Enchanting Alchemist



0"Speak, what is it?" Shangguan Li slowly lifted his eyes and said with a gentle voice.    


"Reporting to Pavilion Master, last night, a peddler was killed in the Imperial Capital. When the yamen carried away the corpse, I passed by and felt that I had seen the way these three died." The guard recounted.    


Shangguan Li's expression still remained calm and tranquil. Her white hand stroked the infant tiger's body, one after another, without any intention of opening her mouth.    


The guard realized that he shouldn't have kept them in suspense and hurriedly said, "Those three were killed by the sword Qis. There are traces of them being frozen on the wounds, it seems like... The Ye Family's cold attributed sword qi. "    


Shangguan Li's hands paused for a moment, his eyes faintly narrowed, and only after a while did he lightly spit out a sentence. "Ye Family isn't dead yet?"    


"Pavilion Master, we have followed your orders. Before the three great powers attacked the Ye Clan, we controlled them strictly, so we can be sure that all the remaining members of the Ye Clan have been killed." The guard replied.    


Shangguan Li was still extremely confident in his own intelligence network, and even if there were a few fish that had slipped through the net, he would not dare to make a move on the Da Yu.    


"Where is the family member who died? What's going on inside? " She drummed her fingers on the stone table, deep in thought.    


"It's a very remote house on the northwest side. There are traces of three to four people staying there. Judging by the length of the candles, they should have only stayed about an hour." The guard tried his best to get a description.    


"Go investigate if there is such a case in the imperial city." Shangguan Li instructed.    


"Subordinate is afraid of making a mistake. Before coming here, I did an investigation to find a similar case, but I didn't find one." The guard replied.    


"Looks like they came to the imperial city on purpose," Shangguan Li said as he thought.    


"They wanted to hide their tracks in a secluded area so that they wouldn't show off their skills in the city. They should be looking for a place to stay once they enter the city. Then, these people will enter the capital from the west or north gate."    


"Outside the west gate is the Sky Mansion Academy, there won't be any Ye Family there, so there should be a north gate."    


The guard nodded as he listened.    


"If I were to guess more boldly, would they have entered from the north city gate, planning to go west, then settled down on the northwest side?" Shangguan Li continued.    


"But even if the surviving members of the Ye Family were to live and hide from the three great forces, it would still be too late. Why would they walk towards the Sky Mansion Academy's realm?" The guard asked curiously.    


"This means that these people are no ordinary remnants." Shangguan Li's slender fingers that were knocking on the stone table suddenly stopped, and she raised her eyes to ask: "Has Tuoba Rui left the Sky Mansion Academy recently?"    


"Yes, Saint Violet Firmament had already left the academy yesterday and returned to Dazheng." The hidden guard said.    


Shangguan Li squinted: "Quickly, send someone to deliver a letter to Hua Ruge. She might be in trouble."    


She thought about the Star Chart in Ye Family's hands that could break through the spatial barrier.    


In the previous battle, the five members of the Ye family had escaped. If the Head Elder ran out of lifespan, then there would be four people remaining.    


And if Ye Family was really alive, then there were only two possible targets to deal with. The first was her, and the second was Hua Ruge.    


No one could find traces of her, so Hua Ruge, who had been guarding the Academy for a long time must have been the first choice for the Ye Family.    


"How do I write the contents of the letter?" The dark guard asked for instructions.    


"It's very likely that the Ye Clan is going to counterattack. Don't leave the academy, think of a way to request help." Shangguan Li continued, "Don't specially send someone to deliver the letter. Disguise yourself as a disciple and pretend to be returning to the academy."    


She guessed that the Ye Family was lying in ambush outside the academy.    


Lan Er returned at this time, and placed a cup of cold tea in front of Shangguan Li.    


"Yes, this subordinate will do it right away." The dark guard complied, then turned around and left.    


Behind him, Shangguan Li looked at the sky which was gradually growing darker, and let out a breath of relief: "If it wasn't for the timely discovery, Ru Ge would really have been in danger this time."    


The four Super-god Stage still had treasures like Star Chart in their hands, so dealing with one Hua Ruge aside, was ten was very easy indeed.    


"I heard it from the side. It's just that three people died in the capital, can you tell that someone wanted to harm her?" Lan Er asked.    


With her brain, she naturally couldn't figure this out.    


"Previously, when the Ye Family escaped from the Star Chart, I already felt that these people would not die so easily, and the possibility of the coincidences happening again is very small." Shangguan Li said.    


Lan Er nodded.    


"We can't stay idle either. We still need to investigate." Shangguan Li squinted his eyes.    


Since she had a clue, she wouldn't let it go so easily. Knowing herself and knowing her opponent, even if she couldn't win, she could guarantee that she would not be defeated.    


Hua Ruge, who had cultivated for an entire day, opened his eyes. His aura did not rise, and the energy in his body also did not change as usual.    


"Just a little more." Hua Ruge frowned and muttered: "What's missing?"    


She clearly felt that she had comprehended a realm and the barrier of Super-god Stage in her body had also loosened. She didn't know why but she still couldn't break through it.    


The sky had already darkened, but Hua Ruge did not plan to stay in the Academy for long, so she wanted to ask for guidance. Since Tuoba Rui was not around, it was most suitable to look for Young Master Wu Hen.    


She was ready to leave when she thought of it, because there was something in her mind that was tormenting, and she had to find out.    


Therefore, she told the maid, "Tomorrow, send someone to inform Chief Mu that I want to go to Pine Temple, and my return is uncertain."    


"It's already night. Do you want to leave now?" The maid was surprised.    


Hua Ruge put on a cloak and said: "It's better if I go early."    


"Greetings to the dean." The maid bowed behind her.    


Hua Ruge quickly flew out of the Academy. Because she needed to comprehend her own realm, she did not summon her Sky City, but used her own strength to fly.    


While flying, he continued to ponder. He was very focused.    


Just fifteen minutes after she left the academy, Night Pavilion's messengers entered the academy.    


When Hua Ruge came out of the Sky Mansion Academy Barrier, the eyes of the Ye Family, who were hiding inside the concealment array, lit up.    


The heavens are truly on their side, who would have thought that Hua Ruge would actually take the initiative to appear.    



Ye Hao's eyes became serious and he was about to attack, but he was stopped by Ye Zheng, "This is the front entrance of the academy, the news will spread very quickly, it's not good for us."    


"Then what should we do?" Ye Hao asked.    


"Let's follow her and find a remote place to end the battle quickly." Ye Zheng arranged.    


The second and third elder nodded and said, "Let's do it that way."    


Ye Hao felt that it made sense, but he could not stay calm after seeing Hua Ruge. He had almost died at the hands of the experts of the Sky Mansion Academy, so he had to blame this on Hua Ruge.    


Thus, the few of them removed the concealment array, and followed Hua Ruge at a distance.    


These people were all in a higher realm than Hua Ruge, so after they hid their presence, it was difficult for Hua Ruge to discover them. Furthermore, right now, Hua Ruge was completely focused on how to take a step forward and he did not spare any energy to guard against them.    


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