrived, he persuaded her to go back to her room to sleep.    


Lan Bing'er tucked her under the blanket and said, "Big sister can't keep drinking wine, it's not good for your health."    


"You're the third person to tell me that." Hua Ruge pouted.    


Lan Bing'er chuckled, and said while wiping her face: "This means that we were right."    


Hua Ruge had nothing else to say, he turned and asked: "Why did you suddenly come here?"    


"I heard that elder sister wasn't with Battle King today. I was afraid that you would drink too much the moment you celebrated. You would have a headache tomorrow morning and then come." Lan Bing'er helped her wipe her palms again.    


It was only then that Hua Ruge remembered that he did not see Tuoba Rui when he returned today.    


Not only did he not call anyone to bring her over, he also did not shamelessly accompany her to sleep.    


"You're quite considerate, but you're still a high ranking High Priest. You can't circle around me like you used to." Hua Ruge advised.    


No one could spend a lifetime with another. The feelings could remain the same, but with their status, it was time for them to distance themselves.    


Lan Bing'er only smiled, and did not speak.    


He was like a child who had been taught a lesson by his parents.    


Like most parents, facing the silent Xiao Binger, Hua Ruge couldn't do anything at all.    


Lan Bing'er helped her wash up, then obediently left, causing Hua Ruge to not be able to find any more chances to speak.    


In the end, Hua Ruge could only smile bitterly: "This child."    


This was the first time in days that she had slept by herself. She turned over in her bed and couldn't help but think.    


Is there something wrong with Tuoba Rui?    


After thinking for a moment, she stood up and muttered, "Could it be that my illness has returned?"    


However, she quickly overturned this idea. She remembered that Tuoba Rui had told her before that he was almost done.    


As Hua Ruge thought, he once again fell asleep.    


The second day, Hua Ruge's barbaric army appearing in front of others was already known to all. Although he was secretly shocked in his heart, at the same time, he was glad that he could not challenge Dazhou, otherwise, he would not be able to meet any barbarians.    


The one with the ugliest expression was Shang You, they were already regretting their decision. They had no choice but to challenge Hua Ruge.    


But in this war, if Hua Ruge struck out with the Barbarians and they lost, it wouldn't be shameful at all. But right now, Hua Ruge didn't even bother with his trump card, so their loss was exceptionally unsightly.    


However, Hua Ruge did not feel any sense of elation or exhilaration, instead, he was a little gloomy. He had originally wanted the barbarians to suddenly appear and scheme for his Dong Xia.    


If he used the same method to get fifteen cities, Dong Xia would definitely agree.    


But now, not only did he not win the city, he had even revealed his true strength.    


In the future, whenever Hua Ruge was mentioned, she would immediately think of the barbarians she had with her.    


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