Enchanting Alchemist



0Hua Ruge returned to the mountain peak where she resided in the Outer Academy. She had brought all her belongings with her, and other than the bedding, there was nothing else worth packing.    


Now that it was late, she decided to spend the night here.    


After simply cleaning the room, he heard Su Nianxia shouting from outside: "Big Sister Ru Ge is back?"    


When Hua Ruge walked out of the door, he saw Su Nianxia sprawled on the fence, eating the snacks Hua Ruge brought back. In just a few days, he had gotten fat again. The baby fat had finally died down as it grew, and now it was back again.    


"I say, if this goes on, you won't get married." Hua Ruge on the other hand, was not polite, and immediately exposed his weakness.    


After Su Nianxia heard this, he endured the pain in his heart and kept his snacks. Then, he looked at Hua Ruge resentfully: "Why aren't you fat?"    


"That can't be helped. It depends on talent." Hua Ruge said as if he deserved a beating.    


Su Nianxia gritted her teeth in anger, the reason she didn't rush over to hit him was because she couldn't beat him.    


With that, Hua Ruge started to fetch water.    


The sky gradually darkened, and the two of them did not speak for a long time.    


Hua Ruge was thinking about how he should bid farewell to her. Leaving her, a child, in this place that he was unfamiliar with, would it be possible that she was too lonely?    


After a while, it was Su Nianxia who spoke first: "Big Sister Ruge, are you leaving now?"    


"Your little brain is getting smarter." Hua Ruge smiled at her.    


Su Nianxia stuck out his tongue, "I know you will definitely succeed."    


"You trust me so blindly, so I'm very pressured." Hua Ruge raised his eyebrows.    


After saying that, the two of them laughed and then fell silent.    


They were both trying their best to act a bit more carefree, but after getting used to each other's existence, they were somewhat reluctant.    


"Elder Sister Ruge, do you have anything good to eat?" Su Nianxia suddenly asked, full of interest.    


Hua Ruge looked at her warily: "What about this?"    


"Finished." Su Nianxia said calmly.    


Hua Ruge's facial features looked at a loss, as if he couldn't bear to part with them.    


Su Nianxia immediately flipped over from the other side of the fence, and patted Hua Ruge's shoulder: "Take it out, let's drink."    


Hua Ruge's eyes lit up when he heard about drinking.    


"I still have wine and food." she said.    


When she went down the mountain, she bought a lot of things, but the most she could buy was wine. She wanted to save a bit of food, but after seeing Su Nianxia, she believed that no one could drink with her.    


The last of the afterglow of the sun was gone. Soon, it was filled with the splendor of the stars.    


At this moment, on top of the mountain, there was a room with a candle lit up. Through the window, one could see the two people at the table drinking from wine jars.    


If a senior were to witness this scene, they would definitely teach them a few things. However, the two girls in the room were drinking happily, so it was likely that no one would be able to ignore them.    


"Elder sister Ruge, I really can't bear to part with you. In the future, you must come back and visit me often."    


Su Nianxia's reluctant voice came out from the room, after drinking a bit, she started to reveal her thoughts.    


Hua Ruge took a big gulp, wiped the corner of his mouth, and said: "Don't worry, if you have anything to say, just state my name. It's fine even if you run far away and don't look for me."    


"It feels good to have someone backing me. Then, I won't be afraid if I go out and cause trouble in the future." Su Nianxia said with a look of longing on his face.    


"Sorry for not being careful when making friends." Hua Ruge thought so, and said so too.    


Su Nianxia, on the other hand, laughed while hugging the wine jar, looking like he was proud instead of being ashamed.    


"I'll come back regularly to give you resources in the future. You need to cultivate well." Hua Ruge warned.    


Su Nianxia raised his eyes and said: "I will, but isn't it disheartening to talk about this now?"    


"I was afraid I'd get drunk later." Hua Ruge admitted that his wine was bad, who knows what he would do after drinking too much.    


Su Nianxia laughed out loud, and the two of them knocked against the wine jar, and started drinking wine together.    


The two of them gradually drank too much. As they spoke, they rolled onto the bed and slept.    


The next morning.    


"Su Nianxia, can you be more obedient when you sleep? It makes my waist ache from the pressure."    


"I'm not being honest when I sleep, but your waist was drunk last night so it has nothing to do with me."    


"How could I not know?"    


"You're drunk!"    


"Then why didn't you help me up?"    


"He fell while I was supporting you."    


"Then why aren't you injured?"    


"I... I fell on your body. "    


"Su Nianxia!" Hua Ruge was infuriated.    


Seeing that, Su Nianxia quickly slipped out.    


When Hua Ruge left, Su Nianxia had already gone back to his room to cultivate.    



Hua Ruge took a deep breath and walked down the mountain.    


As long as she didn't die, the end would always be accompanied by a new beginning. She still had a long way to go.    


The Five Great Peaks were within the core academy area. Hua Ruge walked forward until she came across another layer of barrier at the edge of the inner courtyard. She showed her the keepsake, and only then did someone inside open it for her.    


The moment Hua Ruge stepped into the core region, his entire body felt comfortable, because the spirit energy and elemental energy here was more than ten times richer than in the outer courtyard.    


Other than this change, she also discovered that the mountains here were even taller. Although there weren't many, each of them shot into the clouds. She knew that there were definitely buildings up there, but she couldn't see them down there.    


Just like this, she saw over a hundred mountains, but she didn't know what kind of people lived on them.    


The Fellow respectfully pointed her in a direction. Hua Ruge realized with a face full of despair that he would need half a day to reach there from morning until noon.    


Hua Ruge, who was on his way, only had one thought in his heart: "I want to fly."    


The further Hua Ruge went, the louder the cry became in her heart, but when she thought about how she could only fly in the air after breaking through the Seven Stars Great War Master realm, she felt even more bitter in her heart.    


The path of cultivation was long. She still had a long way to go.    


She used her Qing Gong to barely arrive at the foot of the Danyang Peak mountain before dusk. Looking at the mountain peak that pierced through the clouds, her eyebrows were knitted into a Chinese knot.    


He had no choice but to crawl.    


The higher he went, the more Hua Ruge could feel the spirit energy become denser, and it was fifteen times stronger than the intensity of the spirit energy in the outer courtyard.    


What would the top of the mountain look like?    


Hua Ruge was filled with anticipation as he moved even faster and finally reached the summit when the moon was bright and sparse.    


As she expected, the spiritual energy at the peak of the mountain was even denser, at least twenty times stronger than the spiritual energy in the outer court.    


"No wonder everyone wants to go to the five great peaks, this place is a treasure ground for cultivation." Hua Ruge nodded his head repeatedly, feeling very satisfied in his heart.    


Even if she had to rely on the Devouring Beast to level up, this was the first time she felt that she could rely on her own cultivation to increase her strength.    


After her excitement, she started to survey the buildings in front of her. The building in front of her was not big, it was a palace complex with a yellow and red theme. In the middle of the hall, there was a signboard with three words written on it: "Palace of Dan Yang".    


There were many rooms around the hall, but not many rooms. If it was like other mountain peaks, many disciples might not be able to live in them.    


"Ru Ge, you're here?" An ethereal and heavy voice sounded out beside Hua Ruge's ears, as though it came from all directions, causing people to be unable to pinpoint the location of the person who spoke.    


Hua Ruge nodded his head and said, "It's Master, disciple has arrived."    


"Come in!" the voice said.    


As soon as he finished speaking, Hua Ruge saw the door of the hall in front of him open, revealing a dazzling scene inside.    


Hua Ruge's mouth dropped open as he slowly walked in.    


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