Enchanting Alchemist



0Even if the short man had high mental fortitude, when he heard this reasoning, he could not help but stare.    


The listeners found it even more unbelievable. It was amazing that such a pitiful clue could be deduced.    


"You meet all the conditions that I have deduced, and you still dare to say that you are not the murderer?" Hua Ruge squinted his eyes and asked.    


He didn't expect the short man to reply: "I wouldn't believe you if you didn't show me the evidence."    


"What I say is the truth. If you are unwilling to accept this, then go argue with Yama Minamiya." Hua Ruge shot him a glance, and spoke with incomparable dominance.    


The short one was stunned.    


Everyone in the inn was stunned. Wasn't this girl a bit too valiant?    


He really didn't know how much confidence he had to be so overbearing in saying that he didn't have any evidence to back it up.    


The short man wanted to argue, but Hua Ruge waved his hand and said: "Enough, shut up. You need evidence, right?    


Actually, she felt that it didn't matter whether this person submitted or not, but with so many people surrounding her, if she were to be domineering, her bad reputation would be hard to listen to.    


Furthermore, it would affect Lan Bing'er.    


Therefore, she decided to be affected.    


"Men, get the brush and ink. We need the best ink." Hua Ruge instructed.    


The shopkeeper sent someone to buy it, and when he returned, he personally brought it over.    


"Slicing Ink, don't go easy on me." she said again.    


The shopkeeper followed his instructions, and soon, a small pile of ink powder was grinded out.    


"Enough, give me a small brush."    


The waiter ran to get a brand-new soft brush for the kitchen.    


Hua Ruge placed the dagger that was as sharp as smoke on the table.    


Everyone then wondered what she was doing and how she was going to find evidence.    


Hua Ruge then used the brush to wipe away the ink, and then gently brushed until it reached the handle of the dagger.    






Three times.    


Under the brush of the powder, a row of clear fingerprints could be seen on it.    


This technology did not exist in this era, so after seeing this, everyone's eyes almost popped out. It was too amazing.    


After the fingerprints appeared, Hua Ruge gently placed a piece of paper that was as thin as a cicada's wing on the dagger hilt, and stopped moving.    


After a while, Hua Ruge gently took the paper off, and everyone saw the fingerprint imprinting itself onto the paper.    


Because it was the best ink, the lines on his fingers were incomparably clear.    


Using this method, Hua Ruge created five different finger prints on a piece of paper.    


The short guy was completely dumbfounded. Just where did this guy come from? How is he so magical?    


Hua Ruge bent his fingers, and the man was pushed over, and opened his hands.    


"Put your finger in the ink and print it on a piece of white paper." Hua Ruge squinted his eyes.    


The short man held out his right hand.    


"You're left-handed." Hua Ruge reminded him in a daze: "You use your left hand to wield the dagger."    


This distinction is easily discernible in detail.    


The short man's eyes hardened and he was about to go berserk.    


"Press his hand." Hua Ruge said, then used both hands to press the short one's hand into the Ink Powder, then took it out and pressed it onto the paper.    


Before the short man could struggle, the official had already pushed him down.    


It had to be said that the attendants of Da Yu were not weak. If there was a direct confrontation, it would be difficult to escape.    


Hua Ruge spread out the two pieces of paper on the table, and said to the officials: "Find a meticulous person to compare notes with."    


One of the officials who came in to check on the marks came over and exclaimed, "It's exactly the same."    


Not only was he surprised, but all the people in the inn were also amazed.    


Hua Ruge squinted, and looked at the short man: "What else is there to say?"    


The short one's expression hardened and his lips slightly moved.    


"Death Soldier, you want to swallow poison and commit suicide?" Hua Ruge's voice was light and lazy, a carefree look in her eyes.    


At this time, if the short one saw Hua Ruge so anxious, he would have bit off the poison to commit suicide. However, seeing Hua Ruge being so knowledgeable and even somewhat contemptuous, he was still a bit confused.    


Did this woman want him to die?    


"I wanted you to tell me who ordered you, but it doesn't matter if you die, your soul is still there." Hua Ruge squinted his eyes and laughed: "Bite it, if you don't kill yourself, I will look down on you."    


After the short man heard the word 'soul', his whole body shivered. "You know Dark Soul Art."    


There was no one who wasn't afraid of the Dark Soul Art, because it could truly make people want to die and beg for death. If one attacked more viciously, they would never be able to reincarnate.    



"Piss off." Hua Ruge looked at him in disdain, then said: "Clear the arena!"    


She knew that even if she gave this person more courage, he wouldn't dare to commit suicide.    


When the officials heard the order to gather everyone outside the tavern, only Hua Ruge and the short man remained.    


"Don't even think about resisting. You can't beat me." Hua Ruge said, then said: "Speak, who directed you, what did you do?"    


The efficiency of the Da Yu officials was very high. In a short period of time, the outside of the inn was already surrounded by the yamen officials and the people from the City Defense Camp. With these soldiers' fighting strength, it was impossible to disturb or silence them.    


"I'm a subordinate of young master Ye. He told me to find someone I could use, and then threatened her to harm you. What you guessed just now was correct." The short one didn't do anything now, he thought. He would do whatever he asked.    


He had never been afraid on the battlefield where wind and rain flowed, but when facing Hua Ruge, he only felt that it was incomparably evil, and he had never felt fear due to those abilities that he did not understand.    


He didn't dare gamble in front of Hua Ruge.    


"What is this young noble? "I made it clear." Hua Ruge impolitely asked.    


"Young master is the son of the Duke of Dong Xia and his name is Leng Yichen." "Yes," the man replied.    


"Leng Yichen?" Su Nianxia chewed on the name and suddenly said: "I know him, he walked to the end of the Sky Stairway and was accepted as a core disciple."    


Hua Ruge squinted his eyes, the reason for his question was obvious. He must have known that he couldn't win against her in terms of talent, thus he had plotted against her.    


"How many core disciples have you accepted?" Hua Ruge asked.    


Su Nianxia thought for a moment, then said: "Three."    


"That's not right." Hua Ruge said as her eyes turned cold, "This matter is not that simple."    


When the short one saw the flash of light in Hua Ruge's eyes, he was instinctively afraid.    


"What else do you know about this? You only have one chance. If you don't vomit everything out, I will make your soul speak up for you. " Hua Ruge glared at him with a slightly cold gaze.    


Hearing this, the short man's eyes quickly rolled around and he said, "The method was taught to me by this young noble. I am only responsible for the execution. I don't know anything else."    


Hua Ruge saw that he was panicking and did not seem to be lying.    


The official came trotting in.    


"What crime is it to kill someone? Just do it properly. Many thanks this time." Hua Ruge said as he turned and walked out.    


The official kept saying he didn't dare to.    


When he reached the door, Hua Ruge stopped, and said: "Right, there's something you need my help with."    


The official stepped forward to receive his orders.    


Hua Ruge took out a bag of gold coins and handed it over to him. He said calmly, "Send it to Ru Yan's mother at the Liu Family Town. Tell her that Ru Yan gave it to her and try to hide the news of her daughter's death."    


The official took it with a nod and a bow. He was surprised to find that it was not a small number.    


Without waiting for him to say anything, Hua Ruge took the lead and left, boarding the carriage.    


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