Enchanting Alchemist



0Hua Ruge rolled his eyes at him, and said unhappily: "I'm a woman after all, alright?"    


Mao Jun and Yan Zixing looked at her suspiciously at the same time.    


This was the first time that the two enemies were in such agreement.    


Hua Ruge felt a little guilty under their gazes and coughed dryly, "Let's go back to the city to eat. I'll treat you guys to wine after the war ends."    


Yan Zixing shook his head and laughed.    


"It's a pity that we can't drink together." Mao Jun's attention was completely on the alcohol.    


Hua Ruge nodded repeatedly in agreement.    


Under Tuoba Rui's supervision, she hadn't had a good drink in a long time.    


Because Yonglin City still needed its defenses, Hua Ruge did not go to the Qing Province to see Tuoba Rui. Instead, he brought his men and rushed to the city.    


This time her expression was much more relaxed.    


After returning to the city, she ordered them to bury the wok and cook. After that, she went into her room and said that she needed to go into seclusion for a while.    


An hour later, in the original City Lord's Mansion, in the temporary headquarters, Mao Jun and Yan Zixing had already started eating. Hua Ruge walked in with a smile and asked: "My two brothers, how is my food?"    


"Don't say it's useless. Where did you go in?" Mao Jun asked directly.    


Hua Ruge walked forward and sat down, then retrieved a white pill from the spatial ring with a smile and handed it over to Mao Jun.    


Mao Jun received it, and thought for a moment before replying, "This should be a poison, right?"    


"Exactly." Hua Ruge cupped a bowl of rice and said while eating.    


"You want to poison it?" Yan Zixing asked.    


Hua Ruge replied, "There's water by the side of Hua Shengxiong and Loi camp. They rely on water every day to survive."    


Her meaning was obvious.    


"How can that be? They're not stupid." Mao Jun said as he returned the pill to her.    


Yan Zixing thought for a moment and said: "That water is upstream of the Southern River and the current is extremely fast. Even if you threw in the poison, it would be washed away and diluted very quickly.    


"Moreover, they have a pharmacist specially check the water quality. No matter what, they won't have any loopholes to drill through." Mao Jun added.    


Hua Ruge was eating happily by the side. Upon hearing this, he wiped his mouth and said: "If I am unable to overcome these difficulties, then I will not be called the head disciple of the Dao of Alchemy Division who possesses Sky Mansion Academy."    


The two of them looked at her curiously.    


"To be exact, there is no poison in this poison. Only when it enters the body will it slowly take effect under the temperature of the body. No matter what kind of alchemist it is, they won't be able to detect it."    


"The other problem is that the water flow is very fast. As long as this medicine enters the water source, it will spread very fast. Even if the water flow is very fast, it would be very difficult to completely disperse it.    


Hua Ruge explained as he ate.    


Mao Jun's eyes widened in disbelief: "You want to poison everyone?"    


"The concealment ability of this medicine is very good, which means, it cannot be extremely poisonous. Not only will it not kill, it will only need to rest for two hours before it will be healed without even needing the antidote." Hua Ruge said again.    


"Then what's the use of doing it?" Mao Jun was very confused.    


Hua Ruge smiled mysteriously and said: "You'll know when the time comes."    


As she spoke, she called Lei Tao over and gave him a white jade bottle the size of a palm. She told him to put it in the water before dinner.    


Lei Tao accepted the order.    


Hua Ruge continued to eat.    


Yan Zixing shook his head: "You really are as sinister as ever."    


"Brother Yan, you flatter me." Hua Ruge said very humbly.    


Mao Jun looked left and right, and couldn't help but ask: "What do we do in the end?"    


The two of them lowered their heads and ate in tacit understanding.    


Mao Jun glared at them with a muffled voice.    


In the evening of the second day, Lei Tao returned and said that he had settled the matter.    


Hua Ruge smirked: "Tell the soldiers to keep their spirits up, we are going to attack."    


At night, Hua Ruge and Mao Jun stood on the city wall.    


Yan Zixing took a glance at the overcast sky and said indifferently: "The weather isn't bad."    


Hua Ruge pursed her lips: "The moon is dark and the winds are strong. When people are on fire, it seems like the heavens are helping me."    


Mao Jun finally knew that Hua Ruge was about to carry out a Night Assault and became excited as well.    


After all, he was facing Profound Beast Forest from the east. Xuan Beasts had not invaded in so many years, so he had no battle to fight. Now that he had the chance, he said: "Ru Ge, let me be the vanguard."    


"Alright, choose one for the left wing and the right wing." Hua Ruge said.    


Mao Jun was dissatisfied: "Why can't I be positive?"    


"The person in front has been selected." Hua Ruge said.    


Mao Jun weighed the pros and cons before saying: "Then I need more troops."    


"Then the left wing, lead your cavalry." Hua Ruge said.    



Mao Jun nodded excitedly and went down to prepare.    


"The Brother Yan can keep his cool. Help me control the battlefield." Hua Ruge said again.    


Yan Zixing nodded: "Okay."    


He too went down.    


Hua Ruge was the only one left on the city wall, she looked at the enemy camp on the other side of the river and smiled: "It's time to end this."    


As the sky darkened, Hua Shengxiong and the five great lords of Loi decided to return to the camp to rest after discussing to continue the attack tomorrow.    


However, when he saw the dark sky and heard the sound of the wind, he had a bad premonition.    


The more he came into contact with Hua Ruge, the more he would be able to see that proud and aloof woman. Their methods, courage, and shrewdness were all the same.    


The clearer this feeling was, the more terrifying it would make him feel.    


Unknowingly, his brows furrowed even deeper. What would happen tonight?    


Just as he was thinking this, the sound of horses' hooves rang out in his ears. His pupils constricted as he called for the general, "There's a night attack, be on guard."    


As he said that, Yan Zixing and the twenty thousand human riders had already arrived in front of them. They were extremely fast, and the Loi people who wanted to sleep after eating couldn't react for a while.    


Yan Zixing brought twenty thousand men and charged into the enemy camp in a few moments. Hua Shengxiong and the other lords immediately stopped the cavalry army from fighting back.    


However, at this moment, he noticed that the soldiers' reactions were very slow, and their movements had also slowed down. Furthermore, the horses were also listless.    


"Have you gone insane from eating?" All of you, charge! " The Lord Commander shouted loudly.    


But the soldiers could not get up quickly, and with great difficulty, they mounted their horses and chased. They had a grandiose 50,000-strong force, but Yan Zixing had already left.    


They chased after Yan Zixing's cavalry, but did not see them. Instead, they saw rows and rows of dwarves standing in front of them, all of them holding long and heavy hammers.    


Patriarch Edmond stood at the very front. Seeing that the enemy forces had been drawn out, he said loudly, "All the Dwarf warriors, charge with me!"    


"Awoo, awoo." There was a cheer among the dwarves.    


"Smash them." One of the lords gave the order as well.    


The horsemen moved forward at less than half their usual speed, and in front of them was the sledgehammer thrown by the Dwarves.    


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