Enchanting Alchemist



0The four nations were completely dumbfounded. They never would have thought that just like that, without any schemes or tricks, Da Yu would actually be used to create such a strange force.    


The array formation was extremely mysterious, who would have thought that it could be used in an army battle?    


Moreover, with Da Yu's proficient and quick fighting style, one could tell that he had trained it countless times. Da Yu had definitely put in a lot of effort in the Gambling Competition this time.    


Previously, the official said it was a pity that they did not join the Four Kingdoms and could not get a share of the profits. Now, all of them remained silent.    


Looking at Da Yu's tactics, it could easily behead an enemy from both inside and outside. Even if there was more Zheng, he could at most make one more charge, and would still die.    


In the middle of the battlefield, Liang Yi pointed his spear once again, "Form the formation!"    


This time, the thousand people on the Da Yu side became a hundred small teams, and each team became ten people. This way of contacting the four nations' armies would make the area a bit larger, and wouldn't be conducive to a quick charge.    


Now that there were only two thousand people left, there was no need to worry about them anymore.    


The Da Yu Army began their third charge, which seemed to be their last.    


The armies of the four countries were all elites. They did not surrender, but stubbornly resisted.    


A one-sided slaughter had completely started on the battlefield.    


The spectators outside the stage could finally blink their eyes that were sore from staring at the mirror. This time, their Da Yu s were too fast, and they couldn't bear to look less than a second before. However, there was no longer any suspense.    


Hua Ruge also rubbed his eyes.    


Tuoba Yu calculated the time and said, "The amount of time that it takes to burn does not even exceed an incense's time. The Da Yu is indeed worthy of being the continent's number one imperial court, it is indeed very strong."    


This was also the first time he had come to the Gambling Competition, and he was truly shocked at the power of Da Yu.    


"To devour mountains and rivers, dominating the world. This is what an overlord should do." Hua Ruge could not help but exclaim.    


Hearing that, Su Nianxia repeatedly nodded his head: "I already said that I won't misjudge them. Jun Tianxia is the strongest, he will definitely win."    


Hua Ruge patted her head and said with an educating tone of voice, "Child, it is really not good to constantly be in love with women."    


"Since Battle King is sleeping, there's naturally no need to spend so much effort. I haven't even spoken to him, so I'm naturally looking forward to it." Su Nianxia looked at Hua Ruge like a man who didn't know how hungry he was, and the words he said caused Hua Ruge to vomit three liters of blood.    


She was so innocent that she didn't even look at his body, let alone sleep.    


Hearing that, Tuoba Yu looked at Hua Ruge with his bright eyes, as if he had seen the most interesting gossip.    


"You can't believe her lies." Hua Ruge quickly replied. She still held some hope for Tuoba Yu since she couldn't explain it to him.    


Tuoba Yu nodded his head.    


Hua Ruge was finally a little gratified.    


Unexpectedly, Tuoba Yu actually said: "It's good that I know it myself, I definitely won't speak nonsense to others."    


He actually understood that Hua Ruge was telling him to keep it a secret.    


"I ?" Hua Ruge felt that he wouldn't be able to clean himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River now.    


Su Nianxia looked at Hua Ruge with great sympathy and said, "Rest assured, Big Sister Ruge. In the future, I won't tell anyone else either."    


Hua Ruge looked at the two of them, his face filled with shock. Why did friendship have to be so tyrannical?    


However, there was still someone more depressed than Hua Ruge.    


It had to be said that the quality of the soldiers in Da Yu was strong. Hua Ruge chatted for a while and the battle on stage had already ended. More than a hundred people from Da Yu had died and over a hundred of them were injured.    


He raised his head to look at the expressions of the four emperors and ministers. It was truly a sight to behold.    


The Cang Lan Emperor's face was filled with indignation and unwillingness.    


The Yutang Emperor had a face full of regret.    


The Dong Xia Emperor's face was filled with pain.    


As for the Emperor of Upper Nether Realm, his face was ashen as he stared at the Dueling Platform's mirror. He didn't blink at all, making people worry that he might faint in the next second.    


On the other hand, Jun Tianxia's expression still remained indifferent and stern, with not the slightest change in expression. It was as if such a great victory was already in his heart long ago, and was completely not something he had expected at all.    


The one who was most happy should be the Great Zheng Emperor, because all the countries had suffered defeat. Only he had won fifteen cities this time.    


From behind, Hua Ruge could see the emperor occasionally rising up, and then, he was afraid that if he was too happy, he would become too calm and after a few breaths, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from smiling.    


If the Gambling Competition ended there, then only two nations would be the winners, one being Da Yu, and the other being Dazhou. It could also be said to be Jun Tianxia or Hua Ruge.    


"If your barbarians were to face such a team like Da Yu, what would happen?" Tuoba Yu tilted his head and asked.    


Hua Ruge smiled slightly and said: "Do you think that the reason Jun Tianxia does not challenge us is because our two countries do not border?"    


"Indeed, even if we do not trust Jun Tianxia to win the land, we will still have ways to settle it." Tuoba Yu pondered.    


Hua Ruge nodded his head: "This kind of person would not mind having too much land, because he has his own methods of controlling it. The main reason why he does not challenge the Great Zheng is because he fears the barbarians under me."    


In addition, their mounts were the Xuan Beast Horses and other equipment forged by the Dwarves. Even if they were to fight the army of Da Yu one on one, they would still have the confidence to win.    


However, Hua Ruge would never think that this was the strongest Da Yu team. Clearly, these people were all very ordinary.    


Tuoba Yu gave a thumbs up: "Ru Ge, this is the first time you have saved Da Zheng."    


"I was just lucky." Hua Ruge was modest.    


However, Su Nianxia continued, "Fortunately, you didn't go up as a barbarian."    


"You haven't done anything yet and you're already helping an outsider." Hua Ruge sighed, as expected, the big girl couldn't stay, if she met a handsome man, she would instantly change into a bewitching girl, and her friendship would just be fleeting.    


Su Nianxia, on the other hand, didn't think much of it, and instead said proudly, "I like it."    



Hua Ruge and Tuoba Yu shook their heads at the same time. There was no saving this child.    


After cleaning up the battlefield, Liang Yi came back with a blood-stained bright silver armor. His entire body was still filled with an unstoppable momentum.    


To have such an aura when he was only in his twenties, he was simply a born high-ranking officer.    


Now, the four empires understood why they were looking for an inexperienced general. This was because this battle didn't require scheming and scheming. What they needed was this young man with momentum and drive.    


Jun Tianxia knew that no one could compare to him when it came to using people, and the things he planned to control were exactly the same.    


First, they had used their big bets to circle around the four countries to fight. Then, they did not hide their strength and used the shortest amount of time to achieve victory.    


It would be better to say that Jun Tianxia was not missing anything, rather he was calm and open with all his schemes.    


With his scheme to win the world over, this person's spirit and self-confidence made all the kings on the field to be unable to catch up with him.    


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