Enchanting Alchemist



0The golden dragon circled a few times in the sky. Its golden scales reflected the radiance of the setting sun, making it look very dazzling.    


However, everyone knew that this was not the time to admire the dragon because the dragon's red eyes were filled with a vicious light. It stopped in the air and looked down at everyone with its huge dragon head. Everyone felt an inexplicable pressure in their hearts.    


"What a domineering aura." Yun Jin sighed.    


Hua Ruge also thought the same, but she thought more about how she should escape.    


This golden dragon was obviously not to be trifled with. Even if he were to fight it, it would be a waste of his life. It would be better for him to escape as soon as possible before thinking of a way to deal with it.    


Nebula old man on the other side clearly thought the same way, his eyes filled with fear. He wanted the Herba Flavescentis, but he wanted to die even more.    


And if one looked carefully, they would notice that the golden dragon's eyes were always staring at the Little Marten's body.    


The Purple Pupil s of the Little Marten were also filled with fighting spirit.    


"Elder sister, I will teach it to you." The Little Marten spoke, at the moment his hair was in disarray, his entire body was filled with a wild aura.    


Hua Ruge pulled him back and said: "It's too dangerous, no way."    


"He is the king of the sea, and I am also the king of the land. If we meet him, we will definitely divide our power." The Little Marten said resolutely.    


"I know you are powerful, but you are still too young to fight it." Hua Ruge asked worriedly.    


The Little Marten raised the corner of her eyes and said: "How can I know if I don't fight, big sister, wait for me."    


He said this and didn't give Hua Ruge another chance to speak. He leaped out of the water and transformed into a purple shadow as he smashed towards the dragon's head.    


The colossal dragon let out a dragon's roar and stretched out its huge claws to meet the incoming attack.    




The clash of fists and claws produced a loud noise, and the shockwave of the battle once again caused everyone to dodge.    


After a direct clash, the Little Marten flew backwards and somersaulted in the air. It then attacked again, seemingly uninjured.    


Then, a man and a dragon fought in a single area. The colossal dragon's body was extremely large, and its body was also brimming with energy. Its energy was 30% stronger than the Little Marten's.    


But when Little Marten clashed with each other, they were not at a disadvantage. If one did not know how to cultivate, they would think that the strength of one man and one dragon was basically equal.    


The Little Marten's attack had scared everyone present. Who would have thought that a youth who looked to be around eighteen or nineteen would be a match for this golden dragon? This was simply inconceivable.    


Just now when he fought against the Little Marten, he had thought that that was the limit of this young man. He never thought that it would only be fifty percent of his combat strength.    


It was fortunate that they hadn't fought yet, otherwise this pile of old bones would have been left in the East Sea.    


Hua Ruge saw that the situation was unrecoverable, and said: "We must all help out, if we can't defeat this golden dragon today, then don't even think about leaving here alive."    


As long as the Little Marten fails, the Golden Dragon would definitely not let these people who invaded its territory, in hopes of bringing away the Herba Flavescentis it was guarding, an uninvited guest.    


And from the looks of it, the probability of Little Marten winning wasn't high. Although it hadn't shown its defeat yet, whoever fought against the profound beasts to exhaust themselves, would definitely die miserably in the end as well.    


Thus, the Great War Master disciples soared into the sky and helped to ambush the golden dragon.    


Since the main force was supported by the Little Marten, the golden dragon had no time to deal with these small shrimps, so it could only passively take a beating. Fortunately, the dragon's scales were extremely strong in defense, so it would not be easily injured.    


There were still three people left in the Soul Master below, and adding Bei Chenyue and Hua Ruge, there was a total of five.    


They were no longer concealing anything now. They raised their hands towards the colourful soul magic of the colossal dragon in the sky.    


The enormous dragon's body was inconvenient for him to dodge in a big way, as he had received nearly all of the attacks. If it wasn't for the Little Marten, he would have probably pounced down and torn this group of insignificant humans to shreds.    


Hua Ruge felt that the attack power of the other types of soul techniques were not strong, so with a thought, a large cauldron appeared in the sky and smashed towards the dragon head.    


Seeing that the Little Marten was working together with the giant dragon, the giant dragon's eyes revealed a little fear, but it was unable to dodge the attack.    


Under the crowd's attacks, the colossal dragon was obviously annoyed. The strength in its body had become more and more powerful, and every swing of its claws or body had an incredible offensive power.    


Seeing that, the Little Marten not only did not panic, but there was also a hint of excitement in his eyes. No matter how much the golden dragon's strength increased, he would take it head on.    


Although he suffered a little each time, if he could be noticed, he would discover that the Little Marten's energy had not weakened with each collision and had instead become stronger.    


After Hua Ruge observed the situation, he secretly clicked his tongue. The Little Marten was training itself through battle, and it had already achieved a significant improvement.    


This required a strong sense of comprehension, talent, and courage. It was clear that Little Marten possessed all sorts of skills.    


If he could win this time, it would be a good time for the Little Marten to hone its skills.    


But even so, the gap between the Little Marten and the furious gigantic dragon's strength was not small. Everyone was afraid that the Little Marten would lose and so they used all of their strength to deal with the gigantic dragon.    


Even the crafty Old Man Xingyun had joined the battlefield.    


Hua Ruge commanded the cauldron at the side to help them. It was obvious that the colossal dragon was afraid of the cauldron, so it kept trying to avoid it.    


This made Hua Ruge feel that the cauldron was not small.    


The original owner's mother didn't know either?    


This battle was even more intense. The entire deep sea also surged with great waves, frightening all of the nearby sea beasts as they fled.    


The Little Marten's strength was slowly increasing during the battle. The huge dragon also felt this, but since it had a strong mind, it naturally knew that it could not drag it out any longer, and so it attacked even more fiercely.    


Just like what Hua Ruge said, the Little Marten was still young, and the bloodline inheritance time of the sacred beast was also short. Its strength was far inferior to the huge dragon that had lived for god knows how many years, and this difference slowly revealed itself.    


The Little Marten had become a little weak in the recent few confrontations, and the speed at which they organized their attacks had slowed down.    


As a result, the people on the outside were even more diligent in helping.    


Actually, these people couldn't be of much help. As long as the dragon's vitality hadn't been consumed, these small injuries wouldn't have much of an impact on it.    


The main force today was still the Little Marten.    



Hua Ruge broke into a cold sweat.    


At this time, the ring on her hand flashed, and the Devouring Beast appeared on her shoulder. She looked at the situation in front of her.    


"Puppy dog, aren't you a divine beast? Can you help?" Hua Ruge asked.    


The Devouring Beast looked at the gigantic dragon, its black little eyes rolled around, and then shook its head, and spoke in human language: "I am not a battle-type divine beast."    


Hua Ruge looked at it with disdain.    


"Look at me, I don't look like someone who can fight." The Devouring Beast said in an aggrieved manner.    


Hua Ruge stared at the battlefield, not having time to talk to it.    


The Devouring Beast also raised its head to look. Seeing that the Little Marten was injured in the battle, its eyes revealed traces of indignation.    


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