Enchanting Alchemist



0The few of them walked towards the direction of the city gate. The King Head said: "Brother Hu, Brother Su, you can find me there, but the Protector Liu I found for you is the one with the best temper and the best way to speak."    


"According to the books, those Lord Protector s are all very fierce and imposing, what is there to talk about?" Su Nianxia rolled his eyes and started to beat around the bush.    


King Head waved his hand: "The other Lord Protector s are indeed like that, but our Protector Liu is a great man. Not to mention we are kind to people, our hearts are still first class.    


"We have heard of this matter, but we do not know who was the lucky one that was saved by the Lord Protector?" Su Nianxia continued to ask.    


King Head shook his head: "I don't know, I only know that they are two young disciples. It is said that they both have very handsome faces, and Protector Liu does not dare to let female disciples attend to them, afraid that something might go wrong."    


Hearing this, the two of them felt reassured in their hearts. No matter who the two were, it was definitely them who were looking for them.    


King Head looked at the two of them and said, "But I feel that no matter how beautiful you two are, you two won't be able to match up."    


"Master, you're too kind." Hua Ruge laughed.    


The three of them went to the entrance of the mountain, and when King Head showed his order badge, he smoothly brought the two of them up the mountain. At this point, Liu Zhen was already waiting for them in his hall, he was very active in collecting money.    


King Head brought Hua Ruge and to the foot of the stairs in the great hall.    


As a result, the three of them walked up the stairs. Upon entering, they saw the Protector sitting behind a table in the main hall. He looked to be in his forties, and his short beard was trimmed very nicely.    


"I am Hu Yue."    


"I am Su Nianxia."    


The two of them bowed and said, "Greetings Lord Protector."    


Protector Liu was shocked when he saw their appearances. Two monsters had come before, but why had two more appeared?    


"Exempt from formalities, sit down." The Protector Liu opened his mouth, but his voice was very gentle.    


After Hua Ruge sat down, he cupped his fists and said: "This humble one is extremely grateful that the shrine has decided for this little civilian and myself. I have specially brought some spirit crystals as a small token of appreciation, I hope that the protector will not reject it."    


Liu Zhen said in his heart that he wanted to come here too late, so how could he refuse? But on the surface, he still smiled and said: "The Huang Family's father and daughter are not tolerated by the gods, the divine hall will punish them for this."    


"Deities Templar treats matters impartially. This is truly convincing." Hua Ruge said. He did not mention the matter of paying the money, but instead said: "I won't hide it from Protector, I am a person who practices medicine, and used to live in an unfixed place. I also have walked through many Divine Domain, but this is the first time I've seen such an impartial law enforcement shrine."    


She sighed with emotion, but Protector Liu felt guilty, because he knew that the Red Flame Temple was no different from the other shrines. The reason he dealt with the Huang Family this time was not because Huang Yueying snatched away the man, but because the Yellow Protector had cuckolded the hall master.    


Of course, he couldn't say such words, so he could only smile and nod his head.    


Hua Ruge wanted to bring up the topic of her identity as a doctor, but he didn't expect that Protector Liu would talk so little, so he just listened and didn't ask anything, which was a little awkward.    


This awkwardness did not continue, and the atmosphere was a little stiff.    


King Head noticed and smiled as he asked, "I thought Little Brother Hu only knew how to brew wine, and was also a doctor?"    


"The winemaking business is just a small matter. My cousin is a doctor specializing in all kinds of difficult diseases." Su Nianxia felt that Hua Ruge did not need to praise himself, so he helped to say a few words.    


With these two people speaking out for him, Hua Ruge finally felt less awkward, and waved his hand towards Su Nianxia: "It's just an insignificant skill, in front of the protector and the patriarch, you don't dare praise me like this."    


When they said that, Protector Liu became interested and began to speak, "So Hu Gongzi is actually a doctor, sorry about that."    


Hua Ruge thought to himself that this protector's reaction was too slow. If she had not purposely said a few more words in this place, she would have changed the topic.    


"That's right, I am only here to express my thanks." Hua Ruge continued to say.    


Protector Liu's brain was a little slow, but from the information she had gathered, King Head determined that this person had just started doing business. Furthermore, based on the time he opened his shop, he would not be able to earn much money, then her money would most likely be earned by practicing medicine.    


From this, he was able to deduce that this person's medical skills were outstanding. Otherwise, how could he make so much money?    


Protector Liu also seemed to be deep in thought.    


Hua Ruge felt that the fire was about to burn out, so he gently waved his hand and the white jade ring on his hand released a rainbow light, and a small pile of Exquisite Spirit Crystal s instantly appeared on the ground of the hall.    


When Protector Liu saw the two of them, he immediately realized that the two of them did not seem to be rejuvenating, but rather, they did not seem to be that old. He even suspected that the two little kids did not have much money on them.    


"This is what I obtained from practicing medicine for so many years. There's no use leaving it in my hands. Protector, please accept it." Hua Ruge said.    


Protector Liu immediately nodded his head, "The gods will sense the intentions of the two young masters, and they will definitely protect you."    


Hua Ruge and Su Nianxia nodded.    


On the surface, they were showing their respect to the gods, but in their hearts, they were already beginning to complain. This protector was too slow. Why didn't he tell them to go and try healing him?    


Protector Liu indicated for junior disciple to keep the money. When they looked at Hua Ruge and Su Nianxia again, they did not see him as a child anymore.    


"I know a bit." Hua Ruge hurriedly opened his mouth to accept, thinking that it wasn't an easy matter to talk about this issue.    


King Head said from the side: "Hu Gongzi is too modest, I know a lot of doctors but I don't think anyone could earn that much money, I think Hu Gongzi must have some true abilities."    


The more Su Nianxia looked at King Head, the more he liked her.    


Protector Liu's spirits were immediately lifted upon hearing his reminder, and he said: "That's right, if you don't have true ability, how would you be able to earn that much money."    


"You're too kind." Although Hua Ruge was modest on the surface, he was secretly praising King Head in his heart.    


This was a powerful offensive assistant. When she returned, she would definitely send more money to the head, as well as a few jars of good wine.    


Protector Liu pondered for a moment, then said: "I have a heavily injured person here, I wonder if Hu Gongzi is willing to come here to treat it?"    


In any case, the medical officer said that there was no cure, so he might as well try everything he can. If this Hu Gongzi really had the ability, then it would be a great merit for him.    


Hua Ruge finally heard this sentence and felt her throat tighten a little. However, she had seen too much wind and waves, so she was able to control herself. She pretended to be interested and asked: "I wonder what kind of patient this is?"    


"I rescued two people from the forbidden area two days ago. One of them was heavily injured and unconscious, and the medical officer was helpless. I was just worrying." The Protector Liu then looked at Hua Ruge and asked: "I wonder if Hu Gongzi is an expert in this path?"    


"The Protector Liu is really merciful." Hua Ruge praised, then frowned: "I am indeed knowledgeable about the various difficult cases, but I am not very good with regards to serious injuries."    


Su Nianxia's state of mind could not be held back anymore. She felt that if she had let go of this matter long ago, she would not dare to continue pretending.    



However, Hua Ruge had experienced a lot, and his mental strength was a bit stronger than hers.    


Protector Liu was a little disappointed when he heard this: "What a pity, he really is a genius."    


Seeing that the protector was disappointed, King Head could not help but say to Hua Ruge: "I think that we can go take a look at Brother Hu.    


Someone in Su Nianxia's heart muttered to urge Hua Ruge to quickly agree.    


When Hua Ruge saw Protector Liu looking at him again, he knew that it was not done intentionally, so he said: "Alright, I'll give it a try."    


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